How to write a personal nursing philosophy essay

How to write a personal nursing philosophy essay

Being a nurse requires passion, commitment, and dedication, and you must discuss these qualities while applying for a nursing job or school. A personal nursing philosophy is essential as it helps you express your passion for nursing and what makes a good nurse. This blog will teach you how to write a nursing philosophy and some excellent examples.

Nursing Philosophy and why it is important

A personal philosophy is a statement of your opinion about goals, purpose, and beliefs about nursing practice and education. You should give your opinions on qualities that make a good nurse, the nurse’s role from past, current, and future, and the unique characteristics that make you an excellent nurse.

While writing a personal philosophy in nursing, keep it brief to remember easily, make it actionable to encourage you to follow it, and place a copy where you can access it often to keep you motivated. The main components of nursing philosophy include knowledge, role, values, and process. Below are the benefits of having a nursing philosophy statement;

  • It helps you write a captivating resume.

When applying for a nursing job, you can write your resume with objectives as to why you are passionate about nursing and what makes you a good nurse. Having a personal philosophy statement will make it easier while writing these objectives.

  • It improves your interaction with colleagues, patients, and their families

A personal philosophy helps you develop values like respect, dependability, and integrity, improving your interaction. You can show integrity by accepting and working on your mistakes and dependability by assisting a colleague in conducting a complex procedure.

  • It motivates you during challenges.

A nursing philosophy will remind you why nursing is essential, motivating you while facing challenges. It will help you remain focused, goal-oriented, and inspired.

  • It helps you in your career development.

In your nursing philosophy, you include the impact you want to have, which will guide you while selecting the best opportunities like an advanced degree, leadership roles, selecting a nursing specialty, etc.

  • It helps you prepare for an interview.

You can use your nursing philosophy while preparing for interview questions like why you pursued nursing, what motivates you, or how your values will help the organization.

How to write a personal nursing philosophy essay?

Composing a personal philosophy requires careful consideration and thoughts. It would be best if you took some time to brainstorm your beliefs, purpose, and values in nursing. The following are steps for writing a personal philosophy of nursing:

  1. Determine reasons for becoming a nurse.

The first step while writing a philosophy is to consider why you chose to pursue nursing over other professions. Consider what interests you about nursing and what nursing means to you, and why nursing is essential to you. Determine why you care for patients, promote health, and assist doctors.

  1. What inspired you to become a nurse

Think about the events or people who inspired you to pursue nursing. Many reasons inspire people to become nurses, like watching nurses care for loved ones, having a family member who is a nurse, etc. It would be best to consider what made you think differently about nursing, like a mentor, colleague, or nurse educator.

Identify the nurse values, characteristics, or qualities, their impacts on patients, and the issues those values help them solve. This information will help you set goals and values you want to apply in your practice.

  1. What do you aim to achieve as a nurse?

Determine nurses’ goals, what you want to achieve as a nurse, the fields that nurses work, where you want to work, the nurse’s role in patient care, and what roles you want to play. Compose your statement on what you aim to achieve and where you want to work. For example, you may want to improve people’s lives by offering health education.

  1. Explain how nursing can change the world.

Think about the positive impacts of nurses on the community or society and how you can apply nursing to boost them. You can write your philosophy focused on your qualities, experience, and skills and how they will impact the community.

  1. Determine the qualities of a nurse.

Think about skills, personality traits, values, and qualifications that nurses should have and mistakes they should avoid. Identify your most essential qualities, values, and skills and show how they are essential in your nursing career. Knowing your skills will reaffirm your nursing ability and help you improve them.

Some essential nursing skills include; kindness, integrity, empathy, organization, leadership, communication, etc.

Structure of a personal philosophy of nursing essay

The nursing philosophy essay structure consists of the introduction, the body, and the conclusion paragraph.

  • Nursing philosophy paper introduction

The introduction section consists of the essay’s background information and central idea. Present a clear and concise stance on what your paper will argue. You should also present a strong thesis statement showing your position.

  • The body section

In the body, section it into paragraphs, each containing a different idea. Provide reasons why you entered into a nursing career, what inspired you, your skills in nursing, objectives, and what you aim to achieve as a nurse. Use transition words to connect your arguments and enhance a logical flow of ideas. You should also include in-text citations for information gathered from other sources.

  • Nursing philosophy essay conclusion

The conclusion paragraph should be 2-3 sentences summarizing your arguments. Ensure the paragraph is short and informative, and you should not introduce new information. Restate the thesis statement and explain how you will face challenges associated with nursing.

Examples of personal nursing philosophy

Below are nursing philosophy examples;

  1. “As an aspiring nurse, I must create an attitude of long-term learning and utilize every chance to acquire skills required to improve my patient’s quality of life. Nursing is one of the most selfless jobs, and I will do everything I can to make a difference in people’s lives.”
  2. “I believe it’s vital for every nurse to show compassion, persistence, and honesty. My philosophy in nursing is to use those values along with lifelong learning and representing others in need to make a change in my patient’s life.”
  3. “My philosophy in nursing is to improve and impact patients’ lives; you must be dedicated and have excellent skills. I will use the skills and knowledge I have acquired in school to establish myself in my career. If I commit myself to personal growth and lifelong knowledge, I can improve patient outcomes and influence nursing.”
  4. “All nurses should provide personalized care to patients regardless of their beliefs and background and respect their autonomy. My philosophy in nursing is to show my work ethic and professional values to support my team in providing exceptional patient care and achieving professional goals.”
  5. “I pursued nursing because I desire to assist people in need. My nursing philosophy is to use my clinical experience and knowledge to care for my patients. I will also encourage my clients to take care of their health, which makes will improve patient outcomes.”
  6. “My nursing philosophy focuses on my desire to help others achieve their health goals. Psychiatric nursing is personal as I have lost close friends due to mental illness. I will incorporate a holistic approach to promote and honor patient’s values.”

Personal Philosophy of nursing essay examples

Topic: My personal philosophy of nursing

My philosophy is of holistic concern and offering compassionate healthcare to patients. I believe proper healthcare is the base of development in society hence being dedicated is a way of giving back to society.

My goals in my career are to offer high-quality nursing care, provide a suitable healing environment, and show sympathy to my patients. Although it’s hard to meet all the patient’s expectations, nurses should do their best to ensure the well-being of their patients. Therefore, it’s essential to have excellent critical thinking, proficiency, and communication skills to perform their roles effectively.

Since nursing requires a proper understanding of human health issues, I work towards improving my nursing skills through continuous learning, hands-on experience, and research work. I also execute my duties with care to win the confidence of my patients.

Patient entrusts their lives to nurses. Hence they should ensure patients are emotionally and physically satisfied. To achieve this, nurses should have collaboration and wellness as their primary elements. Patients should accept and cope with their ailment’s effects to be okay. Diseases do not select the people they attack. Hence, nurses should recognize their patients regardless of gender, race, class, and level of sickness.

I know that making my philosophy practical would be challenging due to the changing roles in nursing, and hence am ready to cope with any changes in my profession. In addition, nurses should be persistent and hardworking and do their best for the well-being of patients since their demands and responsibilities are numerous.

Bottom line

A Personal nursing philosophy is essential as it helps you express your opinion about goals, purpose, and beliefs about nursing practice and education. While writing the statement, keep it brief, and actionable, and place a copy where you can access it often to keep you motivated. Use the guide and examples in this blog to write an excellent nursing philosophy.

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