Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

510 Week 6 Response to Presentation.
Due date 08/12/2020 5 pm ET
• In your rebuttals, argue against the position they have taken. Provide evidence in your rebuttals- why do you oppose their viewpoint?
• References and APA style.
Rebuttal Rules
• You can choose a text or a video response.
• No personal attacks or name calling. Add emojis if needed. Remember that tone comes across differently online and in text.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay
• Do not use all CAPS and remember that the person’s stance may not be their personal views. Argue the evidence, not the person.


1- Topic :Mead Marijuana Legalization Opposed
Example:Why we should legalize the Marijuana.

Leticia Rojas
2- Topic: Having an abortion is killing a child regardless on when it is performed
Example: Having an abortion should be allow, for some circumstances.
3-Topic: Children Do Not need to be vaccinated; it should be up to the parents
Example: The importance of vaccination, some parent do not have the knowledge, results can be devastating.

When people talk about drugs such as marijuana and cannabis, the identical product is meant. If we discuss botany, plants, we usually utilize the notion ‘cannabis’. Hemp is a kind of flowerers, which comprises 3 main sorts: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis ruderalis.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

Essay on legalization of cannabis – what is hemp and how does it work?

All 3 sorts of hemp came from southern and middle Asia. Peoples have utilized weed for centuries to manufacture fiber and yarn, oil, seeds, for medicinal and leisure intentions.

The notion ‘marijuana’, in its contemporary sense, came from Mexican Spanish. The notion penetrated the rest of Spanish-speaking countries, and only then it appeared in English and further languages. Our company specializes in custom essay writing services and can offer more essays on this theme.

What is hemp as a narcotic?

The narcotic cannabis is obtained from hemp genus Sativa or Cannabis indica. The herb is akin to hop and nettle. Hemp vegetates uncultivated in various corners of the earth.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

The hemp herb comprises above 400 chemical compounds, counting penicillin-like antibiotics, cannabidiol acids. Chemic derivates of cannabis may be utilized both for recreation and for healing (remedial) reasons.

As a leisure product, hemp is utilized in a series of shapes, counting:
• dehydrated herb (weed)
• resins
• by way of powder
• oils

What is the action of hemp?

Cannabis, or hemp, is the famous illicit preparation which may be purchased on the “illegal economy.” Weed is sometimes attached to a cigarette with ordinary tobacco, is simply wrapped in tobacco paper, placed in a pipe, it is made as tea or inserted into food.

When using hemp, both physiologic and psychoactive action appears. To obtain a noticeable psychoactive action, about ten micrograms of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) per kilo of body mass are needed. If you are looking for a reliable college essay writer for pay, you can visit our website and order an essay on any theme including this one.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

In this essay on cannabis we enumerate actions of marijuana:
– Eyes – redness, lowering of ocular tension;
– Oral cavity: dryness;
– Skin: a sensation of heat or cold;
– Heart: increased cardiac rhythm;
– Muscles: relaxation.

When taking weed, the next actions can be found feasible:
– Individual alteration of perception. There may be minor hallucinogenic actions, as a result of that the consumer sees real word in a deformed way.
– Changing mood – some consumers can go through exhilaration, be more vigorous, and others get a condition of leisure. Being “high” or intoxicated is the key motive why persons take weed.
– Cardiac rhythm gets augmented.
– Blood tension is lowered.
– Recent memory is deteriorating.
– Working memory is impaired.
– Clouded sensorium.
– Motor dysfunction.
– Hemp may result in sickness, in spite of the information that cannabis may treat conditions accompanied by nausea.
– May increase appetite.
– Increases respiration rate.

