Measurable Nursing Outcomes Related to the Case Study

Measurable Nursing Outcomes Related to the Case Study

Cleared Airway to facilitate easier breathing. The patient has Chronic Obstructive Artery Disease, which has been widely related to heavy smoking. As a result, the patients’ airways are clogged and need clearing.

Reduced chest pain while coughing. The patent has pneumonia, and one of the signifying factors related to pneumonia is chest pains during breathing and coughing. Therefore, the patient needs alleviation from the chest pain during coughing and difficulties in breathing.

Alleviation of the patient from pain. Measurable Nursing  The patient is in the postoperative phase and is experiencing pain within the system. The patient needs relief from the chronic pain experienced in the postoperative phase of life.

Fever and significant temperature swings are no longer an issue. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a the most common symptom of pulmonary disease, as well as pneumonia, is a significant increase in temperature. As a result, the patient need relief from body temperature fluctuations.

Withdrawal from heavy smoking. One of the reasons for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is smoking. The patient, therefore, needs to be alleviated from the smoking.

Better and more facilitated breathing. The patient is suffering from circulator system complications and, as a result, has difficulties in breathing. The massive dependence on the ventilator even witnesses the problems in breathing.

Reduced wheezing sounds when breathing. One of the manifestations of pneumonia is wheezing sounds when breathing. The patient, therefore, needs to be alleviated the wheezing sounds when breathing.


Reduced breathing rates. One of the common signs of pneumonia is increased breathing rates due to the struggle for oxygen intake. The patient, therefore, needs to be alleviated from the struggle for oxygen intake.

Nursing Theory to align with the plan of care for the patient.

The patient-Centered Approach nursing theory developed by Faye provides the users with critical knowledge to handle patients with specific needs (Gillette, 1996). The theory provides the nurses and the medical practitioners with the needed steps in curbing the emergency and developing the care plan for the patients with serious issues. Measurable Nursing  The theory provides the basic guidelines for interaction with patients in critical conditions, such as those in critical care units such as the Intensive Care Units (Gillette, 1996). According to the theory, the recommendations for handling patients in critical units such as the Intensive Care Unit are;

  • Learning the patient.
  • Effectively sorting the relevant and significant data from the patient.
  • Providing the generalization on the obtained data.
  • Development of the care plan.
  • Identifying the therapeutic plan to manage the situation of the patient
  • Evaluating the patient outcomes regarding the provided interventions.
  • Validating the patient’s results.

Based on our analysis, we have effectively learned the patient and correctly understood the patient. We have also obtained the relevant data from the patient that can help improve patient outcomes. We have equally generalized the patient information.

The Patients Care Plan.

Results on Patient Assessment.

The patient has difficulty in breathing.

The patient has pain in the chest region.

The patient has fever and pain because it is the postoperative phase of surgery.

The patient manifests faster breathing rates.

Nursing Diagnosis

Risk of difficulty in breathing.

The Goals and objectives of the patient.

To have a clearer airway and ease of breathing.

To reduce the breathing rates after alleviating the severity of the condition.

To alleviate the patient’s chronic pain experienced in the postoperative development phase.

To reduce the pain in the chest regions of the patient.

Nursing Interventions to Achieve the Objectives.

The patient should e helped with quitting smoking to develop a clearer airway. From the information provided in the case study, the patient has a history of smoking which is a predisposing factor to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder mainly manifested by clogged airways (Prina et al., 2016). The nurses should therefore manage the smoking for a clearer airway during breathing.

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen should be administered to the patient to manage the pain. The postoperative phase leads to the accumulation of pain within the body muscles. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are effective pain relievers that effectively manage pain (Prina et al., 2016). Acetaminophen can also be administered in conjunction with cavity exercises to help in the reduction of chest pain experienced during breathing.

Naloxone can be used to regain the normal breathing rate of the patient. From the information provided in the case study, the patient has pneumonia that mainly manifests through increased breathing rates due to the struggle for inhalation (Prina et al., 2016). Naloxone medication can therefore be ideal for regaining the breathing rates.


Summary of the Nursing Theory and Alignment to the Nursing Practice

The patient-Centered Approach nursing theory developed by Faye provides the users with critical knowledge to handle patients with specific needs. The theory provides a basis for analyzing several data concerning the patient. The identified data is influential in determining the patient’s diagnosis, which is the backbone of developing the care plan and treatment of the patient (Gillette, 1996). Some of the steps outlined to be effective in managing chronic conditions are Learning about the patient and effectively sorting the relevant and significant data from the patient, Providing the generalization on the obtained data, and developing the care plan based on the identified manifestations. Application of the step suggests the nursing diagnosis of the patient to be the risk of breathing difficulty. The explanation is due to the patient’s medical history and the presented manifestation (Gillette, 1996). Some nursing interventions effective in managing the condition are reduced smoking to clear the Airway, acetaminophen for pain, and naloxone to help regain the breathing rate.

Summary of How the Nursing Theory can and Alignment can Improve the care plan.

Evaluation of the patient outcome is one of the patient-Centered Approaches to nursing theory steps. The evaluation ensures that the set objectives regarding the assessment results of the patient are achieved (Gillette, 1996). The step is effective for the patient as the general good of the patient is promoted here. Alternatively, if the objectives are not attained, alternative modes can be instilled to maintain the patient’s health.

Validation of the patient results is also a significant step in theory. One of the objectives of healthcare practitioners is to promote the patients’ general health (Gillette, 1996). The theory ensures that the patients’ objectives are attained and valid to the needed objectives, and the aftermath is the general recovery of the patient from their conditions. Additionally, the theory adapts alternative therapeutic management strategies that can help provide alternative strategies for managing the conditions.


Gillette, V. A. (1996). Applying Nursing Theory to Perioperative Nursing Practice. AORN Journal64(2), 261–270.

Prina, E., Ceccato, A., & Torres, A. (2016). New aspects in the management of pneumonia. Critical Care20(1).

Measurable Nursing Outcomes Related to the Case Study

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