Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay

Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay

Assignment – Critique of research article. life after malignant neoplastic disease ; Populating with the risk” Word count 2500 ( excepting refs )Submission day of the month – 6th July 2012
The intent of this essay aims to supply a critical rating of a research article titled life after malignant neoplastic disease ; populating with hazard ( Wilkins and Woodgate. Cancer Nursing 2011 vol 34. no 6. P487-494 ) it will be structured harmonizing to the recommendations of the review guidelines of Parahoo. 1988. Parahoo provinces that the rubric should non be long and complicated and should reflect every bit much as possible what the research is about ( Parahoo and Reid 1988. P69 ) . The rubric in this instance meets this standard. it is concise but clear and implicative of the content and context.Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay.  It does non assume to formalize or annul the research ; once more this is a recommendation of Parahoo 1988.
The rubric is 2 parts. Life after malignant neoplastic disease ; this could be interpreted as life of a carer or relation after a malignant neoplastic disease patient has died or so life for a malignant neoplastic disease patient after successful intervention. The 2nd portion of the rubric ( populating with hazard ) goes somehow to measure up the first and elicit that the capable affair discusses populating with hazard after malignant neoplastic disease intervention. It does non nevertheless explain in the rubric what the risk” refers to. This perceived hazard could be research into a possibility that malignant neoplastic disease subsisters take more hazards in mundane life than non-cancer subsisters as they have faced their the harsh world of their ain morbidity and get the better of this. It is non until reading the full text that it becomes evident that the hazard refers to the hazard of being diagnosed with a secondary signifier of malignant neoplastic disease.
The research workers of the survey have a strong association to the field and both possess recognised formal makings. remarkably both in the Fieldss of nursing and medical specialty doing both really believable. No struggles have been disclosed once more adding credibleness to the survey and findings as indifferent.
The abstract of the does supply an overview of the purposes of the survey. the sample used. an overview of the consequences. decisions and the deductions for pattern. The abstract lists cardinal area’s under the slug points of. background. nonsubjective. method. consequences and decisions. ” Making the survey easy to follow and read in a logical and recognized format. Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay.


