Magnet Transformational Leadership Style Essay

Magnet Transformational Leadership Style Essay

The American Nurses Association (ANA) and its subsidiary, the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), formed the Magnet Recognition Program (MRP) in 1994 as a way to recognize the healthcare organizations that practice policies that maintain nursing excellence (ANCC, 2013). The president of ANA Karen Daley (2012) explained that “After more than 20 years of experience with the program, we know that the Magnet Designation really does make a difference in the lives of nurses and patients in Magnet facilities” (P.44). AANC (2013) in its official website reported that until May 2013 a total of 395 hospitals worldwide had achieved the Magnet Recognition. Magnet Transformational Leadership Style Essay. Those hospitals distributed in America, Australia, Lebanon, and Singapore (Appendix: Figure, 1). This statistics do not include the hospitals in which they are in the process of achieving the Magnet Recognition. The five components of MRP model, and its 14 Forces of Magnetism considered as the primary basis for achieving Magnet Recognition (ANCC, 2013). Transformational leadership is the first component of the Magnet model.

Aga Khan University (AKU) and its hospital (AKUH) is an enterprise with a unique vision. The AKU vision statement explains that AKU will be always innovative. According to the AKUH official website (2013) the hospital provides secondary and tertiary services to over 50,000 hospitalized patients and to approximately 600,000 outpatients annually. In addition to that, the achievements of AKUH in the field of accreditation seems distinguish. In 2006 AKUH was the first hospital in Pakistan to achieve Joint Commission International accreditation for accomplishing and maintaining the uppermost international quality standards in healthcare. Furthermore, in 2008 AKUH was the first hospital in Pakistan to receive ISO 9001. This achievement leaves no doubt that AKUH always trying to keep its promise toward being innovative and a role model for others. Thus, it is highly likely that MRP will be the next step for AKUH to achieve in the field of accreditation.


The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to explore how much the transformational leadership style required for MRP is being practiced at AKUH. This study will provide a clear view about AKUH readiness for MRP in terms of leadership. Furthermore, it will provide a guideline for the nursing leaders. A guide line for the changes they need in order to be transformational leaders. Moreover, it will highlight the important effects of the transformational leadership style on the staff satisfaction and staff retention. Magnet Transformational Leadership Style Essay.

Research Question

Does Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) manifest the leadership style required for Magnet Recognition Program (MRP)?

Key Words

The words which have been used as key words for this search were: Magnet Recognition program; leadership style; Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.

Search Strategy

First, the researcher used the search engine Pub Med Central (PMC) with the first, second, and third key words. The results number was respectively 1210, 23, 0 articles. Second, the researcher used the search engine Google Scholar with the first, second, and third key words. The results number was respectively 54700, 1200, 5 articles (Appendix: Table 1). Third, the researcher reviews the 5 final articles from both searches. The result was none of it has a direct relation to the study. Thus, depending on these findings in the published literature it seems probable to assume that this is a pilot study to be done in AKUH. Finally, the researcher reviewed the articles resulted from using the first and second key words. In fact, from the reviewed literature 18 articles had been selected, because of its relevance to this study in terms of the topics and some of the variables they have. In addition, the researcher utilizes the information available on the official websites of ANCC and AKUH. All references are clearly reported in APA format at the references section of this paper.

Literature Review

Nursing staff retention and job satisfaction (An insistent problem)

Shortage of nursing staff is one of the most important problems that face health care organizations worldwide (Ramey, 2002). Nursing staff shortage problem has a root cause factors. Likewise, the number of registered nurses is very small compare to the job market demand. Furthermore, the turnover ratio is very high.  Magnet Transformational Leadership Style Essay.Additionally, severe nursing staff shortage within hospitals treated inappropriately as hospital management usually puts more time, efforts, and money to recruit new nurses. This is rather than creating innovative strategies to retain their nurses (Ramey, 2002). Increasing staff satisfaction is one important factor in meeting the challenges of quality outcomes, patient satisfaction, and retention of highly educated nurses (Lorber & Savic, 2012).

Job satisfaction defined as a “positive or pleasing emotional state from the appraisal of one’s job or experience” (Voon et al., 2011, p.2). Voon et al. explain that job satisfaction comes from the employee’s attitude toward their jobs. This is taking in consideration their feelings, beliefs and behaviors. This means that when the employees find their jobs satisfying and attractive, they usually become more retrain in it. It is highly likely clear that employees’ satisfaction is one of the most important factors for the success of the organization (Voon et al., 2011). Furthermore, Lorber and Savic (2012) stated that “Job satisfaction is determined by a comparison of one’s prior expectations about the job and the actual experience of the job” (p.2). In this terms, the importance of studying and analyzing the factors affecting the job satisfaction and job retention, become an essential need for the enterprises that seek overall improvement. This is in order to win the race toward a successful future.

AKUH is experiencing the challenge of retraining its nurses even more than other hospitals. A study constructed by Khowaja and Nensey (1999) stated that the turnover rates at AKUH were 33.6% in year 1996 and 1997. AKUH turnover ratio is higher than the international levels of turnover ratio among nurses (Khowaja, Merchant & Hirani, 2005).

Magnet Recognition Program (A Promising Solution):

Magnet model defines a structure for assisting the professional practice of nursing. This model has proven effectiveness in attracting and retaining nurses (ANCC, 2013). The 2008 ANCC’s MRP configured the foundational 14 Forces of Magnetism into five Model Components (Appendix: Table 2). The five components of the Magnet model are “transformational leadership; structural empowerment; exemplary professional practice; new knowledge, innovation, and improvements; and empirical quality results” (ANCC, 2013).

