Free Healthcare In The US Essay

Free Healthcare In The US Essay

It is essential for the United States government to provide its entire citizen with a free health care. This system ensures that everyone has an access to medical services regardless to his or her social status. It is an important way of preserving life as free health care plan ensures free treatment to the entire citizen. In addition, it can play a big role of ensuring that there is an improved access to health services. Ensuring that all American citizens have an access to the right health care will in turn decrease health care costs. It can also help to stop medical bankruptcies in the entire nation. Lastly, it is one way of reducing poverty as it will lower the debt of the US which would then increase employment.Free Healthcare In The US Essay


A health care system that provides free health care services to its entire citizen can be termed as universal health care. This is a situation where all citizens are protected from financial costs in health care. It is recognized around the globe as it provides a specific package of benefits to all citizens in the entire nation. For instance, free health care can result to improved health outcomes. In addition, it provides financial risk protection and an improved access to health services. There is an increasing debate on how citizen should be provided with free medical services. Although United State does not permit free health care services it should have free health care for all citizens. This is due to the fact that healthcare is the largest industry in United State. Due to the fact that United State is a rich country, it should have a healthcare system that provides free services such as treatment for its entire citizen Free Healthcare In The US Essay

Health Care is one of the controversial issues in this generation. There are people who surmise that free health system should not be given to everyone because the populace should be responsible for their own wellness. I disagree with this notion because there are any contributing factors to consider with regard to health care.
The implementation of free health care system is one of the responsibilities of the government. The budget for this program is being collected to the community people through taxation. Living a healthy lifestyle might be hard to achieve by some people. Therefore the countries’ government should provide various health teaching and health programs for their town to educate their people and thus help them to have a better mindset about wellness. These regimes are part of the government spending with regard to wellness, and these are necessary to everyone and should be given for free.Free Healthcare In The US Essay
Furthermore, living in a stringent and well-disciplined lifestyle is not enough. There are numerous of diseases that are inevitable to various people, and some patients are suffering from diseases that are hereditary in nature. Such as the detrimental illness like cancer, this particular disorder is being passed on in the genes of a family. A perfect example of this is the well-known health guru, Wil Dasovich, who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer despite his healthy lifestyle and stringent diet programs. Thereby, sickness is not fully determined by how a person is irresponsible about his wellness. Thus, free health care system should be implemented for everyone.Free Healthcare In The US Essay
In conclusion, people might be the one who is responsible for their own health status but living an irresponsible lifestyle is not the only factor to be sick. I disagree with mentioned notion because there are various of contributors to consider and thus health treatment should be given to the community people without expenses.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

The US government must provide free medical care to all citizens. This system guarantees that anyone can access medical services regardless of their social status. This is an important way to protect your life as the free health care plan guarantees free treatment for the entire citizen. In addition, it can play an important role in improving access to medical services. We will ensure that all US citizens receive appropriate medical care. This will reduce medical expenses.

The US government has historically taken a keen interest in the health of its citizens. As far back as the beginning of the 1900s, President Theodore Roosevelt declared that “nothing can be more important to a state than its public health: the state’s paramount concern should be the health of its people” (Gallup and Newport 135). Despite these, the United States is classified as the nation with the most expensive, and yet inefficient, health care system among developed nations.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

An expensive health care system translates to an increasing proportion of the population being unable to access the much needed medical care. The New York Times reports that according to census survey carried out in the year 2007, an estimated 45.6 million people in the USA were uninsured and hence unlikely to receive comprehensive medical care from hospitals (1). Due to the perceived inefficiencies, there has been agreement that the current health care system is faulty and therefore in need of radical changes to make it better.

