Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay

Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay

I interviewed my mother and father through video call as I am an international student and my parents are not live in the U. S. , so we are not able to talk to each other face to face. My mother was thirty-three years old when she was pregnant with me.Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.  I was born on April 24th, 1997, so my mom should be 54 years old now. Although my mother gave birth to me very late, I was their first child in theory. Before me, my parents had a child, but unfortunately my mom slipped from the stairs when she was pregnant, which led them to lose their “first” child.

After the accidental abortion, my mother felt hard to forget her“first” child. She was suffering for it, and it had a little impact on their marital relationship. People always say “God closes a door for you but also opens a window for you. ” For my parents, I am one of their other windows. My parents were excited when they found that they were pregnant again, as they had no plans to get pregnant, but at the same time my father had some concerns because he knew my mother’s pregnancy age was a bit high and there was a certain risk they had to take if they decided to give birth to me. “Elderly parturient women need to experience requirement of assisted reproductive technologies frequently, and have higher risk of abortion, preterm labor, fetal malformation, and maternal cardio metabolic disease has been mentioned by Trillingsgaard and Sommer”. Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay. The doctors at the hospital also told them that older pregnant women should be more careful pre-pregnancy preparations and pregnancy tests than younger mothers. At that time, it was the peak of my mother’s career. Many colleagues around her advised her to grasp the opportunity of promotion and told her that fertility at this age is not a wise choice; her body and physical strength may not be able to take good care of her child well as the child grow older.


Despite the many concerns and dangers that they might encounter, my parents still chose to give birth to me. I asked them what made them make up their minds, and I was so touched when I heard them say that I am a gift from God, giving them a second chance to experience the feelings of being parents and to dilute the bad memories before. During pregnancy, mom always felt she was not sleeping enough and easy to get tired along with many other symptoms such as vomiting, emotional changes and dizziness. One of the distinguishing features of pregnancy is that the breasts begin to become sensitive, bloated, and sore. In the early stages of pregnancy, the breasts will increase and become firmer and heavier. The breast has a feeling of fullness and tingling. Small particles on the deep yellow areola around the teat are particularly prominent.

Another significant feature was that my mom’s weight was keep growing. It’s normal to gain weight for women during pregnancy. During the first three months, the weight grows slowly; after that, the weight would grow two kilogram per month as fetus develop. In addition, in order to keep my health and adequate nutrition my mother’s diet has changed and improved a lot. She was used to drink a small glass of wine before going to bed and a cup of tea in the morning, but she quit these habits after she got pregnant. She even didn’t take medicine when she was sick because she was afraid that the medicine would affect my health. In the first three months, the fetus is very sensitive to medicine, and pregnant women should try to avoid taking it. Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay. In the later stage, tea, coffee and alcohol will also have a certain impact on fetus’ development. My mom was not as afraid of gaining weight as some other pregnant women. She ate fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-wheat food, and enough protein and fat every day. Normal weight gain during pregnancy is essential. Excessive diet and poor eating can restrict baby’s development, but too much weight gain will cause high blood pressure, which creates other health problem for mother and child.

Consequently, it’s quit important for pregnant women to have a healthy balanced diet plan. According to the expected date of delivery, my mother is admitted to the hospital one week in advance to prepare for labor. Because my mother had accidentally miscarried once, my father felt that he did not take care of my mother well, and he has been very guilty. Therefore, during the time of pregnancy and childbirth, he accompanied my mother in the hospital along with my grandparents. Although they could take care of my mom and me well, they still hoped to have more professional people to help them, thus they hired a maternity matron to take care of me, and help my mother recover better after childbirth. The main tasks of maternity matron include helping children change diapers, coaxing children into sleeping, preparing nutritious food for mothers and so on.

Maternal women in China are different from maternal women in other countries. They need a month to recover after childbirth, which takes longer time compare to other countries’ mom. During this time, they can’t blow the air conditioner and get cold, watch TV or mobile phone for a long time, and they can’t wash their hair for a month. These restrictions will help them recover better and avoid leaving the root cause of diseases after childbirth. On the third day of the hospital, my mother’s amniotic fluid was broken,and her lower abdomen felt oppressed and accompanied by pain. When my father heard the pain from my mother, he called the doctor to prepare for labor induction suddenly.Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.  Within a few seconds, the nurse and the doctor came and pushed my mom into the delivery room. My mother chose natural labor because she learned from the doctor that the baby’s lung function can be exercised, the nerve endings of the skin are stimulated, the nerves and sensory system are able to develop well, and the body function can develop better from the birth canal.

