Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

How can nurses ensure that older people are treated with respect and dignity whist being cared for in hospital or in the community?

The aim of the following essay is to explore how nurses can ensure that

older people are treated with respect and dignity whist being cared for in

hospital or the community. The essay will seek to gain an understanding

of the biopsychosocial influences associated with dignity which affect the

older person.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Age concern describe dignity to mean that everyone is treated and

receives the care that meets their needs which enables them to live their

life how they want (age concern 2008). it is important that health care


professionals are aware of the ethical and non-ethical values…show more content…
Respecting the individual; Intermediate care; Providing evidence-based specialist care and Promoting an active, healthy life. The NSF makes it clear that in the past older people and their carers were not always treated with respect or with dignity. It than goes on to suggest that delivering good care for older people in hospital requires that staff have the appropriate skills and experience. This care should be underpinned by fundamental principles that promote dignity (Webster 2004). Within the UK the nursing code of professional conduct states that registered nurses must respect they patients and promote and protect the interests and dignity of patients at all times this emphasises the importance of respecting the patient as an individual, (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 2008). The care of the older patient involves special expertise for many reasons such as physiological ageing and the effects of medication may alter the disease presentation; pre-existing conditions may make self-care more difficult and the incidence of depression and dementia more common; and arranging social support for successful discharge requires complex skills. While a patient may have been admitted with a physical problem, emotional issues are often also present,Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

According to the United States Bureau of the Census, as of 1995 there were at least 54 million people who were 55 years old or older and 33.5 million of those were over 65 years old (Mathur & Moschis, 1999). According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, more than 22 million …show more content…
Role conflict refers to the strain that arises when the demands from one or more other roles jeopardizes the adequate performance in other roles (Singleton, 2000). When any of the above stressors come into play in the caregiver’s life, it may start a chain of events that not only affects the performance in each role, but it may also affect their mental and physical health, as well as their financial well-being and perceived employment worth (Singleton, 2000). Many caregivers, recognizing that they are unable to adequately meet the needs of their family members while working full-time, will reduce the number of hours that they work. One study estimated that caregivers spend over 40 hours per week in caring for their elderly family members (Kossek, Colquitt, & Noe, 2001; Covinsky, et al, 2001). While reducing the hours that one works may decrease stress in the amount of time available for care, it increases the stress on the financial well-being of both caregiver and those who are cared for. In a survey conducted by HR Magazine (2000), participants admitted to being perceived by their employers as unreliable once elderly relatives moved in to be cared for. Some have quit their jobs altogether to become independent contractors, others spend lunch hours and time after work on caring for their family, while hoping that they are still able to cope with their job at work (Gerbman, 2000).Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Challenges of Taking Care of Elderly Loved One My mother broke her hip and had to stay at a nursing home temporarily to rehabilitate. I knew then if she had to stay for long term that would not be an option for my mother. Nursing homes are okay if family members are checking on love ones while they are there. Simply stated, I believe they do not have adequate staff to accommodate all the patients in the nursing home. Therefore the challenges of taking care of my mother were her refusal to help, effects to health caretaker, and family conflicts. My mother lived in her home for 50 years. Getting my mother to leave her home and all that was familiar to her was not an easy task. She did not feel like she had to leave because she …show more content…
In addition to the fact she could not live alone and the medical issues, she had a problem with managing her money. My mother would often miss paying her bills and get late charges. She misplaced her checks and money. She would also give it away to my siblings when they would ask her for money. I also had offered to set up her bills online and pay them monthly although, she refused. When she came to live with me finally, anything that came on the television especially the religious evangelist show that promised her that she would be healed and all she had to do is drink this healing water. Therefore, she would ask me to send the money to the evangelist. For this reason, I would tell her I did just to keep confrontation down. Now, I would not have to explain the reasons why I was not sending any money. My next challenge with my mother was that she did not accept that she had any medical problems and that she did not think she needed assistants in her daily living. Later she had a stroke, and started having seizures, which brought on the early dementia.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Caring For The Elderly Essay
Keywords: attention of the more aged person essay, more aged person health care,

