Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay

Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay

This legislation affects and supports people with dementia as it has different laws. Some of these laws are things like helping people to wash and dress themselves. This helps people with dementia, as when it becomes advanced they lose their fine motor skills and they find it difficult to do simple tasks like fasten buttons and hold things, so it also makes it hard for them to wash.  Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay.They have carers that will do this for them and help them do it. The legislation affects the patients care as the carer has to follow rules, such as making sure that the patient has privacy and dignity, such as washing them where nobody can see them and undressing them where they can’t be seen by other people.

If this legislation wasn’t in place it would affect the person with dementia as they could be washed anywhere, and this could be in front of other people, which would mean that their body is exposed. This legislation also makes sure that people (who have had any mental disorders, are disabled or have had an addiction to drugs or alcohol) have suitable accommodation to stay in. As dementia is classified as a mental disorder, this act makes sure that they are living somewhere suitable, and it also makes sure that people with dementia are treated equally. Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay.

The mental capacity act is a legislation that gives a person (who has mental problems) a chance to receive the same care as others, by allowing a family member or spouse to make decisions for them, regarding their health, if they are unable to do this themselves. It supports people who have dementia as it makes sure that all adults have the right to make their own decisions if they have the capacity to do this. The adults also must be assumed to have the mental capacity unless it is proven otherwise, and any decision made for a person who lacks mental capacity must be in their best interest.

It also makes sure that if a person makes an unwise decision they shouldn’t be treated as if they have a lack in capacity. These legislations do things like taking over finance if the person doesn’t understand how to do this, having carers to look after them in the daytime or be in full time care, where they will be looked after 24 hours a day, and it makes sure that people cannot judge them just because they have mental issues. This legislation affects the persons care as it allows them to make their own decisions, such as if they want to go into a care home, or if they don’t want to take medication. It makes sure that they have the freedom to decide things on their own, without having someone make all of their decisions for them.


This act covers the treatment, assessment and care of mentally disorientated people. This act determines if a person can be detained for treatment and an assessment regarding a mental health disorder (such as a dementia patient can be kept in hospital for medication that they need). An assessment is made to make sure that the person is eligible to be detained and given medication. An example of this would be a dementia patient getting an assessment to decide if he or she needs to stay in hospital for treatment and be detained or if they can go home and refuse the treatment, and they would have to meet most of the criteria in order for this to happen. The act regulates that an application for the treatment must be supported my 2 medical practitioners, and that they both agree on the patients care, by stating why the treatment is necessary.

This affects the dementia patients care as it allows them to receive treatment, in order for them to become healthier and well again. The dementia patient may not understand the rights in the act, so health care workers have a duty of making sure that the patient is safe in their environment, such as at home, in a residential home or in hospital.  Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay.This affects the patients care, as it ensures that they do not injure themselves and that they are being cared for properly, e.g. the risk of them falling would be much lower as they have the support from the people around them to ensure their safety. The act was also amended in 2007 and it made changes to two things, these are: that a mental disorder is a single definition, rather than having different categories. And it enables practitioners to perform the same job as a social worker. This would affect the care of the patient as they are not being judged and they have more people ensuring that they are safe in their surroundings.


Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct 2007

The nursing and midwifery code of conduct makes sure that staff are properly trained to do their job properly and that people can trust them doing their job, and that they trust them with their health and wellbeing, and it makes sure that staff are trustworthy and that they can treat people with respect. The nursing and midwifery code of conduct makes sure that: staff treat people as individuals so that their privacy and dignity is protected, and that they are not discriminated against, peoples confidentiality must be respected, you must disclose information if it is believed that someone is in danger. And it makes sure that consent is gained, such as when providing care or treatment. This affects patient care as the Code of Conduct ensures that people are treated correctly and that boundaries are not being broken, such as patients being abused. It makes sure that people are dealt with properly and that records are kept, and that they are securely kept and updated at all times. This affects patient care as it ensures that nothing goes wrong, such as they might be given overdoses of medication if records are not kept up to date. Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay.

