Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay

Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay

The scope of marketing management within the non-profit organizations is a very topical and important issue in the current course of time. It is considered to play a leading role in terms of the process of interaction with the actual, as well as potential customers. Furthermore, the issue of communication with the customers’ audience is also a predetermining factor in terms of the efficient, constructive and perspective performance of a particular non-profit organization.

Actually, the significance of the impact of the aforementioned marketing management practices appeared to be a controversial issue for a long course of time. Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay. Though, the attitude toward its essence as well as toward the relevance of incorporation of the most innovative marketing management practices into the non-profit sector has sufficiently altered in the recent course of time. The practices from the private sector appear to be efficient in the scope of functioning of the contemporary non-profit organizations as the outcomes of the empirical practices demonstrate. Therefore, it is relevant to discuss and analyze the actual implementation of these marketing management practices in terms of implementation by a certain non-profit organization. The non-profit organization for the current discussion and analysis is Yorkshire Cancer Research. The organization is registered in the United Kingdom and presents one of the most significant and constructive centres targeted at cancer research. Actually, the currently presented choice has been motivated by such significant factors as relevant and constructive policy presented by the organization, significant ramifications of research and charity activity, and competitive position within the scope of the contemporary cancer research. Hence, the course of further discussion and analysis will be relevant and constructive. Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay.

An Overview of the Charity’s Work and Approach of Yorkshire Cancer Research

It is relevant to start the process of current discussion and analysis from a brief overview of the actual performance presented by Yorkshire Cancer Research. First of all, the presented organization functions as a non-profit one and is registered on the territory of the United Kingdom. According to the official website of the organization,

At Yorkshire Cancer Research, we are a team completely dedicated to achieving our goals. We have seven core values that drive all we do day to day. These are Devoted to the Cause, Friendly, Positive, Open, Helpful, Flexible and Successful. These values steer how we work and keep us focused (Our Core Values n.d.).


It is relevant to underline that the aforementioned values are the essence of the course of corporate performance presented by Yorkshire Cancer Research. Every type of the organization’s activity is apparently and constructively aligned with the aforementioned priorities and values. Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay.

Furthermore, it is also relevant to underline the strategic aims and the overall mission statement proclaimed by the organization. Hence, Yorkshire Cancer Research deals with the funding system targeted at cancer research. Actually, the primary objective for Yorkshire Cancer Research is to provide the background for preventive measures and potential earlier diagnosis of the cancer. Furthermore, the performance of the currently discussed charity organization is aimed at the potential measures which tend to improve to a certain extent the conditions and the opportunities of the course of actual treatment of the patients who already have the disease. It is also significant to underline the objective to strive to the internationally accepted and approved standards in terms of quality of the course of treatment. This is a very constructive approach as far as it directly contributes to the overall efficiency and future perspectives of the treatment policies and approaches the contemporary health care system tends to provide. Furthermore, the partnership with the peers is also considered to be the ultimate aim, as well as the opportunity to contribute to the health care system and its practical implementation on the territory of Yorkshire. Hence, on the basis of the aforementioned objectives of the activity of Yorkshire Cancer Research organization, the mission has been announced:

  • Currently, we are committed to spending more than 20m to support 200 scientists carrying out vital research that matters to Yorkshire people.
  • We are committed to attracting the very best talent and expertise to Yorkshire and investing in the scientists of tomorrow. Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay.
  • Our priority is to transfer discoveries from the lab to the patient in Yorkshire. (Our Core Values n.d.).

Moreover, it is relevant to discuss the actual achievements and results of the activity of the analyzed organization. The data has been acquired from the annual report of Yorkshire Cancer Research organization featuring 2012 outcomes of the performance.

Hence, the following aspect of the activity of Yorkshire Cancer Research organization should be underlined as the key and perspective one: “We continue to fund the best quality research across all our funding streams and receive a high demand for funding with 169 applications from the Yorkshire scientific community received in 2011/12.” (Yorkshire Cancer Research: Annual Report and Accounts 2012).

Furthermore, the introduction of Stakeholder Involvement Group (SIG) to the actual funding process is also worth being highlighted in the context of the actual performance of the aforementioned organization. The SIG introduction comprises the patients who currently deal with the cancer aligned with the activity of current professionals practicing cancer treatment as well as clinicians. The overall target of Stakeholder Involvement Group performance is to assist the Yorkshire Cancer Research activity in terms of the decisions making process concerning certain scientific applications to fund. Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay.

