Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

Patient-Centric Healthcare
Over the past five years, numerous legislative acts have fundamentally changed the way the country thinks about healthcare. Nowhere have the changes been felt more than for those delivering care. However, often providers do not stop and consider how the changes affect patients, which is unfortunate as patient acceptance and participation in their healthcare can improve outcomes. Murphy (2011) concurred that healthcare should revolve around the patient rather than the patient treated as a passive participant. Patient Centric Healthcare Essay Her viewpoint extended to implementing health information technology (HIT) that is patient-centric and collaborative in helping patients become a full partner in their preventative self-care and disease management. Murphy focused on four healthcare sectors—eHealth, primary care, hospital care, and the concept of health information exchanges. The suggestions for eHealth, such as opening patient portals for scheduling, getting test results, updating health information, and communicating with practitioners, are now becoming the standard for many healthcare practices. While Murphy’s ideas are thoughtful and patients would likely benefit greatly, she acknowledged this paradigm shift in healthcare delivery is foreign to many patients and providers and full implementation will not occur overnight. Certainly, the advances in health information technology can be of great benefit to the delivery of quality care, there remain concerns of privacy, particularly where the exchange of health information is concerned.Patient Centric Healthcare Essay


This essay aims to describe briefly what is meant by patient-centred care. It will also focus and expand on two key aspects of patient dignity – making choices and confidentiality. Patient-centred care (PCC) is an extensively used model in the current healthcare system (Pelzang 2010:12). PCC is interpreted as looking at the whole person and considering their individual values and needs in relation to their healthcare. By implementing a PCC approach it ensures that the person is at the very centre of any plans that are made and has a dynamic role in the decision making process (Pelzang 2010:12).Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

The purpose of this paper is to identify health outcomes and financial benefits of PatientCentered Care methods and practices in hospital care. Patient-Centered Care is a concept that
supports the involvement of both patients and their families in the patient’s care experience. The
public health relevance is that Patient-Centered Care practices and methods are essential in
improving health care and positively affecting the health of patients. Patient-Centered Care
practices and methods are highlighted to show the versatility of best care practices. Based on
evidence, Patient-Centered Care methods and practices are being accepted as a new delivery of
care to ensure better health outcomes and secure efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare
systems in the United States.Patient Centric Healthcare Essay
Nicholas G. Castle, MHA, PhD,
Jermaine Ossie Lowery, MPH
University of Pittsburgh, 2013

The healthcare perspectives have undergone radical changes in perception. In the past, there was the hospital-centricview and illness-based model in which majority of the care was offered in hospitals. In a few decades,however, the model has shifted to a continuum of care view and wellness maintenance model. Today the patient-centric view is proposed where the patient participates in the care thatis delivered from the patients’ perspective. The healthcare system should focus on revolving around the patient than the patient should rotate around the hospital. The health information technology promotes high-qualityhealthcare (Murphy, 2011).Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

The healthcare has become more focused around the system that needsthe patient’s expense. The patient-centric system incorporates the patient and others as an integral constituent of the care team. Technology is a platform that can enhance the patient-centric care. eHealth is one of the most critical areas for impacting quality health care. Less is knownabout the extent by which the primary care physicians enhance the patient-centered care. Technology can greatly enhance patient experience in thefull participation in his or her care. The capacity to exchange healthcare information in all the care venues is one of theessential changes that can improve patient-centric care (Murphy, 2011).Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

The electronic health records (EHR), has meaningful initiatives that focus on the patient-centric care. The improvement in care coordination and engaging of families and patients are two of the five essential initiatives. The EHR should ensure that it can customize the delivery of patient’s information. The EHR is also capable of offering a summary of the care and an electronic copy of the discharge instructions. There is also the possibility of EHR to transmit the healthcare information from one healthcare to another.The use of technology in healthcare is fundamental to the reform of quality healthcare. Most patients can benefit from the help of demystifying the care experience through the use of health information technology (HIT) and the patient-centric practices (Murphy, 2011).Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

Patient Centric Healthcare Practices Assignment Imagine you are the CEO of a healthcare organization. You would like to implement a patient-centric health information technology approach within the organization. This approach needs to take into consideration health care costs and safety. You need your executive team on board to ensure successful implementation of this patient centric healthcare technology information system. You plan to present a detailed report to your management team about the patient-centric approach, its benefits and challenges, and why your organization needs to embrace it.
Write a five to six (5-6) page researched report in which you address the following:
Taking into consideration patient safety and health care costs, explain why a patient-centric approach is important in today’s health care system along with the challenges involved in implementation. Provide specific examples to justify your reasoning.Patient Centric Healthcare Essay
Analyze the benefits derived by healthcare organizations that practice a patient-centric approach, stating their unique characteristics. Provide at least two (2) examples to support your ideas. Patient Centric Healthcare Practices Assignment
Identify two (2) examples of a patient centric healthcare practice and propose three (3) ways patient-centric technology could increase patient access to quality healthcare.
Suggest three (3) ways that HIMS can improve the patient experience within a healthcare organization or with a healthcare provider.
Predict three (3) ways you would use patient centric healthcare practice principles to improve quality care measures within your organization.
Use at least four current (2015-2019), quality resources in this assignment. The Strayer University Library is a great resource to locate current, quality resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.Patient Centric Healthcare Essay
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Use proper grammar, spelling, and sentence syntax. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the assignment title, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Patient Centric Healthcare Practices Assignment
Propose a Health Information Management Systems (HIMS) and a patient information protection plan for a health care organization.
Propose how patient centric healthcare practices and technology and a HIMS can improve healthcare.
Review concepts and theories related to healthcare information technology and systems, including ethical and legal standards, strategic information system planning, and methods for ensuring the security of patient information. Patient Centric Healthcare Practices Assignment

