Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example

Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example

This condition occurs when excess cholesterol In the bloodstream is deposited in the walls of blood vessels, particularly in the arteries that supply blood to the heart (coronary arteries). The abnormal buildup of cholesterol forms clumps (plaque) that narrow and harden artery walls. As the clumps get bigger, they can clog the arteries and restrict the flow of blood to the heart. The buildup of plaque In coronary arteries causes a form of chest pain called angina and greatly Increases a person’s risk of having a heart attack.

Inherited forms of hyperventilation’s can also cause health problems related to the buildup of excess cholesterol in other tissues. If cholesterol accumulates In tendons, It causes characteristic growths called tendon xanthiums. These growths most often affect the Achilles tendons and tendons In the hands and fingers. Yellowish cholesterol deposits under the skin of the eyelids are known as assessment. Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example. Cholesterol can also accumulate at the edges of the clear, front surface of the eye (the cornea), leading to a gray-colored ring called an arcos cornea’s.

How common Is hyperventilation’s? More than 34 million American adults have elevated blood cholesterol levels (higher than 240 MGM/ODL). Inherited forms of hyperventilation’s, which cause even higher levels of cholesterol, occur less frequently. The most common inherited form of high cholesterol Is called familial hyperventilation’s. This condition affects about 1 In 500 people in most countries. Familial hyperventilation’s occurs more frequently in certain populations, including Afrikaners in South Africa, French Canadians, Lebanese, and Finns.

High blood cholesterol levels typically result from a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors. Lifestyle choices including diet, exercise, and tobacco smoking strongly influence the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Additional factors that Impact cholesterol levels Include a person’s gender, age, and health problems such as diabetes and obesity. A small percentage of all people with high cholesterol have an inherited form of hyperventilation’s.What genes are related to hyperventilation’s? Mutations the POOP, LDR, LDAP, and PACKS genes cause hyperventilation’s.

The most common cause of inherited high cholesterol is a condition known as familial hyperventilation’s, which results from mutations in the LDR gene. The LDR gene provides Instructions for making a protein called a low-density lepidopterist receptor. This type of receptor binds to particles called low-density lepidopterist (Olds), which are the primary carriers of cholesterol in the blood. By removing low-density cholesterol levels. Some LDR mutations reduce the number of low-density lepidopterist receptors produced within cells.


Other mutations disrupt the receptors’ ability to remove low-density lepidopterist from the bloodstream.

As a result, people with mutations in the LDR gene have very high levels of blood cholesterol. As the excess cholesterol circulates through the bloodstream, it is deposited abnormally in tissues such as the skin, tendons, and arteries that supply blood to the heart. Less commonly, hyperventilation’s can be caused by mutations in the POOP, LDAP , or Pekingese. Changes in the POOP gene result in a form of inherited hyperventilation’s known as familial defective pollination 8-100 (BFD).

LDAP mutations are responsible for another type of inherited high cholesterol, autocross recessive hyperventilation’s (RAH). Proteins produced from the POOP,LDAP , and PACKS genes are essential for the normal function of low- onsite lepidopterist receptors.

Mutations in any of these genes prevent the cell from making functional receptors or alter the receptors’ function. Hyperventilation’s results when low-density lepidopterist receptors are unable to remove cholesterol from the blood effectively.

Researchers are working to identify and characterize additional genes that may influence cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease in people with hyperventilation’s. Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example. Read more about the POOP, LDR, LDAP , and PACKS genes. How do people inherit hyperventilation’s? Most cases of high cholesterol are not caused by a single inherited condition, but exult from a combination of lifestyle choices and the effects of variations in many genes. Inherited forms of hyperventilation’s resulting from mutations in the LDR, POOP, or PACKS gene have an autocross dominant pattern of inheritance.

Autocross dominant inheritance means one copy of an altered gene in each cell is sufficient to cause the disorder. An affected person typically inherits one altered copy of the gene from an affected parent and one normal copy of the gene from the other parent. Rarely, a person with familial hyperventilation’s is born with two mutated copies of the LDR gene. This situation occurs when the person has two affected parents, each of whom passes on one altered copy of the gene.

The presence of two LDR mutations results in a more severe form of hyperventilation’s that usually appears in childhood.