In general, world considers older people as individuals above the ages of sixty or sixty-five. Normally, this is the start of old age as a person becomes less lively in political, public and economic affairs. Though there are older folks who are in good health insurance and active members of their communities, majority will be the ones whose physical and mental functions are on the decrease. Since they are unable to get along independently, majority of the elderly folks require attention and care from their loved ones as well as friends. Consequently, psychologists use the term elderly care to refer to the non-public as well as medical assistance that this band of the population receives.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

It is noticeable that elderly treatment requires a variety of varieties, ranging from personal treatment such as feeding and dressing, to medical attention. In addition, the care that a family chooses because of its elderly individuals will be based upon their needs. This is because some of the elderly persons may still be in good health while others may be frail. Subsequently, some of them may require home-based care while some may need specific attention in a nursing home or in a medical center. Whatever the case, older people do need some type of care.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

In this study, I shall give attention to the American culture and the Asian culture, and make comparisons between the two, in relation to the aspect of caring for the elderly. For the Asian culture, I will examine japan. In both United States of America and Japan, the amount of elderly folks is on the increase. Which means that both governments have to consider and set up the best mechanisms to appeal to this group of the populace. Different areas accord older people different forms of care, depending on how their cultures dictate. The way a community perceives later years will therefore have an impact on the manner in which it treats the elderly.

The responsibility of looking after older people in Caucasian and Japanese civilizations is mainly with the woman, because these societies consider her as an innate caregiver anticipated to her maternal skills and intuition. However, this is also due to the fact that, over time, the girl has fewer opportunities in the economical scene, and for that reason, she remains at home almost all of the time to look after her children and older people. Alternatively, when the girl is able to access the labor market, she finds herself in positions where she’s to provide look after others. Most nurses, school and clinic matrons are women. However, in these civilizations, children also participate in elderly care, as a form of reimbursement for the nurture their parents offered them when these were young.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

The American population places a whole lot of focus on staying young. As a result, as Samovar et. al. (2009) records “we find a culture that prefers children to later years. ” (p. 71). This negative notion of later years makes the young people avoid staying together with the elderly and caring for them. The elderly adult population rather than the young adults are the ones taking care of the elderly. This talks about why some people in america give over their old family to assisted living facilities. This does not however mean that the young trim almost all their links with their seniors relatives. They do provide support and keep maintaining connection with them. The assisted living facilities are a choice for older people individuals who have no family or family to provide for them at home. That is especially the circumstance for many who are bodily handicapped and require the help of another person to look after them.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Though the nursing homes have become the decision for most families with elderly family, they actually have their constraints. Some of these institutions for the elderly have grown to be money-making endeavors, therefore lowering their emphasis on the needs of older people. Poor cleanliness and lack of trained medical personnel and quality treatment as well as poor feeding programs are some of the problems the elderly face in these assisted living facilities. Moreover, placing older people in nursing homes restricts their freedoms as they need to follow the stipulated program. They can not choose when to feed, sleep, interact with their fellow housemates and cannot keep their belongings. However, assisted living facilities for the elderly still remain the choice for some American households, as there’s not been much success with home-based health care.

On an optimistic note, older people individuals in American contemporary society have more categories of others who live nearby whom they can go to for support, than the aged people in Japanese society. Which means that the American older will probably receive care using their company others who live nearby, aside from their immediate members of the family. However, the People in america usually have a tendency to give special care and attention to their seniors only once they learn that the latter are facing a medical problem.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

However, since the family is still the key caregiver for older people, some of the American people utilize professional nurses to take care of their old at home, rather than sending them away to assisted living facilities. Another reason for this is that, institutions for taking care of older people are costly, and a few of these families cannot afford them. In addition, some families choose to take their seniors to day nursing corporations, where they acquire care throughout the day and then return home at night. This is well suited for those who find themselves working and cannot stick with the elderly family members during the day as they need to report to work. Additionally it is convenient for working individuals who cannot afford specialized look after their elderly ones, either at home or in a medical institution.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

In some situations, older people person might be able to live in his or her own house, and may be strong enough never to require special attention and attention. In such cases, the family members of this older person find a house near other older people, in areas where in fact the amenities they need over a day-to-day basis are plentiful. This form of older care attracts the city and involves them in taking responsibility because of this group of the population.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