Furthermore, such a significant aspect as the variety of scientific awards which are offered by the analyzed organization is also a crucial one. The aforementioned scientific awards comprise “Ph.D. Studentships, Clinical Research Training fellowships and pump priming awards which look at early stage research.” (Yorkshire Cancer Research: Annual Report and Accounts 2012).

Moreover, the organization funds the variety of projects which last for three years as well as certain programs with the period of functioning prolonged up to five years. Thus, Yorkshire Cancer Research organization is considered to be one of the most currently efficient and perspective in the future charity organizations which are registered on the territory of the United Kingdom in the current course of time. Therefore, it is considered to be relevant to analyze and discuss the marketing management practices incorporated by the aforementioned organization.

The Discussion of the Marketing management Practices Implemented by Yorkshire Cancer Research Organization

It is essential to underline the significance of the course of the marketing management in terms of functioning of the analyzed organization.

First of all, it is relevant to analyze and properly evaluate the role of the target audience the organization is oriented at. Actually, the target audience is formed primarily to the geographical criterion as far as the cancer concern does not have certain age, sex, religious or even cultural differentiation. Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay. The issue of the cancer threat and urgent necessity to treat it in case it has already emerged is equally urgent and topical for every member of society. Therefore, the target audience should be regarded as the one made from Yorkshire inhabitants as far as the problem of cancer is a supreme concern for every member of the modern society.

The next significant aspect for the current discussion is the analysis of the marketing environment. The concept of marketing environment is regarded as the set of influential factors and crucial forces which tend to predetermine or impact to a certain extent the course of the organization’s communication with the target audience. The audience in terms of performance by Yorkshire Cancer Research is referred to by different means of communication and relationship building. There are three key levels of the phenomenon of marketing environment: micro (or internal) marketing environment, macro (or external) marketing environment, and meso marketing environment. It is relevant to discuss the activity of the discussed organization in terms of each level of the marketing environment phenomenon.

Hence, it is relevant to start with the internal marketing environment. Yorkshire Cancer Research is characterized by smooth and constructive management, transparent finance policy and emphasis upon the challenge Yorkshire Cancer Research tends to display on a regular basis. Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay. The aforementioned aspects provide not only efficient results of the organization performance, but also relevant basis for further development and improvement of Yorkshire Cancer Research activity. The aforementioned stance is supported by means of actual outcomes and achievements the organization displays in the recent course of time. The official website of the discussed organization provides a vivid and persuasive sample of the announced policy: “Each day, the Institute has responsibility for treating 2,000 patients (from a catchment population of 2.6 million), most of whom will have had a cancer diagnosis… With your help we can improve cancer outcomes for patients throughout Yorkshire as we continue to challenge this indiscriminate disease that still claims one in three lives in the UK.” (Yorkshire Cancer Center n.d.).

The currently presented sample illustrates the emphasis the organization puts upon the target audience within the public releases. It highlights the key role the participants of the charity activity performed by Yorkshire Cancer Center play in the whole phenomenon of charity work. Actually, every participant tends to feel as an inseparable part of the contemporary charity community as a result of such target audience oriented communication policies. Such an approach toward the formation and development of the internal marketing environment is a constructive and efficient one.Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay.

Moreover, it is significant to discuss the external marketing environment of Yorkshire Cancer Center organization. The most vivid, constructive and efficient aspect of its course is a culture of Yorkshire Cancer Center and its actual implementation in the process of charity activity. The culture of the organization is embodied in the standards according to which the organization tends to function. “At Yorkshire Cancer Research we work to the highest standards to ensure that our donors can always be confident that their money will be put to the best possible use. We are members of both fundraising bodies and medical bodies that ensure we stay up to date and maintain our high standards.” (Standards We Work to n.d.).

Furthermore, the core values also support the overall culture of Yorkshire Cancer Research. The core values which comprise success, being devoted to the supreme goal, high level of policy flexibility as well as being friendly, positive, helpful and open, tend to demonstrate the orientation of the activity and the basic priorities of the charity research and funding systems. These core values significantly appeal to the core values of the target audience. Therefore, the communication with the audience based upon the similar values and priorities appears to be constructive, currently efficient and perspective.

The range of press releases and events which are dedicated to the primary target of the organization work – the charity work – tend to communicate the aforementioned core values to the target audience by means of different visual, advertising and eventual tools. Actually, the efficiency of the described approach and marketing management practices which are demonstrated by Yorkshire Cancer Research are sufficient to announce the aforementioned organization one of the most efficient and perspective within the scope of the UK charity organizations in the current course of time, according to Charity Choice (n.d.). Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay.

