Muscle Building Strength Essay

Muscle Building Strength Essay

When it comes to muscle building, most of us know the basics. We know that in order to build muscle we have to take in enough calories and do a lot of strength training. But what a lot of us do not know is that muscle building requires a lot of work and eating the right kinds of food and that we need to make sure that we are getting enough of the right calories in order for it to be effective.

A lot of people are not aware that fruits and vegetables play a vital role in the development of muscle and in muscle building. A lot of people assume that protein is the only thing that they need to build muscle and they often overlook the importance of including a lot of fruits and vegetables into their diets. Muscle Building Strength Essay. When we are doing muscle building activities, this takes a lot of energy for our bodies to be able to produce enough energy to allow our muscles to grow and increase in strength. This places a huge stress on our bodies and affects a lot of different processes that are going on in the body.

The body has to still fight off illness and fight off bacteria and other harmful substances all the time. If the body is not being properly fueled, it will not have enough energy to fulfill all of the functions it has to do to keep us alive let alone build muscle. We need to give our bodies enough energy and healthy food to help keep in running the way it should. One of the big things that we can do to ensure that our bodies are going to be able to fight off disease is by giving our body plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables have a lot of powerful antioxidants in them that can help defend ourselves against disease. It is important to include plenty of dark leafy vegetables and nutrient rich fruits into our diets.


In addition to fruits and vegetables, when we are muscle building we also need to make sure that we are getting enough of protein and carbohydrates. Muscles require lean protein to build lean muscle and our bodies rely on carbohydrates to be able to fuel our workouts and give us the energy that we need to perform our daily functions. The sources of protein and carbohydrates can come from many different kinds of foods. The carbohydrates that we consume when muscle building should be complex carbohydrates and not too many simple carbohydrates that are found in foods like baked goods, white breads and white pastas.

When looking for the best food sources for carbohydrates, you need to look for whole wheat and whole grain versions of food. There are many products on the market that come in whole wheat and whole grain food. The reason that our bodies need these types of food is because they take longer to break down in the body which gives us longer stores of energy.  Muscle Building Strength Essay.When we eat too much sugary or simple carbohydrate foods, our bodies cannot use all of that energy right away because it is processed quickly in the body and the excess calories and sugar turn into fat stores on our body. These fat stores are hard to turn into muscle when we are muscle building.

Exercise is also a main ingredient in muscle building. A combination of strength training and cardio work is needed to get the best results possible. Some people do not recognize the importance of including cardio work into their plan and think that they will spend all of their time pumping weights. This is not the best way to go about muscle building. Our bodies need the cardio work in order to help keep our bodies working good and keeping healthy. A combination of strength work and cardio work is the best combination to employ when you are looking to do some serious muscle building. It is important to properly stretch the muscles as well, and a lot of people are turning to Pilates or yoga classes because they offer strength and stretching exercises that will help the muscles stay strong and not get to tight which could be a problem with muscle building. Following steps like having a good workout schedule and eating a healthy diet will help you reach your goals for wellness and help you reach your strength and fitness goals.

With the introduction of such modern conveniences such as the automobile, remote control, and even the electric toothbrush people are relying on technology to do everything for them. With a generation growing up in todays society physical tasks have almost become obsolete. Tasks such as even going shopping and going out to visit a friend can be done from the comfort of your own computer. With this sedentary lifestyle, muscular size will almost be unnecessary, except for the athlete who wants to succeed in sports. To the non-athlete, there will be no reason to leave the house because everything that you need will be at your fingertips, you will not have to get up and do anything. Any type of exercise is good for…show more content…
(below) Striated muscle tissue (above) is associated with the muscles related to the skeleton and movement. Striated muscle tissue is the muscle tissue located directly under the skin and are the muscles that are the most visible. There are two types muscles in skeletal muscles, these are fast twitch and slow twitch muscles. Fast twitch muscles have a fast form of myosin ATP and are very good of delivering calcium to the muscle cell. Slow twitch muscles have a slow form of myosin ATP and are not very good at delivering calcium to the muscle cell. Fast twitch muscle fibers reach peak tension more then twice as fast as slow twitch muscles, making them more explosive muscles which would be more desirable for athletes such as sprinters. Notice the dark slow twitch fibers and the light slow twitch fibers magnified. The fast twitch fibers tire more easily then the lighter slow twitch fibers. Causes of Muscle Growth Muscles growth (hypertrophy) takes place in the muscle fiber themselves. When a muscle grows there is not a increase in the amount of muscle fibers, since this is set at birth, but rather an increase in the size of those muscle fibers, and an increase in the amount of connective tissue in the muscle. Muscle Building Strength Essay.

