130 best nursing research topics

When assigned a college research paper, selecting a powerful, original, compelling topic is key to winning over a demanding college professor. Most nursing students find it difficult to focus on a topic that can be researched without duplicating already published work or falling victim to plagiarism. This article highlights the 130 best nursing research topics you can use in your paper.

Pediatric nursing research topics

  1. The contribution of a good diet to better results in the pediatric ward
  2. Managing medication and food allergies in the pediatric ward
  3. The link between autism and vaccination
  4. The effectiveness and security aspects of online medical care for young patients
  5. A child’s likelihood of having an eating disorder
  6. The majority of children’s health problems
  7. Dealing with toddlers’ discomfort and injuries
  8. The main reasons why kids get seizures
  9. The frequency of incorrect diagnoses in pediatrics and child health
  10. Should nursing staff receive any special training to run the pediatric ward?
  11. What are the main reasons behind pediatric antibiotic resistance?
  12. The difficulties in caring for terminally ill children in the pediatric unit
  13. What are the main psychological facets of caring for babies?
  14. In children under the age of 10, mental and emotional issues are most prevalent
  15. The moral dilemmas experienced by nurses working in the pediatric unit
  16. How should kids under the age of 10 handle teething problems?
  17. What are the most effective strategies for combating childhood obesity?
  18. How to use the hospital’s computer system to involve family members in pediatric treatment
  19. The most effective treatment for patients with speech disorders
  20. How much time children and teenagers spend in front of screens affects their health

Evidence-based practice nursing research topics

  1. Review the fundamental guidelines of the nurse uniform code
  2. Examine and contrast the educational requirements for nurses and physicians
  3. A more in-depth look at the common medical treatment of pain techniques
  4. How can long-term treatment of pain become more effective?
  5. the significance of good working relationships between doctors and nurses
  6. Analyze the availability and quality of healthcare in US psychiatric
  7. What benefits and drawbacks does Medicare offer?
  8. The advantages of Benson’s relaxation technique for treating pain
  9. How does nursing relate to cannabis management?
  10. What routes are there for nurses who want to become doctors?
  11. The main treatment modalities employed by nurses and physicians
  12. The significance of fostering employee interactions in a medical facility
  13. What are the best ways to treat children with life-threatening illnesses when they experience pain?
  14. Should changes for nurses and physicians be equal?
  15. Investigate the many global regulations governing pain management techniques

Quantitative nursing research topics

  1. Are there variations in nursing procedures between nations? Give instances
  2. What are the most common cardiovascular conditions and the best cures?
  3. Are the existing methods for treating eating problems effective?
  4. How critical is it that nurses learn self-care?
  5. Are there medical remedies for an overload of data and stress?
  6. Analyze the significance of nursing critical care
  7. and the difficulties in managing a chronic illness
  8. What advantages come from eating well?
  9. Is massage therapy a good choice?
  10. contrasting nursing homes with at-home care
  11. How to assess death rates concerning age and heart attacks
  12. Ambulatory medical care with its typical quirks
  13. Analyze the development of telehealth in great detail
  14. The Rights of Caregivers when Dealing with violent patients
  15. What are the main reasons why people get heart attacks?

Qualitative nursing research topics

  1. What are some ways to raise nursing standards?
  2. What are the best resources for nurses to raise the standard of care?
  3. What treatments for acne in teenagers work best?
  4. How successful are the existing methods of breast cancer screening?
  5. Whenever possible, should caregivers be drug tested?
  6. Examining the best post-pregnancy treatment for women who have miscarried in more detail
  7. What distinguishes nursing for children from standard nursing?
  8. Nursing’s Significance in palliative care
  9. A case director is what? Is it a potential nursing specialty and position?
  10. How the nursing profession has benefited from growing specialization
  11. What are the main reasons why the number of infertile women is rising?
  12. The responsibilities and specializations of nurses nowadays
  13. A closer look at the most effective safeguards against sexually transmitted illnesses
  14. The cultural differences between bed rest and movement in hospitals
  15. The necessity of strictly enforcing the anticipated period of stay and its function in reducing hospital congestion
  16. The most effective ways for nurses to handle violent patients
  17. How successful are the existing approaches to helping victims of domestic violence?
  18. The significance of dealing with the psychological strain that nurses experience
  19. Among nursing students, nurse navigator is a fantastic possibility for business
  20. Reasons why healthcare professionals should be tech aware

