Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay

Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay

Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary motor tics and, sometimes, vocal tics (Walkup, 2013). The syndrome is named after the French medical scholar, Gilles de la Tourette. In 1885, Gilles de la Tourette published an article in the medical journal, Archives de Neurologie, which described “a bizarre neurological condition that he referred to as ‘maladie des tics’ (Kevin St. P. McNaught, 2010).” In more recent times, researchers have theorized that the disorder has origins in the basal ganglia; specifically in the caudate nucleus area. In Tourette syndrome, the neurotransmitter, dopamine is produced in excess in the nerve cells, causing the caudate nucleus to be inundated with the extra dopamine.Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.  This excess causes a reduction in the messages regarding motor control sent from the brain to the other parts of the body creating spurts of involuntary movement. Researchers surmise that the tics are the brain’s method of compensating for and correcting the chemical imbalance the body is experiencing. Other researchers have attributed the uncontrolled motor movements to an underdevelopment of serotonin and norepinephrine (Brill, 2002). Tourette syndrome is believed to be hereditary. It has also been suggested that environmental conditions and infections may play a role in the development of Tourette syndrome, but more research is needed to either prove or disprove that theory (Kevin St. P. McNaught, 2010).

For an individual to be diagnosed with Tourette syndrome, the following criteria must be met, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5):

  • have two or more motor tics (for example, blinking or shrugging the shoulders) and at least one vocal tic (for example, humming, clearing the throat, or yelling out a word or phrase), although they might not always happen at the same time.
  • have had tics for at least a year. The tics can occur many times a day (usually in bouts) nearly every day, or off and on.
  • have tics that begin before he or she is 18 years of age.
  • have symptoms that are not due to taking medicine or other drugs or due to having another medical condition (for example, seizures, Huntington disease, or postviral encephalitis) (CDC, 2014). Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.

Typically, individuals will begin to show signs of Tourette syndrome in early childhood. As the individual ages, other more complex motor tics, and sometimes vocal tics, appear (Samuel H. Zinner, 2014). Tics can be classified as simple or complex. Simple motor tics involve movement of only one body part. Examples include neck twisting, eye blinking, leg jerking, and finger flexing. Complex motor tics involve more than one muscle group. Examples include leaping, twirling, touching other people or things, and biting oneself. Simple vocal tics involve moving air through the nose or mouth to create a noise. Examples include tongue clicking, whistling, throat clearing, and sniffing. Complex vocal tics involve multiple noises or words. Examples include repeating the same phrase as someone else, repeating the last sound or word multiple times, and the less common vocal tic of swearing or using obscenities (Brill, 2002).

“A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study has found that 1 of every 360 children 6 through 17 years of age and living in the United States have been diagnosed with TS based on parent report; this represents about 138,000 children. Other studies using different methods have estimated the rate of TS at 1 per 162 children (CDC, Data & Statistics, 2014).” All ethnic groups can be affected by the disorder. Males tend to be affected five times more often than females. Diagnosis occurs more frequently in the 12-17 year old range.Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.  Caucasians have twice as many occurrences than Hispanic Americans or African Americans (CDC, Data & Statistics, 2014). 90% of individuals with Tourette syndrome have other comorbid conditions, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), anxiety, mood or sleep disorders, and learning disabilities (Samuel H. Zinner, 2014).

Two approaches are commonly used once the diagnosis of Tourette syndrome has been made: the behavioral approach and the medication approach. In the behavioral approach, the therapists concentrate on Habit Reversal Training (HRT) or Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT). HRT has the most success in adults because its success depends on the person’s awareness of their tics in general, as well as, the sensation just prior to the tic occurring. In HRT, the individual can initiate a competing response to either lessen the appearance of the tic or inhibit the tic from occurring altogether (Martin L. Kutscher, 2014). For example, if the person has a wrist flexion tic, they can perform and sustain a wrist extension until the tic urge passes (Samuel H. Zinner, 2014). Adults have had the most success with HRT because they are more aware of their bodies due to their maturity level. Therapists do not typically try to use this technique with young children. CBIT is considered a more comprehensive behavioral approach because it combines education, relaxation techniques, and an individualized approach of recognizing lifestyle factors that exasperate the frequency of tics. This approach has had success in both adults and children. The major drawback to the behavioral approach is the fact that the benefits are not immediate and that it takes commitment from and maturity of the patient to see the most benefits. (Martin L. Kutscher, 2014). Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.