On the economic front, a few of the big commercial organizations have launched benefit schemes for their employees, in order to help them in looking after their elderly family members. It is because most companies want to avoid losses in production, due to presenting employees who have to work while at the same time care for their elderly family. Some companies also provide home-based care services for the elderly, but as a profit-making opportunity. This however, has a negative side to it as these privatized services are costly and not many families are able to find the money for them.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

On the other palm, Asian culture of the Japanese has an optimistic perception of older people. It teaches the kids to respect and care for the elderly. The Japanese consider the family as the leading caregiver for his or her elderly, and in this case, it is generally a female member of the family who provides out this obligation. This is because the Japanese think that it is not in order to use older people to a nursing home as this is equivalent to neglecting one’s responsibility of taking care of one’s parents. This also makes japan families supply the required care to their elderly relatives throughout their old age, rather than only when they are really facing a health problem.

In the case of aged individuals who are not related to the family, Japanese wives or their daughters are the ones who tend to give their older friends the health care they need. Sometimes, the daughters-in-law also give health care to older people, especially if the patient is feminine. However, if other friends and non relatives you live under the same rooftop with the elderly persons, they could supply the necessary treatment to the last mentioned. This is in contrast to the situation of the North american elderly who acquire care from other family as well as others who live nearby.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

In Japan, the activity of giving treatment to the elderly is principally as an action of duty, rather than voluntary will. The caregiver considers this act as one that he or she has to give, and generally, the Japanese partner will provide older people attention at her husband’s request. The dependence of the Japanese elderly on their immediate family is also evident in the fact that most of them rely on the spouses and their children for financial support. Since the Japanese believe giving older people treatment is a woman’s job, the men usually leave this with their wives. However, though the Japanese men are abroad most of enough time, they also donate to elderly care by giving their spouses financial as well as mental assistance. Again, by taking part in caring for their children, they allow their wives to find the perfect time to manage the elderly family.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Elderly good care in Japan still remains basically in the hands of the family, especially for individuals who aren’t sickly and in need of specialized medical attention. However, caring for the elderly at home is no longer the only option, and families have started taking the old to assisted living facilities. This is anticipated to a number of reasons such as the ageing of the members of the family providing the care and attention as well as the increasing engagement of japan women in formal training and occupation. Moreover, Japanese family members are not coping with large numbers as they performed in the past.

However, the number of assisted living facilities for the elderly and professional caregivers is on the cut down as a result of Japanese belief that it’s the immediate family which bears the duty of taking care of their elderly relatives. Older people who are in need of very little personal and healthcare remain at home, but get visits from staff who focus on them. This happens either a few times weekly or every day depending on the needs of older people person. Due to the rising demand for health caregivers for the elderly, Japan has sought the help of care personnel from the Philippines. These caregivers are more experienced and are willing to work at a low pay.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Due to the upsurge in the elderly human population, financial resources have not been enough to allow families to place their family under specialized good care at home and in nursing institutions. It is because of this situation that private hospitals in Japan have wanted to accommodate the elderly who are in need of both personal as well as medical assistance. This way, older people in Japan can gain access to long-term attention. Though on a small-scale, the Japanese elderly engage in volunteering programs where they offer services to the community and subsequently, they receive personal as well as health care.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

There are however some similarities in the aspects of elderly care in North american and Japanese cultures. Care for older people continues to be one of the concerns of both United States and Japanese governments, though they fluctuate in their guidelines. America gives main concern to provision of medical assistance, pension for retirees and shelter, as the Japanese government came up with policies to set up place insurance for every citizen like the older, for a long-term period. In both countries, the upsurge in aging customers of the populace has put a lot of strain on the medical as well as retirement life schemes. However, technical advances in medication have increased and they’re used to increase the life-expectancy degrees of the American and Japanese increasing age populations. Again, since women are progressively more going into formal work, the men in both countries are also becoming more and more involved in older care.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

In conclusion, scheduled to lifestyle changes, many folks have started moving into smaller teams and people, and are also located definately not each other. Subsequently, caring for older people can’t be the duty of the immediate family exclusively, but should be a prerogative of governments, non governmental organizations as well as private corporations.

