Importance of Blood Donation Essay

Importance of Blood Donation Essay

Blood donation is a voluntary practice that helps those in need of blood transfusion due to some accident or illness. The most essential body fluid, excessive blood loss can cause an untimely death if the need is not fulfilled immediately. Hence, blood donation is a life-saving procedure.

World Blood Donor Day

14th June is observed worldwide, as World Blood Donor Day to raise awareness among people regarding the requirement for safe blood as well as blood products like whole blood. Importance of Blood Donation Essay.  A campaign of WHO, this day is also marked by the heart-warming gesture of thanking each donor.

National Voluntary Blood Donation Day

Under the initiative of Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology, since 1975, 1st October is observed in India as National Voluntary Blood Donation Day. Besides natural disasters and diseases, an unstoppable increase in road accidents is a major factor in India that necessitates the demand for blood. Thus, on this day, several camps are organized in our country to influence people to donate blood willingly.


Now, there are various ways in which blood donation is useful to humanity. Let us explore how.

Benefits of Blood Donation: Why You Should Donate Blood
There may be different reasons behind the blood requirement of an ill person. Maybe he has met with an accident, has undergone an operation or is suffering from an illness like anemia. Your donated blood goes on to help this affected person in overcoming his critical situation and regain new life. It symbolizes a helpful and responsible gesture not only to the person in need, but also towards society at large.

Advantageous for the Body

Blood donation is not at all harmful for the body; rather the four or five liters of blood that can be donated every three or four months by both men and women ensures that you remain fit and fine. Firstly, the cell depletion that occurs due to blood donation, forces the body to produce new cells within 48 hours, thereby freshening up the entire body system. Importance of Blood Donation Essay. Secondly, the body is armed against a host of diseases ranging from liver and heart problems to even cancer. Thirdly, within just one or two months, a donor regains his lost blood. Thus, donating blood is in another way, a step towards revitalizing your body.

Blood Donation is the Sole Way of Obtaining Blood

Blood can neither be artificially produced nor can it be stored beyond a definite time. Amidst the three components of blood, plasma can be preserved for years, red blood cells can be stored for 42 days and platelets can be kept only for 5 days. Consequently, the rush for blood is always on the high in hospitals and the only way to meet this requirement is through donation.

One Donation Fulfils Three Different Requisites

Since three different components are provided by a single donation, three different people may be helped by it. Considering the millions of people needing blood every year, imagine how each donation is, therefore, precious.

It Stabilizes the Collection of Blood Banks

In India, where the annual demand for blood is 12 million per units, only 9 million units get collected through voluntary or family donations. Naturally, many deaths occur due to insufficient blood supply. To avoid such calamities, more voluntary donors are required. It is important to note that blood taken from non-remunerated blood donors is generally considered as the safest source of blood since it has a low incidence of Transfusion Transmissible Infections such as HIV, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, Malaria, and Syphilis. Importance of Blood Donation Essay.

Initiates a Preliminary Health Check Up

A person, before donating blood is subjected to a complete diagnosis by doctors and hospital professionals to determine the levels of iron, haemoglobin, cholesterol, etc in his body. This enables the donor to have a clear idea of the condition of his body. It is only when everything is fine that he is allowed to donate blood.

Who Can Donate Blood

You can give blood if you are between 17‑66 years of age, if your weight is over 50 kg and you are in sound health. Similarly, you cannot donate blood if you suffer from diseases such as cardiac arrest, hypertension, epilepsy or diabetes or if you have undergone treatment for malaria within the last three months.

Human life is priceless and thus to make sure that not a single life is lost due to blood shortage, take a positive initiative towards donating blood and give someone the blessing of life

I want to talk to you about the importance of donating blood. Some of you may know a friend or even a family member who has received blood at some time. Importance of Blood Donation Essay. I for one have received blood and I often wonder who took the time to donate it. According to the Journal of American Medical Association, it is noted that just 1 pint of blood can save three lives. Why You Should Give Giving blood does not just benefit recipients. Regardless of age, donating blood offers many benefits for donors. It lets you: time-consuming tests. Then, it must be used relatively quickly or it will perish-whole blood for instance, according to the American Red Cross, is no longer usable after 42 days. As a result, maintaining an adequate blood supply is a
They include: * cancer patients * sickle cell patients * leukemia patients * premature infants * hemophilia patients * surgery patients * accident victims * burn and trauma victims These are important reasons to donate!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is the criteria to be a blood donor? A donor must: • Be at least 17 years old. • Weigh at least 110 lbs. • Be free of major cold, flu and allergy symptoms. • Not have had hepatitis after age 11. • Not have had any risk factors or behaviors associated with HIV/AIDS. Reasons for not being able to donate: • Hepatitis after age 11 • IV Drug User (even one time) • Certain obstructive lung disorders • Certain liver disorders • Persons who have taken Tegison for psoriasis • Persons who have taken human-derived pituitary growth hormone • Persons with symptoms or laboratory evidence of AIDS or who are considered to have an increased risk for contracting AIDS  Suffering from anemia Remember 1 pint of blood can save up to 3 lives. You can contact the local Red Cross centers to donate blood or there are always bloodmobiles in the area-seeking donors. Importance of Blood Donation Essay.  Therefore, I encourage you to give the Gift of Life • If you are like most people, you have a gift that you can keep on giving. Since you can spare it, why not share it…regularly. In addition, encourage your family and friends. After all, you never know when you or someone you love could use it. Speaking for myself as well as others who has received

Donated blood profile written by ckmadrigal: In most cases, daily stress and responsibility forces us to ignore the importance of life. It is seldom time consuming to think about the little things we do for others and how these things affect others’ lives. It is human blood that has an important influence, and everyone must survive. Blood can not be produced.

Blood donation – Donating blood to save our lives to our app is a way to contribute to society and save lives. We know that hundreds of people need blood daily every day, and it is difficult to find a donor. Every minute is important in this case. We work with Donate Blood and he has the idea to turn this humanized career into a digital solution to save lives of many people in need. It is wonderful for us to be able to create such an application. We are able to combine excellent business and technology to support people in the best way. The main idea of ​​the application is to help people who need blood donation to find blood donors soon. This application is easy to use and you need to make it possible for people who need blood donation to immediately request and find donors. You need to enter contact information, blood type, place, hospital and other comments (if necessary).


After the shooting incident, when the regional blood donation organization OneBlood urged people to donate blood, many people line up to donate to local donation centers and blood donation sites. The proliferation of blood donation and the shooting attack on homosexual night clubs highlights the federal government’s policy calling for discussion by the US Food and Drug Administration. Importance of Blood Donation Essay. A lot of homosexuals and bisexual men, groups of LGBT activists and Democratic members of the whole country nationwide urged irritation to cancel the ban to frustrate, but new scientific information available on 14th June As we become

The most interesting part is the story after donation. I donated blood to an office camp. After blood drink, I drank juice and biscuits, took a break and returned to work. I am very satisfied with blood donation and sorrow because I can not go to the gym. A few minutes later, I noticed that not only Jim, but I could go anywhere. In fact, I am dizzy very much. I went to eat milk and lay down on the sofa. I do not like walking. I have no energy to reach my desk. Interestingly, my colleague knows I can not do this, and when I do it makes me sick. Finally, one of my colleagues took me home. I slept for hours, I ate lots of food and came back with the same energy. I am only comforting myself saying “It is not a problem, I saved someone’s life.”  Importance of Blood Donation Essay.

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