Journal Of Veterinary Internal Medicine Essay

Journal Of Veterinary Internal Medicine Essay

Discuss about the Journal of veterinary internal medicine.


This is a self controlling system that allows a stable biological system to be maintained in the form of a dynamic equilibrium, through series of inter related changes.

There are three components in a homeostatic system, namely the receptor, effectors and control. The control can be intrinsic (local control that work in local environments) and extrinsic control (through the actions of nervous system, endocrine system or neurohormonal actions) (, 2018).  Journal Of Veterinary Internal Medicine Essay.The control can be through a system of positive and negative feedback mechanisms. The feedback system works in a manner that allows the maintenance of consistency in the system (Nayak, 2018). In the negative feedback, the action of the effectors causes a negative effect on the change, and thus the effect of the negative feedback system has suppressive action on the response. AN example of negative feedback system is the maintenance of body temperature (Cunningham, 2007; Aspinall & Cappello, 2015).


Variables controlled by the homeostatic system are: body temperature, levels of calcium, glucose, respiratory gases, oxygen levels, sodium, calcium potassium, pH on the plasma or blood; regulation of blood pressure; maintaining osmotic balance; cerebrospinal fluid composition and regulating gene expression and balance of energy metabolism (Nakamura, 2011).

Comparison Of Diseases:

Hyperadrenocorticism Vs Hypoadrenocorticism

  Hyperadrenocorticism Hypoadrenocorticism
What is This is a disease that is identified by persistently elevated levels of cortisol in the system. It is also known as Cushing’s Syndrome, and affects older and geriatric dogs (Barbosa et al., 2016) This disease is identified by a deficit in the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone, and low levels of cortisol in the blood.  This disease affects middle aged or young dogs most commonly (Lathlan & Thompson, 2018).
Deficient/Excess condition Caused by excess production of cortisol Caused by underproduction of cortisol. Journal Of Veterinary Internal Medicine Essay.
Aetiology Excessive secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormones due to neuroendocrine tumours. It can also be due to adrenal carcinoma or adrenal hyperplasic syndrome (Raff et al., 2014). Due to this, the adrenocorticotropic hormone keeps on being produced regardless of the levels of cortisol in blood (Barbosa et al., 2016) This can be caused because of atrophy or damage or destruction of the cortical region of the adrenal gland, because of which glucocorticoids and minerelocorticoids are produced insufficiently. The destruction of the cortical cells can e either immune mediated or due to fungal infection, neoplasia, trauma, amyloidosis or coagulopathy (Lathlan & Taylor, 2005)
Signs Polyuria/Polydispsia; enlargement of the abdomen; Polyphagia; muscular weakness; lethargy; heat intolerance; alopecia; skin becomes thin and are prone to bruises and striation; skin hyperpigmentation; Calcinosis; atrophy of testis; facial paralysis; pyoderma; anestrus sebborhea and Pseudomyotonia (Cunningham, 2007).Journal Of Veterinary Internal Medicine Essay. Fluctuating levels of chlorine, sodium and potassium ions; persistent gastroenteritis; hypochloremia; hyperkalemia; hypoatremia; bradycardia; renal dysfunction; collapse of circulatory system; low blood pressure; dehydration; weakness; anorexia; diarrhea; low blood glucose levels; loss of weight and hyperpigmentation of dermis (Klein & Peterson, 2010).
Diagnosis Adrenocorticotropic stimulation tests; measurement of Creatinine to cortisol ratio in the urine; intravenous and oral test of low and high dose dexamethasone suppression; analysis of the concentration of adrenocorticotropic hormone in the plasma; Complete count of blood. Diagnostic imaging techniques like thoracic and abdominal radiograph, ultrasound of abdomen, computerized tomographic test or magnetic resonance imaging test of the brain (Barbosa et al., 2016). Adrenocorticotropic stimulation test; analyzing medical history, clinical signs and abnormalities in laboratory tests; radiograph of thoracic region; ultrasound of the abdomen and electrocardiogram test (Adler et al., 2016).
Treatment Medical treatment can include administration of trilostane, mitotane, I-deprenyl and ketocon zole. Surgical treatment can also be used for removing the tumours in adrenal or pituitary glands (Barbosa et al., 2016). This disease requires emergency medical assistance, where intravenous drip of saline should be administered. For shock, dexamethasone sodium phosphate or pednisolone sodium succinate is needed.. Also, replacement therapy for minerelocorticoids should be considered (Lathlan & Thompson, 2018).
Whether common in canine/feline/both This is more common in Canines Common in canines

The primary purpose of this study was to identify themes that are consistent across veterinary internship applicants’ personal statements and that are correlated with the statements’ perceived overall quality. A secondary purpose was to investigate the reliability in personal statement quality scoring among six experienced internship candidate evaluators. One hundred applications to the University of Georgia Small Animal Rotating Internship program were evaluated. Each evaluator wrote a description of what he or she values in personal statements and his or her beliefs about content and presentation in high- and low-quality statements.Journal Of Veterinary Internal Medicine Essay.  After statement de-identification, each evaluator reviewed 15 randomly selected personal statements from internship applicants and assigned each a score ranging from 1 to 4 according to the following criteria: 1 = would not rank for an internship; 2 = would rank in the bottom third; 3 = would rank in the middle third; and 4 = would rank in the top third. A subset of these scored personal statements was chosen for qualitative analysis. A qualitative document analysis using grounded theory was performed for both the evaluators’ descriptions of preferences in personal statements and the subset of personal statements. Agreement among evaluators’ assigned scores was slight (Fleiss’s κ = 0.11). Analysis of the evaluator statements and the scored candidate statements indicated that important factors in a personal statement include the applicant’s ability to articulate experiences, to convey maturity, to demonstrate understanding of what an internship entails, and to describe reasons for pursuing an internship. Journal Of Veterinary Internal Medicine Essay.

Our doctors at Southern Colorado Veterinary Internal Medicine are board certified.  So, what exactly is a veterinary internist?   A veterinary internist is a veterinarian with advanced training in the area of veterinary internal medicine.  To become board-certified veterinary internal medicine specialists, our doctors completed additional training following graduation from a four-year veterinary school.  The first year of advanced training is called an internship, and the next three years are called a residency.  During this time, the veterinarians are trained by other board-certified specialists in the intricacies of internal medicine.  At the completion of their residency, they became classified as “residency trained”, but were not yet board-certified.  In order to become board-certified in veterinary internal medicine, each doctor submitted their credentials in addition to having an original article published in a peer-review journal.  After their credentials were accepted, they sat for an intense 8-hour qualifying exam.  After passing the qualifying exam, the Veterinarian became eligible to take the certifying examination.  This exam is given over a two-day period and involves essay questions, a practical examination, and multiple choice and short answer portions.  Only after successful completion of this exam is a veterinarian declared a board-certified specialist in veterinary internal medicine by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.  Journal Of Veterinary Internal Medicine Essay.
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