The truth of the matter is, you will not achieve maximum muscle gains and growth without implementing and following a strict nutrition plan which is required to help you achieve desired results. Consuming good nutrition is more critically important that paying for the latest and greatest sports supplement – regardless of what you find in online resources or even promises labels on various supplements may claim to do. If you are truly serious about having that competitive advantage and making optimal gains; you will need to become dedicated and you will need to implement the best nutritional strategies that are tested and proven by science. Your food consumption will need to be regularly calculated and regimented, feeding your body with the nutrients it needs to adapt to your intense training program.

The food you eat provides you the energy required to perform your workout properly. But good nutrition plays also a big role in muscle growth and recovery after a workout. Calories And Macro-nutrients Are What Matter The Most In A Nutrition Plan. Whether you want to build muscle, get ripped or maintain a similar body weight, nutrition definitely plays a major role during this process. Your nutrition is what fuels & build your body with food value, which is measured in calories. Muscle growth — sometimes known as overgrowth hypertrophy; which is development of density, mass, growth, shape, and function of muscle cells. This adaptation allows the muscle to meet exercise / function created stress points.

Your total caloric consumption will result in what kind of body you will obtain:

Build Muscle: If your main goal is that you want to build muscle, your body will need to consume more nutritionally dense food to build up more energy than usual in order to make you get bigger. You will have to increase your total overall calorie consumption to surpass what you burn, often called: caloric surplus. If you dramatically increase your calories too quickly, your body will essentially start storing fat, rather than building desired muscle mass. So it’s very important to do it progressively, so you can track your progress and avoid storing fat.

Maintain Weight: Is when you are essentially burning just as many calories as you consume, resulting in general maintenance. Balancing and tracking your total caloric intake is going to help you maintain weight and reach your goals. Once you establish and find balance with your nutrition and workout, you can determine how to properly eat in order to build muscle or get ripped.

Get Ripped: If you want to get toned, leaned and ripped, you’re going to take a slightly different approach and have to burn more calories than you consume, often called: caloric deficit. You will notice weight reduction once your body begins to use stored fat as energy. Rapid weight loss can be unhealthy; this is why you should lose fat gradually, if you’re doing it too quickly you can mess up your balance of overall health.

Any nutrition plan aimed at physique transformation or increased performance has to be healthy. For some reason, people either forget or completely ignore that concept. So, they start eating several pounds of meat every day, drinking sugary workout drinks, and ordering cheese fries with their salmon because they’re in bulk mode. You have to be smarter than that. As an adult you have to take responsibility for your health. Your diet must focus on optimizing your well-being and quality of life.

Exercises for Muscle Growth

A regular intensive training routine will involve three to five work-out sessions weekly; although some may decide to train for up to six or seven days per week, depending on their desired goal their aiming to achieve. Three to five training sessions per week would be greatly effective for a newer or intermediate trainer, and even an advanced trainer would be able to achieve great results as well from this level of structured training intensity. More workout sessions doesn’t necessarily equate to more muscle growth. Three to five weekly work-outs, each roughly an hour in duration, with high intensity, will be highly effective for inducing muscle growth as long as you file the proper diet and workout routine.

Three training sessions per week allows for three full body workouts, where compound exercises are used to train all the major groups of the body in each session. A typical training session would include the bench press, row, and squat, targeting the pushing, pulling and leg muscles in one session. This style of training would serve well inducing muscle growth, although those who are seeking muscle growth tend to follow a body split training plan.

A three or four day body split will target one or two muscle groups per session. For example, a three day split may target the back and biceps on Monday, the chest and triceps on Wednesday, and the legs on Friday. A training session would involve compound exercises, with one or two isolation exercises added in. So, a chest and triceps day may look like the following:

  • Barbell bench press
  • Incline dumbbell bench press
  • Chest dips
  • French presses

Consistent Repetitions for Muscle Growth

This is where there is some debate on the optimal range for muscle growth. Some declare a 5 reps x 5 sets is optimal, others state 6-8 reps, while others say 8-15 reps per set is best. From this we can learn three things. Muscle Building Strength Essay.

1) different repetition ranges will fast track muscle growth,

2) All people respond differently to stimulus, and

3) you may improperly mix-up increased strength gains with more muscle mass.

