Government Provided Healthcare Essay

Government Provided Healthcare Essay

Near the beginning of his term, President Barack Obama proposed a plan that would allow – or force – all Americans to have health insurance. His ideology is that every American should have federally provided healthcare. Even though he may not be proposing an entire absorption of the medical field into government policy, he is suggesting that the government could offer better health options than the current system. This is dangerous.Government Provided Healthcare Essay


Handouts offered by the government are usually taken and more are expected. This brings forth an important question. Should the government take control of the healthcare to ensure everyone receives it, or does the current system already fulfill the country’s needs? The answer – the United States government should not control the healthcare system because the government is not able to determine who actually needs healthcare, controlled health costs will dissuade potential caregivers from training for the profession, and the regulation that would be required would hinder the speed and efficiency health care can be provided.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

Contrary to this argument, an opposing view exists that every person living in the United States deserves healthcare. In this view, the assumption is made that the medicinal system has the time and manpower needed to provide for each individual. Under this system, the legislators would be the ones who decided how to equally distribute the talents and time of healthcare providers. Perhaps they would create a law that requires the provider to treat every patient who comes into the lobby asking for help. To defend against the long lines caused by the previous law, another law could be written that would require everyone to have scheduled appointments.

We have wrongdoing in America right now and we have to fix it. Should our government be providing healthcare for all? Some people think that they should because people are dying all around the world because they do not have health/medical insurance. Other people think think that employers should provide health care. The government should provide healthcare because it will help with health insurance, help families in need, and it will help with giving the people of their country drugs and prescription pills.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

One example of how the government helps and provides for our country is to provide health/medical insurance. Health/medical insurance is an important thing because that is how people get discounts on their health bills. It allows you go into surgery and actually receive treatment for things that you may not be able to do without health insurance. According to “Should All Americans Have the Right To Health Care” from,, “ Proponents of the right to health care say that in one of the richest nations on earth one should not go without health insurance. ” What this is saying is that our country has a lot of money and we can afford to let everyone have health insurance.

Another example of why the government should provides health care is the government can provides drugs and prescription pills to those who need them and can’t afford them. The importance of that is high because you use pills and medicine when you’re sick like the flu or a cold, or even worse; cancer, HIV, or mental health issues. From the source of,, “Diabetes is a chronic medical condition that effect one and ten adults in America.” This quote means that we do have the medicine to help with that, but you can’t have that if you do not let the government in your life because they are the ones who provide health care and this falls into that category. People with diabetes often rely on insulin several times a day. This can add up to a lot of money.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

The third and last example is that the government will help with families in need. This is important because what if your family members have a disease and the government can’t help with that, If they do not have the access to your medical history. From the source of,, “45,000 Americans are dying because they do not have access to health care because of its cost.” This quote means that there are many people that are dying because they do not have the money for health care that is why we have Obamacare.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

As we consider this abundance of evidence, it is clear that the government does improve the quality of your life by providing health care. A lot of research has been done and the facts and the evidence do not lie! It is a good idea for the government to help with things in your life. For example, my first reason, where you can save money, because the government provides health/medical insurance. Now, let’s think about if one day you broke a bone for example your arm and you needed treatment for it and when you went to the hospital imagine them saying to you “ sorry but you will have to pay full price because you have no medical insurance” Then again if you have medical insurance and they will help you and discount the cost. That is why the government should provide health care.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

Healthcare is becoming more and more expensive and under such conditions it is difficult to poor people to manage their health. Many arguments rise on this topic and that is why graduates are assigned with argumentative essay on various topics of healthcare. Sample essay on should government provide healthcare is given here for such types of assignments to the students here by Students Assignment Help. The best quality essay assignments on healthcare issues can be written easily by grabbing the essay writing tips for college assignments from the Example Essay given here.

This is a very serious question that is associated with the health of people who cannot afford to spend on their healthcare. People who belong to marginal sections of the society have to depend upon the government services which cater their health. But there are many governments which find it unimportant to provide healthcare services for free of cost to the citizens so that no crises can occur on the nation’s economic growth. The revenue that is collected in the form of cess should be utilized in the welfare of the state rather than giving healthcare help according to these governments. The debate is going over long period of time and several conclusions have been given by the intellectual regarding this topic so far.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