In the medication approach, doctors prescribe medications to treat only the symptoms, since there is no medication that will cure Tourette syndrome nor eliminate tics entirely. Catapres and Tenex are most often prescribed when starting a drug therapy program. These drugs can also be helpful with managing ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia. Other medications, such as Risperdal, Orap, Haldol, and Klonopin, can be prescribed for more severe tics. Most medication trials have been performed on adults and the use of these drugs in children are considered off-label, but some younger individuals have had success with drug therapy. Some drawbacks to the medication approach are: unpleasant side effects, difficulty with compliance in regards to patients actually taking their medication, and lack of response from the medication itself in controlling tics (Samuel H. Zinner, 2014).

Occupational therapists can contribute to the treatment of Tourette syndrome. The occupational therapist can treat the patient using HBT and CBIT techniques. Education of Tourette syndrome for the patient and caregiver should be addressed prior to any OT intervention. An occupational therapist can help a patient to identify and emphasize their strengths rather than focus on the shame and social stigma that often accompanies movement disorders or vocal tics (Samuel H. Zinner, 2014).Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.  Other areas an OT can work on with the patient are: deep breathing and relaxation techniques, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation. Implementing a home exercise program (HEP) and encouraging the patient to practice yoga or tai chi have been shown to also be beneficial (Brill, 2002).

Works Cited

Brill, M. T. (2002). Tourette Syndrome. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books.

CDC. (2014, 6 9). Data & Statistics. Retrieved 7 3, 2014, from Tourette Syndrome: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/tourette/data.html

CDC. (2014, 5 29). Diagnosing Tic Disorders. Retrieved 7 3, 2014, from Tourette Syndrome (TS): http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/tourette/diagnosis.html#TS

Kevin St. P. McNaught, P. V. (2010, 10). 125 Years of Tourette Syndrome: The Discovery, Early History and Future of the Disorder. Retrieved july 5, 2014, from National Tourette Syndrome Association: http://www.tsa-usa.org/aMedical/history.html

Martin L. Kutscher, M. (2014). Kids in the Syndrome Mix of ADHD, LD, Autism Spectrum, Tourette’s, Anxiety, and More! Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Samuel H. Zinner, M. (2014). Tourette Syndrome – much more than tics. Contemporary Pediatrics , 22-49.

Walkup, D. J. (2013, 12). What is Tourette Syndrome? . Retrieved 7 3, 2014, from National Tourette Syndrome Association: http://www.tsa-usa.org/aMedical/whatists.html

Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by tics; involuntary, rapid, sudden movements or vocalizations that occur repeatedly in the same way. Diagnostic criteria include: both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics present at some time, although not necessarily simultaneously, the occurrence of tics many times a day (usually in bouts) nearly everyday or intermittently throughout the span of more than one year; period changes in the number, frequently, type and location of the tics, and in the waxing and waning of their severity. Symptoms can sometimes disappear for weeks and or months at a time; and the onset is before the age of 18.       According to the Tourette syndrome Association there…show more content…
Exams should not be timed and should take place in a private room if vocal tics are a problem and the students should be given permission to leave the room when tics become overwhelming. Accommodations for writing problems, many children with TS also have visual-motor integration problems. They may come across with difficulties when having to copy information from the board, completing long assignments, neatness of written work, and when given a specific time to finish an assignment. Sometimes it appears as though the student is lazy or avoiding work, but in reality the effort to record the work on paper may be overwhelming. Accommodations for language problems, it is helpful for the children to have pictures and graphs when given written directions. The assignments should have instructions and the teacher should give the child the opportunity to read the directions out loud and make sure he/she understands it. Children with TS may repeat their own words or those of someone else. This may sound like stuttering but it actually involves the utterance or words or whole phrases. Other students may exploit this problem by whispering inappropriate things so that the child with TS will involuntarily repeat them and get into trouble. Be alert to this provocation. Accommodations for attention problems; seat the child in front of the teacher for all instruction and directions to minimize the visual

