Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

Health Education Teaching Activity
The purpose of this activity is to help you understand the process of health teaching of patients/clients by engaging in effective assessment; identification of learning needs/issues associated with the learning experience; planning and implementing interventions and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions with a target client (using a family member or friend).Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay


Note that this clinical activity is meant to facilitate the application of course content about health education/teaching—a common and significant Public Health intervention. Most clinical experiences in the Community/Population Health course typically involve some type of client contact which includes formal or informal teaching of minor to complex content.

Using course content sources at minimum, you will be able to:
1. Construct a health teaching/lesson plan for a single client, based on the following:
• a thorough assessment of a client’s learning needs and barriers/facilitators of their learning,Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay
• appropriate selection of relevant and effective teaching/learning strategies, and
• application of concepts using a common health promotion model and/or learning theory.
2. Demonstrate implementation of the plan in video format.
3. Evaluate the success of implementing the plan.
4. Document this activity in a formal written paper.

Course Outcomes:
This activity aligns with several of the course outcomes as stated below:
1. Demonstrate critical thinking through analysis and interpretation of assessment data and the development of individualized health education solutions.
2. Demonstrate the use of culturally appropriate and effective communication techniques.

Part 2: Design a teaching module to help educate a client about a health-related topic.

A. Complete this grid for your education session:
Client: Describe client (no names please): Age, gender, health risk-factors
Topic: Nutrition
Learning Style:
Learning Theory:
Learning Objectives * Content Outline Strategies ** & Materials*** Evaluation
Was the learning objective met? If not, why? Suggestions for future?Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

* At least 2 objectives are required. What do you want your client to know by the end of your teaching? (Objectives can be cognitive, affective and/or psychomotor in type – usually a combination is best). Note that achievement of the objective is part of the Evaluation column.
** What strategies did you plan to use to facilitate your client’s learning? Visuals? Demo?
*** Materials like visuals used, handouts, etc. can be appended to this paper
[Feel free to adjust column widths as needed]

B: Summarize your teaching plan in an APA formatted word document, 3-4-pages (not including the reference page and appendices)Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

Sections of the Paper (copy bolded titles here as subheadings in your paper to enhance organization and clarity).

• The Client: Describe the client (initials only), including:
o at least 3 demographics that are related to learning (e.g. age, language etc);
o any “red flags” for low health literacy (for this exercise, it will be useful to assume low health literacy for your client)
o any contributory/relevant health history (e.g. physical or cognitive limitations)

• Analysis of Learning Needs: Including:
o clearly identify the topic of focus for the plan
o barriers to learning that need to be considered (e.g. developmental stage, special learning needs)
o individual learning style(s)
o facilitators of learning (e.g. willingness to learn; education level etc)

• Teaching/Lesson Plan: This section will be written in narrative format as a summary of the teaching plan in table format (see above).
• Application of a Behavior Model/Theory. Select ONE “Behavior Model/Theory” cited in your textbook or the pre-briefing material. (An example would be the Health Belief Model or one of the Learning Theories). Consider how this model/theory may apply/did apply to this teaching activity? Comment in at least 2 paragraphs.

• Reference list. Format in APA. Include any class content you used.

• Appendices. Append any visuals you used during your teaching session (links are ok).

Part 4: Evaluation of the Teaching Plan
• Evaluation: How do I know your client learned anything?
o Were stated objectives met? Provide some detail as to how you know the objective was met (for example, did the client repeat back the information to you (teach-back method?) or do a return demonstration? If the objective was NOT met, reflect on why it was not and propose a different approach.Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

• Summary Reflect on this activity. Include at least 1 paragraphs of comments that include a balanced assessment of how things went!

Choose a topic with your client that’s fairly simple, but not too simple-like hand hygiene! This activity is mostly about seeing how you engage in teaching based on thoughtful consideration, including application of class content pertaining to effective health education. Recall that health education is one of many significant primary or tertiary prevention strategies in Public Health. So, this is NOT about detailed content about a complex medical problem as much!

See grading rubric below:

Grading Rubric_Health Education Activity
Criteria graded on a 4-point scale reflect the following distribution: 0=no response provided; 1=poor response; 2 =adequate response; 3=good response; 4=excellent response..Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

Criteria Potential Points*
Part 1: Preparation
Pre-Briefing Activity completion
• On time completion/submission (2)
• All questions addressed thoroughly (8) 10
Part 2: A. Teaching Plan (Table Format)
Plan in Table Format
• At least two objectives were noted. (2)
• Objectives were specific and relevant to the topic chosen (2)
• Content matched the objectives (2)
• Content included some details to be covered during the videotaped session (2)
• Active teaching-learning strategies were named and some detail about how they would be used during the teaching session was included (2)
• An evaluation of whether each objective was met was noted (yes/no). Note that how each was met (or not) will be described in more detail in the narrative section of this paper. described. (2)Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay


Part 2: B. Narrative Format
The CLIENT was described according to:

• demographics that are related to learning (2)
• any “red flags” for low health literacy (4)
• any contributory/relevant health history (4)

The client’s LEARNING NEEDS were identified and analyzed in a comprehensive way, including assessment of his/her:

• Developmental state/stage (2)
• Special learning needs and/or other barriers to learning (4)
• Dominant or preferred learning style (1)
• Facilitators of learning (2)

ONE health-care topic was clearly selected as the focus for the teaching plan and taping. (1) Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay


• All components of the tabular plan were well summarized (NOTE: This narrative should follow the tabular plan closely)
o Objectives (2)
o Content (4)
o Teaching Materials/Methods (4)
o Evaluation (4)
A BEHAVIOR MODEL/THEORY was Applied to the Teaching Activity.

• In at least two paragraphs (2), a single model/theory was considered in terms of how it applied to this activity (2).
Part 3: B. Implementation of Teaching Plan (Videotape)
The VIDEOTAPE (with adequate sight and sound for evaluation purposes) included:Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

• An introduction of self and client (first name only) and the reason for the session was spoken clearly and succinctly (1)
• The actual teaching session:
o Reflected the Teaching/Lesson Plan (content and materials/methods) well. (2)
o Included content that was accurate and organized well. (2)
o Showed that the student spoke clearly and was respectful. (1)
o Showed that the student addressed the client’s questions and other behaviors appropriately. (2)
o Showed that the student used visuals and/or other relevant materials during the session to enhance his/her verbal commentary. (2)
o Provided evidence that the client understood the teaching was emphasized. (2)
• Wrap-up with the client. (1)

The videotape was about 10 (+/_ 3) minutes in length. (2)


• included at least two references other than the course textbook or Unit 2 ppt content (2)
• Note that references must be written in proper APA format (2) and match in-text citations (1)Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

Your WRITING demonstrated:

• organization according to the directions (2)
• overall clarity of thought (2)
• fewer than 2 unique errors of basic writing mechanics (including spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure) (one point deducted from six total for more than 2 unique writing errors) (6)

Part 4: Evaluation of the Teaching Plan

• In at least one paragraph (1) state whether objectives were met or unmet (2)
• If unmet, suggest improvements (2)


• Reflect on this activity, including the videotaped session. Include at least 1 paragraphs of comments that include a balanced assessment of how things went!Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay


Nutrition is a process that involves the breakdown of food and other substances in the mouth useful in the delivery of body energy. Practicing healthy diet can lead to avoidance of both the known and the unknown health issues. Poor diet is harmful to an individual’s health and cause diseases like kwashiorkor, scurvy, obesity and metabolic syndromes. Popkin (2011) said that “In the last 20–30 years, the world has reduced its water intake, shifted towards sugar-sweetened beverages, increased its proportion of food that is sweetened and ultra processed and reduced its intake of many health components of our diet, including legumes, fruits and vegetables” (p. 83). Different types of foods contain various nutrients that range from fats,…show more content…
There are various ways that help individuals lose weight, but individuals have little awareness and tend to misunderstand how fatty foods and poor methods of weight loss can affect their health. According to the weight and nutrition status goals for healthy people 2020, strong science maintains that eating a healthy diet is essential to keep a healthy weight. These goals emphasize changing weight and diet by addressing the behavior of persons, strategies and environments to support the issue in various settings, such as healthcare organizations, worksites, schools and communities. This paper looks at how some weight loss or fat and fad diet adversely affects personal health. It further examines the problem of nutrition and the status of weight, ways and effects of weight loss among individuals and come up with strategies to solve them. Also, it looks at rising issues in dietary and gives out recommendation for the improvement of personal health. Also, it aims at promoting health and reducing chronic risks of infection by consuming healthy foods and maintaining and achieving a healthy weight. People have misunderstood for a long time that the issue of nutrition and response to weight loss. Nutrition plays a bigger role in addressing the issue of weight loss. Many of food patterns have noticed for effective loss of weight. Ramage,Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

The ‘Unfortunate meal’ section explains the diet that affects our nutrition and health today. It is said that foods that cause disease and do not contain correct vitamins can be avoided. It also contains information on healthy dietary guidelines, which will help people get better nutrition, but that is not the case. The discovery of carbohydrates is the main cause of weight gain rather than fat, which changed many nutritional perspectives. It is well known that fruits and vegetables contain certain chemical substances that can reduce the risk of cancer and other harmful diseases.