Caring for older people highlights many special and difficult issues for nurses and carers, such as separation, illness, loneliness, death and how to provide continued care (Morrissey et al, 1997). This essay discusses the strategies of care delivered for an older person with dementia during my recent clinical placement. Discussions will focus on normal ageing process taking into account the relevant biological, sociological and physiological perspectives and the impact this had on this individual’s life experience. Ropers’ model is used as a frame work in which cae is delivered. Other related issues to be considered include the role of informal carers and the impact this had on him. Confidentiality is maintained in conjunction with NMC 2010 code of conduct. Thus a pseudonym (Scot) is adopted where the client’s name is mentioned.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Scot is a 70 year old man with a long term history of psychosis. Recently he had been diagnosed with dementia. He had been well managed on quiatiapin until he had stopped taking the medication and his psychosis had worsened. And due to his decline in his mental state, he has also been refusing access to his carer (his wife) and was at risk of self neglect.
Dementia is a disorder manifested by multiple cognitive defects, such as impaired memory, aphasia, apraxia and a disturbance in occupational or social functioning, Howcroft (2004). Disturbances in executive functioning are also seen in the loss of the ability to think abstractly, having difficulty performing tasks and the avoidance of situations, which involves processing information. Scot suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia, which affects the brain cells and brain nerve transmitters, which carry instructions around the brain.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay


The population of Australia is ageing, and the demand for aged care is increasing over time. According to the findings of Australian Institute for Health and Welfare, in June 2010 residential aged care institutions provided care to 166,400 persons; this value is by 23% higher compared to June 2009 (Increased demand for aged care, 2011, p. 7). Most of the residents of aged care environments require special high-level care; in June 2010, 70% of the residents needed such extended care (Increased demand for aged care, 2011, p. 7). The demand for community care is also increasing: between June 2009 and 2010, the need for community aged care packages grew by 5%, the need for extended aged care at home dementia grew by 23%, and the overall need for extended aged care at home grew by 26% (Increased demand for aged care, 2011, p. 7).Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

The changes in the structure and needs of population lead to the changes of contemporary demands on nurses in aged care environments: the nurses should be aware of the physiological and psychological aspects of ageing and should be properly trained to provide quality aged care. The demand for nurses in aged care environments is increasing not only due to changes in population structure, but also due to the widening gap between the wages of nurses in aged care and hospital care (7 Reasons Why Aged Care Can’t Wait, 2012, n.d.). Therefore, it is necessary to address these healthcare issues in order to prevent a healthcare crisis. The problems of aged care are especially important for Western Australia, as it is experiencing a shortage of aged care places; for instance, in 2009 the number of aged care places for people over 70 years old in Western Australia was the lowest among all states (Imminent crisis in aged care, 2011, p. 17).Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

The purpose of this essay is to explore the contemporary demands on nurses in aged care environments and to consider strategies that be implemented to provide the best outcomes for both care recipients and care providers. In this essay, it will be demonstrated that the major demands to nurses in aged care environments include serving the special needs of ageing people, providing linguistically and culturally diverse care, integrating different aspects of aged care into a holistic care framework and taking into account the needs of all stakeholders of aged care process. It will be shown that in order to satisfy these demands, the following measures should be undertaken: it is necessary to adjust skill documentation and standards in aged care, increase financing and establish standards of care, add gerontological disciplined into nursing education, promote a positive image of ageing population, and to organize consultancy services for aged care nurses.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Contemporary demands on nurses in aged care
1.1. Special needs of ageing people

According to Eggert (2005), the demands to nurses working in aged care environments change and special nursing skills are required (p. 5). For example, chronic conditions such as heart failure, dementia, diabetes, arthritis, etc. are more prevalent among aged people (Eggert, 2005, p.5). Therefore, nurses need to update their skills in accordance with the following groups of requirements: treatment care for aged people, supportive care for aged people, rehabilitation nursing for aged people and self-management education (Eggert, 2005, p.5). In particular, nurses working in aged care environments should master the specifics of pharmacologic treatment for aged people and consider the drug-drug interactions, should have knowledge in managing patients with diabetes, dementia, arthritis, should be familiar with cardiac rehabilitation, should be skilled in monitoring chronic conditions and should be aware of special needs of ageing people such as the facilitation of their physical mobility (Reed, Clarke and Macfarlane, 2011, p.92).Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

