Philosophy of Education Discussion Paper

Philosophy of Education Discussion Paper


As a mathematics teacher, the most pressing need for and for a philosophy of education today is the urgent need to make the social nature of its aim plain in thought and successful in practice, as well as the social standards of worth for school operations. The purpose of education is to help people grow to their maximum potential. A society of free persons in which everyone contributes to the liberation and enrichment of others’ lives by fulfilling their work is the only setting where natural development to full size may occur. Even for those who feel they have complete freedom for unlimited growth, an environment that limits some will always provide situations that prevent full development.

Purpose of education in society

The fundamental reason for education, especially math, has been to carry individuals to a careful handle of what it is to be a person from outdated occasions. Another run of the educational objectives is to incorporate fostering the keenness, meeting cultural necessities, adding to the economy, creating a viable work power, planning understudies for a specific profession or employment, and advancing a particular social or political framework. These proposed objectives are excessively restricted in scope and, in certain circumstances, go against the more extensive point. Because it seeks to span all elements of human existence, the greater humanistic goal embraces all of them and extends beyond them. An American school’s fundamental purpose is to guarantee that each student reaches the highest level of development possible to live ethically, artistically and be able to integrate math’s solutions to real-life situations (Al-Shuaibi, 2014).

The goal of education, mostly mathematics, is to teach individuals how to think critically and thoroughly. However, schooling entirely focused on efficiency may be the most dangerous to society. Proper education should attempt to cultivate both intelligence and character. Everybody’s motivation in education has forever been something very similar: to furnish the youthful with the instruments they need to develop into helpful citizenry in an orderly, successive manner. Philosophy of Education Discussion Paper Before the presentation of the white man, this was the reason for a native kid’s education in the Australian wild. All through Athens’ brilliant age, this was the reason for youth education. Today is the reason for education, regardless of whether in a one-room school in the Tennessee high countries or the most present-day, moderate organization in an extreme city. In its structures in general and techniques, any education responds to the requirements of the local area where it is conveyed (Al-Shuaibi, 2014).


My definition of teaching

As a mathematics teacher, the one highlights the special relationship between the teacher and learner and sees teaching as a unique type of instilling values and ethics that will guide the students in addressing their daily life situations(McEwan, 2011). Statements regarding a teacher’s teaching philosophy indicate how they feel learning occurs, how they believe they could interfere with it, what key goals they have for pupils, and what actions they take to carry out their plans. A more straightforward way for teaching is to depict what they feel occurs during a learning occasion, in light of their perception and experience or current teaching and learning writing. The set of working responsibilities as a math teacher is to incorporate and express how the teacher can assist understudies with securing not just a particular assortment of information but rather additionally process abilities like decisive reasoning, composing, and critical thinking. Also, create long-lasting learning, for example, how I may motivate my students to love and develop their scholarly interests, carry on with moral lives, and have fruitful vocations as a teacher.

Why is it important for children to be educated?

The whole advancement of a child’s social, enthusiastic, mental, and actual requirements will be stressed to give a solid and exhaustive establishment for lifetime learning and joy. Education benefits both the individual child and society as a whole. It advances people’s professions, boosts the economy, and even extends people’s lives. Children who have an education make more money and have a higher quality of life than low-income individuals who work in hazardous jobs. Lack of education nearly invariably results in a lower-paying job. As a result, there is less financial security and, as a result, increased anxiety. Higher educated people are more aware of health issues and, as a result, make healthier choices.

As a mathematics teacher, it is critical to instill in youngsters that they are the source of all power. They dream large, hope for the best, and see a brighter future, and they work tirelessly to make our lifelong ambitions a reality. Education is the process through which children may fulfill their ambition to reach their full potential. As vital members of society, adolescents should be given the best possible education and given the best available conditions so that, through the development of skills, they can be an addition to the community and actively participate in its progress. In today’s globalized and knowledge-based economy, every young person should be given the opportunity to contribute to society while attaining their full potential (European Youth Forum, 2015).

People with a high level of education are no different from those with a low level of education; it is merely a social polarization that society employs to identify individuals. The two classifications do not necessarily suggest that one is better or worse than the other; they all contribute to society by meeting desires and needs where they are most needed.

Learning strategies that instill mastery learning

Visualization is a strategy that utilizes visual and reasonable opportunities for growth to rejuvenate tiresome scholastic ideas, permitting understudies to perceive how their education associates with this present reality.

