Mental Health Nursing Essay Paper

Mental Health Nursing Essay Paper

In the advanced age of healthcare, it is indeed a privilege to work as a professional in this field and, more specifically, mental healthcare. Mental healthcare as a field is highly dependent on the culture of acceptance and openness. At a personal level, I strive as much as I can to foster a safer environment for all patients seeking care. As a Registered Nurse, I have utilized all the skills and knowledge gained from my undergraduate studies and work experience to offer care that is guided by empathy and understanding. In the different work settings, I have worked, including a substance abuse clinic, I have ensured that I demonstrate an understanding to the patients and offering them holistic care. Mental Health Nursing Essay Paper  My innate interest in being sympathetic to others has pushed me to have the desire to join the graduate school for a Master’s Degree in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing.

One of my professionals’ goals is to become psychiatric/mental health nurse specialist where I can balance between passion and commitment to meet my clients’ daily needs within the hospital setting. My inherent ability to express sympathy and find solutions to problems the patients’ face makes this professional goal worth fulfilling.  My ultimate professional goal is to work with mental health patients that come from disadvantaged communities, primarily ethnic minorities. In my professional experience, I have noticed an array of obstacles that impede access to adequate mental healthcare among ethnic minorities. This situation is made worse by financial constraints.  Seeing myself working in these communities will give me a sense of satisfaction and professional fulfilment.


On the other hand, it is my desire to pursue my graduate studies at Pace University due to a number of reasons. With the wealth of modules offered at the Pace University graduate school, they ideally target my academic interests thus will help fulfil my professional goals. Mental Health Nursing Similarly, Pace University has an excellent faculty composed of key industry players and notable professionals in the psychiatric field. It is thus evident that joining the institution will expose me to the needed knowledge and hands-on experience, thus fulfil my professional goals.

With the understanding that graduate school is demanding and require a lot of time commitment to complete, I have devised a work program that I will use in the entire period of my graduate school. With my strengthened resolve to earn the master’s degree, I will reduce my working hours to create time for study. I understand this will put me in a financial strain as far as my tuition and personal upkeep are concerned. However, I plan to apply for several scholarships that will cater for my tuition, thus allowing me to have plenty of time that I can devote to study and research in graduate school.  In terms of my contribution to Pace University, I bring with me diverse work experience that emanates from the substance abuse clinic where I previously worked as an LPN. In this role, I noticed harmful effect of inaccurate diagnosis on mental health, which has left some patients stigmatized due to subpar care.  Currently, I am a residential registered nurse for four group homes where I coordinate the continuity of care for individuals with developmental disabilities. With this unique set of experiences, I will be more of an asset than a liability at graduate school.

One of the most significant challenges in the United States healthcare system is provision of individual holistic health.  Identifying, addressing, and improving the members’ overall medical, lifestyle, behavioural, cultural and socio-economic aspects to have a frictionless and connected healthcare experience has stood out to be a challenge.  As a nurse, one can address this problem through acknowledging the whole patient where one interacts with all the patient and colleagues in a mindful and respectful manner. Similarly, nurses ought to assess the patients holistically, respectfully and pinpoint the potential areas contributing to negative patient’s health.  With my resolve to complete my masters’ education, I desire to improve the areas that I have noticed some shortcomings. Through collaborating with different stakeholders, I seek to offer care, especially to the vulnerable populations deserving proper care. Placing a focus on preventive care, being empathetic to patients, and proper communication will ensure that I make a difference in their lives as a psychiatric mental health nurse. Thus, I hope to join this prestigious institution to fulfil my professional goals and establish a symbiotic relationship where I bring in my unique work experiences while benefiting from your wealth of modules and notable faculty.

Mental Health Nursing Essay Paper

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