General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay

General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay

This week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

CO1 Utilize prior knowledge of theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to explain expected client behaviors, while differentiating between normal findings, variations, and abnormalities. (PO 1)

CO3 Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO 3)

Your home health agency has received an order from a local hospital to evaluate and treat an elderly woman being discharged from its medical surgical unit.  General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay.

Millie Gardner, an 83-year-old female patient, is being discharged home today to the care of her husband Fred (87 years old) following a 9-day hospitalization for pneumonia, dehydration, and failure to thrive. She has a history of hypertension (HTN), Type II Diabetes, and cerebral vascular accident (CVA) with left-sided weakness. Patient is alert and oriented but does have periods of forgetfulness during the overnight hours. Patient has intermittent incontinence of bowel and bladder and requires assistance with all activities of daily living (ADLs).







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Upon arrival you are greeted by Champ, the couple’s rambunctious miniature Doberman pinscher dog. Millie is in her wheelchair staring blankly out the window, and Fred is busy in the kitchen preparing the couple’s lunch. General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay.

Based on the scenario above, please use the general survey process to describe the areas that you would be observing immediately upon entry to the home.

What, if any, concerns related to Millie’s skin and nutritional status do you have?

What nursing interventions will you include in the plan of care to address these concerns?

What teaching strategies will you use to educate Millie and Fred on the new medications?

Using the SBAR, please include the information that you will communicate to the physician’s office at the completion of the visit. General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay.

General Survey/Skin/Nutrition
Your home health agency has received an order from a local hospital to evaluate and treat an elderly woman being discharged from its medical surgical unit.
Millie Gardner, an 83-year-old female patient, is being discharged home today to the care of her husband Fred (87 years old) following a 9-day hospitalization for pneumonia, dehydration, and failure to thrive. She has a history of hypertension (HTN), Type II Diabetes, and cerebral vascular accident (CVA) with left-sided weakness. Patient is alert and oriented but does have periods of forgetfulness during the overnight hours. Patient has intermittent incontinence of bowel and bladder and requires assistance with all activities of daily living (ADLs).
Novolin R per sliding scale *NEW*
Zithromax *NEW*
Upon arrival you are greeted by Champ, the couple's rambunctious miniature Doberman pinscher dog. Millie is in her wheelchair staring blankly out the window, and Fred is busy in the kitchen preparing the couple's lunch. General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay.
Based on the scenario above, please use the general survey process to describe the areas that you would be observing immediately upon entry to the home.
What, if any, concerns related to Millie's skin and nutritional status do you have?
What nursing interventions will you include in the plan of care to address these concerns?
What teaching strategies will you use to educate Millie and Fred on the new medications?
Using the SBAR, please include the information that you will communicate to the physician's office at the completion of the visit.
2nd assignment (250 words)
Evaluate the impact of the familys genetic history on adult participants health. Take into consideration that adult participants grandmother and grandfather and father died from heart problems, two uncles and one aunt have cancer, what might that mean for the adult participants future health?
Plan changes based on adult participants familys health history that will promote an optimal level of wellness both now and in the future. Include what information you would provide to the adult participant regarding the results of the family genetic history.

CO1 Utilize prior knowledge of theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to explain expected client behaviors, while differentiating between normal findings, variations, and abnormalities. (PO 1)

CO3 Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO 3)

Your home health agency has received an order from a local hospital to evaluate and treat an elderly woman being discharged from its medical surgical unit. General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay.

Millie Gardner, an 83-year-old female patient, is being discharged home today to the care of her husband Fred (87 years old) following a 9-day hospitalization for pneumonia, dehydration, and failure to thrive. She has a history of hypertension (HTN), Type II Diabetes, and cerebral vascular accident (CVA) with left-sided weakness. Patient is alert and oriented but does have periods of forgetfulness during the overnight hours. Patient has intermittent incontinence of bowel and bladder and requires assistance with all activities of daily living (ADLs).






Novolin R per sliding scale *NEW*



Zithromax *NEW*

Upon arrival you are greeted by Champ, the couple’s rambunctious miniature Doberman pinscher dog. Millie is in her wheelchair staring blankly out the window, and Fred is busy in the kitchen preparing the couple’s lunch.

