Organic Farming Essay Example

Organic Farming Essay Example

Organic farming is a production, which involves growing crops and livestock keeping. In this type of farming, growth hormones, genetically modified organisms, fertilizers, and pesticides are not used. Organic production is a holistic system designed to increase the productivity and strength of various communities within the agro-ecosystem. The communities include plants, livestock, people, and soil organisms. The main goal of organic production is to enlarge enterprises, which are harmonious and sustainable with the environment.

Organic wine can be differentiated using two unique types of organic labels, on wine bottles. Wines can be manufactured from licensed grapes grown organically, to avoid any unreal chemical addition, or, wines, which are made from organically grown grapes, and are made without adding any sulfites.

Biodynamic Farming

Rudolf Steiner developed biodynamic agriculture as a one of organic farming methods, which uses proponents described as “a holistic thoughtful of agricultural practices”. It is one of the first manageable agricultural movements, which take care of soil fertility, improves plant growth, and better livestock care as environmentally interrelated activities, stressing on mystical and spiritual perspectives. Biodynamic and organic farming are similar because both of them are practiced without using chemicals. Biodynamic farming includes ideas about accountable for things like astrological influences and lunar cycles. A biodynamic wine shows that the grapes are cultivated in a biodynamic way and that the winemaker did not manufacture the wine with any common additives like yeast or acidic additions. A wine, which is made from biodynamic grapes shows that a vintner used grapes cultivated biodynamically, but did not observe strict rules in wine manufacture.

Sustainable Farming

Sustainable farming is the production of food, including, animal or plant products, and fiber, using the farming knowledge that protects the environment, animal welfare, human communities, and public health. This type of agriculture enables us to produce healthier food without affecting future generations’ ability to do the same.


Sustainability is a range of different practices, which are ecologically and economically workable and socially responsible. (Sustainable farmers may concentrate on organic or biodynamic farming as they can choose and practice what works better for their property. They may also concentrate on activities like conservation of water and energy, and using renewable resources). Other people and organizations from outside offer sustainability certification, and many global industry organizations are working hand in hand on developing better and clear standards.

Gisborne Region

Milton Vineyard and Winery is a vineyard that originated in 1984 on the banks of the Te Arai River near Manutuke, Gisborne.


On the shinny days and warm climatic conditions (regularly records the higher temperatures in NZ) see Gisborne’s grapes being frequently harvested in the country.


The youthful area, which is hilly landscape are drained in the lowland flood plains of the Waipaoa River, after, which it gives a mixture of silt and clay having fine silt loams in the river and very heavy clay soils on the plains. Site selection has been moved away from the areas with very fertile flood loams to the higher and better-drained parts of the foothills.


Gisborne is New Zealand’s third largest wine growing region and the most Easterly. Known as New Zealand’s ‘chardonnay capital’ – half of Gisborne’s vineyards are Chardonnay, with another 40% planted in other white varieties. Red wine accounts for only 10% of Gisborne’s wine production. Gisborne also has a celebrated reputation and status for Gewurztraminer. More recently, some fine Viognier, Pinot Gris, and Chenin Blanc wines have emerged, together with excellent Merlots, sparkling wines, Malbec, Pinotage and even the occasional Syrah being produced.

Producer Profile

Milton was the first producer in New Zealand to obtain BioGro certification for organic wine production in 1989. After practicing traditional methods of cultivation and production using biodynamic principles since inception, Milton was the first the first person growing in the Southern Hemisphere and gained the biodynamic certification Demeter in the year 2009.

Even Milton’s first releases were of high quality, not only winning favor with foundation customers and at the same time pleasing the wine judges as well. Milton was recognized many times due to his work and he won many trophies including gold medals. Globally, Milton was awarded different gold medals  for Gisborne Chardonnay at the Global Wine Challenge in London in 1992. This wine continued winning other trophies at the International Organic Wine Challenge Fair while two other Milton wines entered came second and third. Similar results were achieved at the 2004 San Francisco Wine Fair with Gold medals for the Riesling and Chenin Blanc. The Chenin Blanc also was awarded a trophy, moving it into the position of its current prestige as being a new world wine classic gaining inclusive in Neil Beckett’s, “1001 wines to drink before you die” (Published by Penguin in 2008).

Today, Milton wines consistently appear in fine dining rooms worldwide and continue to receive numerous national and international accolades.

Organic Farming Essay Example

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