NURS – 6003N Discussion: Networking Opportunities

My name is xxxxx I have been in the medical field for over 13 years, I have four children three boys and a girl. I live in laurel Maryland and I am originally from central Africa to be more precise from Cameroon.

I am very excited about this next journey pursuing my FNP through Walden University but, really nervous as well. I look forward to meeting everyone virtually and collaborating with everyone during this course.

During my nursing career, I found that I was limited in my scope of practice and I could not impact health care as much I wanted to. Being witness to numerous gaps in the health care continuum led me to want a more active role in primary and preventive care. Hence, I decided to further my education and become a family nurse practitioner (FNP).

I started my journey to become an FNP in August of last year. I started the program at another university, but I did not get the support I needed to complete the program. I dropped out of the program and had second thoughts about becoming an FNP.

Walden, vision, mission, and goals closely aligned to my own beliefs and goals. Walden’s vision, mission, and goals center around a commitment to producing knowledgeable scholar-practitioners that promote positive social change, and that is exactly what I am striving to be and do (Walden University, n.d.-a).

Walden University’s (n.d.-b) MSN-FNP program has seven learning outcomes. Two of the outcomes resonated with me and what I hope to accomplish as an FNP. One outcome focuses on advocating for individuals with the goal of closing the health care gap that is experienced by certain individuals and populations. The other outcome focuses on effective communication via various communication methods (Walden University, n.d.-b). I advocate for my patients now and plan to do so when I become an FNP. Also, I am working on being a better communicator. As future FNP, effective communication with others is key. Communication helps relationships to grow and be built and provides a platform to learn others’ points of view. Without effective communication, it would be difficult for an individual or organization to be successful (Kavithanjali, 2020).

I have a passion for people and am working diligently to become an impactful, contributing member of society that assists people to become the best versions of themselves. Walden University (n.d.-a) aims to improve our society by providing education and resources to individuals to assist them in being agents of positive change in our society and their communities. Walden’s emphasis on social change is in-line with other educational institutions that have recognized the importance of social change in nursing and the positive impact the field can have in transforming health care by supporting efforts to promote equality, social justice, and other social issues that improve our society (Read et al., 2016).

Walden University’s vision, mission, goals, and learning outcomes align with my goals to become an FNP. Additionally, their perspective on the social change also resonates with me. Through the resources available to me at Walden, I hope to grow my knowledge base, expand my network, and ultimately become a scholar-practitioner.


Walden University. (n.d.-a). Vision, mission, and goals. Retrieved May 31, 2020, from

Walden University. (n.d.-b). MSN learning outcomes. Retrieved May 31, 2020, from

Kavithanjali, J. (2020). Art of Effective Communication for Professional Growth and Achievement.


sample response

I enjoyed reading your post. I sensed your passion as I read about your desire to assist patients to become the “best versions of themselves.” It is unfortunate that you were not able to get the support you needed at your previous school. I am glad you decided to attend Walden University. As a circulating nurse, I can relate to the limited scope of practice in nursing. I have not held any formal leadership roles in my practice.  I currently struggle with some of the professional communication strategies that are required to foster meaningful contributions to my team. I believe that communication is key. Moreover, networking can help nurses gain the knowledge to help move to the next level in an organization. (Schmidt 2014) The learning outcomes at Walden have incorporated many different resources to set you up for success in their NP program. As NP it is important that we understand how everything is connected in healthcare. In Walden’s learning outcomes we will be able to see and understand how the nursing process connects with cost-effective strategies that reduce disparities for access to healthcare. (Walden 2019) “Integratively assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate cost-effective healthcare strategies that reduce health disparities by patient/population advocacy for access to specialist nursing care.”