Objective: This is a practical review of Tourette syndrome, including phenomenology, natural history, and state-of-the-art assessment and treatment. Method: Computerized literature searches were conducted under the keywords Tourette syndrome,ticsand children-adolescentsResults: Studies have documented the natural history of Tourette syndrome and its frequent co-occurrence with attention problems, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and a range of other mood and anxiety disorders, which are often of primary concern to patients and their families.Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.  Proper diagnosis and education are often very helpful for patients, parents, siblings, teachers, and peers. When necessary, available anti-tic treatments have proven efficacious. First-line options include the alpha adrenergic agents and the atypical neuroleptics, as well as behavioral interventions such as habit reversal. Conclusions: The study of tics and Tourette symdrome has led to the development of several pathophysiological models and helped in the development of management options. However, fully explanatory models are still needed that would allow for accurate prognostication in the course of illness and the development of improved treatments.

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For many, the experience of transient tics may only be a temporary problem of preadolescence, but for those with Tourette syndrome (TS), the motor and vocal tics may be part of a crippling constellation of mental health problems that constitute a serious burden of illness. Tics have been the subject of medical speculation for hundreds of years.1 Putative explanations for the occurrence of tics and their tremendous variability have included inherited factors, influence of toxins, and emotional, psychological, and infectious processes. Although major gaps remain in our knowledge of the etiology of tics and the most effective treatments, significant advances in our understanding of the neurophysiologic mechanisms at work have been made. Although no ideal treatment for tics has been established, our treatment armamentarium offers many options. This review summarizes the clinical features, assessment, and treatments of tics.

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TS is a developmental neuropsychiatric disorder of childhood onset. There is no diagnostic test for TS. According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IVTR),2 it is characterized by brief, stereotypical but nonrhythmic “jerky” movements and vocalizations called tics. Common tics include eye blinking, grimacing, jaw, neck, shoulder, or limb movements, sniffing, grunting, chirping, or throat clearing. Tics typically follow a waxing and waning pattern of severity, intensity, and frequency.3,4 This makes decisions regarding the need to treat, as well as the results of treatment interventions, difficult to assess. Other common characteristics of tics include (a) transient worsening of symptoms during periods of emotional upset; (b) reduction during periods of concentration that require fine motor skills; and (c) partial and variable voluntary suppression.

In the natural history of TS, motor tics often begin between the age of 3 and 8, several years before the appearance of vocal tics. Tic severity usually peaks during the second decade of life with many patients showing a marked reduction in severity by young adulthood.3,5,6 A recent report on 50 youths with TS indicated that the majority experienced a persistence of tic severity over two years, although impairment due to tics decreased over this time.7 In contrast to childhood and youth-onset TS, adult-onset tic disorders are associated with more severe symptoms, greater social morbidity, poorer response to neuroleptic medication, and a potential trigger event.8

Another feature of tics is that they are frequently associated with antecedent sensory phenomena, so-called premonitory urges, such as an impulse to scratch an itchy patch of skin. Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay. Such urges are experienced as nearly irresistible and occasionally painful, and in some individuals with TS, they are a major source of mental impairment.9 There may also be sensory cues, which prompt tics of a particular sort (e.g., a cough or a word), suggesting that specific motor patterns or habits are activated by specific sensory pathways.10 A momentary sense of physical relief or a generalized abatement of inner tension often follows performance of a tic,11–13 suggesting the involvement of reward neurocircuitry.

