McDonalization of Healthcare Essay

McDonalization of Healthcare Essay

What happened to modern day health care? It seems like throughout the years modern day healthcare has altered drastically into a Bureaucratic organization. In addition, our social institutions are becoming more and more Mcdonalized. According to the article What is McDonaldization? “McDonalization is the term invented by George Ritzer to describe a sociological phenomenon that is happening in our society.” In essence, McDonaldization is the process of rationalization, albeit taken to extreme levels” ( of Healthcare Essay


Mcdonalization is considered a form of bureaucracy, which Ritzers refers to as dehumanizing. Many of the characteristics of Mcdonldization can easily be examine in the health care system, from a routine check-up or physical to a visit in the emergency room. In the past, healthcare was more simplistic in nature. For example, doctors knew their patients on a more personal level. In addition, checking on patients and making house calls wasn’t unheard of. Doctors would also make follow up appointments and keep in touch with their patients on a regular basis. The compassion for the patient was very prevalent during this time. However, now profit is becoming the most important component in the health care system. According to NP Oddessy, “Like a fancy restaurant, the more times they can turn over a table during a shift, the more money made. Hospitals use beds instead tables. Healthcare has been broken down into small parts, like an assembly line of care” (NP We can see how healthcare is transitioning into a Beaucratic organization by looking at four components: Calculability, Efficiency, Predictability and Control.McDonalization of Healthcare Essay

According to George Ritzer, bureaucracy completely dehumanized the social institutions in America. He sees the bureaucracy as having four components: efficiency, predictability, control and quantification. He terms this dehumanization of an institution as “McDonaldization”. One of the most prevalent examples in modern society is the health care institution. In the past, health care was more simplistic in nature. House calls were not unheard of, and doctors knew all of their patients and their families on a personal level. The doctor who delivered your parents would deliver you as well as your future children. Follow-ups were quite normal; doctors were concerned with your progress for their own peace of mind. It is only recently that the…show more content…
Some pharmacies can have prescriptions delivered to your home, much like a machine would.McDonalization of Healthcare Essay  Predictability is a big characteristic in the McDonalized healthcare system. A simple visit to the doctor now has become formulaic. First the receptionist fills out the necessary paperwork and informs the doctor you have arrived. Then you wait until a nurse comes into the waiting room and informs you that doctor will see you now. Most times this is not actually the case, in actuality it means that the nurse will now take your temperature, pulse rate, and blood pressure. Like a perfect automaton, the nurse proceeds to measure vital signs and note her findings with as little human interaction with you as is possible. After the nurse has completed her tasks, you must wait until the doctor pops his head in, nurse’s records in hand. The doctor then proceeds to ask you some variation of the stock doctor question: “What seems to be the problem today?” You then inform the doctor of all your symptoms, which he processes and eventual comes up with a diagnosis, much like a computer would. The doctor then either gives you a prescription or advises you to “stay in bed and drink lots of fluids”, another stock doctor phrase. If it is necessary according to the diagnosis made, the doctor may decide further tests to be necessary. If further treatment is required, you basically must go McDonalization of Healthcare Essay

McDonald’s McDonald’s in a healthy fast food society is a derivative of Ritzer’s fast food chain from McDonald’s to explain the situation of our society. Rizel argues that our social system has been completely inhumanized in the form of bureaucracy. Healthcare is an example of an organization characterized by four elements of bureaucracy, efficiency, predictability, control, and quantification. In the past, health care was virtually simpler. The House of Representatives phone is unheard of, and the doctor knows all patients and their families at a personal level.

McDonald’s is the term used in the sociologist George Ritzer’s book “McDonald’s Association (1993)”. This happens when culture has characteristics of fast food restaurants. McDonald’s is a reconceptualization of rationalization, or a shift from a conventional thinking to a rational idea, and scientific management. – With the progress of centuries and the development of culture, the idea of ​​government and democracy is constantly evolving. The economic and cultural status of a period affects people’s perceptions of the government. Living in a capitalist country does not necessarily mean that democracy does not exist. However, this does not mean that national democracy has been fully formed and developed. The capitalist economy has transformed beliefs about what it means into democratic countries.McDonalization of Healthcare Essay

