Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

The United Kingdom Consists of Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, and Wales and the capital is London. It is culturally diverse and struggles with the same issues as the United States does with multiculturalism. The United Kingdom functions as a Parliament system and their healthcare system is supported by central taxation, and some funding by private grants and charities. Whereas, the United States health system structure is complex and funds are based on employers, private payers, foundations and charities. Medicare and Medicaid are funded by taxes.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay



The (NHS) National Health Service was founded in 1948, with the belief that no one should have to pay for healthcare regardless of their financial status and based on three core principles; that it meets the needs of everyone, that it is free at the point of delivery, and that it be based on clinical need, not the ability to pay. In 2011, the NHS published a constitution of seven principles to help guide it. Today the NHS has grown to be the world’s largest publicly funded health service. England Is the only one that officially goes by the National Health Service, but they are all still referenced as “NHS” and you can access information regarding anyone of the health plans on a public website The individual systems are:

• National Health Service (England)

• Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland (HSCNI)

• NHS Scotland

• NHS Wales Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

The healthcare system of every country represents the future of that country as if the healthcare system is highly concrete then it helps in making people healthy and the stressed free living standards could be promoted. The health care regulations and policies must support the healthy environment within the country and should helps on the ground of promoting the awareness related to the health issues (Lloyd, Braithwaite and Southon, 1999). Every country has different perspective with respect to the construction of healthcare system. Here in this report also the investigation has been on the ground of comparing the health care system of UK with US. The similarities and differences in the healthcare system of both the countries have been discussed in an articulated manner.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

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The conditions in UK and US are completely different and their international standards towards the healthcare system are also different. The World Health Organization has measured the overall performance of healthcare industry of both the countries on different parameters and has found that the health conditions in UK are far better than US (Elliott, Hatton and Emerson, 2003). The UK government has better arrangements with the perspective of dealing with the problems and issues of health care. Mainly the UK health care industry operates on the NHS model (National Health Service) where the government of UK promotes the right of getting access to health care services for every individual. The entire structure of health care industry within the UK revolves around the NHS model only. They design each and every policy and control all the operations related to health care services. This kind of central authority allows the UK government to put more control on their health care system (Reid, 2010). Every activity related to the healthcare could be implemented in well organized and well structured manner.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

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It includes the continuous improvement in the technological aspects along with the increment in the competency of staff and improving the infrastructure of health care industry. The UK government provides the wide range of facilities to its service users and focus on delivering the best and excellent health and care services to its users. NHS is completely and solely responsible for the development of healthcare industry within UK and UK government provides the financial support to the operations of NHS. Department of health is government body in UK that has done remarkable job in improving the health standards of local citizens and supporting the NHS. The National Health Service act 1946 includes lots of guidelines of the hospital and other healthcare systems. The structure of UK healthcare system is also appreciable and big. It includes lots of health departments and emergency wards along with the advanced medical facilities. Health professionals include physiotherapists, radiologists, psychologists etc. The staff is also highly trained and skilled in their areas as guidelines issues by the NHS (Johnson and Stoskopf, 2010). The ambulance emergency number 999 also works dedicatedly towards providing the quick services to the patients. The transportation facilities have also improved for the same. Online facilities, 24/7 assistance, 365 days availability etc. these are also some of the additional feature which helps in improving the health care system in UK. The trap of health care setting is quiet good within the UK and the patients can get connected to nurses and health advisors through telephone. Thus in this way the department of health in England is highly attentive and they understand their responsibility towards improving the well being of local citizens.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

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The health care system of US is also flexible and focused towards the improvement in health standards of country people. As compare to UK in US the role of government is minimized with respect to handle the healthcare industry. In US the private companies operates as they have leverage to control the healthcare system (Leatherman and Sutherland, 2005).Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay The healthcare system in US is highly influenced through entrepreneurial structure and the government doesn’t take guarantee for providing the health facilities. However the health facilities are highly advanced and most importantly the technological advancement, infrastructural and medical facilities are quiet appreciable in US. Similar to UK in US also there are various departments which provide health facilities to the patients and the hierarchy of health professionals is also very wide (Lloyd, Braithwaite and Southon, 1999). The high level of privatization in US health care industry is the main reason behind the high level of expenditure in the per capita income. The apex healthcare body in US is department of health and human services that controls the activities of various sub agencies. The structure of US health care system is segregated into three main categories one is primary care, secondary care and third one is tertiary care. As compare to UK in US the health system has so many layer and complexities are also immense. The role of medical insurance is also very huge within the health care system of US. In UK the role of insurance agencies is not as good as compare to US insurance agencies (Elliott, Hatton and Emerson, 2003). Thus these are certain differences and similarities in the healthcare system of UK and US. In both the countries the health facilities are good. In one country (UK) the government led from front, on the contrary another country believes in privatization (US) so that the more concrete system could be developed.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

