Global Healthcare Issues and Policies Essay

Global Healthcare Issues and Policies Essay

Responses to classmates must consist of at least 350 words (not including the greeting and the references), do NOT repeat the same thing your classmate is saying, try to add something of value like a resource, educational information to give to patients, possible bad outcomes associated with the medicines discussed in the case, try to include a sample case you’ve seen at work and discuss how you feel about how that case was handled. Try to use supportive information such as current Tx guidelines, current research related to the treatment, anything that will enhance learning in the online classroom. World population growth refers to the rate at which the population of the world increases. However, it is not expected to continue at the current rate forever and for the first time since 1950, the rate is expected to fall in 2020-2021 to below 1% (Dupre & Vickstrom, 2019). Population growth is dependent on fertility, migration, increased urbanization, and life expectancy (United Nations, 2019). Fertility refers to the average age of a woman during the childbearing years, as the population ages the fertile women’s rate decreases altering the possibility for population growth.Global Healthcare Issues and Policies Essay.  Fertility also is referenced in relation to the number of children born to one woman (United Nations, 2017). This number is slowly lowering (United Nations, 2017).Global Healthcare Issues and Policies Essay.  Life expectancy is the predicted years a human will live on Earth. Life expectancy continues to increase as better treatments and increased patient outcomes occur. Migration influences population growth as people move to different parts of the world. Dupre and Vickstrom (2019) and the United Nations (2017) are projecting migration to slow over the next 20-30 years as the growth shifts from developed nations to underdeveloped nations suggesting less migration. For the first time in many years, underdeveloped nations will surpass developed nations in terms of population growth (United Nations, 2017) Migration interplays with health issues as new health issues may arise or cross-transmission from the migrant to the general population may occur (Pescarini et al., 2018). Intercontinental travel provides avenues for disease transmission, as we have seen with the current pandemic surrounding Coronavirus-2019, and has the potential to modify population growth as well. People are living longer and reaching fertility ages adding to the world’s population, meanwhile, hindrances to life continue to exist. Over the last 25 years, there has been a combination of communicable and noncommunicable health issues challenging the world’s population growth. Examples of non-communicable health issues that have plagued the world’s population include but are not limited to stroke, injuries, heart disease, malnutrition, childbirth and or perinatal complications, mental health disorders, and accidents (Holtz, 2013; Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [ODPHP], 2020). Examples of communicable health issues facing world population growth include but are not limited to Malaria, Tuberculosis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), Hepatitis B and C, Ebola virus, influenza, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (Holtz, 2013). Global Healthcare Issues and Policies Essay. Vaccine programs and screening for some communicable diseases have aided in growth while nations without access to vaccines or utilization of universal screening programs have prompted decreases (Holtz, 2013; ODPHP, 2020; Pescarini et al., 2018). Of course, the most recent pandemic has added to the list of communicable health issues altering population growth. Dupre, S., & Vickstrom, E. (2019). Annual world population growth slowing, projected to soon slip below 1% for the first time since 1950. Holtz, C. (2013). Global healthcare issues and policies (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2020). Global health.,%2Dpreventable%20diseases%2C%20is%20decreasing Pescarini, J. M., Simonsen, V., Ferrazoli, L., Rodrigues, L. C., Oliveria, R. S., Waldman, E. A., & Houben, R. (2018). Migration and tuberculosis transmission in a middle-income country: A cross-sectional study in a central area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. BioMed Central, 16(62). United Nations. (2017). Population facts. United Nations. (2019). Population. Global Healthcare Issues and Policies Essay.



Their primary function was care of the patient. Sometimes they did not get paid and sometimes they were paid with things other than money but patients saw physicians in this country. In 1901, however, the American Medical Association under new leadership decided to do away with “ruinous competition”(Light, 2004). In making that decision, they set out to change the face of healthcare, which they did. They restructured the whole of the AMA, placing small groups of influential physicians at the heart of each committee.
The first order of business was to reduce the supply of physicians which would in turn increase competition, improving salaries. There was the feeling that the more scientific medicine was, the more a physician should get paid. There was the argument that with these moves, patient choice and competition allowing the poor to see physicians would disappear. All of this led to that pivotal moment which this writer believes was the elimination of price competition and free care.
This was the third campaign that the AMA set out to accomplish during this change. At this time in history, there were contract physicians and there were actually hospitals that provided care for those that could not afford care. The AMA and the county medical societies decided, however, that this was definitely in the way of progress in the campaign. Many contract physicians at the time liked what they were doing and did not want to change. Their peer though, went out of their way to embarrass them and literally pressure them into accepting a different way of doing things. Eventually, most of them gave up which set up the hospitals to have to bring other kinds of physicians in, providing competition between physicians and raising prices.Global Healthcare Issues and Policies Essay.  This, in turn, set up a system in which all hospitals had to become competitive in order to allow them to have the funds to provide care and get physicians in.
Today, there are complaints about health care and there is an outcry that our system does not work. Physicians make huge salaries and hospitals spend enormous amounts of money keeping up. There are many people in the United States that have an impossible time accessing adequate healthcare. Yes, it is possible to go to the emergency room (which again increases hospital costs) but then follow up is impossible because there are few physicians that will see patients who cannot pay and many will not see Medicaid patients. The end result is sicker and sicker patients admitted to the hospitals with no physician and no prior care and no way to get follow up on discharge. Yes, it is still affecting the healthcare system.
In conclusion, the change to no contract physicians and no free hospitals was supposed to improve physician income and quality of care. It definitely improved physician income but IOM studies and the fact that so many receive no healthcare at all speak volumes about quality. There may need to be a second look at the change that occurred when the AMA changed.
Part II Cuban Health Care Delivery
To better describe the difference in how the Cuban system work, this writer has reviewed the method of treatment for the end-stage renal disease in both countries. Global Healthcare Issues and Policies Essay.

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