Tics often occur in discrete bouts over time scales of days to years,14 but these patterns have yet to be usefully modeled to predict either outcome or treatment response. The bouts are characterized by brief periods of stable inter-tic intervals of short duration, typically 0.5 to 1.0 second, and inter-bout intervals that may last from minutes to hours over the course of a day. Understanding the upstream processes that govern the timing of tic expression ultimately may clarify both neural events occurring in millisecond time scales as well as the natural history of tic disorders that occurs over the first two decades of life.

The description of tics as simply intermittent trains of completely involuntary motor discharge is incomplete. Indeed, many tics are often under partial voluntary control, evidenced by patients’ capacity to suppress them for brief periods of time, subject to many factors including everyday stress, anxiety, and emotion.15,16

Tics may be thought of as part of a spectrum of partially voluntary behaviors that include compulsions, substance abuse, pathological gambling, and perhaps even our daily personal and interpersonal habits. Interestingly, activities that require focused attention and fine motor control, such as reading aloud, playing a musical instrument, engaging in certain sports, and even performing surgery, are associated with transient improvements in tics. Finally, although much diminished, tics can sometimes occur during sleep, distinguishing them from many other movement disorders. Indeed, polysomnographic studies indicate that sleep disturbance is also part of the TS picture, with decreased quality and increased arousal phenomena.17,18 Associated comorbidities are also likely to contribute to sleeping difficulties.19

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A plethora of associations exist between tics and other psychiatric symptomatology,20 as well as social and academic interference. It is generally agreed that about 50 percent of patients with TS have substantial obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms. OC behaviors are also commonplace in children with TS. Typically, these symptoms may include a need for things to look or feel “just right,” as well as preoccupation with symmetry, order, counting, and ritualistic repetition. Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is frequently diagnosed in children with TS, with a prevalence as high as 70 percent.21–24 This comorbidity is associated with disruptive behaviors, such as aggression, inappropriate expression of anger, low frustration tolerance, and noncompliance.25–27 Disruptive behavior in TS patients may occur with a wide frequency range of 26 to 75 percent, depending on the sample. These co-occurring ADHD and disruptive behavior problems deserve further study, in addition to the core movement symptoms, since they often add considerable burdens to affected patients, including academic problems, peer rejection, and family conflict.28,29

It remains unclear whether these conditions constitute a risk factor for TS, occur in part due to TS, or share common neural mechanisms with TS. When present, these coexisting conditions can worsen the severity of TS, detracting seriously from the ability of patients to engage in a range of activities, which can lead to reduced quality of life and developmental delay.30–32 Extreme forms of TS may involve violent episodes of self-injurious motor tics, including hitting or biting, and socially stigmatizing coprolalic utterances (e.g., shouting obscenities or racial slurs) and gestures. In these extreme cases, comorbidity with a range of other disorders is the rule rather than the exception. Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay. Depression and anxiety problems comorbid with TS may reflect the cumulative psychosocial burden of having tics or else some shared biological diatheses. The four-fold increase in migraine incidence in patients with TS33 has suggested a possible shared mechanism between migraine and tics involving serotonin and the basal ganglia.34,35 It has been suggested that shared biological and psychosocial stressors underlie migraines and psychiatric diagnoses, such as depression36 and bipolar disorder.37 Other biological theories to explain comorbidities include autonomic lability, abnormal basal ganglia function, motor cortex hyperexcitability, or decreased frontal lobe function.38

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TS has been reported in virtually every part of the world in which it has been sought for study. Prevalence rates of TS and related conditions vary according to a wide range of measures, including age, sex, ethnicity, and method of assessment. Once considered a rare disorder, current best estimates of the prevalence of TS hover around 1 to 10 per 10,000 of school children between the ages of 6 and 17 years old, with a considerably higher percentage of children, in the range of 4 to 20 percent, experiencing transient simple tics.20 Epidemiological studies involving direct observation indicate the highest prevalence of tics at 3 to 5 years of age and worst-ever symptoms at 9 to 12 years of age.39