On the basis of above discussion it could be said that the role of government should be immense in managing the most basic need of local citizens. UK government understands their responsibilities and took all the initiative so that the objectives related to healthcare could be achieved properly. On the contrary the entrepreneurial system in US has increased the medical cost for the local people. However US government also has strict policies with respect to control the fraudulent activities and unfair pricing practices so that every category of people can get proper medical facilities. Overall the UK’s healthcare system is good and better as it provide access to each and every section of the society in reasonable expenditure.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

The health care system is one the key things that many governments prioritize on. In fact, the health system has been used as a campaign tool by many political aspirants. Most of the developing countries boast of better health care systems that serve their citizens well. The United Kingdom is ranked first in terms of the health care system. The United States has quite a good system too but is ranked number ten in the world. The United States is however known for expensive services. Its Physicians are the highest paid in the world. The question that many people ask themselves, however, is why their services do not match the amount of money that is paid for health care services in the United States. To compare the health care systems in the two countries, we will look at a few factors and compare them to understand how the systems work and maybe get a picture of which of the two countries has a superior health system.

Quality of Health Care
The quality of health care is distributed among four key sectors of health. They include coordinated, efficient, safe and patient-centered care. In terms of all these the US has a better scale than the United Kingdom. The system in the US is better organized so that physicians are able to identify, treat, monitor and coordinate health care services. This puts at a notch the quality of care given especially to patients with chronic diseases.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

The health care system in the United Kingdom is free at the point of need. This means that any person who is registered under the NHS scheme can access health care services at any time. Some persons in the United States have to go without essential health care services because of the high cost of the service.

The United States trails the UK in the effectiveness of the services given. The United States is said to have very many medical testing some of which are repetitive. They are also believed to miss used the emergency rooms. Some cases do not need to be treated in emergency rooms. These two may be viewed as precautionary or strict measures, but they reduce the efficiency of the system.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

With the above factors, you can clearly tell that the United Kingdom has a better and more efficient health care system. One of the key things that many countries try to imitate from the UK is having a system that allows patients to be treated at n cost at the time of ne

The United Kingdom is a well-developed country with a stable economy. It has significant political, cultural, military and scientific influence on all Europe. Its healthcare system is one of the best in Europe. The aim of this paper is to show all sides of the UK healthcare system, its advantages and disadvantages.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

The United Kingdom provides public health treatment to all people who need it, even for permanent residents and it is approximately 58 million people. General taxation covers health care needs and they are free if it is promptly. About18 percent of citizen’s income tax the authorities give to the health care. The expenditure on health care in the UK is about 8.4 percent of the GDP. The private health care sector is smaller than public but it develops rapidly (Chang, Peysakhovich, Wang & Zhu, n.d.).Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

Background of the UK Healthcare System

The National Health Service (NHS) was established in 1946. It is liable for the public health care sector of the United Kingdom. Before 1946, medical care was accessible only to affluent people. Some people could get free medical care through charity or hospitals. In 1911, David Lloyd George introduced the National Insurance Act in which some sums of money were assigned from the people’s wages and it gave them right to free treatment. It was like modern insurance in many countries. Nevertheless, this system gave health treatment only for people who had official job. After the Second World War, all attempts were undertaken to launch a public medical care system that would be free. All the services were free. The money for it was taken from central taxation. Everyone could get qualified and free medical care. During the 1960-1965 was established tripartite system. The healthcare system was split into three branches: the hospital services, the primary care and the Community Services. Of course, such splitting led to many problems but local authorities provided reforms and reorganization of these branches that allowed assisting all three areas of care. Under the Thatcher’s rule, the management system was restructured. In 1990, the Community Care Act and the National Health Service were passed and it allowed setting up self-governing Trusts that controlled hospital care. During the Blair government, other reforms were held. These reforms had the goal to improve health care standards and make lower costs for treatments (Chang, Peysakhovich, Wang & Zhu, n.d.).Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

A few years ago, many changes were made in the NSH. Due to this the NHS will be rebuilt the current government management structure by 2014. The doctors will receive around 80 percent of the NHS budget and they will spend this money to the urgent needs. The aim of these reforms is to support the continuing privatization of the health care industry. It will give more alternatives to the patients. Therefore, these reforms will help to make lower costs and patient waiting times.