In the delivery process, she didn’t use anesthesia even she hurt to cry cause she knew anesthetic may damage the baby’s nerves. Since the baby’s head is too big, the uterus is too small; the doctor opened a knife on the uterus to help the baby come out smoothly. The surrounding nurses also help mom to adjust the breathing, and measure the body within all normal ranges. At two o’clock in the afternoon, I finally came out of my mother’s body. The doctor cut the umbilical cord, cleaned the secretions in the vagina to prevent infection, and sutured the cut that was previously opened in the vagina. The nurse was responsible for cleaning the secretions on my body, measuring body temperature, heart, blood pressure and weight to ensure my health. When everything was arranged, they took me to my mother’s arms. The nurse told them that I was a seven-pound healthy girl. My mother cried happily. When she saw me at first sight, she felt that ten months of hard work and abandoned work were worthwhile. After birth, my mother chose to breastfeed, and feed once every two hours. Then, about six months old, I started eating complementary food. During infancy, I used to squat like a frog while I was sleeping and touch my mother’s earlobe to sleep. My mother’s body recovered well after childbirth, and there was no postpartum depression. The happiest thing is that my parents’ relationship is better than before.

After this interview, I realized how precious I was to them. I am also very happy that I have chosen this class fortunately, and learned a lot of knowledge about making children in the classroom.Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.  I used to think that having a child is a normal and simple thing, but now I understand the pain and risks that a pregnant woman has to experience during pregnancy, and its importance to a family relationship. I am so grateful to my parents for bringing me to this world. I love them!

rica is a 28 year old female who is expecting her second child on March 24, 2015. Erica currently resides in New Ulm, MN. She currently has a son that is 18 months old and is looking forward to meeting her new addition. I conducted this interview in her home on March 1, 2015. The total time of interview was roughly 30 minutes.

1. How/when did you confirm your pregnancy?
2. Can you describe how your pregnancy has gone?
3. Do you know the gender of baby? If so what is the gender?
4. What differences have you noticed with this pregnancy compared to your first?
5. Do you have any concerns with this pregnancy?
6. Do you have a birth plan as to what environment you will deliver your child (home, hospital, birth center)?
7. Can you describe your prenatal care?
8. Is the baby active or how often do you feel the fetal activity?
9. What dietary changes, if any, did you make during this pregnancy?
10. Did you experience any health concerns of your own during the pregnancy?
11. Did elect to do any prenatal screenings such as ultrasounds, trisomy testing, etc.?
12. Have you used any alcohol, tobacco or drugs?

1. Q: How/when did you confirm your pregnancy?
A: I don’t recall the exact date, but I remember feeling differently during the couple weeks prior to taking a pregnancy test. I was still breastfeeding my son at the time so I was not having a regular menstrual cycle.Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.  The day I took the home pregnancy test, I got up for work as usual and thought, “I’m just going to check if I’m pregnant” (absolutely not expecting to be) because I still had a home pregnancy test from the first pregnancy. The test needs some time to activate, so I showered and got ready for work as usual, and when I glanced at the test, it showed I was pregnant. The first thing I did was went and woke up my husband and told him the news. I waited a few weeks to schedule my first doctor’s appointment, where my pregnancy was confirmed by lab tests and we determined the due date.
2. Q: Can you describe how your pregnancy has gone?

A: The pregnancy has been OK. I started out having “morning” sickness in the first trimester and have had some more nausea the last couple weeks. Generally, I would get sick in the morning after waking up and in the evening after dinner. I just don’t think my body likes being pregnant. I don’t feel like I get the glow that most women say they get during pregnancy. I’m ready to meet the baby and to not be pregnant for a while.

3. Q: Do you know the gender of baby? If so what?
A: We found out the gender of the baby at our 20 week ultrasound. We are having a baby girl and we are excited to have both a boy and a girl.

4. Q: What differences have you noticed with this pregnancy compared to your first?
A: During this pregnancy I have definitely noticed changes in how I’m carrying the baby. Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay. My belly is not quite as big this time, or I feel that way at least, but I weigh the same amount as this stage with the first pregnancy. I’m also having a more difficult time sleeping and getting comfortable as I think this baby is sitting right on my bladder.