Is there any potential therapeutic (medicinal) usage of hemp?Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

For numerous decades, works have been published on the possible advantages of using both the herb itself and the components enclosed in hemp in medical science. Various opportunities have been nailed down by scientific legalization of medical cannabis essay, at the same time as other facts require additional research. Here are several illustrations:
1. Hemp may provoke better desire for food and gustatory senses in malignancy cases.
2. Hemp may reduce the signs of neuropathological ache. It is a kind of pain, which, unlike ordinary pain, does not result from a response to physical damage, but from the pathological excitation of nerve fibers in the peripheral or cerebrospinal system responsible for the response to physical damage of the body (common pain).
3. Cannador, hemp extraction, may successfully alleviate the pain after a serious operation. If you type ‘want to pay someone to write my essay’ on the Internet, we will help you and offer many essays on this topic.
4. Hemp helps ease the signs of muscular spasticity. “Sativex”, an oral spraying device with hemp extraction, was accepted in Great Britain for the healing of health consumers with disseminated sclerosis.
5. Positive substances discovered in hemp can prevent the development of prostate tumor.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay
6. Hemp may save persons from bone rarefication in old age.
7. Various amnesia signs analogous to ones observed in Alzheimer’s dementia have been diminished in laboratory trials in rats with the use of certain chemicals discovered in hemp.
8. Chemicals contained in hemp can alleviate the signs of contact type allergy.
9. Cannabinoids added to opiates to take care of consumers with intractable pain get better the prognosis of cure in cases which receive treatment with just opiates. In addition, this combined treatment allows to diminish the prescribed dosage of opiates.
10. Cannabis active substances may assist to ease the ache connected with chemical therapy. Our writers can offer you an essay in the shortest time in any sphere of knowledge including Medicine.
11. Cannabinoid treatment can assist to lessen or avoid signs of post-traumatic strain disorder.

Quality inspection. In the majority of states, the manufacture of weed is against the law. It implies that its cultivation and manufacture is hidden from the communal perception. Different from legal drugs or food, no public control is used. For example, in order for a medication to be approved for usage in America or Great Britain, it ought to undergo a thorough check. Hundreds of investigations should be conducted, piles of papers and statements should be written. The manufacturer should prove that the product meets the requirements of good manufacturing practice (GMP). It implies that the factories producing the drug should be flawless and comply with all the regulatory acts of the state. Many students interested in this topic ask us ‘write me an essay’ and get the needed paper perfectly written.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

Cannabis manufacturers are in no way checked by controllers of good manufacturing practices. This produce is by no means evaluated by researchers. When the party is non-acceptable, no recall occurs.

Consumers of cannabis don’t have any thought how clean and risk-free the product is. Still, when they cultivate plants themselves, no state recommendations are offered for their usage. No one knows which insecticides or fertilizers are in disharmony with adequate herb cultivation.

In case hemp becomes legally recognized, it will fall under the similar strict control as it does with permitted preparations. Even manufacturers of alcohol drinks are kept under strain from inspection bodies to preserve good manufacturing practices.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

Liability. In the 30s, while alcoholic drinks were forbidden in the Unites States, perhaps only criminal groups benefited from this ban. Alcoholic use persisted anyway, but the business was controlled by the bootlegger groupings. After the abolition of the ban, a considerable amount of unlawful groups simply disappeared.

The criminalization of hemp – not so damaging product than alcoholic beverages – is counterproductive. The legalization of cannabis may let out time and reserves of the force to combat factual felony. This is a complicated question and if you need to know more about it and wish to pay for research paper, we can provide you with a profound essay.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

People that are determined not in favor of the legalization of cannabis are beyond doubt engaged in the manufacture and supply of it. Continuing to hold up the ban on the legalization of weed, they simply earn money on this.

Personal liberty. The liberty to decide whether to take or not cannabis must belong to the individual him/herself, and not to the government. When the deeds of a particular person do not hurt other persons, in that case the administration must not tell them whether to do anything or not.