The framework provides a strategy within local services, which means that they can: deliver quality improvements to dementia services and address health inequalities relating to dementia. They can also provide advice, guidance and support for health and social care commissioners and providers, in the planning, development and monitoring of services. And they can provide a guide to the content of high quality services for dementia patients. This affects the care of dementia patients, as this act makes sure that the patients have the correct facilities and support for them, so that they have a good quality of care and that they are respected and able to ‘Live well’. It means that they can have special services to help them, such as carers coming to their houses and looking after them, or being in a care home where they can be looked after all day and night. This act makes sure that people with dementia are looked after and cared for equally, as everyone else is being treated.

National Framework for Older People

This framework was set up to make sure that the NHS patients stay healthy, active and independent for as long as possible by building partnerships between the patient and staff members. It tries to make sure that patients with dementia don’t deteriorate as fast as they should by trying to keep them mobile and independent, and making sure that they are provided with dignity and respect. This affects the care of the individual as it promotes their quality of life and respects personal choices and respects their independence. It makes sure that the patients are treated fairly and properly by staff members and carers. It also tries to speed up the discharge of patients and helping them to have a better and faster recovery, so that more patients can be looked after. And it also makes sure that staff members are aware of the common risks in older patients, like trips, falls and serious injuries. Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay. The staff members must be aware of trips, falls and serious injuries so that they can be reduced and things can be put into place to stop them from happening.

Care Standards Act 2000 This legislation affects and supports people with dementia as it has different laws. Some of these laws are things like helping people to wash and dress themselves. This helps people with dementia, as when it becomes advanced they lose their fine motor skills and they find it difficult to do simple tasks like fasten buttons and hold things, so it also makes it hard for them to wash. They have carers that will do this for them and help them do it. The legislation affects the patients care as the carer has to follow rules, such as making sure that the patient has privacy and dignity, such as washing them where nobody can see them and undressing them where they can’t be seen.
The act was also amended in 2007 and it made changes to two things, these are: that a mental disorder is a single definition, rather than having different categories. And it enables practitioners to perform the same job as a social worker. This would affect the care of the patient as they are not being judged and they have more people ensuring that they are safe in their surroundings. Frameworks Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct 2007 The nursing and midwifery code of conduct makes sure that staff are properly trained to do their job properly and that people can trust them doing their job, and that they trust them with their health and wellbeing, and it makes sure that staff are trustworthy and that they can treat people with respect. The nursing and midwifery code of conduct makes sure that: staff treat people as individuals so that their privacy and dignity is protected, and that they are not discriminated against, peoples confidentiality must be respected, you must disclose information if it is believed that someone is in danger. And it makes sure that consent is gained, such as when providing care or treatment.  Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay.This affects patient care as the Code of Conduct ensures that people are treated correctly and that boundaries are not being broken, such as patients being abused. It makes sure that people are dealt with properly and that records are kept, and that they are securely

P3 – Describe Legislation and Frameworks which Govern Work with Individuals with Dementia In this assignment I will be describing the legislation and frameworks which govern work with individuals with dementia. I will be writing about different Acts and how they protect people with dementia. Human Rights Act 1998 – The Human Rights Act involves:

The right to life
The right to freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment The right to freedom from slavery and forced labour
The right to liberty and security
The right to affair and public trial in a reasonable time
The right to freedom from retrospective from criminal law
The right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence The right of freedom of thought, conscience and religion
The right to freedom from expression
The right to freedom of assembly and association
The right to marry and found a family
The prohibition of discrimination
The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions and protection of property The right to access of education
The right of free elections
The right not to be subjected to the death penalty
People with dementia and those who care for them should be treated with dignity and respect, and should have access to high quality care. Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay.

