Issues and Trends in Nursing Example Paper

Issues and Trends in Nursing Example Paper

Combined with the drive to a market-driven health system, organizations have endeavored to control market share, control costs, and address issues of quality through broad and specific care coordination. What are some of the activities that demonstrate specific care coordination?

Issues and Trends in Nursing

Given that health care is a major cost concern of every person, the development of systems that provide support in health care management is critical. Care coordination helps in addressing this concern through improving health care system efficiencies with the result being high quality care delivery at lower costs. Care coordination deliberately organizes patient care activities between the health care participants who include the patient with the focus being on delivering appropriate health care services. Health care delivery has increasingly focused on care coordination as a tool for identifying specific protocols related to the disease focus. Care is organized by marshaling resources such as personnel as need to conduct patient care activities as well as exchange information among the participants.  Issues and Trends in Nursing Example Paper  Some of the activities conducted in care coordination include conducting an initial comprehensive assessment, developing a plan of care, monitoring the plan in action, and revising the plan as required.


Other activities include facilitating support services and medication adherence (Marrelli, 2018). Within the concept of care coordination, nurse personnel engage in specific activities that include surveillance of safety, monitoring symptoms for physical and mental wellbeing, teaching coping skills, monitoring laboratory findings, medical care, medication coordination, medication side effects (action), and medication administration (Kuiper, Pesut & Arms, 2016). Besides the mentioned activities, nurses perform seven essential functions in care coordination. Firstly, nurses use data to support and evaluate high quality, patient centered and cost effectiveness across the care continuum. Secondly, they initiate, maintain and lead communication between the care participants. Thirdly, they assist patients to coordinate care across the continuum, particularly with regards to hospitalization. Fourthly, the co-create care plans with patients and other participants to include goals and targeted completion dates. Fifthly, they train and educate patients and other participants. Sixthly, they provide comprehensive assessment and reassessment of what patients cannot provide for their own care. Finally, they develop and maintain positive relationships with patients across the care settings (Lamb, 2018). In this respect, nurses participate in activities that demonstrate care coordination.


Kuiper, R., Pesut, D. & Arms, T. (2016). Clinical Reasoning and Care Coordination in Advanced Practice Nursing. Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Lamb, G. (2018). Care Coordination: A Blueprint for Action for RNs. American Nurses Association.

Marrelli, T. (2018). The Nurse Manager’s Survival Guide (4th ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International.  Issues and Trends in Nursing Example Paper

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