Medical treatment in the UK is given to all people who have the legal right to live there. In addition, health care can get citizens from other places with mutual covenants from the NHS and for the residents of the EEC (European Economic Community). The first aid is provided without any payments. It can be prophylactic, rehabilitation and physician services and psychic health care. However, there are some cost apportionment requirements for dental treatment. Children, people with physical defects or with low-income and pregnant women are often free from these payments. In 2005 about 12 percent of total outlays that were given on health care were formed from the out-of-pocket payments.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

The large majority of the UK citizens have confident in the NHS for health care. However, some people prefer to buy the additional private insurance policy. The statistics shows that in 2001 only about 11.5 percent of citizens bought the additional private insurance policy. In 1980s, the number of people who bought the additional private insurance policy increased because of big variety of doctors, better medical treatment, and lower cost of medical care and less waiting lists (“International health system, n.d.).Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay


Development and progresses

In 1990s, the UK government made the most important changes in the NHS. The government created the internal market. Doctors had to be the part of the internal market (later, the NHS) and it gave them the possibility to contend for patients. These markets were independent. All the markets were managed individually. In addition, they contended with each other. There were nearly 57 trusts and in the 90s, all medical care in the United Kingdom was provided through these trusts. In 1998 was founded the NHS Plan and it helped to modernize the NHS. NHS Plan gives to citizens more power and information, more beds and nurses, more doctors and shorter waiting lists. For old people the NHS Plan gives improved health care. The standards of health care are very high.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

UK Healthcare system

The UK has a healthcare system that is sponsored by the government. This system is the NHS. The NHS consists of many healthcare systems. Public funds give the main amount to them. The UK’s NHS included NHS Scotland, NHS Whales, NHS England, Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland. All citizens are allowed to use this system but also they are allowed to choose and buy private health insurance. Different reforms which were made led to such fact that the UK’s medical system is very efficient and one of the best in the world. The surveys that were conducted by seven industrialized countries confirmed this fact. The NHS Plan is a good example of this. The NHS Plan offers the patients more information, the bigger choice of nurses and doctors. In addition, NHS Plan can offer the patients improved medical care for older people. The Commonwealth Fund report distinguishes five fields of fulfillment. They are quality, efficiency, access to treatment, impartiality and healthy lives.Very close to the UK and Australia is the Netherlands. The UK ranked highly in quality of treatment and access to treatment. In addition, the UK ranked high in efficiency. This fact can be improved by the examining the sums which are spent on the health care, on its management and insurance. In the report, In the UK is one of the shortest waiting times for basic medical care and to the services after hours. However, for specialist’s care and surgery which is not in emergence take longer waiting times.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

How is the health system financed?

The UK’s healthcare system covers services, cost-sharing and safety nets. Healthcare services are very various. They are included dental care, outpatient reception hours and hospitalization (including drugs for these types of care), prophylactic care, therapists’ help and rehabilitation. For public cover services the UK’s healthcare system applied cost-sharing. Such arrangements help to spend less money to the medical care. According to these agreements dental treatment costs about $200 per year instead of $400. In addition, drugs prescriptions take from the charges. However, sometimes patients have to pay additional payments for such services. Additional payments in 2005 accounted about 11,9 percent of the entire expense on health. Safety nets preserve the special groups of patients from additional payments for drugs prescriptions and dental treatment. Such groups consist of people aged over 60, children under 16, people whose income is low, women who are pregnant or had the child in the last year and people who are disabled. The public purse gives the most costs for these people.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

The government reached such good results in the UK’s healthcare system because of good financing. As were mentioned the UK’s healthcare system divides into the NHS and private health insurance. In its turn, the financing of these two systems is also different. The total medical consumption of NHS accounts about 86 percent. Mainly, the NHS is funded by national insurance contributions (about 19 percent). In addition, general taxation, which is about 76 percent and consumer charges, which is about 5 percent form the NHS’s budget. Different fees and charges make some income too. In addition, additional payments, such as dental treatment and drugs prescriptions, give not small amounts. Some money the NHS gets from the private patients who use NHS services.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

Private health insurance is the second part of the UK’s healthcare system. Of course, it is not so popular as NHS but some people prefer the private health insurance to NHS. A combination of commercial and non-commercial assurers provides additional health insurance, which is called private. For the private health insurance people pay money additionally, out of their pockets. Some patients do this because insurance gives many benefits to them. They have a big choice of doctors, hospitals offer short lines for surgery and higher level of services. They can get their treatment in the private sector. That is more comfortable than the NHS. The private health insurance chooses about 12 percent of the population. The private insurance accounted for 1 percent of total health consumption in 2004. Treatment in the private sector takes extra payments. These services are not included in the NHS. Such payments form about 90 percent of total private consumption on health.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

How is the delivery system organized?

The delivery system in the UK in different places is organized in its own way. It consists of physicians, hospitals, government and private insurance funds. Physicians (general practitioners, GPs) are the first who contact with patients. GPs is a straight enter to secondary medical services. In the UK exists primary care trusts (PCTs). Primary care trusts (PCTs) directly settle payments using a mixture of procedures: salary, capitation grant and payment for service. The contract, which was made in 2004 for GP, instituted a range of different local contracting probabilities. One of the great possibilities was providing financial motives, which led to achievement of clinical targets. Private suppliers of GP set their prices and payment for services.

