Impacts of Management Style Discussion Paper

Impacts of Management Style Discussion Paper


Business organizations have accepted and adapted to changes, considering change part of organizations. The existence of change comes with both positive and negative effects on the organizations; it is upon the management team to discover how best to adapt to these changes and use them for the benefit of the organizations. Additionally, the decision made by the managers depends on ways in which change is emphasized and taken into consideration because of the influences brought by the internal and external drivers such as culture, leadership, and organizational changes that are driven by economic, political, social, environmental factors and even business trends. This paper aims to analyze the effects of management methods in changing world environments. Furthermore, the purview of the paper will involve an analysis of Google and Alibaba case study to highlight innovative western management and Eastern management methods and their success, respectively.

The structure of this paper will involve the following; a historical view of management and subsequent disadvantages for progress, creating leadership methods to improve innovation and progress, and autocratic management methods in a cultural context. The Stand approached: The paper will support the contention that western management can benefit from using leadership to incorporate the needs of workers and enable personal growth and development of the organizations and employees; this is what the western focus on to improve the changes in an organization. The essay will also discuss how the eastern management still succeeds as a steep pyramid.

Historical view of management and subsequent personal limitations for progress

The idea of management has been around for a more extended period with the demand for increased productivity and efficiency due to technological change. The need for measuring the employees’ human capital and performance and the desire to know how best to conduct business cantered on the idea of work processes came to existence (Jalagat, 2016). Management evolution took place from the era of science to the modern-day era, with changes taking place due to technological innovation and the demand for products (Jalagat, 2016). In the classical management theory, also known as traditional theory, under this theory, there are three sub-management theories scientific management, bureaucratic organization, and administrative (Hussain et al., 2019). Impacts of Management Style Discussion Paper The motivation of success towards productivity is seen as money; it is practical, influential, and motives towards desired outcomes (Hussain et al., 2019). Organizations with such a management style incorporate chances for the employees to be rewarded for their production efforts, leading to corporate profit. Under the classical theory, few leaders are pointed out, and the decision of the organizations are made and passed on to different managers (Hussain et al., 2019). There are several limitations involving the classical theory of management. Money motivates but also de-motivates. This theory does not recognize or support employees’ needs, and workers lose motivation when they are not cared for in an organization (Hussain et al., 2019). The management approach focuses on workers’ physical wants, forgetting employees’ communal needs. The theory focuses more on production and employees’ output, which increases pressure on the workers, leading to exhaustion, worry, and lack of motivation in doing specific tasks (Hussain et al., 2019). There is no room for improvement and development of new ideas and innovation as the approach believes in one specific method of completing the assignments. The majority of western organizations fail to use the historical management theories due to a lack of impact as workers transition to new tasks with qualified ease when unhappy.


Developing leadership styles to foster innovation and growth in the future

The employees and management relationship plays a vital role in creating an organization’s progress and meeting organizational success. The relationship benefits both the management and employees since it is interconnected; managers focus more on the relationship between them, the employees, and the organization to develop room for creativity and innovation; the leaders need to be able to interact freely with their juniors, share ideas, be their guide to empower the employees (Kesting et al., 2016). The leader who interacts should help coach and provide support to the employees. Leaders in management need to be directive and participate in the organization’s activities to promote good relationships among the employees; they need to provide clear directions and what they expect concerning the instructions provided (Kesting et al., 2016). The leader possesses the power to share the influence in making decisions, as leaders who are participative help foster creativity and create new ideologies.

Google is keen on retaining its workers and skilled employees, putting a challenge on boundaries of innovation, and working on reducing pyramid structures. The company management emphasizes staff mistakes and helps the staff rectify the mistakes. At Google, this is vital for the company; the company focuses more on the type of mistake and how best to correct the problem (Tran, 2017). The company believes in working with talented individuals and therefore attracts exceptional talents from prestigious campuses across the globe to help them create innovative and bring their ideas to life. Google offers a stimulating working area and conditions. Employees feel comfortable working at google; the compare motivates its employees by providing working rooms with availability for leisure, watching time, reading, and exercising (Tran, 2017). Employees feel cared for and valued at google with the company is concerned with their well-being and lives. Google’s involvement in employees’ lives is fascinating, with the company providing locker rooms, shower rooms, and parking spaces for bikes with security (Tran, 2017). The company provides support for workers to cycle while heading to their working stations.