Muscle Growth Diet Basics

There are specific groups of work-out and nutritional guidelines that have scientifically been effective to help build muscle mass, while maintaining great total body health and promoting longevity, while others have been seen to actually have the complete opposite results. Unfortunately due to a major lack of knowledge; the majority of people really have no solid idea of what the right approach they should take from the beginning.

There are 5 Essential Components of a Nutritional Protocol to Build Muscle

  1. Finding your proper individual protein intake for best results.
  2. Controlling the overall glycemic impact of your meals.
  3. Choosing the right fuel for the needs of your muscles based on your routine.
  4. Regularly consuming the proper food in the right amount and always at the right time.
  5. Increasing antioxidant intake to help to ward off muscle degradation or pain.
Good Nutritional Foods To Build Muscles
Amp up your calorie intake

When you want to gain strength and build muscle; upping your total calorie intake is mandatory. When you gain weight, your body requires more calories in order to help boost your metabolism and burn them off. Don’t indulge too much on calorie intake or else your body will ultimately end up storing fat. The main key in order to effectively manage overall calories in a muscle building diet plan is to eat more calories than you burn. So how many extra calories are required to facilitate your gain muscle? It will completely depend on how much effort you are putting into properly using nutrition to your advantage as well as how much dedication you put into following this plan for the duration of your training interval.

Protein is Vital for Nutritional Balance & Muscle Development

Protein is an essential and necessary muscle building block in any reliable nutritional and diet plan. Proteins are wealthy in assorted amino acids that can naturally be used as the building blocks of consistent strength gains. Individual recommended daily protein intake is generally 1/2 a gram per lb. of body weight, but many scientists suggest that in order to build a toned / athletic body, you should definitely double that in order to maintain and continue achieving desired results. It is also suggested that consuming at least 1 to ½ grams per lb. Of body weight because it can benefit you with more results and proper muscle development without inflammation. Newer and intermediate trainers should also include at least 1.5 grams of protein as their body will respond most rapidly during intensity training.

Timing is critically important

Any time that you decide you want to bulk up and lean out; eating good a balanced and hightly nutritional diet is critical and proper food is everything. Simply doing a weight training routine is not sufficient to build and keep muscle long-term.  Muscle Building Strength Essay.The proper timing of the meals and eating the right foods at the right time is also important to encourage and support mass growth. For people looking to gain mass, your best bet would be to increase your portion size breakfast and post training because these are the most critical times of the day when the muscles are tired and hungry; which requires following a strict time table of eating. Your main meal size at breakfast must be increased because at this time the muscles are nutritionally starved after a long night’s rest. Your past-workout meal should be increased because the worked & stressed muscles are definitely in need of vital nutrients to resume the process of tissue recovery and muscle growth. By increasing your meal sizes during these two main periods creates and helps build up optimum muscle growth while keeping the body fat levels as low as possible. You can encourage smart muscle growth by manipulating meal sizes during specific time intervals.


The human body is made up of approximately 60%- 70% water. Your muscles are made up of approximately 70% water. In order to keep yourself hydrated and your body working efficiently at all times; you must have proper hydration especially before and after intense training sessions. Your body’s ability to digest, transport, and absorb nutrients from the food you eat requires water consumption. Water also helps us prevent injuries by its ability to cushion joints. Dehydration negatively affects every physiological process in the body. Make sure that when you are drinking water that you choose water that is clean, filtered and purified. Check the mineral content. Do your research so that you are not consuming contaminants in drinking water. The best drinking water is that which is derived from a spring and is “live water” or re-energized water. Muscle Building Strength Essay.


Eat the Right Carbs

When you consume carbohydrates, they break down and become stored in your muscles as glycogen, and they pump your muscles with fuel during heavy workouts. Consuming 2-3 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight/each day is a must. Novice trainers suggest to take 360-540 grams of carbohydrates daily to gain the right mass. Usually for trainers, introducing a post carbohydrate 30 minute pre-workout and then a fast carb post workout is suggested. Assorted Fruits, oatmeal and any whole grain bread are great choices for following a low- carb diet. Healthy oatmeal recipes for weight loss and muscle building are quite popular in today’s fitness industries.


The ideal daily fat intake is between 20-30% of your total calorie intake, with an even 25% probably being pretty perfect in most cases. This main fat intake should primarily come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated sources (nuts, olive oil, fish/fish oil, etc.). Saturated fat should account for no more than 1/3 of your total fat intake, and trans fat should be avoided completely. Another thing you should place emphasis on is getting a sufficient amount of your essential fatty acids, specifically omega-3 by eating wild caught fish or alternatively (by taking a fish oil supplement). Muscle Building Strength Essay.

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