NSG 6435 Week 9 Discussion ;Infectious Diseases in Children

NSG 6435 Week 9 Discussion ;Infectious Diseases in Children

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered. To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and the South University Online Library.As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Topic B: New Diseases Throughout history, the emergence of infectious diseases has led to a proliferation of control treatments. Despite successful control methods, the recurring emergence of both new and old infectious diseases has preserved human mortality (Schrag & Wiener 1995, p. 319). It is the globalisation of such infections that traverse, the single appearance of a disease, to the entire world within a limited time span. NSG 6435 Week 9 Discussion ;Infectious Diseases in Children .The definition of emerging infections according to Schwartz and Yogev ( 1996, p. 226) (in the institute of medicine in a 1992 report) is “diseases of infectious origin whose incidence in humans has increased within the past two decades or threatens to increase in the near future”. Newly emerging infections, however, confine the definition to newly identified infections that have recently appeared in the populace or geographical location (Morse 2001, p. 1). While, the origin of new infectious disease epidemics may be inexplicable, it is apparent that specific factors influence the fluctuation of incidences. These factors are interrelated, often through human facilitation, thus the question becomes “Do humans have a higher susceptibility to newly emerging infections?” The world populace is continuously expanding in size, with an increase of infants proportionate to the elderly persons (Lashley 2004, p. 301). NSG 6435 Week 9 Discussion ;Infectious Diseases in Children .Both infants and elderly people are highly susceptible to emerging infectious diseases due to the degree of immunosupression,
Illness and death from infectious diseases are particularly tragic because they are preventable and treatable. Not surprisingly, the poorest and most vulnerable are the most severely affected by infectious disease. Infectious diseases are a major cause of death, disability and social and economic turmoil for millions around the world. Poverty stricken countries lack access to health care. Reports show that in nations with the lowest economic status the causes of death are primarily infectious and nutritional diseases. Respiratory infections like the flu, pneumonia, diphtheria, and tuberculosis and gastrointestinal illnesses like dysentery and viral diarrhea kill children and adults most commonly in these countries. Unlike the United. NSG 6435 Week 9 Discussion ;Infectious Diseases in Children .
In a poor country such as Ethiopia there are as many as 36,660 people per doctor. This means that for each person in the country to get seen one time a year every doctor would have to see over 100 patients a day every day of the week. Limited access to drugs makes treatable conditions like malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis fatal for the poor.      The most prominent infectious diseases in developing countries are malaria, schistosomiasis and trypanosomiasis. Malaria is the leading cause of death in tropical countries. More than one million deaths occur each year. Malaria is a vector borne parasitic infection. It is caused by a parasite that is transmitted through the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. Plasmodium is the causative organism. People infected with the parasite that causes malaria could experience weeks or months of bad health. Children and pregnant women are less likely to recover than adults who have built up immunity to the disease. Malaria has increased a lot in Africa and other tropical and poverty stricken areas. Plasmodium has become resistant to chloroquine which is the antimalarial drug. A recent report showed that nearly 25,000 childhood deaths per day are due to only seven infectious diseases. These include malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, whooping cough, tetanus, and tuberculosis. In many of these deaths, malnutrition is an influencing factor.  NSG 6435 Week 9 Discussion ;Infectious Diseases in Children
Infectious diseases are the disorders caused by organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasite who live both inside and outside our bodies and are normally helpful but can cause infectious diseases to the human (body) system under certain conditions. And for a disease to be infectious, there is what is called ‘’chain of infection’’ that takes place before. And this can be seen in the below diagram:

Chain of Infection

Diagram 1.

This chain of infection develops when each link connects to the other. That means it must link up together in order to be infectious diseases. However, the breaking away of any of the link will mean that, transmission of infection is stopped. On the other hand, breaking of any chain can stop the transmission of infection. The concept (infectious diseases) have been one of the major killers of both living and non living things and this term was recently replaced with chronic diseases as well as injuries as primary killers in the United States of America (Scutchfield, 2003). However, the main advances of infectious disease control to date have been the use of food and water protection as well as immunizations. This will be viewed as how it’s transmitted from one person to the other. NSG 6435 Week 9 Discussion ;Infectious Diseases in Children .

Recent research shows that, there are three major means by which infections can be transmitted and they include direct transmission, indirect transmission and airborne transmission (Hinman,Wasserheit and Kamb,1995). Direct transmission occurs when the physical contact between an infected person and s susceptible person takes place (division of public health, 2011). An example is a health care worker who attends to an Ebola patient, without gloves, gown and mask plus forget to wash his or her hand with soap and hot w…… any transmission to others. Inasmuch, the individual with the infection should be kept far way in a separate room, facility and those without (healthy ones) should use mask, gloves and gowns to protections whenever they getting in contact.
In conclusion, an infectious disease remains the most significant causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States of America and is greater in the underdeveloped countries. Therefore, there should be stronger and effective measures, which will fight any new threats to health of the masses and necessitate maintenance of surveillance infection and response capability. This because, diseases known to occur in one part of the world may be introduced to other parts of the world such as Ebola virus. Therefore, it should be acknowledged that, the world is not a perfect place and the quest for solution must be reflect that fact.  NSG 6435 Week 9 Discussion ;Infectious Diseases in Children .


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