NHS trusts unite all hospitals in the United Kingdom. The Department of Health manages all hospitals. A few years ago, foundation trusts became self-governing public trusts.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

Of course, government takes a particular place in the UK’s healthcare system. The NHS Executive and the Department of Health control the NHS. For good work of the UK’s healthcare system delegates of medical care services (PCTs) and providers (hospital trusts, GPs) established many agreements. PCTs manage about 85 percent of the NHS budget. PCTs were liable for the supply of community services for the local populations. A few years ago, the government elaborated policy, which allowed patients to choose the hospitals. In addition, the government introduced the indemnification of hospitals using the special system. This system is known as Payment by Results (PbR). Payment by Results connects payment to the quantity and combination of services that were given. Private insurance funds supply their patients and subscribers with medical care at NHS and private hospitals. It is very convenient because patients extensively can choose from a great number of medical care suppliers.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

What is being done to ensure quality of care?

Quality of medical treatment is very important in the UK. In 2007 a Department of Health had to improve the quality of health and social treatment services. The medical care considers qualitative only if the quality issues are addressed in the line of ways including: regulatory bodies, targets, National Service Frameworks (NSFs), benchmarking and improvement. Regulatory bodies, public and private suppliers provide an access the quality of health services. It means that all providers have to appraise health services and give their appraisal to the regulatory bodies. For regulation in England are responsible three bodies: the Healthcare Commission, the Commission for Social Care Inspection and Mental Act Healthcare Commission. The government sets the targets to the regulatory bodies and to the Department of Health to monitor the quality of the health care in the UK. In 1998 the Department of Health has developed a set of National Service Frameworks (NSFs) for improving some areas, for example, cancer, diabetes, mental health or coronary. Recently the Department of Health created Quality and Outcome Framework. This framework was made for appraising the quality of GPs. For improving efficiency the government set high-level efficiency targets. In March 2008 the government was adopted Gershon efficiency Program. This program allows to obtain cost-effective transactions and increase the efficiency of social care provisions. NHS organizations improve the efficiency with the help of benchmarking. They are against the length of stay for common operative procedures and day case rates. The Department of Health supports the development of the Institute for Innovation and Improvement. This institute helps the NHS to deal with the introduction of new technologies and changes. In addition, they spread this information throughout the NHS (Boyle, 2008).Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

In such huge system, the government must control costs. For this purpose, the government made the budget for the NHS. This budget set on a three-year cycle. For controlling utilization, the government made another budget for PCTs. Every year for better work, NHS trusts and PCTs reach a financial balance.


The Department of Health must improve the health condition of citizens. That is why the government elaborated different programs: for urban and rural population. The programs for the urban population are expected the creating of organizations such as Primary Care Trusts, Strategic Health Authorities, which can help to improve the health condition of people in towns. The primary Care Trust is very useful because it is the first source of information about all medical centers etc. It cooperates with a wide range of partner agencies, commission hospitals and community services. It allows to develop good community care services. Strategic Health Authorities have to integrate national priorities into local plans and strategies.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

There are different programs for the rural population. In the countrysides the government forms such organizations as the Countryside Agency and the Institute of Rural Health. The agencies were formed for making life better for urban population and improve the quality of the health care system in the countrysides. In 1997 the government founded the Institute of Rural Health. The main goal of this institute to inform, develop and promote health and wellbeing of rural people.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

Challenges for the primary care

There are many challenges for the UK’s government. The UK’s healthcare system is a big machine, which must be controlled and organized. The care suppliers will be a leading part, which can set the budget based on community needs. Today nobody can imagine that PCGs will resolve all fiscal and quality problems by this budget process. However, the physicians and nurses are reliable for the program and maybe the outcome will be unexpected. This program will be more suitable for community and it will satisfy all needs of the patients.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

Disadvantages and Shortcomings of the Current System

Of course, the UK’s healthcare system has some disadvantages. The active role of the government in health care makes weaker the functionality of market mechanisms. In addition, the government set up a tight control to medical expenses. As the result of this is a lack of equipment, doctors and nurses in public hospitals. The public makes vast using of medical services, which are free of charge. This is one of the causes of long lines in the public hospitals.Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

Compare and contrast healthcare in the United States and United Kingdom
In the contemporary world, America is one of the greatest countries. From the polio vaccine to Coca Cola, United States is mother to many inventions. As Americans, we enjoy higher quality living standards than most other parts of the world. This pleasure-oriented lifestyle makes a lot of other nations envious of us. And with the envy comes antipathy. For the time it has existed, the American healthcare system has been a subject of scrutiny and debate.
The United States health care system ranks 37th in the world. Statistically, it’s bizarre how United States is amongst one of the most advanced nations in the world and the fact that it spends more on its healthcare Healthcare In The United Kingdom & US Essay

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