Methods Used in Qualitative Research Discussion Paper

Methods Used in Qualitative Research Discussion Paper

For this Assignment, be sure to view this week’s Qualitative Research Design PowerPoint webinar and pay close attention to its content on the basic elements of qualitative research methods (e.g., sample selection, data collection, plans for interpretive analysis). Then, review the two research studies presented in this week’s resources for this assignment. This assignment involves identifying and describing different elements of the research method used in the Walsh et al. (2015) article.

Focus on the research design, sample selection, data collection methods, and plan for data analysis as discussed in the Walsh et al. (2015) article.
Identify at least two strengths and two weaknesses of the article’s research method based on trustworthiness. You must provide support for your explanation with citations from additional sources.
Use the Journal Club Template for Qualitative Research located in this week’s resources. Methods Used in Qualitative Research Discussion Paper
The template includes an area for each element discussed in the study.
Be brief, paraphrase and summarize each of the elements clearly on the form

Walsh, A., Meagher-Stewart, D. & Macdonald, M. (2015). Persistent optimizing: How mothers make food choices for their preschool children. Qualitative Health Research, 25(4), 527-539.


Purpose of the study:

The study is targeted at improving the ability of mothers to make health food choices that reduce the risk of overweight and obesity among their children.

Research Design Walsh et al. (2015) applied Constructivist Grounded Theory to explore how individuals experience and live their lives. In applying the theory, it is able to understanding how mothers make food choices for their children and implications for health. This research design reduced opportunities for bias as the researchers were able to observe the participants and make their own interpretations thus allowing for uniform analysis and comparisons (De Chesnay, 2015).
Sample Selection Walsh et al. (2015) recruited 18 participants, who were identified as mothers with preschool children aged between 3 and 5 years. There were no diet restrictions placed on the diet selections. The participants were subjected to 35 interviews with the results showing that 12 of them were unemployed, 14 had at least a high school diploma level of education, and 10 had incomes below the low income cut-off rate. This sample selection strategy ensured that the population of interest was recruited in the study.
Data Collection Methods Walsh et al. (2015) applied face-to-face and telephone interviews with the participants to collect data. The interviews were conducted in two phases with the first phase applying face-to-face interviews while the second phase applied either face-to-face or telephone interviews. This data collection approach was useful in developing contextual awareness of the research issue as the participants presented new themes (De Chesnay, 2015).
Plan for Data Analysis Walsh et al. (2015) created a substantive theory persistent optimizing with the data analysis involving the interviews being transcribed to be accompanied with field notes. The transcriptions and field notes were then subjected to software analysis based on pre-identified codes with popular emergent themes identified. This data analysis approach allows for critical reflections that correlate variables thus helping in guiding interventions. Additionally, it helps to identify new themes that could have been overlooked (Bauer, 2017).


Bauer, J. (2017). Statistical Analysis for Decision Makers in Healthcare: Understanding and Evaluating Critical Information in Changing Times (2nd ed.). CRC Press.

De Chesnay, M. (Ed.) (2015). Nursing Research Using Grounded Theory: Qualitative Designs and Methods in Nursing. Springer Publishing Company, LLC.

Walsh, A., Meagher-Stewart, D. & Macdonald, M. (2015). Persistent optimizing: How mothers make food choices for their preschool children. Qualitative Health Research, 25(4), 527-539. .  Methods Used in Qualitative Research Discussion Paper

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