Mental Health Issues: Preservation & Treatment Essay

Mental Health Issues: Preservation & Treatment Essay

Mental health issue in the people Mental health is the balance development of the individual’s personality and emotional attitude which enable him to live harmoniously with his fellow men. In 1959 W.H.O Expert Committee on mental health reviewed the various definations of mental health and observed that mental health is influenced by both-biological and social factor it is not a static condition but subject to variations and fluctuations in degree, it is the caicity in an individual to form harmonious relations with others and to contribute constructively to changes in his-social and physical environment.

The statistic mental health issue in Malaysia shown about 29.2% of Malaysia’s people have mental health problems. It is because every 3 in 10 adults aged 16 year and above have some sort of this problems. For your information it will affect to our country development such as rising unemployment and rising inflation. Mental Health Issues: Preservation & Treatment Essay. At the same time it will slow growth in hiring especially to our country. According to National Health the prevelance of mental health problems among adults increase from 10.7% in 1996 to 11.2% in 2006 and increase to the 29.2% in 2015.


According to the statistic, the highest level of mental health problems was recorded in 2015. The rate shown in 1996 was 10.7% and for the ten year after that going to be 11.2% in 2006. It went up by only 0.5 percentage points. But for the ten years after that, the statistic mental health problems was increase more than in 2006. It increases by 18.0 % from 11.2 % in 2006 to 29.2% in 2015. It shown that, the highest recorded of mental health issue in Malaysia was in 2015. For your information, Mental illness is expected to be the second biggest health problem affecting Malaysian after heart diseases by 2020.

There are a few signs of the mental health problems that can be detect. First of all, we can see the symptoms mental health problem by it’s more a conversation, a problem of physical problems, and a problem that cannot control emotions. If someone you know starts to show abnormalities, like starting to self-isolate somewhere and start talking and socializing with the community. At the same time starting to speak alone shows some of the early symptoms of mental illness. sometimes mental illness is also due to the stress problem faced by a person, for example the problem faced by workplace that always stress, the problem of earning money to cover a large family and always picking up forbidden items such as pills, marijuana and ketum to forget the problem he faced.

In addition, mental problems can also be seen through a person’s physical condition, for example, a person who has a mental problem will usually dress in a shabby and character like unlike a normal person.Mental Health Issues: Preservation & Treatment Essay.  They also love to wander around and do whatever they like without thinking about the people around them. However, mental problems are more important than physical problems. Mental fitness makes someone more useful person in the world and showcase our more engaging personality or where we go. Because of that, develop mental health of the people should be taken seriously by a few step.

First of all, teachers in school play an important role by showing good attitudes to students, for example teachers need to hear the students’ opinions first and to show students an interesting attitude while supporting any student effort in a matter. When learning to see the attitude of teachers who always support them indirectly the students will be more eager to learn. At the same time, students will not be stressed and mental illness can be reduced. In addition, teachers should always be aware of the condition of their students to prevent their students from engaging in mental problems. For example, teachers need to always ask their students and listen to them and help if their students have problems.

Furthermore, parents mostly play an important role in preventing their children from getting involved with mental illness. For example, parents need to help their children especially in learning and they should always support their child in every case. The most important thing is that parents need to spend time with the children to be the place for children to express all the problems thus reducing the stresses and mental illnesses can be overcome.

In fact, mental problems cause many problems to our country’s economic development.Mental Health Issues: Preservation & Treatment Essay.  In view of the microeconomics and macroeconomic perspectives, mental disorders will hurt the country as the increase in mental illness causes an increase in the number of unemployed, the effects of reduced production capacity and eventually the country’s inflation rate will increase. Inflation increases causing the country’s currency to decline. Eventually the country’s exports of raw materials decreased and then there were many problems with the country one of them was forced to owe it to the country.

Furthermore, the adverse effect on the government is the loss of much of the government’s money. Such as, the government was forced to create a number of initiatives to help the mental illness. For example, mental patients will receive food aid, money and shelter. In addition, the government also has to spend a lot of money on paying high costs for the payment of medicines for mental patients in the country so these problems are a burden to our country. Therefore, the lack of state money makes it difficult for the government to advance our country for more.


Lastly, the healthy mental is very important in our life, for example if we have some problems, by hook or by crook we must try to solve wisely. Look at the counselor to ask an opinion, one of the best decision, besides that, spend time with family especially on weekend by doing some activities and share our problems with them. By the way, we don’t have time to solitary problems alone while the mental health problems can be reduce among the people because they don’t feel too depress and stress about their job. At the same time, life will be happy with our loved ones. Mental Health Issues: Preservation & Treatment Essay.


Mental Health Issues: Preservation & Treatment Essay

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