5. Q: Do you have any concerns with this pregnancy?
A: Do you mean aside from raising two young kids? We did have some markers in a blood test for potential Trisomy complications which was scary. Also, my first baby was very large (10lbs) so the thought of having another large baby makes me a little nervous as well. Otherwise, I have had a very active baby and I had no major complications or health concerns.

Pregnancy is a very important process for women and nursing students have the knowledge of pregnancy is very helpful for future nursing practice. This essay will first introduce the importance of informed consent. Some common discomfort symptom and the way of how to relieve will be listed. Then, the process from pregnancy until after childbirth of women will be discussed. The client has been chosen and part of the information will be based on the client’s experiences. After this, a full assessment for newborn baby will be listed and physiological changes will be discussed. It will also mention some support services in New Zealand. Finally, breastfeeding, bottle feeding and sterilisation of baby equipments will be mentioned. All appendixes will be attached at the back of the essay.Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.

Informed consent plays a vital role when people receive healthcare services or participate in researches and experiments. According to the Code of Health and Disability (1994), informed consent reflects client have their rights to be informed about all the information they should know thus to ensure they can freely make their decision (Ministry of health, 1994). There are three key factors to promote informed consent. First, communication effectively can help clients to have a good understanding of the information which has been provided (Health and disability commissioner, 2000). Second, providing all information including the therapeutic use and the side effects to ensure clients that clients make an informed decision. All the information has been provided have to follow honestly and accurately. Last, clients have the right to freely make their choices. Services can only be given to someone has signed an informed consent form (Health and disability commissioner, 2000). Clients also have their rights to refuse or stop any medical experiment (Health and disability commissioner, 2000). Overall, informed consent is to promote the clients rights and ensure clients have understand the whole process of any research or service. It also ensures the quality of the research and clients will fully participate in the project (Health and disability commissioner, 2000).

In this assignment, my client will be addressed as Mrs. F and her husband as Mr. F to ensure their confidentiality. The first visit to them was to introduce all the information of the procedures and explain the purpose of the project. Getting permission from my patient is also an important purpose for me to visit her. In addition, clients should know their rights before I start my project.

I introduced myself and the purpose for me to do this project to Mrs. F and Mr. F when I first visited them. Then, I explained all the details of this assignment to her, such as, what parts I would like to know from her and the time of visits. Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay. To obtain the informed consent from Mrs. F, I explained all her rights to ensure she feels secure to share her experiences and she could stop the interview at the any stage and all her information will be confidential. I also got permission from Mr. F as he is the baby’s father. After all the introduction and explanations, Mrs. F finally signed the consent form.

1b. Learning issues

The learning issue has attached in Appendix I of the assignment.

Second visit

Pregnancy and birth

2a. Common discomforts of pregnancy and the way of relieving them.

There are many common discomforts for women during pregnancy. Knowing how to minimise and relieve the discomforts during pregnancy can benefit both mother and baby (Pillitteri, 2010). The common discomforts and the ways of relieving it will be listed in appendix II.

2b. Discomforts experienced by my client during her

Mrs. F had experience constipation, swollen ankle and urinary frequently during her pregnant.

First, constipation happens due to the pressure of baby growth against the bowel (Pillitteri, 2010). Mrs. F told me that she increased fibre intake in her diet, by eating vegetables grains and fruits to relieve constipation.

Second, swollen ankle is caused by the pressure from uterine to slow down the blood circulation (Pillitteri, 2010). Mrs. F’s ways of relieved this symptom are putting her legs on the chair when have a rest and doing some exercise to increase her blood circulation.

Finally, urinating frequently happens at the early and late stages of pregnant due to the pressure of baby growth against the bladder (Pillitteri, 2010).Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.  Mrs. F shared her methods of how to reduce the symptoms that is avoiding to take any drink contain caffeine. Mrs. F said those symptoms are bothering her at the beginning. However, it does not influence her normal life after she tried the methods above as it is meet a part of content in Appendix II.

By getting all the information, she searched online, such as Ministry of Health and some other reliable websites. She also got some suggestions from her midwife.

2c. Adjustment made during pregnancy by the mother and father.