The abstract is appropriately brief but luring with a word count of 225 words. this word count is an mean size for an abstract but goes somewhat over the 150-200 words recommended the book entitled. the art of abstracting” . ( Cremmins. Edward. The Art of Abstracting 2nd Edition. Info Resources Press. April 1996 )
The nonsubjective efforts to explicate the principle for the survey and is neatly and subsinctly summarised in one sentence. The method of the survey is of an interprative. qualitative nature analyzing in some depth the feelings perceptual experiences and positions of malignant neoplastic disease subsisters though a descriptive attack utilizing face to confront semi structured interviews. The interviews took topographic point in the topics ain places. this would propose that the topic was comfy and at easiness taking to an unfastened. Frank and honest interview supplying valuable and indifferent informations. An interview usher was used during the interview to help participants to joint their ideas ; the survey does non travel into any farther item to clear up what was contained within the interview usher and how this may impact any consequences obtained from inquiries throughout the interview procedure.
The consequences informations was analysed by the changeless comparative method of informations analysis. This method of informations analysis lends itself to complex and sensitive state of affairss leting the research worker to derive the trust of the topics. ( Method of Qualitative Analysis. Barney G. Glaser. Social Problems. Vol. 12. No. 4. 1965. pp. 436-445 ) The decision summarises the cardinal findings and recommendations contained within the survey and is to the point taking onto the deductions for practise which are summarised in context with the survey. There is an recognition within the deductions that the findings are a foundation which is subjective that farther research would be good to construct on findings of the topic with the aim of bettering sensing. intervention and positions on secondary malignant neoplastic disease.
The literature reappraisal discusses legion old surveies on the capable affair and mentions 11 others incorporating both qualitative and quantitative research giving a wide background into the survey. The huge bulk of old surveies appear to be of a quantitative nature which adds cogency to the alternate qualitative attack chosen for this survey. All of this indicates that the writers have researched the subject and acknowledge old work contributed by other research workers in the survey country. Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay. This strongly suggests a high consciousness of the subject and gives due recognition to other research workers. it is mentioned in the informations aggregation methods subdivision of the survey that the literature reappraisal influenced the interview usher developed to help with informations aggregation which farther acknowledges old research. It does non look within the context of the survey that the literature reappraisal has bias or undue influence on the findings but instead to back up their cogency as the method of the survey and findings of this survey are presented from a different position.
However to keep a balanced position we should see the grounds that to day of the month merely one old survey has been a qualitative survey with about 10 times that sum of old quantitative surveies in the country. the principle for this is attack is discussed and addressed with good consequence in the last paragraph of the literature reappraisal. An statement for utilizing qualitative a method for this survey is that quantitative surveies can be criticised for trying to cut down a extremely complex state of affairs into a simple cause and consequence paradox. Therefore the principle for utilizing qualitative methods does look extremely relevant and would back up the informations aggregation method chosen and the study design. As questioning allows the research worker to derive alone penetration into other positions about the phenomenon being researched ( Glesne and Peskin 1992 ) the statement put across is a instead obliging one to back up farther research utilizing the method chosen to give a balanced position with grounds from both qualitative and quantitative informations research instead than from merely one position.
The hypnosis efforts to set up the sensed hazards of a secondary diagnosing of malignant neoplastic disease following successful intervention and efforts to obtain the positions of the participants in relation to testing for the well-established increased medical hazard. the hypothesis sets out to show that positions are conflicting and broad ranging ; throughout the text this hypothesis becomes good established. Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay.
The overall attack of the survey as antecedently discussed was an interpretative. descriptive qualitative design although the purpose provinces that this is portion of a larger assorted method survey aimed at set uping subjects and forms through the positions and sentiments of participants that had been specifically selected for inclusion due to their old diagnosing. intervention and subsequent endurance of assorted signifiers of malignant neoplastic disease. The sample group was a comparatively little figure utilizing merely 22 participants ( 16 adult females and 6 work forces. it could be argued that this was a female dominated sample group that may hold deductions on the consequences ) nevertheless utilizing the qualitative format the sample group was of an acceptable size. the focal point of the qualitative information is on the quality of the informations collected as each participant is a beginning of a big volume of informations. ( Boswell and Cannon. Introduction to nursing research. qualitative research meathods. chapter 8. page 196. )
The sample group was specifically selected to suit the inclusion standards ( Cancer subsisters who were 5 or more old ages out from the initial malignant neoplastic disease diagnosing. at least 19 old ages old at the clip of the interview. occupant to the country of the interviews and could talk and understand English ) The nature of the choice and inclusion was purposive in nature. this is absolutely acceptable as the aim is to research and depict the phenomena and non generalize the findings as qualitative research by its nature is non specifically designed to be representative of the general population. ( Holloway and Wheeler. 2010. p 138 )
The research method chosen was specifically designed to be an emic position to depict the ideas and feelings of station malignant neoplastic disease patients. this method is ideal to understand and depict complex and sensitive information. Purposive sampling has been used as the participants have all been selected due to specific standards.Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay.  The primary end in purposive sampling is non to bring forth a sample that is representative but instead 1 that is selected to stand for certain capable features that are relevant to the probe. ( Stommel and Wills. Clinical research. constructs and rules for advanced pattern nurses. p302-303 ) A clear description of the trying principle and enlisting procedure is apparent. ( Bluff 1997 ) .
To maximize fluctuation participants were selected that had differing ages at the clip of the initial diagnosing and different types of malignant neoplastic disease. This demonstrates an first-class cross subdivision of variables to maximize consequences. Participants were recruited entirely from a cardinal malignant neoplastic disease register and infirmary based database. the survey goes on to province that this registry is largely untapped” significance that the participants would non hold preconceived thoughts or old experience of anterior surveies of this sort. Non eligible possible participants were excluded from the survey prior to recruitment to guarantee cogency of the survey.
The age scope was 19 – 87 old ages. nevertheless with the upper age scope it could be concluded that the sensed hazard of secondary malignant neoplastic disease and subsequent testing positions may change immensely from younger participants due to the age difference. Fifteen of the participants were employed ( full or portion clip ) and the staying participants were either retired or disabled. it could be argued that unemployed and deprived people were non represented in the sample group who may hold had differing positions from the sample group interviewed. This premise could besides be continued that as all participants were white. cultural groups were under represented and once more may hold differing positions due to racial. cultural or societal backgrounds. An statement that merely white participents were intentionally selected for the survey is a moot point as malignant neoplastic disease is non a racially or culturally specific disease as possibly a survey into something like reaping hook cell crisis would be. The age scope was broad and the mean age is listed as 40 old ages old at the clip of diagnosing nevertheless we know that some participants were far from the mean age at the clip of diagnosing but this maximises fluctuation in the survey. Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay.
The information was aggregation method for the survey was done utilizing a semi structured interview technique ; the same research worker ( Krista Wilkins. PhD. RN ) completed all of the 23 face to confront interviews. By utilizing the same research worker we can presume continuity of the interview with the same construction being followed throughout. It is noted that 1 participant was interviewed twice because the first interview had ended early. the survey does non lucubrate as the grounds why the first interview ended early. By being interviewed twice an statement could be put that the informations collected should non be included as the participant may hold had clip to believe about. discuss and research the approaching inquiries in the repetition interview which could potentially impact the cogency of the findings. this presumably was non considered to be an issue as the participant and informations were non excluded from the survey or decisions drawn.
As mentioned antecedently in the literature reappraisal cardinal subjects that had been discovered in the literature reappraisal were included to develop an interview usher. This suggests that all of the interviews were conducted non merely by the same research worker but besides following the same construction ( or semi construction ) with the interview usher being used as an aide memoir” to maintain the interviews on path and relevant. A individual centred clear ended attack was used as research shows that people respond good to this type of oppugning guaranting that the information elicited was detailed. personal and rich in information. ( Geer JG. Public sentiment quarterly. volume 52. issue 3. p356-357 )
The interviews took topographic point in the participants ain places which would set up both comfort and assurance in a familiar and safe” environment promoting an unfastened. honest and utile interview and extinguishing the desire for societal acquiescence nevertheless we must remind mindful of participant responsiveness to the research worker in this technique. The interviews lasted by and large no longer than an hr. Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay. the timeframe given is believable and implicative that the participant was allowed sufficient clip to loosen up and open up” within the interview guaranting rich informations aggregation but without the consequence of experiencing rushed or exhausted discoursing a potentially nerve-racking. personal and affectional subject.
However no upper or lower clip bound was set so that if the information being collected at the point of an hr was valuable the participant was non cut short and valuable informations excluded. Field notes were taken instantly after the interviews and included observations about the scene and feelings including non-verbal communications. This could be criticised as being a subjective observation and no mention is made to bespeak the makings of the interviewer to do meaningful decision from observations of this type. All interviews were digitally recorded ( with the participants consent ) the recordings and field notes were subsequently transcribed verbatim which supports the cogency and credibleness of the survey vastly.
There was no grounds of a pilot survey to add farther cogency to this survey. In this survey all proper ethical rules have been adhered to. ethical permission was granted by deriving informed consent from all participants and from local university and hospital ethical reappraisal commissions. The procedure lead to a hold between the survey being carried out and publication with the survey taking topographic point between July 2008 and July 2009 and publication in issue 34 of the publication. Cancer nursing in Nov – Dec 2011. ( Wilkins and Woodgate. Life after malignant neoplastic disease – populating with the hazard. Cancer nursing. issue 34. p487 – 494. Dec 2011 ) but this length of clip is non uncommon.
The importance of deriving ethical blessing is so that no injury comes to participants and the research community as a whole is non affected by the negatives of promotion which bring the research community into discredit and travel against the really nonsubjective of research to better grounds based pattern ( Blaber. A. 2008. Foundations for Paramedic Practice. a Theoretical Position ) . The information analysis in this instance forms the chief organic structure of the survey and gives legion personal experiences and ideas to organize the findings. all quotation marks have been annomalised to keep the self-respect and privateness of the participants. The information is broken down in a logical format assisting the reader to understand the decisions reached by the research workers and travel a long manner to assist understand how the findings were reached. Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay.