In the developed countries, a study constructed by Kelly, McHugh, and Aiken (2011) in USA showed that the nurses in Magnet hospitals are 18% less likely to be dissatisfied with their work and 13% less likely to suffer burnout. Therefore, Magnet hospitals nurses were found more retrained in their jobs than non-Magnet hospitals nurses. Lundmark (n.d) stated that many researches supported the presence of a positive relation between the Magnet status and the nursing job satisfaction and job retention (Smith, Tallman, & Kelly 2006; Rondeau & Wagar 2006; Tigert & Laschinger 2004; Thomas-Hawkins, Denno, & Currier 2003; Brady-Schwartz 2005). All those studies outcomes proved the presence of significant positive relation between Magnet status and the satisfactory outcomes for nurses such as lower burnout, higher satisfaction, and fewer reports of plans to leave. Magnet Transformational Leadership Style Essay.

In the developing countries such as Lebanon and Singapore MRP was achievable. Yet, there is no available studies in the literature whether to compare the hospital status before and after MRP application or to explain the application process challenges. In fact, the literature contains an article demonstrate an experimental application for the MRP in Russia funded by USA. This took place after the Soviet Union collapse in 1991. The pilot project was through twining Magnet hospital in USA with hospitals in Russia. The project designated by ANCC as such because it was the first to took place in countries with transitional economies, weak resources and technologies, and the main language was not English (Aiken & Poghosyan, 2008). Aiken and Poghosyan (2008) studied the experiment and stated “Forces of Magnetism appear to have the same potential for transforming nursing practice in countries with fewer resources as in wealthier western countries” (P.1).

The Study Focus (Magnet Transformational Leadership Style)

Transformational leadership style is one of five components in the Magnet model 2008. Yet, it remains the foundation for establishing the essential structures to meet the potentials of the other component and for ensuring outstanding empirical outcomes (Schwartz, Spencer, Wilson, & Wood, 2011).This study due to the time limitation will focus only on transformational leadership the first component of Magnet model. Thus, the door will be open for further studies to explore the rest of the MRP model components applicability at AKUH.

Transformational leader are those leaders who lead individuals to meet the requirements of the future. This needs vision, influence, clinical knowledge, and a forceful competencies relating to professional nursing practice (ANCC, 2013; Luzinski, 2011). Transformational leaders motivate their followers to achieve a shared goal, by appealing to their higher ideals and moral values (Iro, 2007).Magnet Transformational Leadership Style Essay.  Much studies have conducted in Magnet and non-Magnet hospitals to explore the effects of the transformational leadership on the nursing staff satisfaction and retention (Schwartz, Spencer, Wilson, & Wood, 2011; Ramey, 2002; Loke, 2001).

In the developed countries, a study had been conducted at magnet hospitals by Schwartz, Spencer, Wilson, and Wood (2011) in USA. The study outcome was significant as the average turnover was 3% between the perioperative nursing staff. Apparently, applying the transformational leadership behaviors in the surgical services has produced outstanding outcomes. Similar to that, in non-Magnet hospitals a study conducted by Ramey (2002) at West Virginia in USA stated that the findings supported the presence of a positive relationship between transformational leadership and nurse’s job satisfaction.

In the developing countries, a study had been conducted in Singapore at a non-Magnet hospital by Loke (2001) to explore the effects of the leadership behaviors on the job satisfaction, productivity and organizational commitment. The study results indicated that 29% of job satisfaction was explained by the use of leadership behaviors, and related to the style of leader ship being used. Moreover, the transformational leadership style has a strong positive relation with the nurse’s job satisfaction.

Finally, it is highly likely clear that magnet transformational leadership style effective toward improving the nursing staff satisfaction and job retention. At the same time, it enhances the work environment and makes it ready for achieving the rest of the magnet model components (Schwartz, Spencer, Wilson, & Wood, 2011).


The Significance of the Study

At AKUH there are always continuous challenges to retain nurses. Retraining nurses is an important issue to remain competitive in fast changing health care field. Thus, continuous changes are required in order to meet these challenges especially in the increasing demands for quality care worldwide (Lorber & Savic, 2012). Furthermore, a study had been conducted at AKUH by Khowaja, Merchant, and Hirani (2005) to explore nurses perception of work satisfaction. Magnet Transformational Leadership Style Essay. The researchers recommended that further studies for the leader ship style being practiced at AKUH should be done. Moreover, their study findings indicates that for enhancing nurse’s satisfaction at AKUH changes in the nursing management need to be done. Khowaja, Merchant and Hirani (2005) stated “Supportive Nursing Management style, open communication, respect and recognition can improve the RNs job satisfaction” (P.39). In fact, as far as we know no one yet provided a suitable solution to the nurses satisfaction and retention issue. Thus, depending on the reviewed literature it seems suitable to assume that magnet recognition program is a promising solution. This is toward improving the nurse’s satisfaction and job retention. Moreover, this solution had been tested in developed and developing countries and it had succeeded. This study will focus on the leadership style and hopefully will be the initial step toward achieving Magnet Designation.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

This study will adopt the Magnet model 2008 as its theoretical framework (Appendix: figure, 2). ANCC in its official website reported that “This new model is designed to provide a framework for nursing practice and research in the future, as well as serving as a road map for organizations seeking to achieve Magnet recognition”(ANCC, 2013). The new Magnet model organizes the 14 Forces of Magnetism within 5 model components (Appendix: Table 2), while holding the 14 forces as the program foundations (ANCC, 2013). Thus, this study through focusing on the transformational leadership style will achieve the first step toward an empirical outcome for patients and nurses.Magnet Transformational Leadership Style Essay.

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