There are some adjustments during the pregnant of Mrs. F between her and her husband. Mr. A started doing most of the housework, such as, cleaning, shopping and cooking. Mrs. F also resigned her job because she needs more time to rest. They got lots of helpful information from previous pregnant friends, midwife and website.

2d. Advices from the father.

Mr. A had some suggestions to other expectant fathers. Fully supporting their wife is one of the most important parts. For instance, do some housework and take care of his wife. Another thing is to encourage pregnant women do some exercise everyday to promote their wellbeing.


2e. Clients’ experience of childbirth.

Mrs. F had childbirth after 39 weeks and she had psychological preparation before her estimate date. She started having painful contraction first and her water broken after 30 minutes later. Then, Mr. F took her to the hospital immediately. Mrs. F felt the rhythm of contractions is getting frequent and she felt very exhausted. Finally, Mrs. F had a cesarean section due to the fetus position is inappropriate. Her husband was stayed with her and supported her during the whole process. She told me that she could not feel any painful during the cesarean section because of the anaesthetic injection. She got the most of information from her antenatal class, midwife and well child health book.Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.  For example, doing some walking could make the labour easier and prevent infection of her wound after a cesarean birth. The well child health book has lots of health information for mother to get will known of their baby and mother can document the development of the baby up to 5 years old.

Mrs. F made a simple birth plan as it was her first time of pregnant. The plan includes the hospital she preferred to go, the person she would like to stay with her during labour, her preferred way of having labour and some method to relieve her pain. Mrs. F said the most of the requirements from her plan has been met. However, there are some differences between the plan and the actual birth. For example, the painful relieve method was not very effective because the pain level is over her imagination.

2f. Father’s response to birth.

Mr. F was in expectation to see his baby. At the same time, he was very worried about his wife and baby’s health status during the labour. However, after he knew that they were well, he was very excited, cheerful and exhausted. He also felt very busy after Mrs. F gave birth because he has lots of other things to prepare.

2g. Learning issues.

The Appendix III has concluded all the new things that I have learnt from second visit.

Third visit

3a. Client expectations of the puerperium and the actual experience

Puerperium is the time that around 6 weeks after the women give the childbirth. The most change in women during puerperium is physical. Mrs F. was expecting breastfeeding will be easy for her baby. However, she found placing her baby in the right position to breastfeeding was very difficult. After many times, she got used to it.

3b. Mr. F’s experiences of becoming father

Mr. F found his role has changed a lot after he became a father. He is concerned that his wife will get postnatal depression which is mood swing during the first 2 weeks after she gives childbirth. Evidence shows that 13 percent of New Zealand women easily get postnatal depression after childbirth. Sleep disruption is one of the factors could affect women (Plunket, 2012). Therefore, Mr. F took more responsibility to look after his baby during the night time to ensure his wife got enough sleep. Learning how to change diaper was also a challenge thing for him that he felt more and more responsibility he should take on his baby.

3c. Support and follow up care

There are many support services in New Zealand that provide information and help newborn parents. Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) and Well Child service provides support to pregnancy women. The detail will be listed in appendix VI. Mrs. F found her midwife is very helpful. She received a lot of information on breast feeding, showering and immunisation. It was not only beneficial for herself but also for the new born. Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.

3d. Full assessment of the new born

A full assessment of the new born (head to toes) will be attached in Appendix IV.

3e. Physiological changes in the newborn

Physiological changes such as physiological weight loss, Meconium, Mongolian blue spots and physiological jaundice are explained in detail as appendix V. For a new mother, knowing the cause and the symptoms of physiological jaundice are very important. The way of managing this symptom is the mother should feed her baby every two to three hours. This could decrease the level of jaundice. If the symptoms do not disappear, parent should seek medical assistance (Medlineplus, 2011).

3f. The Well Child book has many information and assessment of the newborn baby. The assessment includes Apgar, hearing, vision, weight, height, full physical examination and immunisation (Ministry of health, 2010). Birth assessments cover all of them. From first week to six week, the assessment concentrated on weight, vision, hearing, full physical assessment and health protection. From eight to ten week, the assessment has added the examination that includes skin and sleeping observation. During three to seven month, PEDS check will start assessing. Oral health assessment starts from nine month to three year old. B4 school check includes oral health, growth check, PDES and SDQ check. All this assessments is to ensure the normal development of the baby (Ministry of health, 2010). Documentation the information of newborn baby could help parents and health professionals observe the development of the baby and also identify the problems of the baby (Ministry of health, 2010). There are some ways for parents and health professionals to assess the hearing and vision of newborn. For 4 to 6 weeks old baby, hearing can be assessed by making noisy and the baby is able to response to it. The vision can be assessed by observing whether they will response to light. For 5 to 7 month old baby, hearing can be assessed by coping parent’s word. The vision can be assessed by placing toys in front of them to see if they will reach it (Ministry of health, 2010).

