The main aim of the report is to provide a proper insight into person centered care. Person centered care is about treating an individual receiving healthcare with dignity and respect and connecting them in all decisions about their health. Based on the video that has been provided, the paper will talk about certain aspects of person-centered care. Along with that, the ways in which this insights could significantly help a student nurse to learn various factors of nursing will be discussed thoroughly. Stating the role of the nurse in relevance to person-centered care will be discussed in details. Lastly, the report will critically reflect on the insights and the way in which the knowledge will aid in the process of creating a successful professional nurse.
Hamovitch, Choy-Brown & Stanhope (2018) states the importance of person-centered care, as this helps to minimize the risk of negative, unfair or harmful treatment. This type of care also minimize the neglect to the recipients of social and health care services. The video has successfully presented the fact that person centered care is significantly different as compare to that of the other forms of care. The first factor that could be identified is care communication. In relevance to the person centered care, it could be seen that the healthcare practitioners or the nurses not only identify them by their name or the problems that they have been facing. Rather, in person centered care it gets significantly important to know all the small details about the patient so that the nurse could help the patient in the process of decision making (Tariman & Szubski, 2015). As stated by Inzucchi et al., (2012), person centered care helps in gaining the trust and the confidence of the patient. Thus, it get significantly easier for the healthcare practitioners to provide intensive care to the patients. Based on the narration that has been presented in the video, it could also be realized that the nurse-patient relationship enables nurses to spend significant amount of time in connecting, in interacting with the patients and also at the same time to understand the needs of the patient (Santana et al., 2018). In alignment to this, Ignatavicius & Workman (2015) have stated that in relevance to person-centered care, the nurse must acknowledge patient’s experiences, stories, and provide care that significantly focuses on the values presented by the patient. Therefore, with the implementation of the same, the nurse is able to engage the patient more in the care process. Insights On Person-Centered Care And Its Role In Nursing Discussion Paper
The concept of person centered care has many perks connected to it. With the implementation of this particular care, professional nurses are able to properly understand their role in the care giving process. In the video, it has been clearly stated that person centered care help in building a therapeutic patient-nurse relationship. Rørtveit et al., (2015) have stated that a therapeutic nurse-patient relationship is characterized as a therapeutic alliance founded on mutual trust and respect, the encouragement of faith and hope, being sympathetic and attentive to oneself and others. Apart from that, it also helps in assisting with the gratification of ones patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual awareness to manage and skill. Therefore, this actually helps the nurse to understand the exact function that he or she needs to carry out so that they could enable the best possible care to the patient. Studies have stated that, treating people as entities, and not only considering them as patients will result in a stronger general linking and significantly more comfortable working environment not only for the patient but also at the same time for the caregiver (Tariman & Szubski, 2015). Also, providing more appropriate care for a people infers that the individual will be better, healthier. Also, this individuals will be more likely to recover sooner, enabling the caregiver with the sense that they are creating a significant change in the life of the patients.
There are multiple benefits in taking person-centered approach and the benefits are enjoyed by the patient and the caregivers. As stated by Santana et al. (2018) and simultaneously highlighted in the video that one of the biggest benefit of person centered care approach is that it provides flexibility. Individuals gets to make decisions on their own and have their relevant input in the care process. Another important factor that could be connected to the notion of person centered approach is appropriateness. It has also been identified that the patients are more likely to get what they tend to require, if these individuals are significantly informed and allowed to take their own decisions. Adding to that, it could also be identified that, improved care means that better health and minimum dependency on health services, which might lead to less care necessities in the long run, permitting individuals to stay independent for a significant period of time. As a matter of fact, when individuals are given more responsibility for their own care decisions, they become more interested and emotionally invested in their own well-being. Therefore, it could be realized that there are multiple benefits of person centered care that are significantly enjoyed by the patients.
Seven core values has been identified in relevance to the person centered approach. To name them, individuality, dignity, partnership, independence, privacy, choice, respect and rights (Zamanzadeh et al., 2015). Based on the core values that the approach tend to exhibit, it could be identified that patient-centered care compliments and integrates a patient’s values, preferences, and goals into clinical decision-making and outcome assessments. Therefore, this observation enables the readers with the understanding that person centered care allows for uniqueness of each patient. Nurses has to thoroughly go through the case study of patients in order to understand all the relevant factors connected to the specific patient. Post that, it is a process that needs to be implemented in order to connect with the patient and post that enable the patient with the best possible care (Zamanzadeh et al., 2015). Through constant conversation and care, the nurses are able to get a thorough insight of the patient and the problems that he or she is facing. Now, based on that insight, it gets significantly easier for the healthcare practitioners to formulate a care plan for the patient. Therefore, each care plan is significantly unique in their nature and cannot be used twice.
The insights that has been gather from the video and post that the analysis that has been done in this report will significantly help me to grow as a professional student nurse. To begin with, it has helped me with the foundation of the person centered care and have enabled me with the understanding that person centered care is completely unique in its nature. I have realized that with the implementation of person centered care, the patient will be able to trust me to do what is best for them. Therefore, this makes the situation significantly easier for me as a nurse and the patient that I will be providing care. Adding to that, I have also realized that this particular approach will help me to meet the practical along with the social and the emotional needs of the patient and this will ensure the fact that they are able to maintain a significantly high quality of life.
As per the studies, it could be seen that person-centered care treatments have been found to reduce agitation, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and depression, as well as to enhance the overall quality of life (Kim, S. K., & Park, M. (2017). This has always been my motive to provide the best possible care to the patients and take utmost responsibility of my patients during the time of their care. Therefore, it could be stated that this report along with the insights presented in the video has helped me to significant gain knowledge and understanding of the various concepts related to person centered care.
On a concluding note, it could be stated that the paper has thoroughly been able to talk about person centered care. The fact that has been specifically mentioned in this report is that, person centered care is significantly unique in every possible way as compared to that of the other from of care provided to the patient. It has also been concluding that, improved care equals greater health and reduced reliance on health services, which may result in less care requirements in the long term, allowing persons to remain independent for an extended length of time. Adding to that, all the other insights related to person centered care, that has been presented in vide, are significantly discussed in this report. All the claims that has been made in this paper are backed with relevant discussion. Also, this claims are done on the basis of the information gathered from the reliable sources of information. Based on this observation, it could be easily stated that this paper can be used in future for relevant studies in this area of research.
Hamovitch, E. K., Choy-Brown, M., & Stanhope, V. (2018). Person-centered care and the therapeutic alliance. Community Mental Health Journal, 54(7), 951-958.
Ignatavicius, D. D., & Workman, M. L. (2015). Medical-surgical nursing-e-book: patient-centered collaborative care. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Inzucchi, S. E., Bergenstal, R. M., Buse, J. B., Diamant, M., Ferrannini, E., Nauck, M., … & Matthews, D. R. (2012). Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes: a patient-centered approach: position statement of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Diabetes care, 35(6), 1364-1379.
Kim, S. K., & Park, M. (2017). Effectiveness of person-centered care on people with dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical interventions in aging, 12, 381.
Rørtveit, K., Hansen, B. S., Leiknes, I., Joa, I., Testad, I., & Severinsson, E. (2015). Patients’ experiences of trust in the patient-nurse relationship-a systematic review of qualitative studies.
Santana, M. J., Manalili, K., Jolley, R. J., Zelinsky, S., Quan, H., & Lu, M. (2018). How to practice person?centred care: A conceptual framework. Health Expectations, 21(2), 429-440. Insights On Person-Centered Care And Its Role In Nursing Discussion Paper