How to write nursing essays

An essay is a piece of writing that is either meant to educate, inform, convince and persuade the reader towards the topic presented. As a nursing students writing an essay is a daily occurrence. As student you will be required to write an essay right from the time of application to normal continuous assessments.

Writing an essay should be fun and enjoyable. However, this is not the case to some students due to varying reasons peculiar to every student. That is the more reason we are here to shed light on how to write nursing essays.

What is nursing essay?

A nursing essay is a write up by either practicing nurses or student nurses on a medical topic for the purposes of reporting, communication informing or education the public. For the practicing nurses the essay is more for communication purposes while for students could be for research among others.

An Essay has three major parts that it:

  1. The introduction

This is the road map to the content of the essay. It has to be catchy and the possibility of hooking the rider to the essay.

  1. The body

The body has three parts. The introduction, the body and the conclusion.

  1. The conclusion

This should give the summary of the introduction and the body. The conclusion should also affirm the topic.

Nursing essay introduction

An essay introduction is the first impression of the paper. The introduction sets the tone to the reader. Above all it give the reader a hint of the content to be discussed in the essay. The introduction must be engaging and captivating to the reader.

It should be provocative in nature or interesting to make the reader more excited about the content. There are a number of items that must be considered when writing a thought provoking introduction.

  1. The introduction must have a hook.

Like the analogy of a hook to catch a fish so is the introduction hook to grab the attention of the reader.

  1. A quick background

This will give the reader a quick nugget on the background that informs the essay.

  1. The title statement

This should be able to show more about the topic of discussion in the essay.

How a hook should look like

The hook is the focal point of an introduction of an essay. The introduction should be an attention grabber. A hook should be creative. It could contain an analogy. A parable should be thrown here and there. It is important to note that it is not prudent to expose too much. The introduction should be precise.

What is the role of a nurse essay?

Nurse’s essays’ are useful in all aspects. Nurses both practicing and students use essays for a number of reasons.

  1. Communication

The essays are used for communication between nurses and the doctors. The content of an essay can be used for passing information within the health department.

  1. Reporting

An essay can be used as a tool for reporting findings or research details.


How to write a reflective essay in nursing

Reflective essay is based on the past feelings, experiences or personal views. This paper is important because it helps the student learn new skills and have enough time to think. Before settling to write a reflective essay bellow should be in placed:

  1. Thorough research

A thorough research must be done on the idea that is to be explored and reflected upon. This will help stick to the main story and avoid unnecessary repetition.

These details can be obtained from libraries, saved items on the Google storage or cloud storage, newsletters, or journals.

  1. Have a draft

Write a draft of all the ideas that you have. At this point you don’t need to worry about the arrangement. Have all your ideas drafted in the major three parts of an essay that is the introduction, the body and the conclusion.

  1. Write your final paper and proof read

Proofreading helps in removing all the unnecessary grammar mistakes. This can be achieved by reading the script loud to your friends or your family.

The major elements of a reflective essay

  1. The introduction

The introductions the road map to the essay. It gives the reader an idea of the content of the essay. The introduction of an essay is very crucial. Apart from introducing the topic statement it determines if the reader will proceed or dump your essay.

  1. The body

The body is the major part of the essay. This is a reflective essay and its contents are the past experiences. These details should be described in the body. This part should contain all the important details. There should also be some hint on your future plans.

  1. Conclusion

This section seeks to affirm and summarize all the content discussed in both the introduction and the body.

Nursing essay topics

  1. Discuss nursing and the in cooperation of the new technology
  2. Discuss tele health in nursing
  3. Explain the continuation of education while practicing
  4. Explain the relationship between nursing and spirituality
  5. Describe the difference between the treatment today and 100 years ago
  6. Explain the relationship between religion and nursing
  7. Importance of having nurses registered
  8. Describe the importance of hygiene education
  9. Spread of HIV AIDs : Discuss
  10. Discuss simulation in nursing
  11. Explain the cultural resistance to vaccination
  12. Implementation of NANDA diagnosis system
  13. Nurses and violence at work
  14. Discuss the use of Nightingales’ pledge in nursing
  15. Family planning education to the community
  16. Community education program on communicable diseases
  17. Human resource management in the heal department
  18. Discuss the barriers in the nursing practice
  19. What is the importance of nurses and fitness
  20. How nurses deal with stress
  21. Effects of nurses on environmental health
  22. Study evolving practices in the communities
  23. Are nurses to be advocates
  24. Nursing and ethics
  25. How nurses are affected by compassion fatigue
  26. Visibility of doctors as opposed to nurses
  27. Why do nurses get more fatigued than doctors
  28. Do nurses abuse their power?
  29. Gender equality in nurses
  30. Is there a major difference between nurses and the doctors
  31. Who is more respected between the nurses and the doctors
  32. Pay difference between the nurses and the doctors
  33. 21st century child care procedures
  34. Child mortality rate in the rural areas
  35. Eczema and skin issues in babies
  36. Alzheimer treatment in adults

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