How to Write a Motivational Speech

Giving a speech can help you build confidence, use a challenge to build an opportunity, and help people see things differently. Knowing how to write a motivational speech will help you create an inspiring and effective piece that persuades your audience to make a positive change in life. In this blog, you will learn how to write a persuasive speech and get some unique topics for inspirational speeches that you may consider.

What is a motivational speech?

A motivational speech is a public speech that aims to inspire the audience to resolve their lives. It’s written with a clear purpose for a particular audience and wraps up with a call to action. When done effectively, the speech can encourage individuals to change and improve their lives.

The goals of a motivational speech include providing a new perspective, motivating individuals to act for a cause, enhancing personal development, improving performance, developing confidence, and reducing anxiety.

How to write a motivational speech?

The following are steps for writing a motivational speech that will persuade your reader to change their ways;

  1. Establish the purpose

The purpose of your speech influences what you will write throughout the paper. You should select your theme and write a speech reflecting on it throughout the piece.

  1. Know the audience

It’s essential to know your audiences and their demographics, such as education level and age. When you keep your audience in mind, you will build a strong connection emphasizing your purpose.

  1. Start with a hook

Once you have decided on the theme, you can start writing a rough draft. The introduction paragraph is the first element. When writing an introduction, begin with a hook statement that engages the audience to listen to you. Below are strategies you can use to write a hook statement;

  • Asking a question

You can start your sentence with a rhetorical question that allows your audience to brainstorm your topic.

  • Using facts or statistics

You can introduce your topic with a statistic or fact.

  • Using anecdote

An anecdote is a short story about you that relates to the topic. It helps explain the topic before going into details about the speech.

  • Using “imagine”

Using the word “imagine” can motivate your audience to use their imagination to develop an image of something.

  • Using “what if”

The phrase “what if” accompanies your audience in your thought process.

  1. Include narratives

After the introduction, write a personal narrative to allow your audience to connect with you more personally. It also empowers you to introduce your topic further and make the audience more interested in how your narrative relates to the speech.

  1. Write a call to action

After writing the narrative, end the speech with a call to action that requests the audience to improve. Leave your audience with strong words that will persuade them to change.

  1. Conclude the speech

In the conclusion section, you can reinstate the purpose of your speech and help them make a positive change in their lives. To make a closing remark, you can ask a question, use a summary, or make them laugh.

  1. Edit your speech

Once done writing, review it and make changes to ensure it’s flawless. Finally, rehearse the speech to determine the speed and proper intonation to use while presenting,

Motivational speech topics ideas

Selecting inspirational persuasive speech topics is the first step while writing a motivational speech. Your topic should be interesting to motivate you while writing.

Motivation speech topics for students

  1. Benefits of medication to your life
  2. Studying beyond professional attainment
  3. How dreams and aspirations motivate you
  4. How to develop positive thinking and patience
  5. Benefits of Resilience in college life
  6. How to use the internet to better your knowledge?
  7. How to develop self-motivation in school
  8. What to learn from Steve Jobs’s experience?
  9. How utilizing community services shape a better future
  10. How to develop your life’s principles?

Motivational persuasive speech topics

  1. Older people should enjoy free services
  2. Employees should earn bonuses
  3. Customers should tip servers regularly
  4. All drivers were once pedestrians
  5. Interns should receive a stipend
  6. Schools should expel all bullies
  7. Should students be allowed to have mobile phones in schools?
  8. How to mend and deepen a broken relationship
  9. The first impression is always right
  10. Effects of refined sugar
  11. Should all countries use the same currency
  12. People should calculate the hours they sleep
  13. Should beauty pageants for children b banned?