Problem Statement
Majority of American’s are greatly dissatisfied with the current health care system which is extremely expensive and highly inefficient. While an effective system can be deemed to be one which is efficient, acceptable and at the same time equitable, the current system is lacking in this attributes.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

The aim of this paper will be to analyze the effects that free health care system in America would have. This paper will argue that a health care system which guarantees free health care for all Americans is the most effective system and the government should therefore adopt such a system.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

The issue of health care is one of the most important aspects of an election campaign of any political party, which certainly reflects the extent to what the society depends on a good healthcare service. A well-organized, efficient health care system is not that easy to provide and one of the key problems on the way to the ideal hospitals and medical help is proper funding. Nowadays, there are three basic types of funding: private, insurance and state. Nevertheless, many people believe that the government must bear full responsibility for providing the money our health care service needs. However, I do not completely agree with the idea.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

The government will not be able to provide enough money to guarantee the use of the most innovative methods of treatment. It is not a secret that medicine and medical equipment are outrageously expensive. Moreover, government has several branches of the social sector, such as education and culture, which also do not produce anything, but need funding. Providing enough money for all these spheres will sooner or later result in the budget deficit and, as a result, in the increase of taxes, which means that the main financial burden is on an average citizen again.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

In my opinion, an ideal variant will be a combination of all the existing sources of finance. Some rich people may prefer to pay for medical treatment, while the government must necessarily subsidize the health care for children, senior citizens, the unemployed and the homeless, as these social groups cannot provide for themselves and, thus, are extremely financially vulnerable. However, working adults can use the benefits of the medical insurance, which will give them an opportunity for a decent medical service and reduce the general taxation burden.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

A Case for Free Health Care
Free health care would result in a healthier nation since people would visit the doctors when necessary and follow prescriptions. Research by Wisk et al. indicated that both middle and lower class families were suffering from the high cost of health care (1). Some families opted to avoid going to the doctor when a member of the family is sick due to the high cost of visiting the doctor and the insurance premiums associated with health care.

In the event that they go to the doctor, they do not follow prescriptions strictly so as to reduce cost. Brown reveals that “60 percent of uninsured people skipped taking dosages of their medication or went without it because it cost too much” (6). Such practices are detrimental to a person’s health and they cost more in the long run.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

The last few years have been characterized by financial crises and recessions which have negatively affected the financial well being of many Americans. In these economic realities, the cost of health care has continued to rise to levels that are unaffordable to many Americans. This loss of access to health care has led to people being troubled and generally frustrated. A report by Brown indicates that the price for prescription drugs in the US has escalated therefore becoming a financial burden for the citizens (6).Free Healthcare In The US Essay

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The productivity of this people is thereby greatly decreased as they live in uncertainty as to the assurance of their health and thereby spend more time worrying instead of being engaged in meaningful activities that can lead the country into even greater heights of prosperity. Free health care would lead to a peace of mind and therefore enable people to be more productive.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

Since medical care is not free, many people have to make do with curative care since they cannot afford to visit medical facilities for checkups or any other form of preventive medical care. This assertion is corroborated by Colliver who reveals that many people are opting to go without preventative care or screening tests that might prevent more serious health problems due to the expenses (1).

Research shows that approximately 18,000 adults die annually due to lack of timely medical intervention (The New York Times 1). This is mostly as a result of lack of a comprehensive insurance cover which means that the people cannot receive medical attention until the disease has progressed into advanced stages. This is what has made medical care so expensive since “sick patients need more care than relatively healthy ones” (Sutherland, Fisher, and Skinner 1227).Free Healthcare In The US Essay

This is an opinion shared by Sebelius who reveals that 85% of medical costs incurred in the country arise from people ailing from chronic conditions (1). She further notes that if screened early, these diseases such as diabetes and obesity can be prevented thus saving the medical cost to be incurred in their treatment. It therefore makes sense to have a health care system that makes it possible for everyone to access preventive care thus curbing these conditions before they are fully blown.

A Case Against Free Health Care
While most people assume that free health care will result in better services as more people will be able to access health care, this is not the case. The increase in people who are eligible for health care will lead to an increase in the patients’ level meaning that one may have to wait for long before receiving care due to shortage of medical personnel or the rationing of care.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

A European doctor, Crespo Alphonse, reveals that when health care is free, people start overusing it with negative implications for the entire system (AP). In addition to this, free health care would invariably lead to cost cutting strategies by hospitals.