No compelling causes for the medicinal nature are present which would allow supporting the ban on cannabis. Alcohol is a lawful product and appears to be the grounds of thousands of road incidents, family abuse, cases of cruelty to children, is the root of devastating diseases. When alcohol is lawful, it is fair enough to legitimize cannabis.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

Authorities ought to restrict the liberty of selection of individuals when their deeds threaten other people. But under this instance, cannabis doesn’t fit.

The costs. Administrations of the US, Canada, Britain, Western Europe and most other states of the planet use billions of money annually on “anti-drug wars.” Obviously, the persecution of persons that take cannabis is a waste of funds. The utmost harm comes from the rest of narcotics, such as methamphetamine, cocaine or opiates, and not cannabis. Drawing out hemp from the register of dangerous narcotics will save government agencies huge amount of money and bring about more targeted work of the force.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

The government accumulates funds coming out of taxes of the retail of tobacco goods and alcohol drinks, and no income is earned from the retail of cannabis. In case hemp was legal, governments would waste less and gain more.

The medicine. Thousands of persons these days undergo unrelieved soreness since cannabis is an unlawful product. In case hemp was viewed as some other herb or yet as tobacco or spirits, it would have been of great use to medicine. It is recognized that hemp may assist to ease many pathological conditions, particularly the ones followed by a prolonged pain syndrome.

Arguments in opposition to legalization of cannabis:

Long-run influence. In view of the idea that cannabis isn’t legalized, it seems practically impossible to perform big populace investigations confirming the damage of using hemp. A few researches in the last several years have displayed that longtime intake of cannabis augments the danger of emergence of severe disturbances of mind like schizophrenia and dejection.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

Slippery slope. Cannabis, as a rule, is the initial stage to other, more powerful narcotics. A considerable amount of opiates or cocaine users began their way with marijuana. Having legally recognized cannabis, the increasingly more individuals will join this slippery slope. Currently, this is the illicit position of cannabis which keeps many people from using weed. Many simply don’t feel like violating the regulation.

Road incidents. It has been established that persons during 3 hours of using cannabis are at a much greater danger of getting into an accident while being at the wheel. In this regard, there is by now a quite big trouble with drink drive. The legalization of cannabis would only augment the quantity of accidents. In case hemp is officially permitted, lots of “respectable” citizens will go intoxicated by marijuana to a car and fall into an accident. To read about underage drinking, follow this link:

Children. In case cannabis is lawful, more kids will take it.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

Narcotic abuse. With the lawful position of hemp, the degree of narcotization of the residents nationwide will significantly increase. The population, previously consuming solely strong drinks and not using cannabis due to its illegal status, can begin joint intake of spirits and hemp. You can also read the post about the harm of drug use:


To sum up, doctors are sure that it’s possible to make cannabis legal, but exclusively for the needs of medical science – it is a useful analgesic remedy, frequently indispensable in severe cases. Because of criminal responsibility, the illegal market of this product does not decrease, while thousands of patients do not receive help all together.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

The legality of marijuana has been a hotly debated subject for decades. Until the government of US and many other established countries outlawed its use, smoking marijuana had been a widespread activity for thousands of years. Marijuana has been illegal in America since 1923. Since the authorities banned the recreational use, sale, and growth of this substance many groups have sprung up and protests have been organized to fight for the right to possess and use the plant.

Opinions appear to be pulled in two directions: that the use of marijuana is an extreme social, moral, and health ‘danger’ that must be stamped out, or that it is an innocuous, pleasant pastime that possesses health benefits and should be legalized. It may be some time before all the truths concerning the use of this ancient drug in our society are fully known. An understanding of the history and attitudes of peoples who have long used the plant may play a large role in furthering our handling of the situation in modern society.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

It behooves us to consider the role of marijuana in man’s past and to learn what lessons it can teach us: to maintain wise restraint in our urbanized, industrialized life or, to free it for general use. It appears that Marijuana may be with us well into the future. The decriminalization of marijuana refers to removing drug offences – concerning marijuana – from criminal law rather than completely legalizing and allowing public use of the drug whether regulated or not. This argumentative essay will outline: the steps towards decriminalization, the repercussions displayed in an argument, counter argument form, current status on it, and an interview with someone closely tied to the matter.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

