Introduction to Nursing Research.

Introduction to Nursing Research.


Introduction to nursing research

  1.  Introduction to Nursing research
  2.  Re-search——- Re – Again & Again. Search – Finding out some thing new. • Research seeks answers to questions in an orderly and systematic way • It is a method of problem solving
  3. Research is a careful inquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles, a diligent investigation to ascertain something. • It is a scientific process. It is called scientific because the results are verifiable. • It is systematic search for answers to questions about facts & relationship between facts .
  4. Definition of research • Research is an organized investigation of a problem. • Research is a problem solving process, a systematic, intensive study directed towards full, scientific knowledge of the subject studied. (French Ruth) • Research is a process which systematically searches for new facts and relationship . (Notter)Introduction to Nursing Research.


  5. Research may be defined as planned, systematic search for information for the purpose of increasing the total body of man’s knowledge. It involves looking for information which at the time is not available or for which that available or for which that has no generally accepted evidence. (Arnold Lancester)
  6. Characteristics of research • Directed towards the solution of a problem • Emphasize the development of generalizations of principles or theories • Based upon observable experience or empirical evidence • Demands accurate observation & descriptions. • Involves gathering new data from first hand source or existing data for a new purpose. • Carefully designed • Requires expertise contd…
  7.  Involves quest for answers to unsolved problem. • Carefully recorded & reported. • Patience and unhurried activity • Requires courage sometime • Generalized to the population • Needs statistical evidence to prove the findings • Needs control to prove findings • Should promote quality of care and standardization of nursing care
  8.  R – rational ways of thinking • E – expert and exhaustive treatment • S – search for solutions • E – exactness • A – analytical analysis of adequate data • R – relationships between facts and theories • C – constructive attitude/critical observation/careful recording • H – honesty and hard work in all aspects of the treatment of the data
  9. Nursing Research • Nursing Research is concerned with systematic study and assessment of nursing problems or phenomena, finding ways to improve nursing practice and patient care through creative studies, initiating and evaluating change and taking actions to make new knowledge useful in nursing.Introduction to Nursing Research.
  10.  Nursing Research is a process in which the researcher scientifically collects data to be used in the clinical, administrative or instructional area in order to find solutions to nursing problems, evaluate nursing practices, procedures, policies/curriculum, assess the need of patient, staff or students and make decisions to change or continue various nursing process which in turn advances the scientific knowledge in nursing field. (Polit & Hungler)
  11. Importance of Research in Nursing • Validation as a profession • Scientific basis for practice(research in nursing, nursing research) • Accountability • Improvement in nursing care • Identifying role of nurse in changing society • Discovering new measures for nursing practice • Helps to take prompt decisions • Improves standard of nursing care • Refining existing theories and discovering new theories
  12. Purposes of Nursing research Identification: • To clearly identify phenomena about which little is known. • Name the phenomena Qualitative studies • What is the phenomena? • What is its name ? Quantitative studies • Begins with phenomenon that has been previously studied. Introduction to Nursing Research.
  13. Description: • In a descriptive study, researchers Observe, count, Describe & classify the phenomena • eg. stress & coping, pain management, adaptation process, health beliefs, time pattern of temperature findings etc., Quantitative description • Focuses on prevalence, size, measurable attributes of phenomena Qualitative description • Focuses on description of dimensions, variations, importance of phenomena
  14. Exploration • Investigate full nature of phenomena about which little is known rather just observing or describing • Investigates manner in which phenomena manifested and other factors to which it is related • Explore the relationship between phenomena • Eg : patients preoperative stress • What factors diminish or increase patients stress? • Is it related to nursing staff? • Is it related to cultural background of the patient?
  15. Explanation : • Offer understanding of underlying causes of phenomenon. • Explain on how or why phenomenon exists. Prediction & control: • To make predictions & control phenomenon. • Can control phenomena in absence of complete understanding • E.g: Downs Syndrome in infants increases with increased age of the mother( can control by educating)
  16. Role of nurse in Research • Advocate of client or respondents during study • Major/ principal Investigator • Evaluator of a research findings • Introduction to Nursing Research. Research problem identifier • Informants / respondents / subjects / participants or sample population • Consumer of research findings • Associate or member of research team

Nursing research is used to study a dilemma or a problem in nursing. Examine a problem you have seen in nursing. Provide an overview of the problem and discuss why the problem should be studied. Provide rational and support for your answer.

Introduction to Nursing Research

Research in nursing practice is geared towards solving clinical practice problems in a scientific way. Most of these problems arise because there are practices that are not effective or efficient in bringing about better patient outcomes but are used nonetheless. This is the concept of common practice. To address these practice problems, nurses carry out research to find out alternative actions or interventions that are better at managing patients. Because these better alternatives are the result of a scientific process (clinical inquiry research), they become part of what is known as evidence-based practice or EBP (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2019). EBP is referred to as best practice and is the converse of common practice. This paper is about nursing research and briefly describes an example problem that can be addressed through research.Introduction to Nursing Research.

The Problem

The problem in this case is the use of the supine position in patients who are bed-ridden. It is a fairly common practice to keep these patients in supine position for most of the time. This is done in the belief that the position eases pressure on the body prominences and prevents necrosis. This seems unlikely however because cases of pressure ulcers in hospitalized and bed-ridden patients have still been on the rise (Angmorterh et al., 2019). This means that the issue needs to be investigated to find better evidence-based practices that can prevent pressure ulcers. This may include finding better positions to keep the patients in. The rationale for this is that bed-ridden patients still suffer pressure sores, especially the elderly. If scholarly literature that supports alternative measures is found, this alternative intervention is what will be used and the rate of pressure sores will go down.Introduction to Nursing Research.

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