Impact of Psychologists on Public Policy Essay Paper

Impact of Psychologists on Public Policy Essay Paper

Public policies should always be made with insights into the impact they will have on the community. Psychologists play a significant role in the provision of information on how different policies impact the well-being of people. In public health, psychologists have continually impacted the decision-making process and enabled the adoption of the best policies to define the future of healthcare policies. Different studies have evaluated and evaluated the impact of psychologists in the field of public health policy. The researchers have used different methods and made a conclusion that psychological knowledge is essential in understanding ways to enhance public policy. The purpose of this paper is to provide an evaluation of three articles that provide insights into how psychologists have impacted public policy in health care. Analysis of research articles on the impact of psychologists on public policy indicates that psychologists work with the government and influence decision-making, which enhances knowledge and decision-making by policymakers.

Article One

Summary of the Article

The world has grappled with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted individuals, populations, and communities. Experts from diverse fields have come together and contributed time and effort in trying to respond to the pandemic. There were vital public policy interventions such as wearing masks that were put in place in attempts to deal with the pandemic. Karekla et al. (2021) undertook research evaluating the contributions of psychologists in healthcare to the provision of support to the development of different national and regional initiatives to deal with the pandemic. The research aimed to create a better understanding of the psychological contributions of the COVID-19 response and draw lessons for the future. The researchers conclude that psychologists played both direct and indirect roles in response to the pandemic and in making different government policies. Some of the contributions included services and empirical knowledge. Impact of Psychologists on Public Policy Essay Paper The article makes the conclusion that sustainable behavior change is vital in public health, making psychologists important in every step towards making effective public health policy.

Research Methods Utilized in the Article

Data were retrieved and analyzed from 21 European Federation of Psychologists Association (EFPA) member countries. The association enhances collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst experts in psychology. The researchers collected responses using a study questionnaire on the psychologists’ actions in member association countries during the pandemic (Karekla et al., 2021). The study also entailed the review of the literature identified as important in areas of psychological contribution to public policy.

Population Studied, the Samples, and How the Samples were Chosen and the Results

The study focused on the responses from 21 experts from the EFPA member countries. The responses were required from at least one member who was knowledgeable about psychologists’ actions during the pandemic. The respondents provided information on the members’ experiences from their respective countries. The questionnaire was composed of 36 items. There was the use of the LimeSurvey tool enabled member association representatives to provide any additional qualitative information relating to the role of psychologists in their countries during the pandemic (Karekla et al., 2021).


From the research, the researchers concluded that psychologists became part of advisory groups in some countries. Additionally, psychologists were critical in the production of significant documentation and guidance for governments in committees. In countries where psychologists did not form part of the advisory boards during the pandemic, it took time for the political and medical control leaders to get psychological information and perspectives. Further, in the countries where it took time to include psychologists in policy boards, it was had to implement psychological awareness and support to the public. The researchers concluded that even when psychologists are not directly incorporated into policy advisory boards, it is crucial to provide them with direct contact with politicians since they pass psychological knowledge and influence decision-making (Karekla et al., 2021).

Evaluation of the Article

The article provides a detailed description of the research process and uses sections that are easy to follow. Additionally, the researchers ensured they included data from knowledgeable parties such as those with EFPA membership. Insights from the representatives of the EFPA member countries are reliable. However, the article could include more information on how health practitioners viewed the contributions of psychologists in the decision-making process during the pandemic.

Article Two

Summary of the Article

In view of the existing evidence suggesting that psychological well-being is associated with lower mortality and disease risk and may be improved using lower-cost interventions, Trudel-Fitzgerald (2019) evaluates psychological insights into public health policy. The authors note that psychological input in public health policy has been overlooked. Mental, physical, social, and spiritual well-being is important in the implementation and outreach of public health policies geared toward the improvement of community well-being. Governments around the world should undertake a regular evaluation of the policy’s impact on the psychological well-being of the people. In these contexts, public health policies should include insights from psychologists.

Research Methods Utilized in the Article

The study first provides reviews of the empirical evidence regarding the differential relationship between all-cause mortality and multiple dimensions of psychological well-being, such as mastery, positive effect, life purpose, life satisfaction, and optimism. Further, there was a review of individual-level positive psychology policy interventions to increase psychological well-being in a community. The aim is to assess how different interventions allow for easy implementation and broad outreach to improve community well-being. Impact of Psychologists on Public Policy Essay Paper The study on the psychological well-being of people in the community was evaluated using different measures analyzed from studies across different countries on the methods used to analyze the quality of life, such as sense of coherence, positive affect, ikigai (in Japan), and autonomy. The outcomes of the methods aimed to determine whether policies made on the psychological well-being of the people impact health in populations (Trudel-Fitgerald et al., 2019).