When hyperventilation’s is caused by mutations in the LDAP gene, the condition is inherited in an autocross recessive pattern. Autocross recessive inheritance means the condition results from two altered copies of the gene in each cell. The parents of an individual with autocross recessive hyperventilation’s each carry one copy of the altered gene, but their blood holster levels are usually in the normal range. Where can I find information about diagnosis or management of hyperventilation’s? These resources address the diagnosis or management of hyperventilation’s and may include treatment providers.

Generates: Familial Hyperventilation’s: Diagnosis Generates: Familial Hyperventilation’s: Management Gene Review: Familial Hyperventilation’s Genetic Testing Registry: Familial hyperventilation’s Genetic Testing Registry: Hyperventilation’s, autocross dominant, 3 Genetic Testing Registry: Hyperventilation’s, autocross dominant, type B Genetic Testing Familial hyperventilation’s Indiscipline Encyclopedia: High blood cholesterol and triglycerides Indiscipline Encyclopedia: Xanthium You might also find information on the diagnosis or management of hyperventilation’s in Educational resources and Patient support.

General information about the diagnosis and management of genetic conditions is available in the Handbook. Read more about genetic testing, particularly the difference between clinical tests and research tests. To locate a healthcare provider, see How can I find a genetics professional in my area? In the Handbook. Where can I find additional information about hyperventilation’s? You may find the following resources about hyperventilation’s helpful.

These materials are written for the general public.

Indiscipline – Health information (5 links) Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center – Information about genetic conditions and rare diseases Additional NIH Resources – National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Educational resources – Information pages (7 links) Patient support – For patients and families (4 links) You may also be interested in these resources, which are designed for healthcare professionals and researchers. Gene Reviews – Clinical summary Genetic Testing Registry – Repository of genetic test information (4 links) Clinician’s. Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example. Ova – Linking patients to medical research Pumped – Recent literature MIM – Genetic disorder catalog (4 links) What other names do people use for hyperventilation’s? Elevated cholesterol For more information about naming genetic conditions, see the Genetics Home Reference Condition Naming Guidelines and How are genetic conditions and genes named? In the Handbook.

What if I still have specific questions about hyperventilation’s? Ask the Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center. Where can I find general information about genetic conditions?

The Handbook provides basic information about genetics in clear language. What does it mean if a disorder seems to run in my family? What are the different ways in which a genetic condition can be inherited? If a genetic disorder runs in my family, what are the chances that my children will have the condition? Why are some genetic conditions more common in particular ethnic groups? These links provide additional genetics resources that may be useful. Genetics and health Resources for Patients and Families Resources for Health Professionals

What glossary definitions help with understanding hyperventilation’s? Angina ; pollination ; arcos senile ; arteries ; artery ; atherosclerosis ; autocross ; autocross dominant ;autocross recessive ; cell ; cholesterol ; cornea ; coronary ; core unary artery ; coronary artery disease ;diabetes ; digestion ; egg ; familial ; gene ; he art attack ; heterozygous ; homozygous ; inheritance ;lepidopterist ; low- k factors ; tendon You may find definitions for these and many other terms in the Genetics Home Reference Glossary.

See also Understanding Medical Terminology.

High Cholesterol (Hyperventilation’s) physicians who treat this condition Hyperventilation’s is a disorder characterized by high levels of blood cholesterol. Cholesterol is manufactured primarily in the liver and then carried to the cells throughout the body by low-density lepidopterist (OLD). Because cholesterol and other fats do not dissolve in water, they cannot travel through the body unaided.

Lepidopterist are particles formed in the liver to transport cholesterol and other fats through the bloodstream.

Cholesterol is returned to the liver from other body cells by another lepidopterist, high-density lepidopterist (HAD). From there, cholesterol is secreted into the bile, either unchanged or after conversion to bile acids. Cholesterol is essential for the formation of cell membranes and the manufacturing of some hormones, but it does not need to be ingested as part of a regular diet.

In fact, the body;s liver produces all the cholesterol it needs on its own. If blood cholesterol levels are elevated, large amounts of OLD (so-called ;bade) cholesterol deposit in the arterial walls.

