Nursing Theory and HIV Prevention Essay Paper

Nursing Theory and HIV Prevention Essay Paper


Here are the articles.. the theories referred to in the question is nursing Theory. If u can find the use of any theories in the articles thats ok. just complete the other parts . Just give a brief summary of the articles. about 5 sentences each. My research will be to Provide education and counseling to known gay or bisexual men about HIV.

Outcome is to want to decrease the incidence of HIV in gays or bisexual men that have sex with other men. Nursing Theory and HIV Prevention Essay Paper

This is an example of what is required.. from another student.. that might help.

The two referenced articles provided insight to how theory and framework contribute to research. In review of the articles being used for my research project I do not find a nursing theory or framework identified. Some of the journal articles on qualitative studies use narrative inquiry as a methodology to gather information. Narrative inquiry as a methodology applied in nursing research is powerful in revealing details and personalizing the participants’ experiences (Wang & Geale, 2015). Narrative inquiry uses story telling to communicate an individual’s reality and experiences to large audiences. This type of understanding is valuable to the research but is not yielded through quantitative studies (Wang & Geale, 2015).


One article being used for my project identifies itself as a grounded theory study. Grounded theory is a research method that allows for the development of a theory which explains the concern for a category of study and how this is processed or solved (Grounded Theory Online, 2016). Grounded theory is a general research method used to guide data collection and the detailed procedures for data analysis, and it can be used for quantitative or qualitative data (Grounded Theory Online, 2016). The article by Rodgers (2014) used for my research project focuses on the experiences of individuals living with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the challenge to be accurately and timely diagnosed, and the issues patients live with to comply with therapy. The uncovered information provides insight to health care providers of what it is like to live with OSA, understand how to approach treatment more realistically, and be a more effective manager of the condition (Rodgers, 2014).

The conceptual map includes the following concepts:

Chronic sleep loss Education

Symptoms Sleep habits

Physical damage Improved sleep and health

Psychological distress

Quality of life

The relational statements could read if chronic sleep loss, then adverse symptoms, physical damage to the body, psychological distress and poor quality of life. If education intervention, then changes in sleep habits, and improved sleep and improved health (Grove, Burns, & Gray, 2013).

For the theory, you can discuss Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model

Nursing Theory and HIV Prevention Essay Paper

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