McDonald’s McDonald’s in a healthy fast food society is a derivative of Ritzer’s fast food chain from McDonald’s to explain the situation of our society. Rizel argues that our social system has been completely inhumanized in the form of bureaucracy. Healthcare is an example of an organization characterized by four elements of bureaucracy, efficiency, predictability, control, and quantification. In the past, health care was virtually simpler. – McDonald’s: Inhumanizing Workers McDonald’s is becoming a wave of new work, workers are dismissed, inhumanized and exploited. We will take over the work previously done by employees, such as bank vending machines. McDonald’s work now does not make all work that employees do for their customers, like when customers clean up after work.McDonalization of Healthcare Essay

McDonald has a lot of thought about health problems and introduces various kinds of salad. People who want to eat fast food can also eat a little health at McDonald’s. If you buy soda, McDonald’s will also provide free supplementary possibilities. This is also very disadvantageous to customer health. Soda water contains a lot of sugar. Super Size Me is an American documentary in 2004, supervised and supervised by American independent filmmaker Morgan Sprock. The film of Spurlock was filmed 28 days after February 2003, during which he eat only McDonald ‘s food. This movie records the impact of this lifestyle on the physical and mental health of Spurlock and the fast food industry is considering the impact of companies on nutrition. Spurlock ate at McDonald’s restaurant three times a day and ate all the food in the chain menu. If he is offered, he always chooses his meal “oversized”.McDonalization of Healthcare Essay

According to George Ritzer, bureaucracy completely dehumanized the social institutions in America. He sees the bureaucracy as having four components: efficiency, predictability, control and quantification. He terms this dehumanization of an institution as “McDonaldization”. One of the most prevalent examples in modern society is the health care institution. In the past, health care was more simplistic in nature. House calls were not unheard of, and doctors knew all of their patients and their families on a personal level. The doctor who delivered your parents would deliver you as well as your future children. Follow-ups were quite normal; doctors were concerned with your progress for their own peace of mind. It is only recently that the health care system has emerged as the McDonalized bureaucratic organization that it is today. All the characteristics of bureaucracy that Ritzer mentions in his book are plain to see when one looks into the modern health care system. From something simple like a trip to your doctor for check-up to an urgent trip to the emergency room; it’s not hard to find predictability, control, efficiency, and quantification engrained in every aspect of health care. McDonaldization is irrevocably changing healthcare.McDonalization of Healthcare Essay

Quantification is easily observed when you arrive in a hospital waiting room and a big sign gives you a number before you are able to make any type of human contact. After waiting for a good bit of time your number is finally called, and before you are able to anything else, you must first present the receptionist with your insurance card. Only after doing this can you be given your file number, which during the time you spend within the hospital is your only identity. After you see the doctor, you come out with a prescription or two, a process that only serves to further your nameless, dehumanized ordeal. When you go into a pharmacy to have a prescription filled the first thing the pharmacist asks you is if you know the prescription number of the medicine you want filled. You are a prescription number, not a person. If you don’t remember it, only then is your name used as secondary possibility for means of identification of you medicine. Before you pay you have to show your other insurance card, which is once again reducing you to a series of numbers. Thanks to the McDonaldization of the healthcare system, the whole doctor vist/perescription filling experience is a very impersonal one.McDonalization of Healthcare Essay

Efficiency is another bureaucratic characteristic that is prominent in the hospital visit aspect of the healthcare system. When you need to go to the hospital you must call ahead and make an appointment with the receptionist. This avoids the long lines of people waiting to see the doctor which are commonplace in our health care system. Each person reduced to a number series, just like you. Making an appointment before hand makes the doctor visiting process an efficient and expedient one, but one made necessary by the McDonaldization of health care. It arises again with the doctors themselves. When a doctor is on duty and makes rounds, he goes from exam room to exam room, where each one has a patient already waiting inside. After he assesses the need of a patient, the doctor then visits another one while a nurse brings in another patient into the empty room. This way the hospital can get people in, out, and on their way as quickly and easily as possible, and at the same time, servicing the most amount of people in a day they can. This sounds more like an industrial machine then true health care. Thanks to McDonaldization, the heath care system is more mechanical then ever. McDonalization of Healthcare Essay

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