These deposits represent the first stage of atherosclerosis, or narrowing of the arteries. Because hyperventilation’s causes no symptoms, repetitive measures and regular measurement of cholesterol levels are important for people in high-risk categories. Hyperventilation’s is especially dangerous Nee HAD (Good+) cholesterol levels are low.

Left untreated, hyperventilation’s can eventually lead to a heart attack due to coronary artery disease or a stroke due to narrowed arteries supplying the brain.

When to Call Your Doctor Symptoms Causes Prevention Diagnosis Treatment Nee to Call Your Doctor Make an appointment with your doctor to check your cholesterol levels if you are at high risk for coronary artery disease or if any member of your immediate family has Unfortunately, the only symptoms (angina, heart attack, stroke) result from the complications of high cholesterol. Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example.

When cholesterol levels are very high, cholesterol may be deposited as yellow nodules (xanthiums) in tendons or Just beneath the skin under the eyes. Causes Hereditary factors are the most common cause of high cholesterol. A diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol can also increase blood cholesterol levels. Other disorders, such as diabetes mellitus, Cushing;s syndrome and hypothyroidism, may promote hyperventilation’s.

Prevention Eat a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol. A diet rich in water-soluble fiber tends to lower blood cholesterol.

Exercise regularly, and try to lose weight if you are more than 20 percent overweight. Drink alcoholic beverages in moderation (no more than two a day).

Moderate alcohol consumption raises levels of beneficial HAD cholesterol; however, consumption of more alcohol than this amount can have harmful effects. Diagnosis Hyperventilation’s, or high cholesterol, is one of several conditions managed by doctors with The Johns Hopkins Cicerone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease, directed by Dry. Roger Blumenthal.

Our physicians specialize in managing adults who are at high risk for future cardiovascular disease either because of risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, cigarette smoking, or sedentary lifestyle, or because of a known family history of heart disease or peripheral vascular disease.

Our personalized, comprehensive approach to lifestyle and medical management can slow the progression of cardiovascular disease and decrease one;s future risk of heart attack, stroke, bypass surgery or angioplasty.

We also sponsor research that includes both clinical trials and basic molecular studies. During your evaluation for high cholesterol, a Johns Hopkins cardiologist will examine you at our Outpatient Center or satellite facility in Green Spring Station, Maryland The main diagnostic test for high cholesterol is a blood test to measure levels of total cholesterol, which includes high-density lepidopterist (HAD) or ;good cholesterol, low-density lepidopterist (OLD) or ;bade cholesterol, and triglycerides (fats).

The test also examines nontraditional risk factors, substances such as homogeneities, has-CROP (C- reactive protein), Lepidopterist (A), Poop (protein B). Depending on your family story, your doctor may also recommend that you get a coronary artery calcium scan.

Ere Green Spring Station location is affiliated with Harvesters, a group that uses electron beam computed tomography (BEST) to take up to 40 pictures of the heart between beats while patients remain fully clothed.Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example.  Images from the five-minute test show early calcium buildup, or plaque, which appear as white specks in the walls of arteries.

Doctors will compare the amount of coronary calcium present to what would be expected for your age and gender. Treatment A significant contribution to the treatment of high cholesterol was the 1980 discovery f hyperbola by Dry. Snider and Switchover at the University Lipid Clinic and Lipid Research Atherosclerosis Division. Many patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) have an increased number of small low-density lepidopterist (OLD) particles that are missed by the standard cholesterol or OLD cholesterol testing.

In patients with hyperbola, it may not be clear why they have developed CAD since the diet is also important since they have a delayed clearance of the post-principal iatrogenic chloroform remnants from their blood. Hyperbola was discovered by the use of the blood test for pollination B levels. The poop levels are elevated, despite a normal total or OLD cholesterol. The poop test is available at the University Lipid Clinic and is performed in the Johns Hopkins Analytical Laboratory.

The same laboratory performed the analyses for the national ENHANCES (National Health and Nutrition Survey).

This is also the laboratory that determined the normal ranges for all ages and both genders. In addition, hyperventilation’s, or high cholesterol, is one of several conditions managed by doctors with The Johns Hopkins Cicerone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease. Treatment for hyperventilation’s eight include lifestyle changes such as adopting a healthy diet and increasing your level of physical activity. Our nurse health educators specialize in helping people to improve their lifestyle habits.