Should the U.S. government provide free health care for all citizens? Free health care for all citizens, is a very controversial topic that has been debated for years. This debate concerns many pros and cons, such as “CNN reporting that 45,000 Americans are dying per year because they do not have access to health care because of costs.” According to research and statistics, majority of the people say that they agree with having free health care. Most people agreed because they believe it is the government’s job to help the ones that are in need. This paper will discuss why free health care is needed, what problems are caused by not providing free healthcare for all citizens, and the solutions that will benefit everyone. Health care is important because it is needed in today’s world for people who need treatment but cannot afford it because of their financial situation. Everybody in this world is not rich. With this in mind, health care should no longer be something that citizens pay for. It is a doctor’s job to make sure their patients are healthy and leave much better than how they came.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

t is the government’s responsibility to provide healthcare for everyone. Whether communism, capitalism or otherwise, access to quality healthcare is an inalienable right for every citizen, regardless of age, economic status or race. Despite the fact that many people are covered under government funded programs such as Medicare, there are millions of citizens who do not have access to this right, due to the shortcomings of these government funded programs.Government Provided Healthcare Essay
Most first world countries have single payer programs. In these programs, the government is the single payer where the amount of premium is concurrent with the salaries. As such, despite the fact that every citizen pays own health insurance premium, they spend far much less and are guaranteed access to quality healthcare.

Contrary to popular belief, universal health care is not an expensive project. Many analysts fear that it would add to government expenditure on healthcare, yet economic experts argues that with discipline and diligent political leadership, it is a plan that cannot only save government billions of dollar but also increase profit for private healthcare providers and insurers.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

So real is this assumption that, private healthcare providers as well as healthcare insurance companies are willing to negotiate with the government on the possibility of universal healthcare. Although health care cost is soaring, the government needs to actualize universal healthcare plan to improve healthcare provision as well as consolidate other gains.


There are alarming statistics that the United States government is currently spending more than any other country on healthcare per person. So much is the spending that health care budget has surpassed the amount of money that the country spends on food.

This reality has two implications: that health care is important to a countries economy and that there is need for the government to think of ways to provide universal health care. Despite the fact that the government spends about $2 trillion on health care annually, the huge budget is not because the country is saddled with diseases.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

A reports by research firm, MGI indicates that the ever increasing cost of health care is as a result of not harmonizing payout of health care by the government, employers and insurances to a single payout system (McKinsey & Co paras 1, 2). McKinsey & Co continues to argue that there is a vey high demand and supply for health care, but that most of the citizens do not have access to quality services (para 3).

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This is despite the huge amounts spent every year in health care provision. MGI conclude that a single payout system has a number of advantages to the health care consumer as it will provide necessary regulations to streamline health care into a properly managed industry. It will also provide further incentives for growth. This acts as a major opportunity for health care cost efficiency and improvement. Overall, quality health care is brought closer to all citizens (McKinsey & Co para 4).

Analysts have argued that a universal health care plan has major obstacles. This assumption have been backed by high ranking politicians who argue that the plan would be too expensive for the government to carry out, that it is an unworthy political capital that would not generate desirable political returns and that private health care insurers stand to loose significantly. This assumption has several weaknesses. The assumption is not based on hard facts and furthermore, health care is not all about politics but the health of a nation.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

The assumption however, is not very far from the truth but can be overcome, if there is strong, intelligent, meticulous and diligent political planning and leadership. A dedicated political leadership will see it as government concern to explain to the citizens that, even though a single payout plan does require additional revenue from tax, the extra tax spending would be significantly compensated by a huge reduction in private insurance expenditure.

The objections by healthcare private insurers are reasonably acceptable as they are fear that they will loose billions in profits every year. However, like the notion by politicians that it is not a worthy political gamble, the fear by private insurers is not founded on hard facts. Economic analyses of a single payout system conclude that having a single payout system enlarges the economic size of health care as it increases consumers as well as health care budget.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

Therefore, private insurers will be informed that their fears are unfounded and that actually, a single payout system will increase their share of earnings. This conclusion is also based on the argument that as the pie gets larger, everyone gets a larger portion of the pie (Frank paras 5 to 10). Thus, the more need for the government to provide healthcare for all

In light of the new findings that there are bigger benefits for all, the role of private insurers in the provision of a single payout medical plan has come under scrutiny. Since time immemorial, private health care insurers have strongly objected to the plan.

But of late the private health care providers have accented to the reality that there needs to be radical changes in the health care sector to curtail the ever increasing cost of health care which do not necessarily lead to improved quality and quantity. Health care insurers have had a change of heart and want to be part of the single payout system.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

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Their softening of hearts is based on the assumptions convictions of president Barrack Obama that this plan needs to be flexible to accommodate all stakeholders and consolidate all gains from all sectors of the American health care industry. President Obama in his universal healthcare plan argues that universal health care means that all parties play a role to the success of the plan.

