NRNP-6565 Final Exam

Question 1

The NP recognizes that Beta-Blockers are contraindicated in patients with

a. Hypertension
b. Asthma
c. Thyroid disease
d. SSRIs
e. None of the above


Question 2

You are seeing a patient who reports possible symptoms of stress incontinence. Patients with stress incontinence often report urine loss:




at night
with lifting
associated with a strong sensation of needing to void
as dribbling after voiding


Question 3

Ms. Jacobs, a 67 year old female is being seen today concering her Rheumatoid Arthritis. The best form of aerobic exercise for a patient with severe rheumatoid arthritis is:

riding a bicycle
 passive range of motion



Question 4

A 27-year-old gay male complains of nodule, sensation of heaviness or aching, one large testicle, and/or testicular tenderness. The NP suspects what condition?

a. Prostate Cancer
b. Priapism
c. Testicular Torsion
d. Testicular Cancer


Question 5

Amanda was out hiking with her boyfriend in the woods. When she gets home, she notices that she has an inflammatory skin reaction caused by something she picked up in the woods. The next day she sees bright red pruritic lesions on her lower extremities that are moist and painful. Treatment for Amanda’s condition would include which of the following?

Topical steroids
Calamine lotion
Oatmeal baths (Aveeno)
All of the above
All of the above except D


Question 6

An 88-year-old male says to the nurse practitioner (NP) that “I have never been taken care of by a nurse practitioner.” He asks, what is the difference between an NP and a physician? What is the best response by the NP?

a. An NP provides care to patients across the life span, whereas a primary care physician does not provide care across the lifespan.
b. An NP provides the same care as a physician and can practice independent of a physician in all 50 states.
c. NPs differ from physicians in definition, scope of practice, and education.
d. NPs provide much better care than a physician could ever provide because of their educational training.


Question 7

Mr.Mims presents with suspected recurrence of diverticulitis. In diverticulitis,  abdominal pain usually presents where in the abdomen?



 left upper quadrant
 Left lower quadrant
right upper quadrant
Right lower quadrant


Question 8

A 25-year-old patient reports to clinic with c/o headaches with photophobia and nausea and vomiting. This patient is more likely to be diagnosed with

a. Cluster headache
b. Muscle tension
c. Migraine
d. Temporal arteritis

Question 55

Bacterial vaginosis has all the following signs/symptoms except:

Fish-like odor
Milk-like discharge
Non-itchy vulva
Red vulvovaginal


Question 56

The NP recognizes that the increased presence of which of the following ina  urinalysis indicates the presence of bacteria or protein, which is seen in severe renal disease and could also indicate urinary calculi?





Question 57

A 25-year-old patient states that he is on an HMO plan. The nurse practitioner (NP) stands for

a. Home Management Organizations
b. Health Management Organizations
c. Health Movement Organizations
d. Health Maintenance Organizations


Question 58

Mr. Reynolds is a 66 year old male who is a Pastor of a church.  He informs you that he has just returned from a 6 month missionary trip to South Africa.  He reports unremitting cough, hemoptysis, and an unintentional weight loss of 10 pounds over the last month.  These symptoms should prompt the clinician to suspect:

Legionnaires’ Disease


Question 59

Hillary is an 18 y/o Caucasian who comes to the clinic with a chief complaint of hirsutism, acne, and amenorrhea. Her most likely diagnosis is:

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Ovarian cancer


Question 60

Abby is a 63 y/o patient who is known to have atrial fibrillation and has been on Coumadin for 2 years. Her INR is 2.4. This ratio is considered:



Question 61

As the NP prepares to manage a patient with Anemia, the NP knows that The pathophysiological hallmark of Anemia of Chronic Disease is:

Depleted iron stores
Chronic uncorrectable bleeding
Impaired ability to use iron stores
Reduced intestinal absorption of iron


Question 62

A nurse practitioner (NP) is concerned about a possible malpractice lawsuit. The plaintiff must prove that all of the following occurred except:

a. A duty is owed
b. Damage occurred
c. Following standard of care
d. Caused injury


Question 75

The nurse practitioner (NP) recognizes that an example of protecting a patient from harm is

a. Instructing a patient to walk .50 miles after appendectomy
b. Prescribing opioids for patient with back pain on initial encounter
c. Providing care and prescribing medication to a patient without health insurance
d. Not prescribing Fosamax to a patient with history of peptic ulcer disease (PUD)
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