Cooperative learning is a way of learning wherein understudies of different capacities work together in little gatherings or all classes and develop solutions. Your understudies’ fearlessness will increment as a result of transparently communicating their perspectives and reacting to other people, as will their correspondence and decisive reasoning abilities, which will be valuable all through their lives (Friedman et al., 2011).

Inquiry-based education; suggesting provocative conversation starters with my students to move them to have an independent mind and become more self-coordinated students to address any challenge, therefore, urging students to pose inquiries and study their thoughts to develop critical thinking abilities further and get a more profound comprehension of scholastic difficulties is a fundamental key in learning.

Differentiation is another strategy that is the most common way of allocating work to students based on their capacities to guarantee that nobody falls behind. People with more grounded scholastic capacities are extended when homeroom exercises are offered based on those with advancing requirements, while the individuals with less knowledge get the proper help (Friedman et al., 2011).

How children should be educated today

The purpose of education should no longer be to cram material into children’s brains but rather to pique their interest in the world around them. Children are born explorers; all they want to do when they’re young is push the limits of their abilities. Permitting children to spend their childhoods planning for many tests while holding fast to thorough instructive standards that limit imagination and free idea will cover their interest. Most importantly, versatility and the ability to learn new things ought to be valued. The times of picking a vocation and staying with it for the remainder of your life are a distant memory. Philosophy of Education Discussion Paper Individuals will be constrained to acquire new abilities a few times during their lifetimes. Not exclusively will it be the main way for you to keep adding to society, however how we might interpret the world and ourselves is continually developing (Walker, 2017).

As a mathematician, it is best to capitalize on the ability to tailor learning to each individual’s needs and interests. Active learning based on tasks should be the norm. Instead of taking notes on a whiteboard, students are given assignments to complete and all of the resources they may require to solve the problem. The system for uninvolved learning ought not be unduly unbending. Understudies ought to be given a subject to concentrate just as an assortment of instructive assets to assist them with learning all the more viably; it should then be dependent upon them to pick which materials they will utilize. Educators have changed into facilitators of learning. Rather than addressing everybody, they go from one understudy to another or gathering to gathering to help them in deciding how to realize what they need to know (Walker, 2017).

Content children should learn in school.

Learning should not be restricted to academic topics; school can teach children a lot more than they may use for the rest of their lives. The essential things to acquire at school are life skills such as leadership, sportsmanship, teamwork, empathy, compassion, and patience, which will be helpful throughout one’s life. Starting in kindergarten, students develop these abilities mostly via extracurricular activities and community service at school. Building fearlessness is a significant character quality, as is figuring out how to cooperate and cooperate with others, regardless of whether their viewpoints and approaches vary. Realizing that disappointment is a piece of life and figuring out how to acknowledge it and work harder the following time is also a significant example of a proficient life (Diamond, 2010).


Why are teaching and sustained learning important for individuals, society, and culture?

Understudies and students, all things considered, should be ready to find answers for issues that emerge today and later on. Education ought to be groundbreaking, permitting us to settle on informed choices and make an individual and aggregate move to better our general public and protect the climate. Students may learn about sustainability in an enjoyable, engaging, and effective way. It allows students to take charge of their activities and share their ideas for a more sustainable future. It assists students in acquiring knowledge, skills, beliefs, and motivations for action, assisting them in sustaining their well-being – as well as the well-being of their community and the planet – in an increasingly interconnected world. Education for sustainability aims to increase sustainability awareness and knowledge and educate students and schools to be critical thinkers, innovators, and providers of solutions for more sustainable living patterns.


Al-Shuaibi, A. (2014). The importance of education. Salalah College of Technology.

Diamond A. (2010). The Evidence Base for Improving School Outcomes by Addressing the Whole Child and by Addressing Skills and Attitudes, Not Just Content. Early education and development21(5), 780–793.

European Youth Forum. (2015, January 16). How can education empower youth to become tomorrow’s leaders. The European Sting – Critical News & Insights on European Politics, Economy, Foreign Affairs, Business & Technology –

Friedman, A. J., Cosby, R., Boyko, S., Hatton-Bauer, J., & Turnbull, G. (2011). Effective teaching strategies and methods of delivery for patient education: a systematic review and practice guideline recommendations. Journal of Cancer Education26(1), 12-21.

McEwan, H. (2011). Narrative reflection in the philosophy of teaching: Genealogies and portraits. Journal of Philosophy of Education45(1), 125-140.

Walker, J. (2017, March 30). It’s time to rethink how we are educating our children. Futurism. . Philosophy of Education Discussion Paper



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