Elderly care nursing research paper topics

  1. The best defenses against assaults and other prevalent aging illnesses
  2. How to evaluate pain in older adults who are not responding
  3. Preventative measures for cardiovascular disorders
  4. How can one ensure that senior care is holistic?
  5. The typical causes of dementia and schizophrenia disease, and available therapies
  6. The most crucial conditions for providing effective medical treatment for the elderly
  7. The evolution of elderly care clinical routes
  8. The growing prevalence of brain aging in older adults
  9. Geriatric care morality: what are they?
  10. The greatest techniques for senior people who are terminally ill
  11. For older people, is chemotherapy recommended?
  12. The significance of geriatric emotional wellness
  13. A research project on aging joint conditions
  14. The most effective ways to stop macular aging
  15. Give a thorough analysis of atrial fibrillation
  16. Why does restless leg syndrome affect aging? What is it?
  17. The aging population’s mounting bladder cancer concerns
  18. The causes of the rise in senior people’s joint problems
  19. What are some ways to enhance senior preventive care?
  20. The requirement for elderly quick dietary assessment

Nursing research topics for students

  1. Are pharmacies with drive thrust a blessing or a curse?
  2. The rising need for healthcare home services
  3. Analyze the prejudices in healthcare finance methods
  4. What are the advantages of the case management plan for the healthcare system?
  5. Assessment of chlamydia therapies and their efficacy
  6. Essential abilities that nurses must acquire to deliver better care
  7. Can a healthy diet alone solve the obesity problem?
  8. Contracts’ restrictions in the healthcare industry
  9. Which are the nursing classification’s benefits?
  10. How much community care must be maintained more effectively to enhance post-hospitalization rehabilitation?
  11. Who is accountable for any surgical failures?
  12. What can nurses do to elevate hospital care standards?
  13. A contrast between the private and public healthcare systems.
  14. What additional responsibilities could nurses in community health care have?
  15. Is there a lack of guys working in healthcare?
  16. Addressing the premenstrual syndrome-related emotional suffering
  17. Patients who are disabled must receive home health care.
  18. Does gender bias exist in nursing?
  19. Analyze the potential for breastfeeding to infect a neonate with HIV.
  20. How reliable are the assessment methods now in use in medical facilities?

PICO nursing research topics

  1. Is using toys to divert young children while administering needle vaccines an effective method of controlling pain?
  2. Do pain journals help those with cancer manage their discomfort?
  3. Is it safe for the nurses to use antibacterial foam dispensers?
  4. Is spironolactone more effective than clonidine for lowering teenagers’ blood pressure?
  5. Do reports from bedside shifts aid nurses in providing the best possible care to patients?
  6. Is the position for lithotomy the best one for laboring ladies to give delivery in?
  7. What happens when kids with low cholesterol consume more potassium than other kids?
  8. Is feeding a newborn from a cup preferable to feeding them through tubes in a NICU setting?
  9. In rural locations, is home visitation more effective than routine school visits in addressing teen pregnancy?
  10. Does raising the top of the bed for those on a mechanical ventilator lessen the risk of pneumonia?

Critical care nursing research topics

  1. Study providing care in a world of technology.
  2. A survey of the literature from the last ten years on critical nurse assessment
  3. Examines the significance of timelines in the nursing care for critical patients
  4. Review nurses’ critical judgment in caring for patients with cardiac conditions in the UK.
  5. What major difficulties do nurses encounter in the intensive care unit?
  6. A cross-country analysis shows that critical nurses highly value education about necessary treatment
  7. Plans and a quick evaluation for patients requiring critical care who are above 50.
  8. What difficulties does the critical condition nursing profession face?
  9. The US case study of maintaining professional practices in the critical care system
  10. Do nurses ever have issues with patients? How do they disrupt things?
  11. The investigation into the medical facilities needed by individuals with illnesses related to ventilator use
  12. A case scenario examination of the differences between scheduled and urgent procedures
  13. A review of the literature on investigating the crucial function of nursing
  14. An examination of the nurse’s viewpoint on the patient’s important visitors
  15. Would you support allowing visitors into the medical unit?
  16. ICU patients are at risk for pressure injuries, as are the caregiver
  17. Examining the methods for managing dementia patients in the acute stage

To sum up

To write a good nursing research paper, you need to choose an interesting and researchable research topic. Many students find the task challenging and go online looking for help. This article highlights the 130 best nursing research topics you can use for your paper. You do not have to struggle anymore.

If you still need help selecting a research paper topic or writing the entire paper, contact us at onlinenursingexams.com. We provide nursing essay writing help o students at affordable rates.

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