Implementing Changes In Clinical Practices For Patient Safety Example Paper

Barriers And Facilitators

Barriers To Changes In Clinical Practices:

You are required to conduct a literature review of the current professional literature on implementing change in clinical practice (in other words, translating research evidence to practice) In your review analyse and discuss what the literature states about
– the barriers to change in clinical practice overall
– the facilitators to change in clinical practice overall
– consider how might those barriers and/or facilitators impact on the implementation of
the changes to practice that you have recommended regarding Ysabel Green’s care.

– For your literature review, you will need to search the current nursing literature using library databases (for example CINAHL – the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health; MEDLINE; Scopus) to identify current research and expert discussion related to this topic.
– You should provide 10 or more current and authoritative references. – The majority of your references should be peer reviewed journal articles from the last 5 – 6 years.
– Your literature review must contain an introduction and conclusion.
– Your work must be referenced using APA 6 style including a reference list (see links on the LMS site for this subject located in the assignment resources section).

To assist you in your preparation of how to present your project you will need to formulate a project plan.For this section, use the following five (5) steps to develop your project plan (These steps have been adapted from WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data: Implementation research toolkit – Module 5 – Disseminating the research
1. Give a brief outline of the topic that is the focus of your project. (Your topic will be one of the safety standards you researched in Project Part A relating to Ysabel Green’s case briefly outline how the standard was compromised In Ysabel’s care) Students Please note: when you present this case to your audience you are required to de-identify the patient due to privacy issues

2. Who is your audience (who is your project being presented to i.e. ward staff – nurses/health professionals?)
3. Produce a brief outline of what it is you wish to convey to your audience. For this section you may wish to consider: what are your suggested/recommended changes to practice?
4. Identify which format you intend to use for your presentation and briefly discuss why you have chosen this format. You may choose from one of the following formats:
a. powerpoint
b. brochure
c. e-poster
d. Support your choice with evidence from literature – include references for this step (e.g. what is the best format to use for ward staff – nurses as an in-service; or what is the best format to use for the wider health community, if you were presenting at research week?)
5. Identify and discuss the method you will use to evaluate that your message has been received and understood by your audience.
a. In your discussion explain why you have chosen this method to evaluate the impact of your presentation on your audience. Therefore, if you choose to use an evaluation tool that has already been published, you will need to discuss why you have chosen that tool and why it is appropriate for your project. Or, alternately if you develop your own evaluation tool with questions for your audience, then discuss why those questions are the most appropriate and relevant to assess your project.
b. Some examples of evaluation approaches include:
i. on-line or paper surveys such as questionnaires,
ii. in-depth interviews with an individual member, or
iii. interviews with a focus group.  Implementing Changes In Clinical Practices For Patient Safety Example Paper

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