1.2. Diversity of ageing population

It is necessary to take into account the growing diversity of Australian society: in 2012 it was determined that 25% of Australians over 65 years old belong to linguistically and culturally diverse environments, and by 2021 this figure is expected to increase by 30% (Ambitious CALD aged care strategy, 2012, p.6). In the end of 2012, Australian government launched a National Ageing and Aged Care Strategy for People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Backgrounds (The Department of Health, 2012). According to this strategy, nurses in aged care environments should provide culturally and linguistically responsive, sensitive and inclusive care. Therefore, aged care nurses should receive information on reaching these goals, and should have the possibilities of practicing these skills in the instructional environment.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

1.3. Provision of holistic care

There is a need for providing holistic care to the aged patients and balancing the needs of all involved stakeholders. Aged care nurses should be aware of the “therapeutic quadrangle” which involves the nursing professional, family carer, the ageing person and the illness/disability (Reed, Clarke and Macfarlane, 2011, p.27). Aged care nurses should know how to manage the interdependence between the persons involved in aged care and how to utilize the resources available to ageing patients to the maximal extent. A specific requirement for aged care nurses is the need for combining the approaches of curative and palliative care: nurses providing aged care should be able to relieve suffering and pursue therapies aimed at curing the patient and prolonging the patient’s life (Matzo, LaPorte & Witt, 2005, p.133).Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Nursing professionals should ensure that their patients in aged care environments experience the six “senses”: a sense of security, a sense of belonging, a sense of continuity, a sense of purpose, a sense of achievement and a sense of significance (Reed, Clarke and Macfarlane, 2011, p.29).

As an integrative model which takes into account the interests of all participants of the aged care process, Reed, Clarke and Macfarlane (2011) suggest the combination of the senses framework and the therapeutic quadrangle. This enriched care model represents a table which has senses in the left vertical column and stakeholders in the upper horizontal row. It is recommended to use CARE questionnaire to assess to which extent the sense of all stakeholders of aged care process are satisfied (Reed, Clarke and Macfarlane, 2011, p.32). Therefore, nurses should take into account the interests of primary stakeholders while providing aged care and should develop an integrated care plan in order to provide quality care to their patients.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Aged care nursing workforce needs and issues in Australia
2.1. Changing structure of workforce needs

Due to the ageing population in Australia, the demand for nurses in aged care environments is likely to increase at a rapid pace. In particular, the following types of nursing professionals will be required: community nurses, aged care nurses, mental health nurses, rehabilitation nurses, orthopedic nurses, nurse educators specializing in diabetes, nurse educators specializing in cardiac rehabilitation, nurses specializing in wounds, etc. (Eggert, 2005, p.6). Taking into account the lack of nurses in current Australian workforce, it is easy to forecast that in several years the shortage of nurses is likely to become a large healthcare issue. Therefore, the government should undertake steps to address this problem.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

2.2. Workplace issues and skills shortage

The survey of aged care registered nurses and assistants in nursing showed that the 46% of nurses were concerned about work issues; the most important problems noted by aged care nursing professionals were the continuous lack of nurses in general and the lack of nurses in aged care, lack of skilled nursing professionals and shortage of doctors (Tuckett et al., 2011, p.448). 11% of respondents noted the problems associated with overseas nurses, especially the skills gap and language gap, and 8% of respondents complained that there were too many administrative positions in aged care (Tuckett et al., 2011, p.448). A warning concern is wage disparity in aged care: 39% of respondents believed it was a significant issue, along with burnout, heavy workload and exhausting shift work (Tuckett et al., 2011, p.449). These findings are confirmed by the research of Eley at al. (2007). Eley at al. (2007) also determined that the major reasons of the inadequacy of staff skills in aged care nursing were the lack of funding, lack of experienced staff and too many inexperienced staff (p. 864). Aged care nurses also indicated that although there were training and education opportunities, the lack of time and money were significant barriers hindering their professional development (Eley at al., 2007, p.864).Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

