Issues In The Medical World Essay

Issues In The Medical World Essay

There is plenty of debate in the United States on the exclusion of the illegal immigrants from the healthcare insurance. There is plenty of argument from the white legislators that are in support of this. Their rationale is to first of all reduce the number of illegal immigrants in the United States. FAIR and CIS are two institutions that have been quite vocal on the media on the issue. They believe that the debate on health care insurance for the illegal immigrants is closely interwoven with the migration debate (Galarneau, 2011). FAIR believes that this is a debate that is more economical.

They are of the opinion that removing the undocumented immigrants from the insurance list saves the American taxpayers some dollars whereas including in the healthcare insurance only increases the amounts of deficits for the taxpayer. It also means increased number of patients reducing accessibility to health care. It is the opinions of such institutions that have forced the hands of numerous presidents. Issues In The Medical World Essay.   Issues In The Medical World Essay. They led the then president, Barrack Obama, to come up with a healthcare proposition called the Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act (Galarneau, 2011). A proposition that came into law when he signed it in. In the proposition he said that it would not be extended to cover illegal immigrants and true enough it did not. The bill did not even allow the illegal immigrants to purchase independent medical insurance. The only forms of insurance that the illegal immigrants and their families got was Medicaid.


However, some got medical insurance because of their employers. This is not expected because illegal immigrants most often get small jobs that are unable to cover for medical insurance. Others, however, argue that the government should grant the illegal immigrants the type of medical insurance coverage they can afford. Their reasons are mainly based on moral grounds. The people arguing for inclusion of the illegal immigrants include church groups, Latino groups as well as healthcare institutions. On moral grounds they argue that the illegal immigrants are human beings as well and deserve to be treated as such. They argue that getting health care is a basic right instead of a privilege. It is the right of every single human being to acquire proper medical care. The groups also add that all the people that are in need should get access to the best quality medical care that they can afford and it should not matter what group they belong to or their original parentage.

Some argue that simply entering the United States void of permission does not grant the government the powers to deny the person the basic human rights that they are entitled to. The groups also argue from an economic perspective. These groups also argue that the illegal immigrants contribute to the economy by participating in the workforce as well as paying taxes. As a result they should be entitled to medical care. They contribute about $1.5 billion to Medicare and about $7 billion to Social Security. They are able to contribute such heavy amounts despite them not receiving the benefits of the same (Galarneau, 2011). World Health Organization places patient autonomy and patient choice at the very forefront of the medical world. Issues In The Medical World Essay.

The modern theories of autonomy are mainly based on self-realization and self-actualization. It is a method that especially favors a treatment that is centered on the person and one that is holistic. It is believed that the patient should be involved in his own treatment. This can be achieved through giving the patient all the information that regards their condition then asking them to make the choice. This is a method of respecting the self-determination and the self-governance of the particular individual. The proposition is that a more open dialogue between the doctor and the patients could help the patients choose their best type of medication. To support the patient’s autonomy and choice requires the particular patient to be rational at the moment of making the decision.

The fact that the patient has to be rational at the time of receiving the information presents a problem for nurses. A feature of health care is known as informed consent. It dictates that the nurse must uphold the right of the patient to have full involvement in their treatment by making decisions about their healthcare. Nurses, on the other hand, realize the practical side of doing so is quite different. Giving this information is not as straightforward as it would appear and the capability of the patient making the wrong decision is quite high. In the dissemination of information, for example, there are ethical issues. One of them is to inflict no harm to the patient. This presents the problem of translation (Galarneau, 2011).

The statement could mean different things in the layman’s language and in the medical field. The nurse might, in a bid to inflict no harm, prefer to give the information in the form of an analogy. However, analogies are easy to distort and the information could potentially become misunderstood. Issues In The Medical World Essay.  Something that makes it even more difficult is the conversation surrounding death. How do you start the conversation to a patient about their death? How does the nurse begin this conversation and when is it best to do so? Some experts seem to believe that death should become a topic if the patient has only 12 months left to live. But the time left to live is hard to determine in a cancerous situation.


There is a severe form of discrimination against the illegal immigrants in America. However, denying them of medical care is not only unfair, but a breach of fundamental rights. On the other hand, nurses are facing the problems of juggling between discretion and patient autonomy.


