How to write a nursing paper: Full guide 2023

Writing an outstanding nursing paper is such a way of guaranteeing a high grade on the final exam. Unfortunately, for most people, writing doesn’t quite come easily, and neither does the capability to put down solid information in a meaningful manner. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry; in this post, you will discover how to write a nursing paper, with detailed instructions for each paragraph and other helpful advice. How to write a nursing paper: Full guide 2023:

Students will be expected to complete a nursing paper towards completing their nursing course or in the middle of it. This will challenge them to undertake research in various areas and enhance their practical knowledge. Let’s help you get started.

What is a nursing paper?

A nursing paper is a written assignment that is required to read for anyone pursuing a course closely related to nursing. Typically, either the student or the lecturer selects the research topic. Nonetheless, it will fit into one of the following categories for essays:

  • Analytical
  • Expository
  • Argumentative
  1. Analytical

In this section, you should outline an already-researched nursing-related study and discuss how the researcher achieved their conclusion. Afterward, you should elaborate on the exact basis for your acceptance or disapproval of their conclusions.

  1. Expository

Throughout your research paper, you should cover any important nursing-related topic in-depth and provide relevant evidence to support your claims.

  1. Argumentative

The topic should be controversial, which you can support and refute with arguments. Eventually, pick a side that fits your stance and convince the reader it is correct.

Structure of nursing papers

Are you wondering what format nursing papers use? Here is a general structure for a nursing paper. It is important to remember that each section should begin on a new page:

  1. Title page

The title page, the first page of your nursing paper, is often called the cover page. To create an excellent first impression, ensure it is written in the appropriate format, such as APA or MLA.

A decent title page should include the following information:

  • The title of the research,
  • Your name,
  • The university codes
  • The name of the university
  • The name of the professor, and
  • The date of submission
  1. Overview

An overview should be a brief and clear summary of your nursing paper. You can present it as a single item of effort or as a brief description of each section. Ensure that this section properly states the topic, aim, results, and conclusion of your paper.

  1. Introduction

Your introduction, 10% of your total words, should focus on your thesis, including the rationale behind your topic selection and the issues it will address. This section should provide a thorough but interesting assessment of what you undertook during the research process.

Desist from using any references or quotations as they indicate that you do not fully understand the topic. And instead, you are only using someone else’s concept verbatim.

  1. Literature review

A literature review part allows your instructor to evaluate the extent of your research and understanding abilities.

Here, you should discuss and cite academic works by other authors that directly influence the topic you’ve chosen. If you disagree with their claims, you can either highlight the shortcomings in their research and suggest what they should have done in their position, or you can comment on how they approach the subject and why.

Whatever your argument, be careful to back it with indisputable evidence because it can either improve or destroy your entire research paper.

  1. Research techniques

As the name implies, your research methodology summarizes the techniques you employ to conduct your research. This section should include the following elements:

  • Methodology
  • How you took ethical measures involving human subjects
  • Exploratory research issues
  • Sample selection methods, such as qualitative or quantitative methods
  • Research methods

There are three different categories of information sources:

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary, and
  3. Tertiary
  • Primary sources

This includes; Court documents, peer-reviewed publications, surveys, etc.

  • Secondary sources

These were created using primary sources, such as magazine articles, book extracts, etc.

  • Tertiary sources

These are a mixture of primary and secondary sources, including databases and indexes.

Clearly describe the types of sources that were used in your research technique section.

  1. Findings and discussions

This part includes an overview of all your conclusions from your analysis. Ensure that your analysis has enough information for your audience to follow your point of view. Feel free to display your results as a graph or table to give the lecturer a broader viewpoint.

  1. Final thoughts and remarks

A summary of the entire research work should be provided in the conclusion. Avoid directly paraphrasing the material you presented in the body by making your summary sufficiently comprehensive so that it can be understood by reading it alone.

  1. References

There are numerous ways to format references, therefore, it’s essential to determine your tutor’s preference before writing any. An appropriate reference should include the author’s name, publisher, publication date, academic title, and page number.

You may use the name of the author if the name isn’t provided.

How to Write a nursing research paper

Research is essential to nursing in the healthcare industry since it constantly develops the profession and enhances patient care. So, how do you write a professional nursing paper? Here is a step-by-step procedure for writing a nursing research paper:

  1. Follow the recommended standards

A rubric is a list of guidelines you should adhere to when you write your research paper. In most cases, it will include details like the due date, word count limit, subject length, recommended research sources, and so on.

If you fail to meet even one standard requirement, your professor will presume that you cannot follow simple guidelines. The professor will mark your paper unfairly and deduct points for the above error, in addition to costing you points.

  1. Choose a theme that interests you

If your professor has given you the option to select a topic of your choosing, pick one that interests you. This way, you’ll be able to provide detailed information on it.