Johns Hopkins has an excellent cardiac rehabilitation program and clinical exercise program at Johns Hopkins Heart Health.

Lifestyle changes alone are frequently all that is necessary. You may be prescribed medications designed to reduce blood cholesterol levels, such as stains or resins. Other agents used include fabric acid derivatives (which decrease the liver;s production of triglycerides, nicotine acid) and new medications such as seedtime, a cholesterol absorption inhibitor. Your doctor will determine which course of treatment will most benefit your condition.

HYPERVENTILATION’S: A LOOMING RISK FACTOR CAUSING CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES INTRODUCTION: Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance found in the cell membrane and is Our body needs cholesterol to a certain level to work properly, but if excess of Cholesterol enters blood, it can make sticky deposits to the walls of the arteries leading to its narrowing and blockage. High cholesterol shoots up the risk of getting various cardiovascular diseases such as Atherosclerosis, Cardiac Arrest, Stroke, Heart Attack, etc.

Nape’s OF CHOLESTEROL: 3 There are two types of cholesterol biz. , Low density lepidopterist (OLD) and High density lepidopterist (HAD) OLD is harmful Cholesterol and HAD is the useful one. Hyperventilation’s indicates that, HAD is decreased and OLD is increased. DESIRABLE LEVELS OF CHOLESTEROL: 4 MGM/ODL is the desirable level. Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example.

High but Manageable: MGM/ODL-MGM/ODL High- above MGM/ODL CAUSES OF HYPERVENTILATION’S: 4 Heredity: High levels of cholesterol may be inherited because genes may influence the metabolism of OLD (bad) cholesterol.

Foods high in saturated fats and Cholesterol: This is the most common cause of hyperventilation’s as excess of saturated fats may modestly increase OLD (bad) cholesterol level. Other diseases: Some people suffering from diabetes may have high levels of cholesterol. Lifestyle Changes: Changes in lifestyle has lead to decrease in exercise which may lead to increase in fat and cholesterol levels. RISK FACTORS OF HYPERVENTILATION’S Some important risk factors for high cholesterol are: Obesity Eating a diet high in saturated fat and trans fatty acids Not getting enough exercise Diabetes Family history of heart diseases

High blood pressure Smoking DIAGNOSIS OF HYPERVENTILATION’S: 4 Blood test called as Lepidopterist profile is used to diagnose the cholesterol levels in the blood.

Lepidopterist profile gives the information about total cholesterol, OLD, HAD and Triglycerides. Retirement OF HYPERVENTILATION’S: 1 Initially the diet and exercise patterns are to be changed to check cholesterol levels. And if still the cholesterol levels remain high, the doctor prescribes medicines to lower it. Ere widely used class of drugs is Stains. STAINS are usually the drugs of choice as they are easy to take and have lesser interactions with other drugs.

Stains are HIM-Cocoa reeducates inhibitors.

HIM-Cocoa reeducates is an enzyme located n liver tissues and it produces novelette which is a small molecule used in the synthesis of Cholesterol. Side effects: It includes inflammation of the muscles, Joint pain, stomach upset, and liver damage. Stratifications: Pregnancy and Lactation Hypersensitive to stains Hepatic or severe renal dysfunction. Stains include: Transportation Rustication Hyperventilation’s Introduction Hyperventilation’s, or high cholesterol, occurs when there is too much cholesterol n the body.

Cholesterol is a soft, waxy, fat-like substance that is a natural component of all the cells of the body. Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs. Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example. Any added Cholesterol, which comes from the foods you eat, can cause harm. High cholesterol raises your risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. When there is too much the artery walls.

Plaque can eventually narrow or block the flow of blood to the brain, heart, and other organs. Blood cells that get caught on the plaque form clots, which can break loose and completely block blood flow through an artery, causing heart attack or stroke.

The normal range for total blood cholesterol is between 140 and 200 MGM per decliner (MGM/ODL) of blood (usually Just expressed as a number). However, the total number doesn’t tell the whole story: There are two types of cholesterol HAD high density lepidopterist, or “good” cholesterol) and OLD (low density lepidopterist, or ‘bad” cholesterol).