Based on the scenario above, please use the general survey process to describe the areas that you would be observing immediately upon entry to the home.

What, if any, concerns related to Millie’s skin and nutritional status do you have?

What nursing interventions will you include in the plan of care to address these concerns?

What teaching strategies will you use to educate Millie and Fred on the new medications? General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay.

Using the SBAR, please include the information that you will communicate to the physician’s office at the completion of the visit.

Professors advise: “This scenario is not such an unusual one. While people are living longer and many times maintain independence into their 80’s, their situations can be tenuous at best. If you were caring for this couple, what would your concerns be? Be creative with your responses.”

Nutrition is the supply of essential nutrients from food to the body for life sustenance. It can also be described as the relationship between diet and health of humans. Nutrition can either be good or poor. A good nutrition is necessary for development and functioning of body organs, body growth, reproduction and maintenance. For a body to attain an optimum production efficiency and required activity level, a good diet is essential. A nutritious diet helps a human‘s body have the capability to repair injured and damaged cells, resist infections and ailments. The major essential nutrients needed by the body for proper growth are proteins, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and water. The supply of the named nutrients should be proportionate to sustain a healthy body. General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay.

Diet and Human Health

Human health is generally maintained by a healthy diet. A diet that has balanced nutrients lowers the chances of chronic health risks like heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Consumption of appropriate quantities of nutrients and sufficient amount of water is what makes a healthy diet. Many diets are considered to be healthy, because, there are many types of foods with a diversity of nutrient contents. A good diet is the one with a balance of all nutrients to support the energy requirements without surpassing the required amounts. Excessive intake of these nutrients brings negative effects like obesity because the body has no mechanisms of shedding of extra the extra energy.

Essential Nutrients, Minerals and Water

Carbohydrates are the major sources of energy for the body. Most of the foods consumed incorporate carbohydrates. They are found in foods like bread, rice, potatoes, spaghetti, fruits, candy, juices and vegetables. These foods contain starch. Carbohydrates are broken down into smaller molecules by the enzymes in the saliva, in juices produced by the pancreas, and in the intestines lining. The starch in the carbohydrates is broken into maltose by saliva and pancreatic juice. Finally, the maltose is broken to glucose in the intestines lining, where the glucose is absorbed into the blood and transported to the liver for use as an energy provider to the body.
Proteins are used by the body to repair damages or injured body tissues. Proteins are found in foods such as eggs, meat, milk and beans. The proteins from these foods have giant molecules which are digested by enzymes, then used to repair and develop body tissue. The protein is digested in the stomach. The digestion of the protein completes in the small intestine. The broken down proteins are absorbed in the small intestines into the blood and supplied to all whole body to build cells. General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay.
Fats are a rich supply of energy. Fats from foods like butter are digested and dissolved into the watery substance in the intestines. These fats are dissolved into water by bile acids produced by the liver, then, enzymes break down the dissolved fats into smaller molecules for channelization by the blood, to storage depots in various body parts.


Vitamins are substances needed by the body to grow and develop in a normal way. A person body needs thirteen vitamins. The vitamins are A, B, C, D, E, and K. These vitamins are found in foods, but also, the body can make vitamins D and K. The foods that give all these vitamins are both vegetables and animal products. Each vitamin has a specific responsibility in the body. Deficiency of vitamins results to deficiency diseases, like rickets, which is a deficiency of vitamin D. An optimal intake of essential vitamins is achievable through eating balanced diets from diversity of foods because the levels of the vitamins vary greatly in different food types.

Water and salt are dissolved in the small intestines cavity. Most of the water and salts come from fluids and foods we consume, and the juices secreted by the digestive glands. The human body has no ability to store water. This is the reason why humans need to supply the body with water everyday for use in metabolic processes. The basis of blood, urine, digestive juices, stools and perspiration is water. The water supply necessary depends on the metabolism and activity levels. General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay.

Dietary minerals are chemical elements required in a healthy diet. These mineral nutrients include calcium, iodine, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and sodium. The minerals are available in simple chemical forms, and are available in the foods people eat . In cases of huge aggregates of minerals, a further breakdown is required before absorption. Bacteria help in the weathering of primary minerals, an action that allows the release of nutrients for their nutrition and that of other consumers in the environment.  General Survey/Skin/Nutrition Essay.

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