This would lead to scenario where finding specialized care is hard and the rate of medical mistakes would increase significantly. As a matter of fact, a survey on Switzerland hospitals found that medical errors had jumped by 40% owing to the introduction of mandatory health insurance (AP). While it is true that free health care will increase the number of people visiting the doctor, this may be a positive thing since it will encourage preventive care as opposed to the current emphasis on curative care.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

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Free health care is a move towards a socialistic system. As it is, the US is a nation that is built on strong capitalistic grounds. This is against the strong capitalistic grounds on which the United States society is build on. While detractors of the private insurance firms are always quick to point out that the firms make billions of dollars from the public, they fail to consider the tax that these firms give back to the federal government (Singer 1).Free Healthcare In The US Essay

Free health care would render players in the health industry such as private insurance companies unprofitable. Free health care will bring about a shift from a profit oriented system to a more people oriented system. Without money as a motivation, research efforts will plummet thereby leading to a decrease in the medical advancement as investment in research will not be as extensive (Singer 1).

The Associate Press reveals that doctors may also lack to be as motivated if they are no incentives and thereby the quality of their work may weaken (1). As such, a free health care system would have far reaching consequences for the economy of the nation since the health care industry is a profitable industry for many.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

The Healthcare system is one of the most important components of the U.S. social system since full productivity cannot be achieved without good health. This paper has argued that a free health care system would be the most effective system for America. To reinforce this assertion, the paper has articulated the benefits that the country would accrue from free health care.

With free health care, all Americans would be able to access health services when they need it leading to increased quality of life. In addition, many people would make use of preventive healthcare services, therefore reducing the financial burden that the expensive curative services result in.

The paper has taken care to point out that free health care has some demerits, most notably of which is overloading the health services with a high number of patients. Even so, the observably advantages to be reaped from the system far outweigh the perceived risks. As it is, decades of reform on the US health care system have failed to provide any lasting solution to the problem.Free Healthcare In The US Essay


Making health care free for all may be the strategy that will provide a solution for the ideal health care system that has thus far remained elusive. From the arguments presented in this paper, it can irrefutably be stated that free health care will result in a better health care system for the country.

“Health insurance for all people” is a topic including many activities, but considering all good and evil, we must consider the services that free medical services provide to us. “Health insurance for everyone” is a single payer plan proposed by presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. For details of ‘National Health Insurance’ please visit Bernie Sander’s official candidate page. Free health care attracts people of the working class and middle class, in addition to current tax payment, and provides health care at no additional cost. Many of the Millennium community are interested in the prospect of “healing for all” because society pays for compensation as costs increase as the cost increases in the whole country as the cost tends to concentrate on universities and other costs maybe. But only a thousand years are not beneficiaries.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

Mr. Obama’s medical reform is not free. Because their concept of universal medical care is “free medical care”, many people think Obama’s health insurance is free. Because politicians sound better than “mandatory insurance requirements”, I will use the term. Universal health care differs from country to country and is not well understood by Americans, but it is important to understand or to know that Obama health insurance is a “compulsory insurance claim”. Medical care is not free. Everyone should have “Affordable Health Insurance” as everyone has to purchase (purchase) insurance.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

Given the current situation, the hospital exists and there is never a solution to the free market. Indeed, it is a hospital that hurt American medicine. It is the hospital that brought us developed countries more than twice the number America has spent on medical care. Somehow, they remained intact. Making the problem more complicated is another consideration. Long-term costs are mainly known when patients are diagnosed as chronic diseases, long-term disorders, or cancer. Unfortunately, there are no further risks, so some illnesses are not guaranteed, indeed. If the patient’s chronic illness consumes its deduction year by year, what incentives are there to lower the price?Free Healthcare In The US Essay