Galarneau, C. (2011, May). Still Missing: Undocumented Immigrants in Health Care Reform. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 22 (2): 422“428.

Organizational Responsibility & Current Health Care Issues HCS – 545 11/19/2012 Organizational Responsibility & Current Health Care Issues In today’s modern world with plenty of technology, it is hard to believe that we cannot figure out how to reduce Medical errors. The issue of medical error is not new in health care organizations. It has been in spot light since 1990’s, when government did research on sudden increase in number of death in the hospitals. According to Lester, H., & Tritter, J. (2001), “Medical error is an actual or potential serious lapse in the standard of care provided to a patient, or harm caused to a patient through the performance of a health service or health care professional.” Medical errors…show more content…
The Organizational culture and structure can have real big impact on the quality of care either negatively or positively. If the organizational culture is poor then it is really hard to provide best health care that can work effectively. Poor organizational culture creates poor work condition at the facilities for workers, which leads to lots of stress and low quality of patient care. A many medical errors caused by employees, who were under lots of stress and workload (Imhof & Kaskie, 2008). The organizational structure is as important as culture for health organizational to provide best care to patients. According to Glickman, Baggett, Krubert, Peterson, and Schulman, (2008) “Organizational design is a formal, guided process for integrating the people, information, and technology of an organization, and serves as a key structural element that allows corporations to maximize value by matching their corporate design to overall strategy.” It is really hard for large organizations to provide high quality of care when the organization structure is not set properly. Most large health organization have their work divided into small tasks and each employee is responsible for his or her duties. As I have discussed earlier communication is major problem in health organization that leads to many medical errors. Without clear communication between

Modern medicine has been impacted by advances in science and technology. These advances have extended the doctor’s professional capabilities. Technology advances have also made modern medicalscience intellectually challenging. Medicine has now become more complex and demanding. Some examples include cloning, stem cells and identification of new viruses such as HIV. However this is only one side. There are many challenges that modern medical science still has to face.

Firstly, as medicine has improved more people have a chance of surviving till very old age as well as increasing population which allows discoveries of new diseases which was unknown before. These diseases are just being discovered and have no ultimate cure. There are also rising costs for late life care. Issues In The Medical World Essay.  Such as there are new DNA defects which continuously damage DNA seen in a young women with UV radiation and toxic substances in the atmosphere. Many diseases are similar but have different signs and symptoms that make them different. There is no benefit for the patient herself however this can be useful for parents and children who are suspicious of having this disease. This shows just how much medicine needs to advance to be able to treat these new diseases being discovered today.

Cancer has been recorded throughout history even ancient Egypt’s fossil signs of bone tumours have been found. However despite all technology advances there is still no proper cure for cancer that will make people immune from cancer. Breast cancer is the most common in the UK. In 2008 47,700 women were diagnosed in the UK with breast cancer that is around 130 women per day. Treatments for cancer include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, bone marrow and stem cell transplant yet none of these can properly cure cancer without giving risk.

Moreover, there are huge increases in deadly diseases in the developing world with HIV/AIDS at the top with an infection rate of 394 million. This creates another challenge for the world of medicine.Modern medicine should decrease the rate at which people are dying with these infectious diseases. Medicine and proper treatment are not being able to reach many places in the world where there is need for treatment and health risks are high.

There have been amazing recent discoveries such as nanotechnology used in many everyday situations such as sunscreen which contains nanoparticles of zinc oxide or titanium oxide giving them a clear look. There are also examples such as self-clearing glass, clothing and antimicrobial bandages. The use of nanotechnology in medicine offers some exciting possibilities. Some techniques are only imagined, while others are at various stages of testing, or actually being used today. The use of nanotechnology can revolutionise the way damage is detected and treated in the human body. At the moment nanotechnology is used to deliver drugs, light and other substances to specific cells in the body for example cancer cells. These techniques decrease damage to other healthy cells that are similar to the cancer cell such as hair ones. This is the side effect of other treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy where hair loss occurs. Issues In The Medical World Essay.Nanotechnology can also be used in diagnostics and imaging techniques. This is no doubt the most known fundamental research going on in medicine as it can open doors to new types of treatments and maybe help in the cure for cancer. The latest research going into the future of medicine is Nano factories. Imagine not having to go to the doctors and not taking any pills. Instead a tiny-cell like machine in your body would manufacture medicine and deliver it exactly where it is needed. Nano factories are pseudo-cells that are swallowed or taken in from the skin and travel to specific part of the body where needed. They would be unique as they could potentially use materials already in the body to manufacture medicine at the first sign of an infection or disease.