It seems a little harsh for people to say ‘well it is illegal, so they are a criminal’. This is a victimless crime! Of course people will say the victim is the user. Isn’t the victim “One who is harmed by or made to suffer from an act, circumstance, agency, or condition”? Yes, smoking marijuana can lead to circumstances that cause suffering, however these circumstances are not brought on by the users’ actions, rather they are forced upon them by the law, judging and punishing these actions. Another argument is that using marijuana is harmful to the user and therefore whoever uses it becomes victimized.

The intake of substances and the social acceptability of the action is a continuous issue in current legislation, specifically, ‘where to draw the line’. It is deemed that the intake of heroin is illegal but the intake of alcohol is not. The question to the legislation is this, ‘is marijuana so harmful or addictive that it should not be acceptable.’ According to precedent namely the addictive qualities of cigarettes and the intoxicating qualities of alcohol, marijuana should, in all rights be at the least decriminalized. Marijuana does not posses the qualities of a physically addictive substance and a Senate report states that it is not harmful to one’s health.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

The amount of money and of legal energy being given to prosecute hundreds of thousands of Americans who are caught with a few ounces of marijuana in their jeans simply makes no sense – the kindest way to put it. A sterner way to put it is that it is an outrage, an imposition on basic civil liberties and on the reasonable expenditure of social energy” (William F Buckley Jr). Marijuana has been grown for more than 2,000 years ago. It contains over 400 different chemicals. There has been reported that 158.8 million of people use marijuana. People who consume marijuana start from when they are teenagers all the way through adulthood. Marijuana has been the second most frequent substance found in the human body. It has been used since ancient times …show more content…
Marijuana cause a major problem to the lungs. The way marijuana is consumed can determined the damages it causes to the lungs. Any type of smoke releases materials that damage our lungs. Marijuana releases toxins that are harmful. Smokers tend to hold breath longer which causes a greater exposure to the toxins. Second hand smoke can causes pose a health threat to others due to the toxins released. Also, marijuana can cause long term or permanent damages to the brain. In a study performed, it showed how it affected the cognitive, learning and memory function of the brain. People who start to use marijuana at a young age tend to have more mental health problems than those who starts at adulthood. Lastly, marijuana can be addictive. Overtime with the use of it people can become addictive to it and won’t be able to stop using it. This happens by the changes marijuana causes to the brain which makes the person addictive to it. Over time the percentage of people who become addicted to it increases. What this argument does not take into account is that with the legalization of marijuana the economy will start to change. Marijuana will be taxed just like alcohol and tobacco, which mean that it will help us. Not only being is the government benefiting from the taxes but, from the expenses.Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay There will be many people who will waste lots of money buying it and buying …show more content…
Legalizing marijuana means that there will be something else that will be taxed just like alcohol and tobacco. Also, the expenses that have to do with marijuana will help the economy. Many people that visit other places where marijuana is legalized waste lots of money buying it and getting the things necessary to consume it. Marijuana can be beneficial for medicine. Doctors can prescribe their patients medical marijuana is they see that it will be helpful. They can prescribe it depending of the type of illness the patient has and its signs and symptoms. Sometimes there are conditions that are really strong and nothing seems to help. By legalizing marijuana it means that it will be off the chart as a crime. This means that people who use marijuana or carry it with them would not have to go to jail for it. They will not get their record ruined just for having it with them for their personal use. Marijuana can help us in a positive way. It can help the government to get rid of some of the debt that we are in right now. Many people have their different point of view about marijuana but, sometimes we have to see the good and the bad about something. There are far worse things that police officers should be focusing on than just something so small like marijuana and forgetting that there are far more other drugs that are pose a greater threat to Mead Marijuana Legalization Essay

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