Universal health care is the most debated public health care program in the US. This is a kind of health program that seeks to be funded by the tax payer and is issued by the government. The argument is the benefit it will incur or as some individuals agitate the kind of loses it will bring to the entire economy. According to my cost benefit analysis, I find it more surprising that there is nothing to argue about since health is wealth, the healthier the nation the richer it is. The critics to the above program which is being supported by the current US government should refrain from such kind of action and go back to the drawing board to check the benefit of the overall insurance program. I argue the case in terms of utilitarianism, I base my findings on the morals that worth an action, an action that is purely determined by its utility in enhancing equitable assumption of happiness in the entire nation. Some of the reasons why I find the universal health care program should be adopted are:Free Healthcare In The US Essay

Statistically the number of uninsured Americans can merely rise above 40 million, a good number that contribute to the country’s economy, the universal healthcare program will ensure that there is adequate savings for these Americans and they can have access to health facilities. Critically, this is one way of reducing inequality among Americans since the people of different class will afford to go to the same Hospitals, get taken care of by the same doctors and use the same kind of drugs since the less fortunate were only able to acquire the ineffective generic types. This is one measure of the Ethics of justice since the patients will be catered for irrespective of their race, sex, religion or color. Still on the same point of equity, the universal insurance will only provide for one set of insurance platform, the contrary to the private based which you acquire the healthcare depending on the amount of premium that you pay. The universal Medicare will also ensure that there is justice for all.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

Doctor should not fill threatened because they’ll still be making as much as they currently earn and to add on more of them will be employed to cater for the grown number of individuals who will be seeking the healthcare. It will be easy to develop a centralized kind of data base since all the hospital billing will go to one place leaving room for the doctors to practice medicine only on the contrary to the current where doctors have to practice administration. Any treatment accorded to the patient should be of great benefit to him/her hence the principle of beneficence. At the same time no harm should be inflicted on the patient as in the principle of non-maleficence this acts of government should come handy with the universal health insurance.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

One of the most important health intervention is more citizens are likely to engage in preventive medicine like the highly avoided yearly physicals, regular checkups. The exercises are always avoided because of the oppressive costs. On the side of the economy it’s considered that most companies will benefit with the universal health program since most of the employers are struggling to afford the high cost of health insurance premiums. The other benefits is that the life expectancy of the country will at least rise from the current one, this is so because of the easy access to the healthcare both at old age and in the youth not forgetting the infants. The universal health insurance brings about sociality in the country because the citizens know that there resources are pulled together and they share a common problem. Any intervention that is carried out should ensure self improvement to the client.Free Healthcare In The US Essay

The Medicare for all will reduce the often wasteful administrative costs that are encountered by the private insurance sector, sometimes we find that the doctors are the ones to follow the payment by the insurances making it hard for them. the Medicare tends to cover all the variables of health(factors that determine the health of an individual) I.e. I) the income and social status is highly catered for, for instance those with high income were the ones who had better health care, ii) the social support network:-there will be effective support and high response to health related stress this in turn makes the overall health of the nation better, iii) social environment:-everybody fill that he/she has contributed towards the nation’s health and this boosts self esteem Free Healthcare In The US Essay

One of the most emphasized factors is that most of the Americans find it difficult to comply with the terms the private insurers’ pre-dispose to their clients. The Medicare for all provides simple flexible conditions that most of the Americans can comply with. Another measure that private insurers do is that the medical attention varies along the United States, in some states like New York, the insurers charge more premiums therefore making other individuals vulnerable who come from the states where the cost is a bit low. The Medicare for all provides a uniform platform in every state however the development of the state. The universal Medicare is a third party system therefore insulating the patients from the medical costs, this shield the patients from stress to make decisions regarding the cost of treatment. Most Americans who work for companies would not have the stress of losing their health insurance on the act that they are laid off from their employment, they’ll still be covered under the Medicare for all program. The universal health program is the only remedy for the middle class earners who are in midst fear that they might be bankrupt in the event that they fall ill.Free Healthcare In The US Essay
The Medicare for all is a measure that tends to provide all Americans with quality health coverage which is comprehensive enough to cover all aspects of health and the health can be accessed by everyone. Although critics to it say that the quality of health will be compromised but I stand to challenge them by asking them, what is the essence of quality when there is no access to the product itself? Free Healthcare In The US Essay

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