Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.


1)Select an issue within curriculum development that is of interest to you. 2) Write a paper of 1,000-1,250 words on the issue, discussing its affect and relevance to nursing, staff or patient education. 3) Why is this issue a problem at your place of employment? 4) What are your proposed strategies to resolve these issues? 5) Use at least three to five scholarly, peer-reviewed resources less than 5 years old in addition to the course materials. 6) Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. 7) An abstract is required.Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.


Benchmark: Curriculum Development Issue


The high incidences of various diseases and mortality rates have raised a concern about professional competency. The current trends in the healthcare sector have increased pressure for all healthcare professionals to provide patients with safe and quality care services. Consequently, the training institutions for healthcare personnel are required to produce highly competent graduates who able to address issues facing the healthcare industry. Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.The key stakeholders and professionals in the healthcare sector should be involved in curriculum development to facilitate the production of qualified practitioners. Additionally, institutions should recruit competent tutors to implement a well-developed curriculum. Moreover, healthcare organizations should offer continuous training to their workers to inform them about new practices and industry trends. This paper will focus on the incorporation of patient safety into the nursing education curriculum to boost the levels of patient safety. Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.



Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety

Patients’ safety is among the primary concerns for healthcare organizations. It refers to the prevention of patients from any form of avoidable harm during the provision of care services.  The concern for patient safety was triggered by the release of the revolutionary study. The report proposed that healthcare systems should be redesigned to include techniques for promoting patient safety by reducing avoidable errors. An increase in patients’ safety will, in turn, reduce the high incidences of multiple diseases and mortality rates, thus increasing the public’s trust in the current healthcare system. Patient safety has an impact on health care professionals since it requires them to be equipped with more knowledge and skills and to be cautious during care delivery to avoid exposing patients to avoidable harm. Patient safety leads to the provision of high-quality care services.Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

The Impact of Patient Safety on the Healthcare Organization and Patients

The level of patient safety in the healthcare organization is relatively low. This trend is associated with high risks and errors and harm, which are experienced by patients during the provision of health care services. The low patient safety affects the healthcare organization adversely. First, compromised patient safety lowers the quality of healthcare services. According to Khoshakhlagh et al. (2019), the provision of quality healthcare services in a medical facility is facilitated by patient safety culture. Consequently, patients are provided with low-quality services in a healthcare organization if patient safety culture has been embraced. Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

Furthermore, unsafe and poor-quality health care results in client harm. First, patients are exposed to avoidable harm in the healthcare organization, which is associated with medication errors. Patients are also harmed by healthcare-associated infections. Unsafe surgical care procedures, transfusions, and injection practices also result in patient harm. More so, patients are exposed to harm by diagnostic errors that lead to the wrong management plan and treatment procedures. Lastly, venous thromboembolism exposes patients to preventable harm (WHO, 2019).Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

Moreover, unsafe patient care in the healthcare organization increases nursing workload and overall operational costs. Nurses have to attend to patients with complications associated with preventable harm such as hospital-acquired infection. This extra work increases the workload of healthcare workers. Additionally, the healthcare organization incurs some medical costs associated with poor care. Financial resources are required to purchase medications for treating clinical conditions that arise from preventable harm, thus raising the overall operational cost.Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

Unsafe patient care also lowers the public’s trust in the healthcare organization. The public’s trust in an organization is based on the quality of its care services. The trust is high if the medical facility provides safe and quality services to its patients. On the contrary, trust is low if the healthcare organization offers unsafe care to its patients. The number of clients and profitability reduces with a decline in the level of the public’s trust towards the organization.Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

Unsafe patient care also results in disabilities and deaths. Patients are exposed to more complications by unsafe and low-quality care. For instance, some patients develop healthcare-acquired infections while others sustain injuries. These complications sometimes result in permanent disability or death. Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

Strategies for Improving Patient Safety in the Healthcare Organization

Healthcare systems are strengthened by the provision of safe and high-quality health care services. Therefore, some measures should be implemented to promote patient safety in the healthcare organization. First, the healthcare organization should hire a competent and adequate number of nurses to ensure appropriate nurse-staffing ratios. A nurse practitioner should provide care services to a standard number of patients to enhance competence during care delivery. Nurse staffing ratios have an impact on patient safety. The possibility of unsafe patient care raises with an increase in the number of patients per nurse since nurses are not keen during care delivery if their workload is high.Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

The issue of unsafe patient care can be resolved through the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach and collaborative initiatives. Healthcare practitioners work together cooperatively during the provision of care in a collaborative approach. Additionally, they share responsibilities during the problem-solving and decision-making process to formulate appropriate plans for patient care (Morley & Cashell, 2017). Consequently, patients are provided with safe and quality care. Additionally, family members are involved during care delivery in an interdisciplinary approach. The family members provide the information required for diagnosis and treatment processes, thus enhancing the provision of comprehensive and cost-effective care, which, in turn, improves patient safety (O’Reilly et al., 2017).Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

Patient safety can also be enhanced through continuous training of healthcare workers. The healthcare organization should schedule training sessions for its staff. These programs will equip practitioners with knowledge about new practices and procedures in the healthcare sector. The implementation of the new measures in their clinical practices will, in turn, improve the quality and safety of patient care (Price & Reichert, 2017).Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

More so, the issue of patient safety can be addressed through the adoption of safe medication practices in the healthcare organization. First, the medical facility should adopt standard procedures for packaging and storing medications that look alike to prevent the administration of wrong medicine to a patient. Additionally, the healthcare organization should facilitate communication between providers who are at the same or different levels. This action will prevent practitioners from administering a particular medication twice. Also, the organization should embrace the culture of verifying medicines before administering them to the patients. all these measures will prevent avoidable errors, thus promoting patient safety.Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

Focusing on improving hand-hygiene can also promote patient safety. Some complications such as healthcare-associated infection occur due to the failure of the healthcare practitioners to implement proper hand hygiene measures (Haque et al., 2018). Washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based sanitizer to disinfect hands regularly will prevent the spread of pathogens in the healthcare organization. These initiatives will, in turn, limit the outbreak of diseases caused by microorganisms, thus improving patient safety in the healthcare organization.Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

Finally, unsafe patient care will be addressed through safe surgery practices. Some complication arises due to unsafe surgeries such as operations performed by incompetent practitioners. Therefore, ensuring that a practitioner is competent and experienced before any surgical procedure will promote patient safety in the healthcare organization.Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

Overall, unsafe patient care is a major issue facing healthcare organizations. This matter poses various challenges to the organization and patients, including lowering the quality of healthcare services, client harm, increasing nursing workload and operational costs, lowers the public’s trust towards the healthcare organization, and disabilities and deaths.Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety. Consequently, various measures need to be adopted to address the issue of unsafe patient care. First, unsafe patient care can be addressed by hiring a competent and adequate number of nurses to ensure appropriate nurse-staffing ratios. Also, this issue can be resolved through the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach and collaborative initiatives, continuous training of healthcare workers, the adoption of safe medication practices, improving hand-hygiene, and safe surgery practices.Nursing Education Curriculum for Boosting Patient Safety.

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