Nursing essay paper


Class: Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP)

Institution Sponsoring the Course

The program is sponsored by American Health Corporation (ACH) with an aim to help nurses and behavioral health practitioners to acquire knowledge, skills, and resources essential to become competent in providing patient education and caring for individuals with diabetes. The mission of the healthcare organization sponsoring the class is to provide the best quality of care and establish long-term relationships with their patient. The guiding philosophy of ACH is to build a strong patient-healthcare provider relationship to meet the needs and expectations of the patients. The content and objectives of the course will be aligned with the philosophy of the organization to ensure that the needs of the target audience are prioritized.

Needs Assessment

The needs assessment indicated that some nursing staff in the organization lack adequate knowledge of diabetes self-management skills and patient education. For example, the assessment indicated that the nursing staff lacked the appropriate knowledge and skills to effectively educate patients on how to monitor their blood glucose levels and the appropriate lifestyle modifications such as engaging in exercises and consuming healthy foods. People with diabetes should test their blood glucose levels numerous times a day and they also need knowledge on insulin administration and regular adjustment of dosages (Powers et al., 2016). Since the self-care needs of individuals with diabetes are significant, patient education is important as it helps the individuals to reach an optimal independence level based on individual needs (Hailu et al., 2019).  Nursing essay paper

Description of the Class

The program is a 4-hour program and it is specifically designed for the nursing staff and behavioral healthcare provider. The program will include 4 sessions (50-minutes session).  Each session will be separated by a 10-minute break. The purpose of the class is to provide the nursing staff and behavioral health professionals with the resources and information required to acquire and develop proficiency when teaching and providing care for patients with diabetes.


Target Audience

The class is designed for all behavioral health professionals and nurses who are involved in the care of people having diabetes

Learning Resources

  • Textbooks
  • Journal articles
  • American Diabetes Association
  • The National Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Diabetes

 Program Outcomes for the Course

The nursing staff and behavioral healthcare providers will become competent and proficient in providing care and education to patients with diabetes.

Learner Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the learner should be able to:

Objective Domain
Outline and exhibit patient education principles and strategies Cognitive, affective and psychomotor
Identify diabetes complications and principles of diabetes-related to each Cognitive
Discuss the pathophysiology of diabetes  
Discuss and illustrate the practices of insulin therapy Psychomotor and cognitive
Identify of diabetes complications such as hyper/hypoglycemia, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome, and diabetic ketoacidosis Cognitive
Discuss symptom management and how to deal with the symptoms, hyper/hypoglycemia, pain, fatigue, and psychological problems like depression, stress, anxiety, and frustration Cognitive (Bifftu et al., 2018).
Discuss the benefits of effective blood glucose monitoring and the associated practices Cognitive
Discuss the importance of and a healthy diet, appropriate exercises and the importance of physical activities and healthy eating in diabetes management Cognitive
Discuss diabetes medications in regard to the mechanism of action, side effects, and nursing implications, and medication adherence Cognitive
Collaborate with other healthcare providers during diabetes care Psychomotor (Wu et al., 2019)


Bifftu, B. B., Dachew, B. A., Tiruneh, B. T., Ashenafie, T. D., Tegegne, E. T., & Worku, W. Z. (2018). Effective Clinical Teaching Behaviors Views of Nursing Students and Nurse Educators at the University of Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia: Cross-Sectional Institution Based Study. Journal of caring sciences, 7(3), 119–123.

Hall, C. E., Hall, A. B., Kok, G., Mallya, J., & Courtright, P. (2016). A needs assessment of people living with diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. BMC research notes, 9, 56. essay paper.

Hailu, F. B., Moen, A., & Hjortdahl, P. (2019). Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) – Effect on Knowledge, Self-Care Behavior, and Self-Efficacy Among Type 2 Diabetes Patients in Ethiopia: A Controlled Clinical Trial. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity: targets and therapy, 12, 2489–2499.

Powers, M. A., Bardsley, J., Cypress, M., Duker, P., Funnell, M. M., Fischl, A. H., Maryniuk, M. D., Siminerio, L., & Vivian, E. (2016). Diabetes Self-management Education and Support in Type 2 Diabetes: A Joint Position Statement of the American Diabetes Association, the American Association of Diabetes Educators, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Clinical diabetes: a publication of the American Diabetes Association, 34(2), 70–80.

Wu, W. H., Kao, H. Y., Wu, S. H., & Wei, C. W. (2019). Development and Evaluation of Affective Domain Using Student’s Feedback in Entrepreneurial Massive Open Online Courses. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1109.  Nursing essay paper

Complete this assignment according to the following:

  1. Design a class that you would like to teach someday. The class must be at least 4 hours in length and must be multiple sessions. It can be four sessions of 1 hour each, or two sessions of 2 hours each, depending on your topic and target audience.
  2. Begin by describing the institution that is sponsoring the class (e.g., academic, hospital, or community agency). Include the philosophy of the sponsoring organization and how that will affect the course you are developing.
  3. Explain how you determined a need for this class (needs assessment).
  4. Write a one-paragraph description of the class.
  5. Identify the target audience.
  6. Identify the learning resources you will use for the class (textbooks or other resources).
  7. Write the program outcomes for the course and the learner objectives for each class session. Indicate which domains of learning are represented by each learner objective.

There is no predetermined length criterion for this assignment. It is intended that each student will develop a class that they can use in their selected area of education. You will complete this project in your next course, NUR-649E.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Nursing essay paper


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