Walden University. (n.d.). Walden University catalog. Retrieved October 4, 2019, from

Schmidt, K. (n.d.). 5 Reasons nurses should engage in professional networking [BlogPost] retrieved November 14, 2018, from



sample discussion post 2

Discussion Post Week 1– Goals, Mission, and Values 

Hello everyone, my name is xxx, and I have been a Registered Nurse since 2017Since graduating from Nursing school, have worked in an acute care setting as a Labor and Delivery Nurse for a year and a half and the past two years in a county community setting, currently as a Public Health Nurse (PHN)I live in Central California with my husband, Alex of nine years and our two sons, Ezra, and Bruin. Ezra is turning three in April while Bruin just turned seven months.  

While pursing my Nursing degree, I knew then that being a medical professional would mean constant evolution and lifelong learning. Therefore, continuing my education and pursing my MSN-FNP was always my plan in becoming a scholar-practitioner. As I got older and started a family, ibecame important for me to find a FNP program that not only supported working Nurses but also flexible program to support Nurses with families. Through several of my nursing colleagues who are also continuing their education and pursing their FNP, Walden University was highly recommended.  

Walden University depicts in one of its many goals “to provide multicontextual educational opportunities for career learners (Walden University, 2021.this gives me an opportunity to still work full time as a PHN and allows me to be present with my family while empowering me to further my education without pausing my life (Walden University, 2021.). Additionally, working as a PHN for my local community these past two years, has opened my eyes to the health care disparities among diverse cultural populationsWorking within this population and witnessing the struggle for even the bare minimum of preventative healthcare, ignited my passion to help others and to be an “agent of positive social change” (Walden University, 2021.)Especially those who are socio-economically vulnerable.  


Within Walden University’s network of support, I believe that open communication with Student Success Advisors, Course Professors as well as colleagues in the classroom would not only provide support throughout the program, but also provide a sense of community. This type of support is important and allows students to network within their support teamWalden’s MSN Learning Outcomes and perspective relates to my professional and academic goals because it “integratively assess, diagnose, plan, implement, and evaluate cost-effective healthcare strategies that reduce health disparities by patient/population advocacy for access to specialist nursing care” (Walden University, 2021.). Pursing an MSN-FNP through Walden University allows me to help, educate and treat the underserved community and advocate for the population that needs health care the most. I am excited to begin this journey with Walden University as well as extremely excited to meet all my new classmates that I will be collaborating with along the way.  



Walden University. (2021). Master of science in nursing (MSN). Retrieved March 1, 2021, from 

Walden University. (2021). Vision, mission, and goals. Retrieved March 1, 2021, from 



your public health background with emphasis in preventative health is the key to health care that providers should hone in on as a solution to the myriad of avoidable problems that continue to plague our health communities. The sick care currently being provided is a temporary band-aid fix that create frequent flyers into health care settings where outcomes eventually are unfavorable. 

 Studies show patients with primary care access that were utilized, demonstrated marked improvement in outcomes with a reduction in overall health care cost, compared with cohorts who did not have access to preventative care (Hostetter et al., 2020)

 Your contribution to this discussion is much appreciated and I look forward to following you in the weeks ahead. 




Hostetter, J., Schwarz, N., Klug, M., Wynne, J., & Basson, M. D. (2020). Primary care visits increase utilization of evidence-based preventative health measures. BMC Family Practice, 21(1), 151.


response 2

I enjoyed reading your post. I totally relate with you search for schools that supports working families.   During my initial research of colleges, I looked at a few and almost went with a different choice than Walden. There was something different about the people I was in contact with during the beginning phase, and the more I learned, the more I realized they would make it possible for me to work full time, complete school and have time for my family.

This class not only was the time required substantially more flexible, but it also cost less per credit hour as well. Walden’s mission statement relates to my professional and academic goals because it is allowing me to further my education and have a positive impact on not only my community but the families and patients I have contact with. Advancing my nursing education allows me to be a better patient advocate and improve outcomes by the continuity of care I provide.

The outcomes and perspectives relate to my personal goals because as a graduate nurse, I will be able to apply all of the knowledge and growth I gain to continue learning and impact social change


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