Stem cell research has been going on for quite a while and has had many breakthrough and more yet to be discovered. Primarily stem cells are biological cells found in all multicellular organisms that are totipotent which means that the cell is unspecialised and therefore has the ability specialise into any type of cell in the human body. Medical researchers believe that the stem cell therapy has the potential to dramatically change the treatment of human disease. There are numerous stem cell surgeries that already exist such as bone marrow transplants which are used to treat leukemia. The future challenge for modern medical science is to use stem cell research to treat numerous types of illnesses such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, an muscle damage. The challenge is to overcome social and scientific uncertainty surrounding stem cell research, public debate and ethical issues of surrounding this research. British and Canadian scientists have a found a way of reprogramming skin cells taken from adults, effectively winding the clock back on the cells until they were in an embryonic form.

Cloning is another hugely known discovery in medicine and can also help solve many problems the world is facing now. Cloning is producing a genetically identical organism using DNA fragments of original organism. Scientists hope that one day cloning can be used to generate tissues and organs for transplants. Many challenges must be overcome before cloned organ transplants become reality for example more effective technologies for creating human embryos, harvesting stem cells and producing organs from stem cells would developed. Issues In The Medical World Essay.  However there is a lot of risk involved. Reproductive cloning is expensive and highly inefficient. Research on cloning has also conflicted with ethical issues such as cloning mice and keeping many of them in laboratories. Some people argue that this is playing with nature and that cloning may cause damage to the human population that is unexpected yet. Cloning humans will open a scope of new adventures. However several cloned animals have died prematurely from infections and other complications. Scientists also do not know how human cloning can impact mental development. At this time the attempt to clone humans at this time is considered potentially dangerous and ethically irresponsible.

In conclusion, there are several challenges that facing modern medical science. Medicine is now in competition with developments of technology and has to use new technology in various ways to help the new challenges face by the human population. As the population is increasing and people are living longer lives more diseases are being discovered and treated however no cure for them exist. Latest technology has opened doors to new opportunities and medical science should make full use of this. Deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS are highest in the world are being treated in people but have yet been cured. New researches are yet to be developed and used to treat many of these diseases such as nanotechnology, stem cell research which can be used to repair organs and even make new organs available. Cloning and stem cell research are also well known new discoveries that are yet to be explored and used to human advantage but with so many complications and ethical concerns it is difficult to predict whether this will be possible in the

Modern medicine has been impacted by advances in science and technology. These advances have extended the doctor’s professional capabilities. Technology advances have also made modern medicalscience intellectually challenging. Medicine has now become more complex and demanding. Some examples include cloning, stem cells and identification of new viruses such as HIV. However this is only one side. There are many challenges that modern medical science still has to face. Issues In The Medical World Essay.

Firstly, as medicine has improved more people have a chance of surviving till very old age as well as increasing population which allows discoveries of new diseases which was unknown before. These diseases are just being discovered and have no ultimate cure. There are also rising costs for late life care. Such as there are new DNA defects which continuously damage DNA seen in a young women with UV radiation and toxic substances in the atmosphere. Many diseases are similar but have different signs and symptoms that make them different. There is no benefit for the patient herself however this can be useful for parents and children who are suspicious of having this disease. This shows just how much medicine needs to advance to be able to treat these new diseases being discovered today.

Cancer has been recorded throughout history even ancient Egypt’s fossil signs of bone tumours have been found. However despite all technology advances there is still no proper cure for cancer that will make people immune from cancer. Breast cancer is the most common in the UK. In 2008 47,700 women were diagnosed in the UK with breast cancer that is around 130 women per day. Treatments for cancer include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, bone marrow and stem cell transplant yet none of these can properly cure cancer without giving risk.