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Differential Diagnosis

A number of conditions produce symptoms resembling the tics of TS, such as myoclonus, tremors, chorea, athetosis, dystonias, akathisic movements, paroxysmal dyskinisias, and ballistic movements.40–42 The differential diagnosis of TS includes genetic conditions (e.g., Huntington’s chorea), metabolic diseases (e.g., Wilson’s disease), structural diseases (e.g., hemiballismus associated with insult to the subthalamic nucleus), post-infectious autoimmune processes (e.g., Sydenham’s chorea), and side effects of neurotropic medications (e.g., dystonias and akathisia).

Complex motor tics may appear very much like other movements, such as stereotypies, and may be indistinguishable from some compulsive rituals. Vocal tics can be helpful in ruling out other diagnoses because they are extremely rare in other neurological conditions. An exception is Huntington’s disease, where there may be brief sniffing and vocalizations. Please see Table 1 for differential diagnoses of TS.

Table 1

Differential diagnoses of the tics of Tourette syndrome

Movement Features Associated Illness
Tics Involuntary or semi-voluntary, multi-focal, rapid and brief, non-rhythmic but stereotypic movements and vocalizations, often with premonitory sensations, worse with stress, and temporarily suppressible Tourette syndrome
Myoclonus, chorea, paroxysmal dyskinesia, ballismus, dystonia, muscle spasm Involuntary, focal, sudden onset but may persist Infection, medication reaction, Huntington’s disease, and Sydenham’s chorea
Tremor Involuntary, rhythmic Metabolic disturbances, drugs and medications, essential tremor, and Parkinson’s disease
Athetosis Involuntary, continuous, slower than tics, usually hands and feet May be associated with dance-like chorea
Akathisia-related movements Feeling of restlessness and voluntary, associated with nervousness Antipsychotic toxicity
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Theories of the causes of TS and its multifaceted phenotype have advanced over the last 10 years with the development of powerful techniques in the study of human genetics and the neurophysiology of motor control. Genetic vulnerability factors have been implicated in the vertical transmission of TS and related disorders.43 The pattern of hereditary transmission in affected family members suggests major gene effects. Indeed, the results of segregation analyses are consistent with models of autosomal transmission set against a polygenic background.

An environmental stress diathesis model of pathogenesis is also frequently invoked to explain the variable expression of tic disorders. Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay. A strong anecdotal clinical association between TS symptoms and stressful life events has been noted since the initial description by Gilles de la Tourette. Such factors may find a common final pathway in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the associated stress-related neurotransmitters and hormones, and their targets. In support of this, data suggest that TS patients may have a heightened reactivity of the HPA and noradrenergic sympathetic systems as compared to healthy control subjects.15 In addition, the impact of genes, specific infectious and environmental factors including gestational and perinatal insults, sex hormones, heat, fatigue, and postinfectious autoimmune mechanisms on specific motor control brain circuits are topics of ongoing research (for a comprehensive review, please see Swain, et al.,44 in press).

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Assessment of TS

The last 10 years have seen a reinforcement of the position that clinical evaluation of the child or adolescent with tics should review the “whole person” possessing a rich personal and interpersonal life rather than just a collection of abnormal motor symptoms.45,46 In the process of a comprehensive evaluation, the full range of difficulties and competencies should be charted. During the process of evaluation, the clinician, family, and child collaborate in the reconstruction of the child’s history, tic symptomatology (onset, progression, waxing and waning, and factors that have worsened or ameliorated tic status), and current functioning. A critical question is the degree to which tics are interfering with the child’s emotional, social, familial, and school experiences. To determine this, it is useful to monitor symptoms over a few months in order to assess their severity and fluctuation, impact on the family, and the child’s and family’s adaptation. This monitoring can often be accomplished with the family keeping records or using standard forms.47