These include the right not to be treated in an inhuman or degrading way, the right to respect for private and family life and the right to liberty. People with dementia and their carers are also confronted daily by discriminatory attitudes about dementia, including assumptions about the quality of life possible with dementia, fear of dementia and ageism. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 –

The purpose of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 is to restrict contact between children and vulnerable adults and those who might do them harm; its key principles are: Unsuitable persons should be barred from
working with children (or vulnerable adults) Employers should have a straightforward means of checking that a person is not barred from working with children (or vulnerable adults) Suitability checks should not be one-offs: they should be an element of on-going assessment of suitability to catch those who commit wrongs following a suitability check. Safeguarding is a recognised multi-agency process for protecting children and adults at risk of harm or potential abuse. People with dementia need the extra protection of safeguarding procedures that put a duty on professionals to share information and work together.Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay.  Although the processes for protecting children and people with dementia are similar, all dementia patients in the UK have the right to make choices and be treated as adults, with dignity and respect. How dementia affects someone should always be clarified with the adult, and staff should make every effort to communicate directly with the adult to seek their views about an investigation. People with dementia can be abused in additional ways to children and can be at risk of: discrimination, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, financial abuse, neglect and institutional abuse.

Mental Health Act 2007 –
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 came into force in England and Wales in 2007. The Act aims to empower and protect people who may not be able to make some decisions for themselves. It also enables people to plan ahead in case they are unable to make important decisions for themselves in the future. The Mental Capacity Act sets out what happens when people are unable to make a particular decision:

That being unable to make a complex decision yourself does not mean you cannot make more straightforward decisions That being unable to make a decision at a certain time does not necessarily mean that you will not be able to make it at a later time or date if the decision can wait That someone cannot decide that you lack capacity, or make assumptions about what is in your best interests, merely on the basis of your age, appearance, condition or behaviour That if someone has to make a decision on your behalf, they must still involve you as much as possible That someone making a decision on your behalf must act in your best interests – the Act gives a
checklist of factors which they must consider when working out what is in your best interests A decision made on your behalf must be made in a way that is least restrictive of your basic rights and freedoms, as long as it is still in your best interests How care or treatment can be carried out if you lack capacity, providing it is in your best interests – including safeguards and limitations Additional safeguards where decisions involve withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment for someone who lacks capacity to make these decisions How an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) can represent you if you are unable to make important decisions and there is no one else who can support you or represent your views. Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay.

The Act applies to anyone aged 16 or over in England and Wales. It protects people with dementia as these people may find it difficult to make decisions some or all of the time so they can use the Act to plan ahead in case they are unable to make decisions in the future.

The Mental Capacity Act 2007 –
The Mental Capacity Act provides a framework to empower and protect people who may lack capacity to make some decisions for their selves. The Mental Capacity Act makes clear who can take decisions in which situations, and how they should go about this. Anyone who works with or cares for an adult who lacks capacity must comply with the Act when making decisions or acting for that person. This applies whether decisions are life changing events or more every day matters and is relevant to adults of any age, regardless of when they lost capacity. The Mental Capacity Act is to ensure that those who lack capacity are empowered to make as many decisions for themselves as possible and that any decision made, or action taken, on their behalf is made in their best interests.

The five key principles in the Act are:

Every adult has the right to make his or her own decisions and must be assumed to have capacity to make them unless it is proved otherwise. A person must be given all practicable help before anyone treats them as not being able to make their own decisions. Just because an individual makes
what might be seen as an unwise decision, they should not be treated as lacking capacity to make that decision. Anything done or any decision made on behalf of a person who lacks capacity must be done in their best interests. Anything done for or on behalf of a person who lacks capacity should be the least restrictive of their basic rights and freedoms.

The Mental Capacity Act 2007 is a law that protects and supports people who do not have the ability to make decisions for their selves such as people with dementia. It also provides guidance to support people who need to make decisions on behalf of someone else. Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay. The Mental Capacity Act covers important decisions relating to the individual’s property, financial affairs, and health and social care. It also applies to everyday decisions, such as personal care, what to wear and what to eat. It can help support people with dementia, their carers and professionals to make decisions, both now and in the future.

