Lack of Employment for the Youth Essay Example

Lack of Employment for the Youth Essay Example

One of the biggest issues I have is the steady drop in the employment rate. This has made it very difficult for me as an individual and many of my age groups internationally. When considering the opportunities that currently stand to those that were there before, it has become apparent that the employment level is steadily decreasing. The new generations have nothing to rely on, considering that no opportunities are made available for the new generations coming up. Most of the individual’s believe that the available jobs are above them based on the academic qualifications provided in the job requirements.

Growing up, the emphasis has always been placed on the importance of school. This is particularly concerning getting better jobs and earning a better living. It is also noteworthy that this is the motivation for which many students go to school. Because of this, it is apparent that students are going to school for no reason, considering that there is no employment reward at the end of the line. Lack of Employment for the Youth Essay Example Arguably, lack of jobs has a wider effect on the students and everyone. This is because Job loss is linked to an increase in mental and physical health issues, an increase in mortality rates, and negative changes in family connections and the psychological well-being of every family member.

Students are affected by this, and this scenario often also involves the family. The family, particularly parents, treat educating children as an investment in many counties, particularly in third-world countries. The expectation is that the students will get good jobs after a good education and help their family members and give back to the community in one way or another. However, with the current growth in unemployment rates, parents and families are slowly losing hope in the possibility of children stepping in to help relieve some of the load they carry. An excellent example is a case where a family is not financially stable, yet they manage to educate one of the children with the hope that they can further inform the rest of the siblings when they get great jobs. In such cases, lack of employment negatively affects such families.


It is also noteworthy that the lack of employment is one of the most demoralizing situations for students. Many graduates often have some unrealistic expectations as they always expect to land jobs immediately after graduation yet they lack the necessary skills. School is neither easy nor cheap; because of this, the students often look forward to finishing school so that they begin reaping the fruits of their hard work. However, beginner opportunities require graduates to be awarded basic skills to fit the job market where they can reap from their qualifications later. When there are no jobs for the students to step into, it becomes difficult for them to remain motivated. With the increase in unemployment and lack of employment, there is also an increase in grim cases such as suicide. Additionally, some graduates lack good salary negotiation skills as they are afraid that seeking a low or a higher wage may turn employers off. Employers often require them to negotiate the salaries offered to them, hence failing to possess better negotiation skills lands most youths into unemployment.

Many students of my generation have been affected by such situations. Students have also begun moving away from the notion that they get everything they need from schools because of the uncertainty of employment. Many believe it is more prudent to use that money, such as opening up businesses. In opening up trades, at least there is guaranteed job security. Job security is always more important than working towards a degree or qualification that does not materialize into a job at the end of the course.

In the United States of America, most youths now believe that most jobs are above them in relation to the academic qualifications required. Recently graduated individuals have a 4% unemployment rate for some jobs may require individuals to posses a masters degree yet someone has graduated with a bachelors. 2019 statistics prove that there is a 87% employment rate for college graduates, meaning that the 13% feel they are not fit for the jobs. 74% of high school graduates have a chance of being employed, hence 26% feel they do not have the necessary skillset for employment. Through the believe that some jobs are above some individuals, the unemployment rates keeps increasing and the youth fail to grasp the available opportunities. Therefore, the unemployment gap is credited towards the failure of grabbing the available opportunities.

Internationally, many jurisdictions have been affected by the lack of jobs. As the world opens up, instead of creating more jobs, the economy seems to force more jobs to be closed down. This left the youths in a state of despair. Therefore, it is possible to wonder whether the days of relying on schools for success are truly over or if this is just a hiccup along the road. I have been affected by the problems considering that I am not certain of getting employed at the end of my curriculum.

Lack of Employment for the Youth Essay Example

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