While the distressed family may focus on the annoying and socially stigmatizing tics, the clinician must recontextualize these symptoms with respect to the child and his overall development. By the time of evaluation, the child may be extremely upset by his experiences and by criticism from parents, teachers, and peers who have scolded and threatened in an effort to stop his strange behavior, which they may believe he can control. Central tasks of evaluation are to explicate, clarify, and address family issues, including parental guilt. Diagnostic evaluation is closely connected with the first steps of treatment. During the process of clinical inquiry, the physician can approach sensitive issues through clarification, education, and therapeutic discussions with the child and family.

As with other children with school performance problems, the child with TS requires a careful assessment of cognitive functioning and school achievement. Children with TS tend to have difficulties with attention, perseverance, and the ability to keep themselves focused and their work organized. Many have poor penmanship. Schoolwork may also be impaired by a variety of compulsions, such as the n eed to scratch out words or return to the beginning of a sentence. Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.

The neurological examination of a child with TS can be of considerable value. Tics are sudden, habit-like movements or utterances that typically mimic some fragment of normal behavior and that involve discrete muscle groups. As such, they can be confused with normal coordinated movements or vocalizations. Tics can also be mistaken for akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, or other hyperkinetic movement disorders. These may suggest disturbances in the body schema and in the integration of motor control, but their relevance is not really clear. Electroencephalography and structural magnetic resonance imaging are generally normal and are not clinically useful (except where there are other neurological suspicions). Similarly, laboratory studies may establish a child’s general health profile and assist in the differential diagnosis of other movement disorders, but there are no laboratory tests for the positive diagnosis of TS or other tic disorders.

Diagnostic criteria currently in use include the International Classification of Disease and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10)48 and the DSM-IVTR.2 Although clear differences exist, they are broadly congruent with each other. Finally, to minimize error in case ascertainment and produce an instrument measuring the likelihood of having TS, an international team of experts has recently published a TS Diagnostic Confidence Index.4 Scores on this Diagnostic Confidence Index are highly correlated with current tic severity, as measured by a psychometrically sound, widely used, clinician-rating scale, the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale.49

Indeed, eliciting a thorough tic inventory, including timing, severity, and exacerbating and ameliorating factors, is extremely important in order to make treatment decisions and follow the course of illness. The Yale Children’s Global Stress Index (YCGSI) is a standard tool for such evaluations. In addition, obtaining a thorough perinatal, personal, and family history as well as screening for possible comorbidities including ADHD, OCD, and learning difficulties, are essential. Although childhood tic severity is only modestly predictive of adult tic severity, tic-related obsessive-compulsive symptoms, which are likely to develop about two years later than tics, are more likely to persist into adulthood.5 A complete review of stressors is also in order as stress is a key determinant of outcome.15 It is important to review the strengths and abilities of a patient, along with an exploration of how these may be fully explored. Children with TS are often observed to be particularly attuned to the concerns and well being of others, possibly because their own experience of illness. Assessment of community issues and possible support are also important. As with any psychiatric illness, adequate pediatric medical care, including physical examination and laboratory work-up to rule out any medical conditions (e.g., infections or neurological conditions), should be included in the plan of care. Psychological testing is often also useful to assess and manage possible learning difficulties.

Once the diagnosis has been established, a careful assessment will allow the clinician to learn about the fluctuation of symptoms. As the child becomes more comfortable, he will show his symptoms with less suppression or inhibition. Only with trust in the doctor is a child or adult likely to acknowledge the most frightening egodystonic symptoms (e.g., bathroom rituals or aggressive thoughts). Moreover, a patient or family members may only recognize a symptom as a tic after they have been educated about possible symptoms. Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.

