Human Growth and Development Essay Paper

Human Growth and Development Essay Paper

Explain the positive and negative aspects of the living arrangements for the elderly listed below. Be sure to thoroughly evaluate each option.
Living in own home

Living with their children

Assisted living facility

Nursing home with intermediate care

Nursing home with skilled nursing care and make recommendations for healthy and disabled elderly

Human Growth and Development

Explain the positive and negative aspects of the living arrangements for the elderly listed below.

Living in own home

Positive aspects

  • Remaining in familiar surroundings.
  • Independence and privacy (Pilotto & Martin, 2018).

Negative aspects

  • Strain if professional care and specialist equipment is required.
  • Creating an accommodating space could be a challenge, such as remodelling for wheelchair mobility in the house.
  • Need to do home chores and maintenance.
  • Insufficient medical care (Pilotto & Martin, 2018).

Living with their children

Positive aspects

  • Enjoying more family time through interactions with family members thereby alleviating loneliness.
  • Eases financial worry as it is less expensive when compared to other alternatives such as assisted living facilities and retirement communities.
  • Care is administered by a loved one (family member) or trusted professional under supervision (Pilotto & Martin, 2018).


Negative aspects

  • Increased responsibilities for children.
  • Strain if professional care is required that children cannot provide.
  • Loss of privacy and independence.
  • Creating an accommodating space could be a challenge, such as remodelling for wheelchair mobility in the house.
  • Insufficient medical care (Pilotto & Martin, 2018).  Human Growth and Development Essay Paper

Assisted living facility

Positive aspects

  • Structured environment with regularly scheduled activities such as meals sleep.
  • Maintains feelings of independence.
  • Opportunities for socialization.
  • Assistance with day to day activities.
  • Costs less when compared to nursing home.
  • No need for home chores or maintenance.
  • Placing fewer demands on individual and family (Pilotto & Martin, 2018).

Negative aspects

  • Insufficient medical care.
  • Limits privacy.
  • Group setting that could be challenging for the individual (Pilotto & Martin, 2018).

Nursing home with intermediate care

Positive aspects

  • Structured environment with regularly scheduled activities such as meals sleep.
  • Placing fewer demands on individual and family.
  • Provide social activities and a sense of community.
  • Staffed with nutritionists and dieticians who ensure proper nutrition for optimal health (Mattu, Grossman & Carpenter, 2016).

Negative aspects

  • Insufficient medical care.
  • Sparse and can be located away from loved ones.
  • Can increase sense of loneliness and isolation as it is away from family.
  • They are expensive (Mattu, Grossman & Carpenter, 2016).

Nursing home with skilled nursing care

Positive aspects

  • Structured environment with regularly scheduled activities such as meals sleep.
  • Placing fewer demands on individual and family.
  • Provide social activities and a sense of community.
  • Staffed with nutritionists and dieticians who ensure proper nutrition for optimal health.
  • Staffed with trained personnel to provide expert medical attention and round the clock care (Mattu, Grossman & Carpenter, 2016).

Negative aspects

  • Sparse and can be located away from loved ones.
  • Can increase sense of loneliness and isolation as it is away from family.
  • They are expensive (Mattu, Grossman & Carpenter, 2016).

Recommendations for healthy and disabled elderly

For health elderly persons, living in own home, living with children and living in assisted living facility offer good options as they do not require much medical attention. However, disabled elderly persons should be in nursing homes as they may require much medical care that is best provided in a nursing home (Mattu, Grossman & Carpenter, 2016).


Mattu, A., Grossman, S. & Carpenter, C. (2016). Geriatric emergencies: a discussion-based review. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Pilotto, A. & Martin, F. (2018). Comprehensive geriatric assessment. Cham: Springer International Publishing.  Human Growth and Development Essay Paper

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