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2.3. Lack of proper education and skills evaluation

The work of aged care nurses is frequently devalued and there are mechanisms sustaining low pay in this profession; moreover, the dissatisfaction with pay of aged care workers is higher than average pay dissatisfaction among Australian workers (Palmer & Evelinet, 2012, p.254). The findings of Palmer and Evelinet indicate that the major factor contributing to this pay gap is the perception of aged care nursing as an occupation which does not require special professional skills and provides emotional reward in the first place (Palmer & Evelinet, 2012, p.270). Furthermore, nursing education lacks detailed information on gerontological areas and the focus on aged care skills. Fox (2013) has determined that, in addition to the lack of training in aged care, student nurses have bias against older adults (p.52). Aged care nurse profession is often viewed as the “ugly stepsister” of nursing (Fox, 2013, p.52).Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

Recommended strategies
3.1. Increasing the attractiveness of aged care nursing profession

The major issue in aged care nursing is the lack of skilled professionals which is aggravated by the growing need for aged care. According to Palmer & Evelinet (2012), in order to transform aged care nursing into an attractive profession, it is necessary to document the skills required for providing quality care in aged care nursing and to develop the taxonomy of aged care skills including both qualifications- and experience-based competencies (p.272). Furthermore, the government should ensure that healthcare providers hire nurses with the necessary skills and provide adequate pay to them. This strategy should eventually evolve into a new career path for aged care nurses, with the relevant certifications and remuneration. These changes should be accompanied by the increase of financing for aged care nursing services and establishing standards of care and standards of nursing skills in aged care at least at the state level.Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

3.2. Improving the quality of aged care nursing education

Fox (2013) outlines the following strategies aimed towards reducing bias towards aged care nursing and adding the required knowledge and skills in aged care for nursing students: to revise nursing coursework and add experiences in an aging environment, develop partnerships between educational institutions and nursing homes, add geriatric subjects and information into nursing training programs, include positive aspects of aging in the curriculum, engage students in aged care research and develop a holistic focus aimed at promoting positive attitudes to aging (pp.54-56).

3.3. Improving the quality of aged care nursing

It is recommended to improve the quality of aged care nursing by providing consultancy services to practicing nurses: the partnership between clinical nurse consultants and primary nurses should be established, and regular consultations to primary care nurses should be provided. A program of this kind was launched in greater Melbourne. Due to this program, collaboration between clients, their families, carers, local doctors, primary nurses and nurse consultants was established (Lee & Scanlon, 2000, p. 35).Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

According to Pearson (2011), in order to improve the quality of aged care nursing, it is necessary to improve leadership and management in aged care institutions, provide extensive support for aged care nurses, to address the tendency towards devaluing the role of nurses in providing aged care, provide research opportunities for nurses and opportunities for career advancement, provide education and training to aged care nurses to improve the quality of care, and to cultivate a positive attitude towards ageing and aged care in the community (Pearson, 2011, p.103-104).Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay


The research devoted to the analysis of contemporary demands on nurses in aged care environments shows that aged care nurses need to have extensive knowledge of special needs of ageing people, should be aware of the needs of all stakeholders of aged care, should be aware of cultural and linguistic differences in aged care and should be able to provide holistic care for their patients. Core challenges of aged care nursing in Australia are the shortage of skilled nurses in aged care, dominance of unskilled labour, changing structure of workforce needs, low pay, lack of relevant education and means for evaluating skills, and the overall negative attitude towards aged care nursing. It is therefore recommended to increase the attractiveness of aged care nursing by documenting the necessary aged care nursing skills, establishing skill standards, increasing financing of aged care institutions and care providers, promoting the positive perception of ageing among Australian people and introducing geriatric disciplines and relevant research in nursing training programmes. In addition to this, it is recommended to increase the quality of aged care nursing by improving aged care management and establishing consultancy services for aged care nurses. Overall, in the long-term perspective the proposed recommendations are likely to improve the image of aged care nursing profession, to fill in the need for aged care nurses in the communities and to improve the quality of aged care. Nursing Care of The Elderly Essay

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