Pharmacotherapy for Respiratory Disorders Essay

Pharmacotherapy for Respiratory Disorders Essay

Most types of cough may sound the same on the first view. However, coughs denote different conditions and may lead to diagnosis of a diversity of disorders. For instance, a simple cough may lead to diagnosis of a common cold, pneumonia, or even a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Some of the symptoms of respiratory diseases include coughing, wheezing, and congestion (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 2007). This essay explores the pharmacotherapy of different respiratory disorders. In addition, the essay explains the need for health care practitioners to distinguish minor differences in diagnosing respiratory disorders.

The chronic bronchitis syndrome is to be viewed in more. Chronic bronchitis is a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).  Pharmacotherapy for Respiratory Disorders Essay.It is a condition that causes obstruction of the airways and reduction in expiratory flow rate. The condition is common for patients with excessive secretion of bronchial mucous for 3 months and 2 consecutive years (Arcangelo & Peterson, 2013).

The symptoms of this disorder include abnormality of the lungs in terms of permanent enlargement of the airspaces. In addition, the syndrome causes destruction of the acinar wall. Smoking is one of the primary causes of chronic bronchitis (, 2012).


The drugs that would be prescribed to patients to treat these symptoms include beta2 agonists, anticholinergic, theophylline, corticosteroids, and antibiotics. These drugs help to relieve cough and bronchospasm to enhance the movement of air (Barnes, 2008).

Age is one of the factors that affect the prescription of drugs. The prevalence of chronic bronchitis increases with age. Chronic bronchitis usually affects old patients, and this increases their susceptibility to the side effects of medication. Age might impact effects of prescribed drugs because drug therapy should be comprehensive with the increase in age (Wan & Silverman, 2009).

To reduce adverse side effects of drugs on the patient, the following measures should be taken. I would monitor the response of my patient to note irregular processes.Pharmacotherapy for Respiratory Disorders Essay.  I would schedule my patient for follow-up examinations to evaluate his or her progress. I would educate the patient about monitoring different signs and symptoms of the disease. In addition, I would recommend nutritional and lifestyle changes for the patient to integrate with my prescriptions (Evensen, 2010).

In conclusion, advanced practice nurses must consider different patient factors when recommending treatment options for their patients. The nurses should assess potential impacts of drugs they prescribe to patients before recommending a treatment. This will ensure that they contain no potential risks to the patient. Pharmacotherapy for Respiratory Disorders Essay.

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