Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam

Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam

Week 10 final exam (limited questions)

8. Question :

The number one psychological disorder in the United States has been identified as _________.




bipolar disorder

Question 10. Question : Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam.

The most common form of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is ____________.





Question 13. Question :

An immunocompromised four-year-old patient presents for his vaccinations. Which vaccination would you hold on this patient?



Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) 13


Question 15. Question :

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may be ___________.




triggered by a virus

Question 21. Question :

Bipolar disease requires _____________ for successful treatment.

no medication only cognitive therapy

a limited amount of medication for a short period of time

no intervention

lifetime medication

Question 34. Question : Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam.

The National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (NYRBS) evaluates risk factors that contribute to violence or injuries. Which of the following has the highest percentage of noncompliance for safety?

Riding with someone who has been having alcohol

Driving while or after using alcohol

Not wearing a seatbelt

Not wearing a bicycle helmet

Question 35. Question :

A sixteen-year-old male presents to your office accompanied by his parents. They are concerned about his absenteeism from school. You suspect the patient has ________.

made a conscious decision to miss school (truancy)

suffers from attention deficit disorder

social anxiety disorder

panic attacks

Question 39. Question :

Which group of adolescents is more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes?  Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam.

Non-Hispanic white adolescents

American-Indian adolescents

African-American adolescents

Pacific Islander adolescents

Question 42. Question :

The nurse practitioner sees a three-week-old infant in the clinic. Initial assessment findings show an infant with a 100.5 degree Fahrenheit rectal temperature, heart rate 120, respiratory rate 50. Upon physical exam no noted abnormalities are found. What would be the appropriate response of the primary care, clinic nurse practitioner?

Transport immediately to the ER

Obtain CBC with diff, urinalysis, urine culture, blood culture

Obtain CBC, urinalysis, urine culture and stool culture

Observe since this is not considered a

Question 47. Question :

Genu Varum is considered an abnormal condition when extreme knock knees continues

after seven years of age

extreme bowing continues after two years of age

parents are concerned about their child’s appearance

evident before two years of age. Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam.

Question 67. Question :

Bipolar disease is often diagnosed in ____________________.

childhood years

the fifth or sixth decade

mid puberty

post puberty to early adulthood

Question 68. Question :

Of the following advice, which would be most helpful for the parents of a baby with GERD?

Most babies continue to vomit until they are walking.

Laying prone after eating will decrease the amount of vomiting.

Increase the intervals between feedings to minimum of four hours.

Medications are generally necessary to prevent further problems.

Question 69. Question :

A healthy eleven-year-old male had a Td booster two-year ago after stepping on a nail, but otherwise has had no immunizations since age six when his vaccinations were up to date. Which of the following vaccines would be indicated as a part of his well-child visit? Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam.

HPV2 (Cervarix)

Tdap (Adacel)

Meningococcal vaccine (MPSV) 4 (Menomune)

Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV) 23 (Pneumovax)

Question 70. Question :

The adolescent should be screened for Type 1 diabetes _______________.

every year

every two years

once every five years


Question 74. Question :

Eating disorders are diagnosed during _________________.

fifth and six decades


adolescent period

any age frame

Question 77. Question :

Which of the following is a very important question to ask during the history taking for a sports evaluation?


Has the child ever had a head injury?

Has the child ever fainted or lost consciousness during exercise?

Does the child ever get short of breath with exercise? Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam.

Has the child ever had prior surgery

Question 79. Question :

An adolescent with which of the following would not be considered at an increased risk for dental erosion?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)


Anorexia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa

Question 82. Question :

Secondary hypothyroidism results from

excessive release of thyroid hormone beyond the newborn period

intrauterine exposure to thyrotoxic drugs

disease or disorder of the thyroid gland itself

disease or disorder of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland compromising thyroid function

Question 84. Question :

A nurse practitioner is conducting a four-year old’s well-child exam. Which recommendations would be made for this child?

Hgb, UA, hearing, vision, Dtap, MMR, Varivax, Hib

Hgb, UA, hearing, vision, MMR, Varivax, PCV, TdaP

Hgb, UA, hearing, vision, DtaP, IPV, MMR, Varivax

Hgb, UA, Dtap, IPV, MMR, Varivax

Question 88. Question :

_____________children are less likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder than others. Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam.

African American

Non-Hispanic White



Question 89. Question :

___________ are the first line choice for treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Long-acting stimulants


Dopamine agonist inhibitors

Question 91. Question :

An example of rapid-acting insulin is ______________________.



neutral protamine hagedorn


Question 92. Question :

The best tools for treating adolescents are ______ and ______.

your time; money

patient education; time

their trust; your time

mutual trust; patient education

Question 94. Question :

Antidepressant medication use in the adolescent age group should be monitored due to __________.

risk of pregnancy

weight gain


risk of suicidal ideations

Question 95. Question :

Symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are present prior to ________ years of age.





Question 98. Question :  Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam.

Type 1 diabetes begins when ____________________.

the adolescent is overweight

beta cell production fails

insulin resistance is present

poor nutrition is present

Question 99. Question :

Adolescents prefer to be

treated like a child

treated like an adult

treated like a teen ager

taken seriously

Question 100. Question :

Which group of adolescents is more likely to develop Type 1 diabetes?

Non-Hispanic white adolescents

American-Indian adolescents

African-American adolescents

Pacific Islander adolescents

Nsg 6435 Week 10 final exam

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