The Value and Challenges of CDSS and CPOEs to Achieve Patient-Centered Care Goals

According to IBM Corporation (2011), the clinical decision support system has several values. There are an improved healthcare quality and patient safety. The elements of patient safety include the savings associated with a reduction in the preventable adversative events. There is also the reduction in unnecessary medication. There is also the element of improved diagnosis and improved early detection. The CDSS has associated reduction in the operational costs. The costs are usually reduced through the enhancement of the performed tasks. There is save of time in data processing and the complex handling of documents. There is increased revenue optimization and realization which are the greatest benefits for the representative hospitals. ( Patient-Centric Healthcare Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

There are three great challenges of the clinical decision support system. First, improving the effectiveness of the clinical decision support system (CDSS). The human-computer interface needs to be improved to enhance theefficiency of CDSS. No one can process and retain the entire content of the complex patient’s data. Second, developing new CDSS interventions whereby the creation and implementation of the CDSS are essential to enable organizations and clinicians deliver high-quality healthcare. Third, disseminating existing CDSS interventions and knowledge. The current success of the CDSS depends on the communication design to the clinical practice and management (Sittig et al., 2008).

The advanced CDSS helps the providers and clinicians to develop guidelines and care plans through theprovision of pathogenic or patient specific information. The CDSS goes beyond the computerized physician order entry systems (CPOEs) which may simply provide drug selection, duration, and dosing guidance. The advanced CDSS is comprised of tools that constantly gather and assess the patient information to determine the risks and provide patient-specific, evidence-based, and targeted alerts. The benefits of CPOEs could include improved patient outcomes and care. Some other benefits include test duplication, emergency room visits, hospitalization, and reduced errors (IBM Corporation, 2011).Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

The Pros and Cons of Linking HER to LIS, PIS, RIS

The hospital-based laboratories(Patient-Centric Healthcare ) that sustain consultation practices, reference laboratory, and outreach, have additional laboratory information system and functionality needs.The reference and laboratory outreach activities can benefit the laboratory and the healthcare systems where laboratory performs the entity tests that are not a constituent of the organization. The revenue of the organization as well as the test volumes can be increased by a LIS linked to EHR to a level that support and justify esoteric testing. There is, however, the disadvantage of a conflict arising between the departments specific Laboratory Information System and the organization EHR vendor(Sinard, Castellani, Wilkerson & Henricks, 2015).(Patient-Centric Healthcare )Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

The electronic health records facilitate medical prescriptions. The EHR permits the medications to be requested directly from the pharmacy and followed by subsequent checks. Researchers have demonstrated that the electronic prescriptions of medications may reduce the patients cost. The list of the existing drugs enhances the indication of generic medications. There is a considerable reduction of prescribed doses. The EHR enhances the prescriptions renewal as well as the subsequent alterations of doses. There is, however, some problems associated with the usage of EHR in pharmacy information systems. The benefits of the electronic patient records far outweigh the costs (Côrtes, Pedro Luiz, & Côrtes, Eliana Golfette de Paula, 2011). ( Patient-Centric Healthcare Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

Explain the rationale for classifying EHR, CPOEs, and CDSS as patient-centered management systems

The Electronic Health Record is a patient-centric, point-of-care, and real-timeinformation resource for the clinicians. The EHR is an electronic record that is developed by one or more encounters in the health care settings. The EHRdevelops a clean track record of a care episode or underpins of care related activities including decision making. The EHR contains computerized records stored within the healthcare institutions. The nursing practices of understanding orders management through the EHR is of great importance. The EHR are the connective tissues to any patient’s orders. The EHR design is usually tailored for the patient quality and safety. Most of the electronic health records have the ability to be tailored to the individual clinical needs(Staggers, Weir & Phansalkar, 2008).

The computerized physician order entry is growing essential due to the complexity of orders management. The installation of the CPOE is recommended for the health system in the 21st century for its outstanding impact on the community of information technology. The CPOE helps to improve and support the patient safety. The Clinical decision-support system helps the nurses to identify the patient preferences. The preferences continuously provide the improvement to the extent that nurses can act in harmony with the patient preferences. The CDSS enables the nurses to appear as invisible partners of the healthcare process instead of decision makers. The nurses can make a large amount of care decisions on adaily basis(Staggers, Weir & Phansalkar, 2008).Patient Centric Healthcare Essay

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