Cultural variables account for differences in Eastern management successes

The management in eastern parts of the globe appreciates highly structured leadership styles with little independence for workers. The differences in culture affect the organizational system of corporations in various ways; for example, state culture affects managerial decision-making, leadership styles, and human resource management practices (Lunicheva, 2017). The Chinese economic progress is unparalleled, with heavy infrastructure development and a massive decrease in poverty rates. The communities in China are more concerned with the relationship, and this makes Chinese/eastern easier to deal with when trust and relationship are inbuilt first. Confucianism impacts organizational activities, with all relations stated unequal (Lunicheva, 2017). It is vital to be respectful to the older people, the seniors, or one with higher education. The management method tends toward the directive; this reflects the basic Confucian concept of the hierarchical nature of community (Lunicheva, 2017). The managers are father figures, which is how it plays out; subsequently, the manager takes all the interests and aspects of employees’ lives. The face is associated with pride, dignity, and an excellent public reputation, and this should be highly respected and maintained (Lunicheva, 2017). There is teamwork; thanks to collectivism, this gives organizations a competitive advantage. Impacts of Management Style Discussion Paper The meetings tend to take time without a clear goal but are enacted to create and foster good relationships between the management and employees.

One of the highly unique characteristics of Alibaba Group is its interior organization method. Thanks to the company’s stable administrative values, the organization’s administration roles are proficient and attentive but tranquil (StudyCorgi, 2022). Alibaba offers support to the input, active involvement, individuality, and entertainment. The workers are appreciated and offered thanks by the management and mostly get rewards for their hard work through a compound scheme of inducements, the unwritten congratulations from the heads of the organization, and organizational adventures and meetings (StudyCorgi, 2022). The company’s founding father, Jack Ma, plays a vital role. Essentially, Jack Ma’s exclusive method and lively charm shape the organization’s culture and create a friendly environment. These characteristics of the organization have gained their leaders’ immersive popularity and highly dedicated employees towards the success of Alibaba (StudyCorgi, 2022). The organizations follow China’s cultural values, making it one of the most successful organizations around the globe; it operates with highly autocratic structures and in alignment with many eastern values with great success and respect for these values. Arguably, in the east managerial, organizational decisions are not delayed by involving the society since power is not distributed to the employees; this shows that centralized power is not always a negative factor given variances in cultural ideals (StudyCorgi, 2022). Compared to western, the managerial decisions are delayed since employees’ input is vital for the organization’s success and managerial changes and decisions; this powerfully shows the differences in managerial structure between the western and eastern organizations, where one values the culture and norms of the nations, and this affects the decision considerably.



Conclusively, the western culture focuses on historical methods of management which focus more on power, the success of the organizations, and money as the motivational factors of employees’ productivity increment, forgetting the importance of being keen on employees’ well-being and concerns that affect their level of production in an organization. The historical management methods require putting more keen effort into employees’ welfare to ensure the organization’s success. However, the eastern culture succeeds exceptionally well under steep hierarchies. It is evident from the essay that workers possess more skills and talents that, once focused on, can mean a successful rate of the organization and growth. There should be minimal controls at the management level towards the employees and more effort put towards the workers to realize potential success. The implications for developing integrated leadership methods to benefit organizations and workers and a detailed analysis of the economic advantage will significantly strengthen this argument.


Hussain, N., Haque, A. U., & Baloch, A. (2019). Management theories: The contribution of contemporary management theorists in tackling contemporary management challenges. Journal of Yaşar University14, 156–169.

Tran, S. K. (2017). Google: A reflection of culture, leader, and Management. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility2(1).

Kesting, P., Ulhøi, J. P., Song, L. J., & Niu, H. (2016). The impact of leadership styles on innovation – A Review. Journal of Innovation Management3(4), 22–41.

Jalagat, R. (2016). The Impact of Change and Change Management in Achieving Corporate Goals and Objectives: Organizational Perspective. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). 5. 1233-1239.  Impacts of Management Style Discussion Paper




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