The restrictions of the survey are readily acknowledged and openly province that the findings are non generalised to all malignant neoplastic disease subsisters. it goes on to province that the information was merely collected at one clip point. this could be addressed by farther surveies and possibly a longitudinal survey would be good to broaden the image. The survey failed to uncover any hazard perceptual experiences due to different variables for illustration age. type of malignant neoplastic disease etc. To its recognition the restrictions does admit that cultural variableness may hold revealed extra information.
The treatment is an in deepness assessment of the survey as a whole including the findings. the decision is brief and does non present any new information. instead it summarises the old subdivisions of the survey and draws the reader to an informed decision.
Reference List
Blaber. A. ( 2008 ) Foundations for Paramedic Practice. a Theoretical Position. Open University Press. pg 49.
Boswell. C and Cannon. S. ( 2011 ) Introduction to nursing research. qualitative research methods. Jones and Bartlett publishing houses. chapter 8. pg 196. Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay.
Cremmins. E. ( 1996 ) The Art of Abstracting 2nd Edition. Info Resources Press. pg. 46
Geer JG. ( 2005 ) Public sentiment quarterly. volume 52. issue 3. Lawrence Erlbaum associates publishing houses. p356-357
Glaser. B. ( 1965 ) Method of Qualitative Analysis. Social Problems. Vol. 12. No. 4. pp. 436-445
Holloway. I. and Wheeler. S. ( 2010 ) Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare. 3rd erectile dysfunction. West Sussex. United kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pg. 6. pg. 138.
Parahoo. K. ( 1988 ) Research Skills. Number 5. Critical Reading of Research. Nursing Times. 84 ( 43 ) . pg 69-72
Stommel. M and Wills. C. ( 2004 ) Clinical research. constructs and rules for advanced pattern nurses. Lippincott Williams and Williams. p302-303
Wilkins. K and Woodgate. R. ( Dec 2011 ) Cancer nursing. Life after malignant neoplastic disease – populating with the hazard. Lippincott Williams and Williams. issue 34. p487 – 494.

Foundation Degree Paramedic Science Essay

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