NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Walden University

NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Walden University Question 1

Which of the following is consistent regarding termination in brief psychodynamic therapy?

A. The termination date is set within 10 weeks of anticipated termination.
B. The termination date is set in the beginning of treatment within 30 sessions
C. The termination date is set in the beginning of treatment within 60 sessions.
D. The termination date is flexible and is set mutually by the therapist and patient once major issues have been addressed.


Question 2

Which of the following is inconsistent with Socratic Dialogue basic rules for the therapist?

A. The collaborative dialogue is goal-directed and specific.
B. The therapist may use everyday experiences as therapeutic metaphors.
C. Self-disclosure is frequently used to motivate the patient in problem solving.
D. Socratic Dialogue questions should be framed in a way to elicit an affirmative response.


Question 3

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse who assists the patient to maintain eye contact appropriately, shaking hands appropriately, appropriate language in public is doing which of the following?

A. Social Skills Training
B. Shame-Attacking Exercises
C. Guided Contingency Management
D. Examining Options and Alternatives


Question 4

The change agent in relational psychodynamic therapy is which of the following?

A. Insight
B. Mindfulness
C. Wish/defense conflicts
D. Emotional communication and affect regulation


NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Walden University Question 5

Cross-cultural research supports which of the following?

A. Culture determines what is considered a psychiatric disorder
B. Neurobiological mechanisms linked to stress and trauma are consistent across cultures
C. Neurobiological mechanisms linked to stress and trauma vary across cultures
D. A and B
E. A and C



Question 6

In classical psychodynamic therapy the therapist’s role is which of the following?

A. Objective
B. Subjective
C. Participant-Observer
D. Enmeshed


Question 7

Diverting conflict between two people by involving a third is known as the concept of:

A. Emotional reactivity
B. Relationship triangles
C. Differentiation of self
D. Enmeshment


Question 8

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse working with a patient from another culture is recommended to do which of the following?

A. Ask the individual how he or she feels about working with you.
B. Automatically refer patient to a provider of the same or similar culture.
C. Research the individual’s culture and let the patient know you are an expert in that culture.
D. The Advanced practice psychiatric nurse explains her own culture to the patient to minimize misunderstandings.



Question 9

A therapist has decided to terminate treatment for a patient due to the patient continuing to miss scheduled appointments. The therapist should do which of the following?

A. Write a termination letter indicating only that the therapy is being terminated effective immediately.

NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Walden University

B. Send a termination letter to the patient indicating therapist concern, reason for termination, reason for patient to continue in treatment and referral to another provider if patient wants to continue in treatment and put a copy of this in the patient chart.
C. Make sure patient not in crisis and refer to a specific provider.
D. B and C



Question 10

The CBT therapist working with a patient who is distraught because they did not get a job they really wanted. The individual is helped to identify how to use what appears to be a negative situation to his or her advantage. This technique is known as which of the following?

A. Cognitive rehearsal
B. Paradox or Exaggeration
C. Turning Adversity to Advantage
D. Decatastrophizing




Question 11

Which of the following is true about the CBT cognitive processes of primary and secondary thinking?

A. Primary thinking recognizes the indeterminate, negative and irrational thinking as forever part of human action.
B. Secondary thinking recognizes the indeterminate, negative and irrational thinking as foremost.
C. Primary thinking views the social and cultural world in determinate, positive and rational terms.
D. B and C



Question 12

According to the treatment hierarchy framework for practice adapted from Davis & Weiss (2004)

A. The client must first envision where they want to be prior to moving forward
B. Processing is the key to stabilization and future visioning
C. Increasing internal resources leads to increasing external resources
D. Resources must be procured and stabilization guaranteed before trauma can be processed.



Question 21

A family has been court-ordered to family therapy. The family does not want to participate in therapy. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse using a solution focused therapy model would most likely do which of the following?

A. Ask them what the minimum is that they need to do to satisfy the court order.
B. Review the case and offer suggestions for solving the issue.
C. Acknowledge the forced nature of the therapy and encourage them to use this as an opportunity to grow together as a family.
D. Refuse to see them as clearly, they don’t want to be there, and therapy won’t help them.


Question 22

According to Erikson’s Psychosocial stages failure to successfully resolve trust vs mistrust conflict is associated with which of the following pathological outcomes?

A. Psychosis, addictions, depression
B. Paranoia, obsessions, compulsions
C. Phobias, psychosomatic disorders
D. Inertia, creative inhibition



Question 25

In therapy groups where group members gain through receiving help from group members and giving help to group members, which of Yalom’s therapeutic benefits is being realized?

A. Altruism
B. Catharsis
C. Imparting Information
D. Development of socializing techniques



NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Walden University Question 29

Common ancestry through which individuals have evolved shared values and customs is known as which of the following?

A. Culture
B. Ethnicity
C. Cybernetics
D. Constructivism



Question 52

According to H. Peplau (1991) self-awareness for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse

A. Is key to understanding others
B. Increases likelihood therapist acts out their own agenda.
C. Allows for nurse-patient boundaries to be safely ignored to better meet patient needs.
D. Undermines objectivity



Question 53

When working with a couple the therapist observes the wife seems to have more power in the relationship and the husband seems disengaged. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse can safely assume which of the following based on the couple’s Appalachian culture/roots?

A. This is a culturally consistent framework where the wife is typically the decision maker in the family.
B. This is not culturally consistent with Appalachian norms and is an issue for the couple’s therapy.
C. The couple is aware of the gender inequality in the family and is fine with it NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Walden University.
D. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse cannot assume any of the above and needs to further assess roles in the relationship.




Question 54

The focus of therapy in brief psychodynamic psychotherapy is on which of the following?

A. The focus is on structured homework assignments.
B. The focus in on the rupture of the therapeutic alliance
C. The focus in on transference that naturally occurs during the sessions.
D. The focus is on interpersonal relationships outside of the therapeutic relationship.



Question 55

Which of the following would be a red flag regarding unethical practice when working with a patient?

A. Believing that something about the relationship is special and ordinary rules do not apply.
B. Engaging in excessive self-disclosure.
C. Having longer or more frequent sessions.
D. All the above



Question 97

It is important for the new nurse psychotherapist to become comfortable with which of the following?

A. Learning to be directive to help the patient feel better.
B. Letting the psychotherapeutic process unfold over time.
C. Helping the patient feel better is the main goal of psychotherapy
D. Building a therapeutic toolbox for a variety of “fix it” solutions for a variety of problems.



Question 98

The technique used by the CBT therapist to help the individual uncover underlying assumptions in logic and sequence through careful questioning by the therapist asking,” If this is true then what happens?”

A. Idiosyncratic Meaning
B. Labeling of distortions,
C. Downward Arrow
D. Questioning the Evidence



NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Walden University Question 99

During the middle phase of family therapy treatment much of the treatment is devoted to which of the following:

A. Identifying major conflicts and focusing on structures that perpetuate them.
B. The therapist serving as a conduit for most of the communication to keep conflict at a minimum during the session.
C. Helping the family members to deal more constructively with each other in the sessions.
D. Preventing family members from feeling anxiety as they are working through their issues.



Question 100

A patient being treated with supportive psychodynamic psychotherapy has been missing sessions and coming late when coming to sessions. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse recognizes this behavior as which of the following?

A. Avoidance
B. A sign the patient has met goals.
C. The patient is ready to talk about termination of therapy.
D. The patient is bored because the sessions have not been very interesting.

Question 101

When completing this exam, did you comply with NRNP 6645 Midterm Exam Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity?





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