Quite humorously, but realistically nevertheless, president Obama called this approach the “common sense rules of the road” as universal health care plan would ensure that, among other benefits, there is no discrimination to people with preexisting condition to getting health care insurance (New York Times para 30 to 34). Following this conviction, the government thus needs to provide health care to all as it is not only practical but also necessary and beneficial.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

There are more reasons why the government should provide health care for all. Under the universal health care scheme, it will become easier to provide preventative health care for a majority of people. Universal healthcare ensures that more people access health care services and as such consumers will have an increased awareness of their healthcare needs and seek prevention early enough.

This argument is based on studies which confirm that a higher percentage of people with health care insurance are aware of their health conditions than people without. With information about personal health, people will be able to seek preventative cure early enough at a lower cost and as such reducing the overall cost of healthcare (International Debate Education Association and Trapp 124).Government Provided Healthcare Essay

The current health care programs, despite being backed by the government have significant shortcomings. Under such programs, only limited physicians offer services and as such patients are limited on the number of doctors they can consult. This mean that patients who buy into the programs are forced to abandon their personal doctors, if the personal doctors are not part of the plan. Furthermore, patients have to seek approval before the consult physicians under this scheme.

As such, these government sponsored program, instead of expanding healthcare, tend to limit it further. Moreover, the programs are discriminating in terms of age, economic s and employment statuses. If a person loses a job, then they also lose the health benefits (International Debate Education Association and Trapp 124). As such, there needs to be a universal healthcare for all, which guarantees access to medical services regardless of age, income and employment status.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

Universal health care also has benefits to employers. Currently it is calculated that the US employers spend more than US$ 1500 for every worker in healthcare cost every year. It is also estimated that the cost of healthcare to employees goes up by at least 14 % every year. This is putting an unmanageable burden on employees.

This kind of rise in heath care cost is unsustainable. As such the government needs to come to the rescue of employers and save the American business (Sherrow 63). With such costs taken care off, the American employer will thus be able to offer more job opportunities Government Provided Healthcare Essay

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Universal healthcare program will also boost the economy in a variety of ways. With universal health care, the American employee will feel more secure and as scuh will not be tied to a particular employer for the fear of loosing the employer based health benefits. As such employees will be able to make more flexible career and professional choices that are not tired to health care benefits.

As such many people will gain the confidence of leaving their jobs and starting private business, without necessarily having to loose health benefits. While these encourage more flexible movement of professional, it also help boost the economy as more people will gain the confidence to move away from formal employment and to small business (Sherrow 63). This thus compels the government to provide universal healthcare.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

The government needs to provide universal healthcare for everyone. Health care is currently costing the government too much money yet it does not guarantee ease of access to heath care by a significant portion of American citizenry.

As such the government needs to harmonize it heath care plans and provide a comprehensive single payer system in which it is the single payer. Despite being an expensive venture, universal health care guarantees social economic as well as professional benefits. These benefits will lead to the general improvement of the standard of living as well as boost the economy.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

If we observe the situation meticulously then there are people who can contribute well in the growth of a country but their health hinders them to do so. Human assets of a nation are very important and that must be preserved to an utmost level. Giving healthcare services to those who are under privileged societies should be confirmed at the least what government can do for its citizens. This is because other people can manage the things related to their health easily who are having their source of livelihood and earning but poor who fail to secure two squares of meals per day cannot afford to finance their routine check up and die without treatment.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

A massive breakdown in the growth of the countries is experienced where government is not giving funds for the healthcare services to poor people. Such people become the cause of spreading several viral and bacterial diseases from one person to another. But at the same time if we consider the case on contrary scale then the situation is somewhat inverted where people have free healthcare and capable of becoming a part in the growth of their own nation on Economic scale in the world. Thus the importance of free healthcare can be seen in relation to the development of a nation in every way and we cannot ignore this truth.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

The conclusion of the argumentative essay reaches to a point where we cannot say that every government of the nation should give free healthcare to its citizens especially those who are in deep financial crises. But at the same time at least those people must be provided with these facilities which are having the issues in grave concern. Developed nations can do well in this field by giving the free health care support to their citizens irrespective of their status and identity on the base of money they have.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

We cannot say that health is not important as there are several diseases which are communicable and can spread from one person to another destroying the entire stability through endemic and other such situation. This brings lot of anarchy and instability which is not in the favour of economic growth of a nation. That is why it is the supreme most duty of any government to take care of its citizens if they are not able to help out with their diseases owing to the lack of money required for the treatment of the diseases they are going through.Government Provided Healthcare Essay

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