The relevance of your topic to the specialty area is just as important as your interest in the chosen topic. Select a topic that has been researched before. If you don’t have an idea, here are some of the best examples of nursing paper topics:

  • The problem of racism in the healthcare system
  • An analysis of the effectiveness and precision of using machine learning to identify dementia in older persons
  • Investigating the impact of telephone support during postnatal therapy
  • Misconceptions Among Nurses About Evidence-Based Approaches
  • Functions of professional nursing
  • EBP Skill
  • Choosing between a career and helping others
  • Managing critical care nurses
  • Why Quantitative Studies Never Provide Enough Guidance for EBP
  • Bias toward women in the field of nursing
  • Analyze the efficacy of meditation therapy for those with impaired cognitive development
  • Recommendations for the basic care of disaster victims
  • Sleep disorders in women
  • Nursing care strategies for sensory system changes and limitations in elderly people
  • Nursing EBP Innovations
  • Works by nursing theorists
  • Making a medical practice a reality
  • Morality and the Fight Against Homelessness
  • The role of a health promotion specialist in social work
  • Instructional guidelines for the fundamentals of gynecology
  • Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Approaches
  • Administration and EBP
  • Mom-child Bonding and Connection in the parenting experiences of Women
  • Limitations of healthcare contracts
  • Nursing specialists
  • Standard protocol for treating headaches in adults.
  • HHV6 immunology, pathogenesis, and treatment
  • Suggestions in Primary Care Based on Evidence
  • The advancement of nursing in the 20th and 21st centuries.
  • Sampling and Quantitative Studies
  • Nursing Research Methods of Choice: Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed
  • Challenges for New Nurses About EBP
  • Analysis of past and present eating disorder treatments
  1. Take notes

Consider making brief and concise notes while you do your research so that your thoughts flow naturally when you write. This process significantly decreases your likelihood of forgetting anything and of using irrelevant information. Review some expertly written nursing paper samples online to learn more.

  1. Prepare your thesis statement in advance

The main discussion of your paper and the topic you will be discussing are basically stated in your thesis. Determining the aim of your thesis is crucial since, without one; it will be quite simple for you to divert off-topic.

  1. Maintain the structure

Your essay should be structured so the reader enjoys it and your arguments flow naturally. Every sentence in a paragraph should make a separate claim supported by facts. You must arrange your entire paper following the chosen structure, which some professors may have specified in the guidelines.

  1. Edit and proofread

Even though this advice should be simple, many people disregard it because they believe their grammar is up to standard. After finalizing your research paper, revise it to correct any grammar mistakes, illogical sentence structures, and unnecessary information.

Remember, how you prepare yourself before writing a nursing paper determines the reaction of the reader and how conveniently it can be read. You can check some online nursing papers or ask for expert guidance to write nursing papers at We have professionals who help students achieve their academic careers.

Nursing paper topics

Below is a list of possible nursing topics by subject:

  1. Childhood nursing
  • Childhood diabetes genetic risk factors
  • What can be done to enhance child care in hospitals?
  • How well do pediatric malnutrition treatments work?
  • How to prevent birth injuries to babies
  • Has the care of newborns changed in the previous 50 years?
  • The connection between childhood health and later life health
  • Identifying and treating respiratory infections in children
  • Environmental pollution exposure throughout childhood and its effects
  • Influence of Antibiotics on childhood immunizations
  • How to handle the mental health problems that children with physical ailments may experience
  • How has the management of pediatric cancer changed?
  • Ethics in child healthcare
  • Effects of Exposure to secondhand smoke in Adolescence
  • What can be done to stop child malnutrition?
  1. Adult nursing
  • Comparing the impact of culture on nursing in various nations
  • Review of the dental and oral health situation in a given area
  • Analysis of eating problem treatments historically and currently
  • Analyzing the root causes of depression
  • Considering how much it costs to provide health care
  • Comparing the dietary differences
  • Bipolar disorder therapy without drugs
  • Guidelines for nurses to follow to prevent the transmission and acquisition of infectious diseases
  • An examination of the advantages of collaborative nursing
  • Advancements in nursing at a specific period
  • Comparing how men and women are treated for cardiovascular problems
  • Good nursing coping mechanisms
  1. Midwifery Nursing
  • An examination of common infant and neonatal feeding issues
  • An examination of changes in midwifery practice
  • Analysis of midwifery collaboration
  • The background of midwifery in minority groups
  • Handling the difficulties, parents endure with difficult births
  • Practices of Midwives in rural areas
  • Emergency care role of Midwives
  • Examination of remedies for postpartum depression
  • Review of the caseload and level of care for underrepresented groups
  • Case studies of satisfying experiences following childbirth
  • Treatment of mental illnesses without drugs during postpartum care
  • Treatment of labor discomfort without drugs
  • Risk Assessment for older mothers
  • Treatment of mental illnesses without drugs when pregnant
  • Case studies of successful births
  • Study of Spirituality in Medicine

Final word

Nursing papers are an essential component of nursing education and practice. These allow nurses to showcase their expertise, critical thinking, and writing abilities. Writing a nursing paper requires rigorous preparation, research, and organization. As nursing evolves, nursing papers continue to be an important means of advancing the profession. They offer a channel for nurses to exchange knowledge and suggestions that could enhance patient care and health outcomes. As a result, nursing students must seek professional guidance at on how to write nursing papers and take advantage of our experts’ individualized advice.

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