Population Studies, the Samples, and How the Samples were Chosen and the Results

Different research studies reviewed the research and provided information that was important in understanding PWD. There was a meta-analysis of 49 randomized or quasi-experimental studies with a population of 4235 people. Policies made in countries to impact the psychological well-being of populations were important in the improvement of life satisfaction and the overall reduction of diseases and mortality rates (Trudel-Fitgerald et al., 2019). Evaluation of the conclusions on the impact of psychological well-being on the overall outcomes of policies in health care indicates there are significant contributions of psychologists in public health policy.

Evaluation of the Article

The study relies on a review that is comprehensive and non-systematic in nature. There was a rare investigation of psychological well-being and mortality associations across sociodemographic groups. This makes the study inappropriate for general populations and public health policy. Additionally, many interventions in the reviewed studies were restricted to clinical or convenience samples from high-income countries (Trudel-Fitgerald et al., 2019). There is a need for the evaluation of public policy in health as it relates to the psychological well-being of diverse populations such as children, adults, and adolescents for the results to be applicable to an enormous scope.

Article Three

Summary of the Article

West (2017) provides a personal perspective on the influence of health psychologists on policy and practice in health care. There are different essential things that psychologists evaluate in a policy and their relation to the health of the population. People need to understand how to lead healthier lives and the impact of individual decisions on the overall outcome of public policy. The author indicates that health psychologists may improve the impact of policy on health practice. Policymakers and practitioners rely on psychologists’ input to reach their professional objectives. The author notes that the value of the public policy is the ability to make a positive change in people’s lives. Thus, it is essential for policymakers and practitioners to engage health psychologists in the analysis of the possible impact of policy on the people.

Research Methods Utilized in the Article

The author relies on insights from a research article on how health psychologists evaluate the impact of policy on people. Additionally, there is an evaluation of the types of engagements between health psychologists, policymakers, and practitioners. The discussion of the different engagements leads to different outcomes that help in the understanding of the importance of health psychologists in public policy.

Population Studies, the Samples, and How the Samples were Chosen and the Results

Eight major types of organizations were evaluated to understand how health psychologists are engaged in the policymaking process. There was documentation of the nature of engagements involved, such as guidance development, training, and preparation of evidence. And evidence reviews. The engagements take place in different organizations with the aim of facilitating an understanding of how policies and practices are likely to impact outcomes for the people. Overall, the researcher concludes that health psychologists’ input in public policy ensures various initiatives contribute to positive outcomes for the population.

Evaluation of the Article

The article provides information that could aid in understanding the role of psychologists in public policy and practice. However, the insights from the article are from the perspective of a single researcher. Although the article was accepted in a significant publication, making it reliable, it would be better to include insights from other researchers to make the conclusions generalizable in different aspects.

Synthesis of the Elements of Public Policy Change from the Articles

The three articles provide essential insights into the elements of public policy and their relationship with psychological knowledge. According to Karekla et al. (2021), psychologists have different competencies that enable them to help in the development of policies to assist families and patients. The interventions put in place with input from psychologists prevent burnout among healthcare providers. Psychologists play a significant role in the evaluation of how interventions may impact the general population. The professionals work at different levels and integrate knowledge that is important in understanding the emotions of the people as they relate to the health practice. All the articles indicate that the psychological well-being of the people is essential for the success of the public policy. West (2017) has the perspective that it is essential to keep in mind the role of any professional in the improvement of the relationship with the public. Additionally, Trudel-Fitzgerald (2019) notes that the inclusion of psychological well-being aspects in policy formulation and implementation determines the perspectives of the population. The cultivation of optimal well-being in all aspects, including social, physical, spiritual, and mental, enhances the success of public health policy. In these contexts, researchers agree that psychologists’ knowledge and input in public policy help mitigate people’s negative perspectives and improve policy outcomes.

How Researchers Could Improve their Impact on Public Policy

Researchers have highlighted essential ideas on how psychological knowledge is vital in the development of public policy. Researchers may influence practitioners and policymakers through knowledge mobilization, which can lead to better engagement and networking. Additionally, researchers need to document their knowledge in different forms in a way that policymakers can infer and make better decisions. Evaluation of the relationship between different disciplines is essential in the creation of knowledge on improved policy.


Policymakers rely on knowledge from different professionals. Psychologists are interested in the emotions of people and the impact of mental health on various aspects of life. Psychologists are relied upon by public officials in the determination of how various practices and interventions will impact people. In the healthcare sector, psychologists play an essential role in the evaluation of policies and their impact on overall population health and life satisfaction.


Karekla, M., Hofer, S., Plantade-Gipch, A., Neto, D., Schidt, B., Pappova, P., . . . Eleftheriou. (2021). The role of psychologists in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Psychology Open, 80(1), 5-17.

Trudel-Fitgerald, C., Millstein, R., Hippel, C., Howe, C., Tomasso, L., Wagner, G., & Vanderweele, t. (2019). Psychological well-being as part of the public health debate? Insight into dimensions, interventions, and policy. BMC Public Health, 19(1712).

West, R. (2017). Significant effects: A personal perspective on how health psychologists can influence policy and practice. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22, 209-2014.

Impact of Psychologists on Public Policy Essay Paper

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