Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.

Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.


Answer the following questions: What parts of the lawmaking process does a nurse have an opportunity to influence the final bill passage? List at least two ways that this influence can take place. In your opinion, would one way be preferable over the other? Reviewing the social determinants of health, select one to respond to this question: What role can nurses play in promoting health status through policy changes directly affecting this social determinant? Submission Details: Submit your response in a 2-page Microsoft Word document (500 words). Name your document SU_NSG4068_W2_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.


Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. Cite sources in the APA format on a separate page. The parts of the lawmaking process where the nurses have a privilege to influence are quite many. First, the nurses can influence the introduction part of a bill by asking the members of the Congress to sponsor the bill. Second, at the hearing stage where the nurses can submit a written authentication to express an opinion and also give a background on the matter and also regulate how the bill will impact their constituent Nurse’s Role in Influencing the Legislative Process Essay.Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process. Third, they can influence at the markup stage where the nurses can propose amendments and changes to the law before its recommendation. However, there are two ways in which the nurses’ influence on the legislative process can take place. First, is through advocacy in the community. Nurses act as advocates where they offer a link between lawmakers and nursing hence they can influence the health policies. The second way is through direct legislative arena where the nurses attend the health policymaking process (Keleher, & MacDougall, 2015).Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process. Nurse’s Role in Influencing the Legislative Process Essay. I prefer advocacy since it involves the refinement of opinions and clarifying key issues by the nursing community thus the nurse influence will represent the interest of the majority and not an individual’s interest like that of legislative arena. According to Braveman and Gottlieb (2014), social determinants of health refers to the circumstances in the environment where individual were born, are living, learning, worshipping, and playing and its influence to health. Such social determinants include social norms and attitudes, public safety, availability of community-based resources, access to health care services, culture, and literacy. The determinant from the list above which affects the nurses’ role in influencing legislative process is the social norm and attitude. Social norms and attitude are one of the social determinants of health which affects health policy-making process. Keleher and MacDougall argue that health policy and laws may be ineffective if they do not reflect social norms and the attitude of the community (2015). Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.Social norms find their expression in both formal law and societal expectations Nurse’s Role in Influencing the Legislative Process Essay. The health policy should, therefore, be formulated on the basis that it entirely conforms to the attitude of the people and social norms. Nurses’ influence on the legislative process as advocators are therefore essential to ensure that the laws legislated are within the social norms hence the social determinants determines how the nurses will influence a given bill. There are many roles of the nurses in promoting the health status such as through direct policy changing that affects norms as a social determinant of health. Mainly, nurses’ influence in health policies should serve as social norms protection. However, when nurses’ advocate for a bill through Congress corrects a problematic behavior in the community, then the social norms as determinants of health will be affected positively (Auerbach, 2013).Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process. Nurse’s Role in Influencing the Legislative Process Essay. Social norms are all about customary behavior. For instance, when a nurse seconds or proposes a bill against Female Genital Mutilation, a section of the community will feel that the law is positively affecting the social norm while others feel like they have been betrayed. In conclusion, nurses play a critical role in the legislative process. Nurse leaders are expected to influence those policies which back to increasing the number of nurses. Additionally, nurses should encourage laws which support technology in nursing. Last but not least, nurses should be aware of new policies and bills which are relating to their profession.Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process. Nurse’s Role in Influencing the Legislative Process Essay. Reference Auerbach, D.I., Staiger, D.O., Muench, U. & Buerhaus, P.I., 2013. The nursing workforce in an era of health care reform. New England Journal of Medicine, 368(16), pp.1470-1472. Braveman, P., & Gottlieb, L. (2014). The social determinants of health: it’s time to consider the causes of the causes. Public health reports, 129(1_suppl2), 19-31. Keleher, H., & MacDougall, C. (2015). Understanding health(No. Ed. 4). Oxford University Press. Nurse’s Role in Influencing the Legislative Process Essay.

Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process

What parts of the lawmaking process does a nurse have an opportunity to influence the final bill passage?

Nurses have an influence in the legislative process, specifically the advocacy phase when the public is given an opportunity to present opinions. Through leveraging the potential power of numbers, expert power, legitimate power, referent power, reward power and coercive power, nurses are able to influence the process (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020). When a bill gets presented for the legislative process, the first step involves it being referred to a committee in the Senate or House.Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process. At this step, nurses play an important role when the committee presents a call for action in which case nurses would expend their effort effectively through targeting specific committee members appropriately to influence them on the bill. In addition, they keep other members of the legislature abreast of their views and sentiments concerning the pending legislation even if that individual is not a member of the committee that is reviewing the bill. Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.Nurses are also involved in the second step when the committee presents the bill for hearings, mark ups and votes. The hearings and mark ups present an opportunity for nurses to have input into the legislation by presenting their views and opinions in a public forum. Should the bill pass through the chamber with significant amendments so that a new committee review is required, then nurses would once again be involved in the two steps as described (Truglio-Londrigan & Lewenson, 2018).Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.

List at least two ways that this influence can take place. In your opinion, would one way be preferable over the other?

There are four sources of power that nurses use to influence the legislative process. Firstly, potential power of numbers in which nurses leverage their numbers as the single largest group of health care providers. The large numbers and professional nursing organizations allows nurses to act as a cohesive and powerful professional force. Secondly, expert power in which nurses use their unique skills and knowledge to advice and influence legislation. Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.This power gives nurses the credibility to speak out on nursing and health care issues. Thirdly, legitimate power that comes from the role and status of nurses as granted by the licenses and certifications to practice. The responsibilities and rights granted by the State Board of Nursing to practice in the professional environment includes the authority to speak out on nursing and health care issues. Finally, referent power that comes from the public respecting and admiring nurses. Nurses command a high level of credibility and this results in a high level of trust that they would act as stewards to push the health agenda forward. Of the four sources of power, the expert power would be preferable as it gives nurses the authority to be trusted to offer the best solutions/advice on health care issues (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020).Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.

Reviewing the social determinants of health, select one to respond to this question: What role can nurses play in promoting health status through policy changes directly affecting this social determinant?

The identified social determinant of health is poverty and homelessness. Nurses are uniquely positioned to assess poverty and homeless as social determinants of health and positively address these concerns to improve health equity. The high cost of health care creates economic difficulties for persons who require medical attention and are living in poverty. Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.The economic difficulties can result in homelessness that in turn exposes the individuals to contagious conditions that lead to further illness. Nurses can play a role in addressing poverty and homelessness as social determinants of health, and promoting health status through engaging in research activities that help to bring about policy changes. For instance, nurses can conduct a research on how the different insurance programs affect health care utilization and population health outcomes. Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.The data from the research would then be used to influence legislation development thereby acting as evidence on what to expected from different policies. Besides that, the research outcomes can be used to development nursing interventions that alleviate the concerns thereby helping to develop policies on how nurses should act (Schmidt & Brown, 2019).Nurses Role on influencing the Legislative Process.


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