Valuing People Strategy –
All People with a learning disability are people with the right to live their lives like any other person, with the same opportunities and responsibilities, and to be treated with the same dignity and respect. They and their families and carers are entitled to the same aspirations and life chances as any other person.

The 4 principles of Valuing People Now
People with learning disabilities and their families have the same human rights as everyone else. Independent living
This does not mean living on your own or having to do everything yourself. All disabled people should have greater choice and control over the support they need to go about their daily lives; greater access to housing, education, employment, leisure and transport opportunities and to participation in family and community life. Control

This is about being involved in and in control of decisions made about your life. This is not usually doing exactly what you want, but is about having
information and support to understand the different options and their implications and consequences, so people can make informed decisions about their own lives. Inclusion

This means being able to participate in all the aspects of community – to work, learn, get about, meet people, be part of social networks and access goods and services – and to have the support to do so. To make sure people with learning dementia have the same life opportunities as any other person they need to get the health care and the support they need to live healthy lives. Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay. People with dementia and their families should be able to choose where and who they live with. They also need to have a fulfilling life of their own choice, this includes opportunities to work, study, and enjoy social and leisure activities. Also they need to have the choice to have relationships, become parents and the support to do so. To make sure people with dementia are treated as equal as everyone else they can speak up and be heard about what they want from their lives, the big decisions and the everyday choices. If they need support to do this, they should be able to get it. They will be able to use public transport safely and easily and feel confident to do so. And be able to use local mainstream services such as leisure centres, sport facilities, libraries, cinemas, restaurants and shopping centres. All people with dementia will be able to live their lives in safe environments and will feel confident and that their right to love safely is upheld by the criminal justice system. They will also be able to make a complaint or seek legal redress; they will be treated with the same dignity and respect as any other person.

Living Well With Dementia (National Dementia Strategy) –
The aim of the Strategy is to ensure that improvements are made to dementia services across three key areas: improved awareness, earlier diagnosis and intervention, and a higher quality of care. The Strategy identifies 17 key objectives which should result in significant improvements in the quality of services provided to people with dementia and should promote a greater understanding of the causes and consequences of dementia. This Strategy should change in the way that people with dementia are viewed and cared for in England.

The Department’s goal is for people with dementia and their family carers to be helped to live well with dementia, no matter what the stage of their illness or where they are in the health and social care system. The vision to achieve this is to: Encourage help-seeking and help-offering (referral for diagnosis) by changing public and professional attitudes, understanding and behaviour;

Make early diagnosis and treatment the rule rather than the exception; and achieve this by locating the responsibility for the diagnosis of mild and moderate dementia in a specifically commissioned part of the system that can, first, make the diagnoses well, second, break those diagnoses sensitively and well to those affected, and third, provide individuals with immediate treatment, care and peer and professional support as needed; and Enable people with dementia and their carers to live well with dementia by the provision of good-quality care for all with dementia from diagnosis to the end of life, in the community, in hospitals and in care homes. Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay. The Gold Standard Framework –


The Gold Standard Framework is an evidence based approach to enhance care for all patients approaching the end of life, delivered by generalist care providers. This includes care for people considered to be at any stage in the final years of life, people with any condition or diagnosis, in any setting and provided by anyone in health and social care at any time needed. they do this in a wide range of settings by providing a complete package to improve end of life care including – Quality improvement training programmes and quality assurance Accreditation Tools, resources and guides that are tried and tested,

Measures- evaluations and metrics, comparative and benchmarked and local support for best implementation and cross-boundary integration Their aims are to improve the quality of care for people in the final years of life; coordination and communication of care across boundaries and improve outcomes for people reducing time in hospitals and enabling more to live and die where they choose in line with their needs and preferences. The Gold
Standard Framework supports quality improvement through training programmes in many settings and subjects; Quality assurance through GSF accreditation with evaluation and benchmarked audit measures; and Quality recognition – national recognition as examples of best practice in their field, recognised by the general public, commissioners, national policy and regulators. Legislation And Frameworks For Dementia Essay.

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