3g. The roles of plunket nurse

Plunket nurse works with family to look after the baby and provide information to the family. They provide services for the baby were born until the baby up to five years old. Plunket nurses have many roles.  Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.Firstly, they come to visit and assess the health of the new mother and her newborn baby. Secondly, they provide information to the parents and educate the new mother about breastfeeding, showering, immunisation and other basic needs (Skelton, 2012).

3h. Learning issues

The learning issue is attached as an appendix VI.

Fourth Visit

Infant feeding

4a. Experience of feeding her baby

Mrs. F gave breastfed her baby up to 6 months. Her family, friend and midwife influenced her choices as they told her about the benefits of breastfeeding. Mrs. F gained a lot of information about breastfeeding and all her family and other health professionals offered her support. For example, the way of feeding, the time of feeding and the amount of feeding. She found the support very helpful as it made the breast feeding process a lot easier.

4b. Advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding

The advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding are attached as an appendix ……….

4c. The mother’s experience of breast feeding

Mrs. F breastfed her baby up to 6 months and she felt painful sometimes. Every time when she heard the baby cry, she put her finger on the baby’s lip and baby will lick mother’s finger. Then, Mrs. F will know that her baby is feeling hungry. When the baby felt full, he will stop sucking Mrs. F’s nipple. Mrs. F told me that she followed the signs most of the time and it was very helpful.

4d. To select an appropriate formula

The mother should choose the appropriate formula for their baby based on the age and allergic history. Some babies allergic to milk power due to their body have reaction with the protein in the milk formula.Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.  Therefore, parents should be very careful when they select formula for their baby (Kids with food allergies foundation, 2009).

4e. Process for safe cleaning and sterilisation of bottle, teats and other equipment

The Appendix VII will show all the details about safe cleaning and sterilisation method for baby production.

4f. The mother’s experience of bottle feeding and introduction of solid.

Mrs. F gave her baby breastfeeding topped up with formula. She found bottle feeding a lot easier and quicker than breastfeeding. However, adjusting water temperature was quite difficult for her.

The mother should have enough knowledge of solid food before providing it to her baby. The development and growth of the baby are the key considerations when supplying solid food to them. Solid food should be provided when baby is around 5 to 6 months old (Extension, 2012). The mother also needs to ensure that the baby is able to swallow solid food, digest solid food and sit straight. The ways of giving solid food are showed as following. Mother should make sure her baby is happy before giving solid food to him and provide solid food after giving breastfeeding or formula (Extension, 2012). Putting the baby on a feeding chair will be easy for mother to feed them. Mother should always give a small amount of food on the spoon when feeding them. Also, giving the baby enough time to swallow the food and get used to the new flavour. A mother should grasp all the knowledge of the time and the way to provide solid food as it will make the feeding process easier for her (Extension, 2012). Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.


4g. The learning issue is given as appendix VIII.


I have learnt lots of new knowledge from this project. To prepare informed consent before interviewing my client and keep confidentiality are very important to establish the trust between us. Having the knowledge from pregnancy to birth will help me in the future when I am dealing with pregnant women. For example, I would able to give them some useful information during their pregnancy. I also can provide some New Zealand health services for them to ensure both mother and infant’s health. Time management is another important part that I have learnt. I wrote some questions before I go to visit my client because it is very helpful for me to have a clear idea when I interview my client. Controlling the time also help me to have an efficient conversation with my client as she will not feel so tired or hasted about our talking.

In conclusion, informed consent is very important for any research as people have the right to make their own decision. Mrs. F shared all her experiences from pregnancy until after childbirth and Mr. F also shared his experience of becoming a father. There are many common discomfort symptoms during pregnancy and relieved ways could help to reduce the uncomfortable level. LMC and Well child services provide lots of supports to pregnant women and they can get useful information from the services. The experience of this interview is helpful to the future nursing practice. Interview Report On Pregnancy And Childbirth Essay.

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