Motivational topics for the presentation

  1. Benefits of working smart in life
  2. Standard features of a successful start-up
  3. How to turn your dreams into reality?
  4. Building self-esteem in school and at home
  5. Overcoming the temptations of missing classes
  6. Role of Prayers in student life
  7. Benefits of being positively minded in class
  8. Overcoming peer pressure
  9. How to overcome your negative thoughts?
  10. Discovering your potential
  11. Improving your weaknesses through personal reflection

Business motivation speech topics

  1. How is teamwork essential in emerging business
  2. How to recover from failure
  3. How the integration of cryptocurrency can change the world?
  4. What is the role of corporate responsibility in humanizing the face of business?
  5. Dealing with difficult people in business
  6. Importance of supporting local business
  7. How to ensure productivity and happiness go hand-in-hand
  8. How to ensure you have a successful start-up
  9. Setting realistic goals
  10. How to balance between social life and extracurricular activities
  11. How to focus at work?
  12. Applying call-to-action in business
  13. Building a solid company image to make your business recognizable
  14. How does blockchain technology impact businesses globally?

Inspirational speech topics on parenting and family

  1. How to build open communication with children?
  2. How to transition from traditional families to a contemporary lifestyle?
  3. Importance of family game nights
  4. How to parent with love and leadership
  5. Being a role model to your children in a professional setting
  6. How to handle a child’s report card lightly?
  7. Should parents let children do things on their own?
  8. Observation and patience are essential parenting tools
  9. Being a role model to your kids in a personal setting
  10. A nuclear family: advantages and Disadvantages
  11. How letting kids play outside builds their creativity
  12. Parents should start reading to their children earlier

Medical motivational speech topics

  1. Should children learn sex education in schools?
  2. How does balancing social life enhance academic excellence?
  3. How to deal with psychological stress in the medical setting?
  4. How to treat depression using psychedelic substances?
  5. How to motivate medical personnel
  6. Can legalizing euthanasia decrease suicide rates?
  7. Do you think people living in bid cities die sooner?
  8. How important is reassessing supportive teams in nursing jobs
  9. Extroverts are suitable for nursing jobs due to social interaction opportunities
  10. Steroids should be prohibited from being used in any animal feed

Self-improvement motivational speech topics

  1. Should you live for your resume or your eulogy?
  2. Effectiveness of energy therapist
  3. Importance of motivating employees and how to improve it
  4. How to give equal importance to daily goals
  5. How to keep an open mind and learn adaptability in an evolving world?
  6. How to deal with work-life balance

Science and technology topics for a motivational speech

  1. Controlling fake news on the Internet
  2. How does utilizing nuclear fusion affect civilization?
  3. Electric cars in making the air breathable
  4. Role of computer hackers in the Community
  5. How to incorporate nature in city planning?
  6. How can cities promote an environmentally-friendly lifestyle?
  7. What is the role of technology in going green in the future?
  8. Drones are technology breakthrough in package delivery

Education topics for a motivational speech

  1. How is the school curriculum a unifying force?
  2. Implementation of free education in the country
  3. Potential benefits associated with the implementation of school without homework plan
  4. Compare your country’s education system with the international education system
  5. Possibilities of attaining professional success without education
  6. Effects of violent video games on Education
  7. Advantages of working or studying in a multicultural environment
  8. Benefits of high-quality education

Inspirational speech topics on the environment

  1. Advantages of planting trees
  2. How to curb bush fires occurrences
  3. How to reduce global warming
  4. How does the media promote environmental awareness?
  5. Effects of shopping habits on the Environment
  6. Benefits of recycling waste
  7. Role of the Environment on patient recovery
  8. Why should we protect water catchment areas?
  9. Motivation stories on environmental champions

Motivational speech topics on sports

  1. Why should the government invest more in sports?
  2. Reasons why cockfighting should be made an international sport
  3. World Cup should be completed yearly
  4. Why should drug tests be done on all sportsmen and women
  5. Children should not be limited to the kind of sport to take part
  6. Men and women should have a different play grade
  7. College athletes should be paid for participating in games

Bottom line

A motivational speech inspires the audience to make positive changes in their lives. Your speech should provide a new perspective, enhance personal development, reduce anxiety, improve performance, and develop confidence. Before you write your piece, you should select an interesting topic and keep your audience in mind. Use inspirational speech topics in this blog to write a persuasive motivational speech.

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