The amount of HAD relative to OLD is considered a more important Indicator of your heart disease risk. There is a third kind of fatty material called triglycerides found in the blood. They also play a role (generally as triglyceride levels rise, “good” HAD cholesterol falls).

In fact, there is a subset of physicians who believe that triglycerides are the only fats in the body that increase heart disease risk. When [oh have high cholesterol, it usually means you have high levels of OLD cholesterol, normal or low levels of HAD cholesterol, and normal or high levels of triglycerides.

Nile heredity may be a factor for some people, the main culprits are lack of exercise and diets high in saturated fat. High cholesterol can be prevented, sometimes with lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) alone. If these do not work, your doctor may recommend medications to lower your cholesterol levels.

Signs and Symptoms rhea usually aren’t any symptoms of high cholesterol, especially in early stages.

The only way to tell if your cholesterol is high is through a blood test. Causes In some cases, high cholesterol levels may be inherited your liver may make too much cholesterol, or your body may not remove OLD from your blood as efficiently as normal. High cholesterol and elevated triglycerides can also be associated with other diseases, such as diabetes. But most often high cholesterol is caused by eating foods high in saturated fat and not getting enough exercise.

High cholesterol is more moon in people who are overweight or obese, a condition that affects almost half of U.

S. Adults. Risk Factors Some factors increase a person’s risk of having high cholesterol. While some of these cannot be changed, many can be.Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example.  The most important risk factors for high cholesterol are: Being overweight or obese Eating a diet high in saturated fat and trans fatty acids (found in processed and fried foods) Not getting enough exercise Family history of heart disease Most people don’t have any symptoms of high cholesterol.

A blood test is the only Nay to check levels of cholesterol in your blood. If your levels are above 200 MGM/ODL or Our HAD is below 40, your doctor may do a fasting lipid profile (a test performed after you abstain from food for 12 hours). Although cholesterol levels above 200 are generally considered high, what’s considered safe for each person depends on Neither you are at risk for, or have, heart disease.

Total cholesterol levels: Desirable: Below 200 MGM/ODL High: Above 240 OLD cholesterol levels: Optimal for people with heart disease or who are at high risk: Below 70 MGM/ODL Optimal for people at risk of heart disease: Below 100 optimal: 100- 129 redlining high: 130- 159 High: 160- 189 HAD cholesterol levels: Poor: Below 40 MGM/ODL Acceptable: 40 – 59 Optimal: 60 or above regicides levels: Optimal: Below 150 MGM/ODL redlining high: 150- 199 High: Above 200 Adults with normal total and HAD cholesterol levels should have their cholesterol Checked every 5 years.

If you have high cholesterol, you should be checked every 2 – 6 months.

You should have liver function tests as well if you are on cholesterol- lowering medication. Preventive Care Most people can lower cholesterol levels by eating a well balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and losing excess weight. Diet A healthy diet can help you lose weight. Losing Just 5 or 10 pounds may help lower [Our cholesterol. To eat a healthy diet: Cut down on saturated fats and trans fats. No more than 10% of your daily calories should come from saturated fat, and you should avoid trans fats completely.

Based on data from 4 studies, it is estimated that a 2% increase in energy intake from trans fats increases the incidence of heart disease by 23%. Choose unsaturated fats, such as olive oil and canola oil, instead. Eat whole grains whole wheat bread and pasta, oatmeal, oat bran, and brown rice. Eat more fruits and vegetables, which are high in fiber and can help lower cholesterol levels.

Studies show that plant-based diets are associated with decreases in total holster and OLD cholesterol of up to 15%. Limit cholesterol in your diet.

The highest amounts are found in egg yolks, whole milk products, and organ meats. Eat fatty fish. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that people eat at least 2 servings of fatty fish (such as salmon or herring) each week. Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example.

Eat photometer’s and stalls found in nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, and fortified food products, such as orange Juice, yogurt, and salad dressing. Studies show that eating 2 – 3 grams of photometer’s daily reduces total cholesterol by up to 11% and OLD cholesterol by up o 15%.

Increase your intake of high fiber foods, especially oats, barley, and legumes, as well as fruits, vegetables, and other whole grains. The AHA has developed dietary guidelines that help lower fat and cholesterol-intake and reduce the risk of heart disease.