In many parts of the world in both developed and developing countries, girls have been in puberty since young. Most changes are due to improvements in health and nutrition. In many countries, it is accompanied by an increase in marriage age and a corresponding decrease in age of onset of adolescence (Fig. 1). This is important for adolescent sex and reproductive health. As their bodies change and mature, many young people will be interested in sex. Recent case studies of behavior in 20 developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America conclude that adolescence is the time for most people to start sexual activity (6). The report continues to say: “Many of these activities are dangerous, contraception and the use of condoms are often unstable, and in many cases unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions have been found.Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

Nutrition is an important part of health and development. Better nutrition is associated with a reduction in the risk of infectious diseases such as infants, children and mothers, improved immune system, safer pregnancy and childbirth, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and longer life expectancy I will. Healthy children learn better. People with adequate nutrition are more productive and can gradually create opportunities to break poverty and starvation cycles.

Improvements can be seen even within 1 to 3 weeks of consistent supplementation. However, it is important to note that improving health through nutrition is a slow and natural process. When taking nutritional supplements to help solve health problems, the body needs unreliable consistency and it takes time to make micronutrients. The body will begin to rely on the stable existence of beneficial products and transfer them to use. This improvement can be seen. This construction is normal for 1 to 3 months (depending on the case)Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

Schools are the best place where children can learn and practice good nutrition. The school environment provides good opportunities for teachers to make an excellent impact on children’s health. What a child eats now has a significant impact on the child’s future health, throughout the adolescence stage to adulthood. A good child’s development depends on the consumption of nutritious food. Consuming nutritious food makes the child to perform well academically and feel good physically. Children poor eating habits is adding up to the rising cases of disorders, dental cavities, obesity and other child deficiency disorders which can be prevented by good food. Poor eating habits are likely to continue into the child’s adulthood and this increases the chance of getting chronic diseases that include cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
One most important message that should be passed to children is that eating more fruits and vegetables is good for health. In “my plate,” vegetables and fruits should take half of it with fruits having the bigger proportion. The other half of the plate would contain the less recommended foods like, grains, proteins among others. Candies should take the least promotion of the plate.Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay
The teacher can use some website resources such as Kid’s nutrition dictionary. This is a resource filled with many nutrition terms. The children’s version provides audio automatically the term nutrition is selected. Besides making the child understand the meaning of the terms, it also assists in correcting pronunciation.
Interactive Food labels and tutorials is another online resource, which the teacher can use. Kids will enjoy hearing the chef talking about different parts of a food label. It also has challenges, which allow the child to select the food label with the correct answer. This will provide kids with a fun way of learning about nutrition.
The other way to involve kids is by involving kids in activities that promote staying healthy, for example, engaging the children in mass teeth brushing as a class.
The teacher can use some books with pictorials showing heath children and the food they eat, and other showing unhealthy or obese children and the foods that cause the obesity in children. Other support materials like charts can be used to teach a child the importance of good health and nutrition.
In order to encourage children to take food they always fear to take, teachers can act to influence them by involving children in preparation of the food, and sit down with them to eat. Fear of new things (neophobia) is the mechanism used by omnivores, including humans, to assist in preventing the consumption of harmful substances. In schools, teachers create a supportive environment that encourages children to enjoy and have fun on food experiences. The child acceptance of new foods is a slow process especially to children between the ages of 2 to 5 years.Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay
In schools, teachers should act as role models for the young scholars. Teachers are the people who influence the eating behavior of elementary school students. Therefore, teachers play a vital role in determining student health eating behaviors, food choices and students engagement in regular physical activities. By engaging with children during mealtime, and sitting down to have a meal with them, teachers become role models to children. Teachers will be able to model healthy eating behavior when they sit and have the same meal with children.
Children can be able to understand the importance of heath diet roles in boosting body’s immunity to diseases. A healthy diet is the one containing foods rich in minerals, vitamins and beta-carotene. They help to build body immunity to diseases and infections. A well-nourished body is more resistant to colds, flu and other diseases. During an illness, children are encouraged to eat their favorite health foods such as bananas, plain toast and many fluids. Vitamin boost can be achieved by taking pure fruit juice. Teaching children about the food they could consume when they are ill, encourages them to take the recommended food during illness to encourage quick recovery. Teaching enables the children to appreciate the benefits of good nutrition and health in support of childhood optimal growth. Children require variety of nutrient in their food, in their diet. Therefore, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, whole grains, vegetables fish and sufficient calories are highly recommended in order to encourage proper growth and development Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

Early childhood educators should understand that they play a significant part and role in the development and maintenance of good and healthy eating habits in young children and should consequently help the children to improve their health through eating. In order to enhance children understanding on a healthy diet, the teachers should use several ways to encourage children to consume more certain foods and less for others. It is the role of schools and other early childhood learning institutions to provide a good environment to learn, this learning includes teaching the young ones on the importance of healthy foods consumption and how to make choices on healthy foods. Early childhood education should provide a good opportunity for children to make good decision on foods, and hence, such an environment should be well structured to support and promote healthy eating.Health Teaching On Nutrition Essay

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