The phenomenon of meso marketing environment is also significant in terms of the current discussion. Actually, the role of intermediaries is played by other organizations which are also targeted at charity performance or are concerned with to a certain extent. Furthermore, the PR campaign conducted by the actual members of the charity organization is considered to be very effective as the evidence from Just Giving (n.d.). A certain amount of donations has been provided on the basis of opinion or on the sample of activity of family and close friends.

Furthermore, the current course of the analysis should be properly aligned with the five marketing environmental influences. These key influences include socio-cultural, political, legal, technological and economic along with environmental ones (The Marketing Environment 2005). It is relevant to underline the socio-cultural scope of influence as far as it appears to be the closest one to the phenomenon of charity and funding system. The process as well as the crucial essence of the charity work presupposes constant connection with this scope as far as donations are often linked to the socially and culturally relevant events and also often refer to the core values and priorities which are accounted for in terms of cultural and social scope of cognition. Hence, the significance of socio-cultural dimension of impact is crucial in terms of charity performance in general as well as within the course of performance of Yorkshire Cancer Research organization in particular. Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay.

Evaluation of the Charity’s Use of Marketing Management Practices

The next step of the current discussion and analysis is connected with the course of the evaluation of the actual marketing management practices implementation by Yorkshire Cancer Research organization. Furthermore, its impact as well as level of efficiency should also be accounted for. Hence, the marketing mix has been chosen to feature the key aspects of the aforementioned issues.

The phenomenon of the marketing mix has been comprehensively accounted for by Londre (2009): “The purpose of Marketing is to sell more stuff to more people more often for more money in order to make more profit. Marketing Mix is the combination of four elements, called the 4P’s (Product, Price, Promotion and Place), that every company has the option of adding, subtracting, or modifying in order to create a desired marketing strategy.”

Hence, it is quite obvious that there is supposed to be a certain difference in terms of marketing mix discussion within the profit companies and Yorkshire Cancer Research as a non-profit organization.Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay.

The first significant element of the marketing mix is the element of the Product. Actually, the non-profit organization may regard the notion of the Product as any targeted activity. In the case of Yorkshire Cancer Research performance as a non-profit organization, the Product should be regarded as the process of charity activity. Actually, it may include all the donations which are offered by Yorkshire Cancer Research as well as other possibilities to participate in the course of charity activity. Hence, the product presentation and marketing management course is considered to be conducted on the excellent level. The purpose of Product is to involve the target audience in the course of charity activity in order to help the patients who suffer from cancer as well as to prevent the emergence of disease.

Price is also a significant element of the marketing mix. The pricing policy is characterized as especially transparent and significant. Furthermore, the financial assets tend to be spent upon one of the most urgent and serious problems of the modern world – therefore, the price is always considered sufficient.


The next aspect that is to be discussed in the current context is the phenomenon of promotion. According to Londre (2009), “The communication element includes personal and non-personal communication activities.” Actually, one of the most relevant and effective types of promotion in terms of non-profit company performance is considered to be the advertising campaigns. According to Londre (2009), “Advertising is structured and composed non-personal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods, services, and ideas) by identified sponsors through various media.” Hence, it is necessary to underline that the discussed charity organization tends to use all the key opportunities offered by the phenomenon of advertising in order to communicate with the target audience properly and constructively. Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay. This aspect makes the approach and overall policy in terms of the marketing management process conducted by the non-profit corporation quite close and similar to the one displayed by the majority of the contemporary for-profit organizations. Hence, it may be regarded as a universal and multidimensional one. The final element of the marketing mix is place. The aspect of coverage and location is structured and positioned quite solidly and presents a significant basis for the actual performance of the organization.

Recommendations for the Course of Marketing Management for Yorkshire Cancer Research Organization

The overall course of the marketing management practices presented and consistently discussed within the current paper appears to be very efficient and perspective. Though, it is significant to provide certain recommendations concerning the potential development and improvement of the phenomenon of marketing management in terms of Yorkshire Cancer Research organization.

First of all, it is necessary to underline the necessity to broaden the area of impact of the organization. It means that new scope of performance should be chosen and worked for. Furthermore, it is apparent that new media of advertising and communication with the target audience should be incorporated as far as currently existing ones appear to be more usual and traditions. For instance, the web opportunities have already been efficiently incorporated, but not quite completely as far as the promotion has been held primarily only on the charity related websites and the official pages of the partners and peers in terms of charity activity. Therefore, the whole system should become more modernized and innovatively structured.

Thus, the activity in the scope of the charity organization is presented by the actual performance of Yorkshire Cancer Research organization. Its marketing management practices appear to be significantly efficient. Though, they apparent need certain development and improvement.  Marketing Management Practices Of Cancer Research Essay.

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