The AHA does not recommend very low-fat diets, because new research shows that people benefit from unsaturated (“good”) fats, such as those found in olive oil, avocados, and nuts. Many fad diets are popular, but they may not help you lose weight and keep it off. In some cases, they may not even be healthy. Healthy diet

Hypercholesterolemia is the term used to refer to a high blood cholesterol level. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is produced by the liver and is a component of all cells found in the body.

All of the cholesterol a person needs is produced in the liver, but another source is dietary cholesterol, which comes from animal food products such as meat, poultry, dairy, egg yolk and fish. Such foods are rich in saturated fats and transfats, substances that can trigger the liver to make an excess of cholesterol and in some cases, this can lead to hypercholesterolemia. Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example.

Cholesterol is required for various bodily functions including the synthesis of cell membranes and certain hormones and the production of substances required for fat digestion. However, a cholesterol level that is too high can increase the risk of coronary artery disease.


Excess cholesterol present in the blood forms fatty deposits in the walls of the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that supply the heart with blood. As the cholesterol accumulates, it causes atherosclerotic plaques to form, which narrow and harden the artery walls. This is referred to as atherosclerosis. Eventually, these plaques can block the arteries and limit the amount of oxygen-rich blood that can reach the heart. This increases a person’s risk of angina and heart attack. If the artery that supplies blood flow to the brain (carotid artery) becomes narrowed and hardened, then a person is at an increased risk of suffering a stroke.

There are also inheritable forms of hypercholesterolemia that can cause excess cholesterol to accumulate in other bodily tissues such as the tendons or the under the skin of the eyelids. The most common of these conditions is familial hypercholesterolemia. In most countries, the incidence of this condition is about 1 in 500, but it is more common among certain populations including French Canadians, Finns and Lebanese.

Although a high cholesterol level can be inherited, it is usually the result of a diet high in saturated fat and a low level of physical activity. It can therefore often be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices such as exercising regularly and following a low-fat diet. If diet and exercise do not bring the cholesterol level down, cholesterol lowering medications may be recommended.

Cholesterol is circulated in the blood attached to transport proteins, a combination referred to as lipoproteins. These lipoproteins are classified depending on the type of cholesterol they carry. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) carries cholesterol from the liver to various parts of the body. If there is an excess of LDL, cholesterol can accumulate in the walls of arteries and lead to atherosclerosis. LDL is therefore sometimes called “bad cholesterol.”


High-density lipoprotein (HDL), on the other hand, carries excess cholesterol away from cells to the liver, where it is broken down and treated as a waste product. This lipoprotein is referred to as “good cholesterol.” Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example.

Unhealthy lifestyle choices such as physical inactivity, a high-fat diet and obesity increase the risk of a high LDL level and a low HDL level. Other risk factors include, smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, and having a family history of stroke or heart disease.


Hypercholesterolemia does not usually present with any symptoms and the only way to check for the condition is to perform a check of the blood cholesterol level, referred to as a lipid profile. This test typically includes a check of the total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglyceride level.

A total cholesterol level of above 200 mg/dL is generally considered high and an HDL of below 40 is generally considered poor. However, whether or not a lipid profile is considered safe or not also depends on whether a person is at risk of or has heart disease.


Patients diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia are advised to modify their diet and engage in regular physical activity. Examples of recommended dietary changes include avoiding foods rich in saturated fat such as cheese, butter, cream and high-fat meats. Saturated fat intake should be restricted to a maximum of 30 grams per day for men and 20 grams per day for women.

If the blood cholesterol level remains high after a few weeks, the patient may be prescribed medication. The drug or drug combination chosen depends on several factors including age, current health, potential side effects and individual risk factors.

Common examples of treatment strategies include the following:

Statins: These block a substance required by the liver for cholesterol synthesis, which triggers the liver to acquire cholesterol from the blood. Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example. The body may also remove cholesterol from plaques that have formed in the arteries which can improve artery health.

Bile-Acid-Binding Resins: The liver needs cholesterol to make the bile acids required for digestion. By binding to bile acids, these resins cause the liver to acquire excess cholesterol in order to still produce the acids, which has the effect of lowering the blood cholesterol level. Hypercholesterolemia Essay Example.

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