Moreover, there are huge increases in deadly diseases in the developing world with HIV/AIDS at the top with an infection rate of 394 million. This creates another challenge for the world of medicine. Issues In The Medical World Essay. Modern medicine should decrease the rate at which people are dying with these infectious diseases. Medicine and proper treatment are not being able to reach many places in the world where there is need for treatment and health risks are high.

There have been amazing recent discoveries such as nanotechnology used in many everyday situations such as sunscreen which contains nanoparticles of zinc oxide or titanium oxide giving them a clear look. There are also examples such as self-clearing glass, clothing and antimicrobial bandages. The use of nanotechnology in medicine offers some exciting possibilities. Some techniques are only imagined, while others are at various stages of testing, or actually being used today. The use of nanotechnology can revolutionise the way damage is detected and treated in the human body. At the moment nanotechnology is used to deliver drugs, light and other substances to specific cells in the body for example cancer cells. These techniques decrease damage to other healthy cells that are similar to the cancer cell such as hair ones. This is the side effect of other treatments for cancer such as chemotherapy where hair loss occurs. Nanotechnology can also be used in diagnostics and imaging techniques. This is no doubt the most known fundamental research going on in medicine as it can open doors to new types of treatments and maybe help in the cure for cancer. Issues In The Medical World Essay. The latest research going into the future of medicine is Nano factories. Imagine not having to go to the doctors and not taking any pills. Instead a tiny-cell like machine in your body would manufacture medicine and deliver it exactly where it is needed. Nano factories are pseudo-cells that are swallowed or taken in from the skin and travel to specific part of the body where needed. They would be unique as they could potentially use materials already in the body to manufacture medicine at the first sign of an infection or disease.

Stem cell research has been going on for quite a while and has had many breakthrough and more yet to be discovered. Primarily stem cells are biological cells found in all multicellular organisms that are totipotent which means that the cell is unspecialised and therefore has the ability specialise into any type of cell in the human body. Medical researchers believe that the stem cell therapy has the potential to dramatically change the treatment of human disease. There are numerous stem cell surgeries that already exist such as bone marrow transplants which are used to treat leukemia. The future challenge for modern medical science is to use stem cell research to treat numerous types of illnesses such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, an muscle damage. The challenge is to overcome social and scientific uncertainty surrounding stem cell research, public debate and ethical issues of surrounding this research. British and Canadian scientists have a found a way of reprogramming skin cells taken from adults, effectively winding the clock back on the cells until they were in an embryonic form.


Cloning is another hugely known discovery in medicine and can also help solve many problems the world is facing now. Cloning is producing a genetically identical organism using DNA fragments of original organism. Scientists hope that one day cloning can be used to generate tissues and organs for transplants. Many challenges must be overcome before cloned organ transplants become reality for example more effective technologies for creating human embryos, harvesting stem cells and producing organs from stem cells would developed. Issues In The Medical World Essay. However there is a lot of risk involved. Reproductive cloning is expensive and highly inefficient. Research on cloning has also conflicted with ethical issues such as cloning mice and keeping many of them in laboratories. Some people argue that this is playing with nature and that cloning may cause damage to the human population that is unexpected yet. Cloning humans will open a scope of new adventures. However several cloned animals have died prematurely from infections and other complications. Scientists also do not know how human cloning can impact mental development. At this time the attempt to clone humans at this time is considered potentially dangerous and ethically irresponsible.

In conclusion, there are several challenges that facing modern medical science. Medicine is now in competition with developments of technology and has to use new technology in various ways to help the new challenges face by the human population. As the population is increasing and people are living longer lives more diseases are being discovered and treated however no cure for them exist. Latest technology has opened doors to new opportunities and medical science should make full use of this. Deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS are highest in the world are being treated in people but have yet been cured. New researches are yet to be developed and used to treat many of these diseases such as nanotechnology, stem cell research which can be used to repair organs and even make new organs available. Cloning and stem cell research are also well known new discoveries that are yet to be explored and used to human advantage but with so many complications and ethical concerns it is difficult to predict whether its future or not. Issues In The Medical World Essay.

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