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Treatment of Tics

Despite the advances of the last 10 years, ideal anti-tic treatments have not been forthcoming. The decision to begin treatment is based on symptom severity and clinical presentation of each case and often involves a multimodal approach.50 Many cases of TS are more troubling to family members than to the affected individual and may be managed successfully without resorting to medications. In patients presenting with comorbid ADHD, OCD, depression, or bipolar disorder, it is usually better to treat the comorbid condition first, as treatment of such disorders will likely diminish tic severity. While a thorough review of these interventions is beyond the scope of this review, some of the most recent studies are mentioned in passing, and further detail may be found elsewhere.51

Medications for TS must be used with meticulous care as the natural, idiosyncratic, and sometimes dramatic variations in tic severity in TS will suggest an effective period of medication action that is purely coincidental or will temporarily mask a potentially useful treatment. For example, coincidental remittance of tic severity due to the natural history of the illness with initiation of a medication convinces clinician and family that a medication was effective. Later, natural worsening of the symptoms leads to reactive and sometimes dangerous increases in medication far beyond any effective anti-tic doses, which lead to crippling side effects and frustration. Often the most difficult but wise course of treatment consists of education, reassurance, and a period of watchful waiting while stressors are reduced and the family adjusts.

Lifestyle and diet. Acute and chronic stress can exacerbate tics, so an attempt to reduce the stress of patients with TS is reasonable. Psychotherapy sessions may be useful to improve self-esteem, social coping, family strain, and school adjustment, but it is unclear if they directly affect tic severity. Regular appointments with the same clinical team, who can help the patient deal with the changing manifestations of the disorder through the years, are highly recommended. Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay. Regular contact via telephone or e-mail may also be helpful. Participation in regular school and extracurricular activities is encouraged.

No specific diet is known to be of particular benefit, though a balanced, healthy diet might contribute to overall well being and stress reduction. Caffeine should be minimized as it may exacerbate tics in some children. The impact of physical exercise on tic symptoms has not been systematically studied, though a regular program of exercise can be beneficial by reducing stress, increasing the child’s sense of mastery, and contributing to overall well being.52,53

Educational interventions. With the support of advocacy groups, such as the Tourette Syndrome Association, TS awareness for families, educators, and peers may promote community understanding, tolerance, and support, which can have a positive influence on the overall course of illness. Active collaboration with the school is essential to ensure appropriate classroom management, curricular planning, strength building, and matter-of-fact teacher and community education about TS.


Behavioral therapy. Although not yet well established, a number of reports have appeared that support several forms of behavioral therapy for tic disorders. Habit reversal training and, to a lesser extent, awareness training and exposure therapy have been conducted, especially with adults.54,55 Four randomized placebo-controlled studies suggested that Habit Reversal Training may be an effective treatment for tic reduction.56–59 Cognitive-behavioral treatments, such as exposure and response prevention, continue to be a mainstay for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, especially when there is significant anxiety or phobic avoidance.60 Parent training61 and anger management62 for disruptive behavior in children and adolescents with TS may also be helpful. There is one report supporting the utility of hypnotherapy for TS.63 Though not rigorously supported by controlled research, other formal dynamic interpersonal or supportive psychotherapeutic interventions may facilitate normal developmental tasks of friendship development, school mastery, coherent personality formation, and day-to-day self-esteem and family functioning. Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.

Pharmacological treatment of tics. Despite our advances, there is no ideal anti-tic pharmacotherapy. Results are highly variable and are unfortunately often associated with a heavy side-effect burden. However, novel psychotropics are continually appearing, each with a different array of cellular and subcellular targets. It is hoped that converging pharmacologic and neuropathological research will yield medications that are both highly effective and have minimal side effects. Medications with at least one positive double-blind controlled clinical trial include alpha-adrenergic agents as well as atypical and typical neuroleptics (Table 2). The descriptive measure of effect size for tic severity was estimated based on the difference between means divided by the standard deviation. Overview of Tourette Syndrome Essay.

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